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Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 07 juil. 2018, 13:30
par energy_isere
Botswana : la mine T3 contient 44% plus de cuivre qu’initialement estimé


Agence Ecofin 02 juillet 2018

D’après une nouvelle estimation publiée par la société MOD Resources, la mine T3 (Botswana) contient 590 000 tonnes de cuivre, soit 44% de plus que le volume précédemment annoncé. Selon l’évaluation réalisée par CSA Global, 46% de ce total appartient à la «catégorie indiquée», ce qui implique un niveau de certitude ou de précision géologique élevé.

MOD Resources a indiqué lundi que la mise à jour de l’estimation des ressources du projet, qui contient également 27 millions d’onces d’argent, fait suite à un programme de forage de 90 trous sur le site.

Pour le DG Julian Hanna, elle devrait soutenir les plans d’expansion examinés par la compagnie dans une précédente étude de préfaisabilité et portant sur la production de 28 000 tonnes par an de cuivre sur 12 ans.

«Nous sommes très encouragés par la nouvelle ressource et croyons qu'il est possible que la production et la durée de vie de la mine soient prolongées au-delà de la période d'expansion», déclare-t-il.

MOD Resources gère le projet T3 grâce à une coentreprise 70/30 avec Metal Tiger. Une étude de faisabilité est en cours, et devrait être publiée à la fin du premier trimestre 2019, pour donner plus de précisions sur les paramètres économiques du projet. ... ent-estime

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 13 juil. 2018, 21:18
par energy_isere
Rio Tinto se désengage de la mine de Cuivre + Or de Grasberg en Indonésie. il vends 3.5 milliards de $ à la compagnie miniére d'état d' Indonésie.
Freeport-McMoRan reste dans l'affaire.
Rio Tinto sells $3.5bn stake in Grasberg mine to Indonesian state miner

12 July 2018

Grasberg mine on the island of New Guinea, one of the world’s biggest sources of copper and gold. (Image: Google Earth.)

World’s No.2 miner Rio Tinto said Thursday it had sold its 40% stake in the giant Grasberg mine, the world’s second largest copper operation, to Indonesia's state mining company PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) for $3.5 billion.

The deal is expected to end to a long-drawn-out, three-way dispute over the mine, which has been centred on bringing local ownership of Grasberg up to 51%, a main requisite set by the Indonesian government to allow Freeport-McMoRan, operator of Grasberg, to keep doing so.

Rio had a joint venture with Freeport for a 40% share of Grasberg's production above specific levels until 2021 and 40% of all production after that. But as a result of strikes and other disruptions and as the open pit at Grasberg nears the end of its life, the Melbourne-based miner hasn’t seen any benefit since 2014.
............... ... ate-miner/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 13 juil. 2018, 21:23
par energy_isere
La tonne de Cuivre sur un plus bas de un an, la guerre commerciale USA-Chine faisant pression sur les prix, anticipation d' une moindre demande.
Copper price plunges to 1-year low

11 july 2018

The trade dispute between the US and China, responsible for half the world's consumption of copper, is quickly escalating and comes on top of sliding indicators of manufacturing and industrial activity in China. Due to its widespread use in manufacture, construction and electricity infrastructure, the copper price is often considered a gauge of broader economic activity.

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 25 août 2018, 17:46
par energy_isere
Érythrée : une compagnie chinoise commencera à produire du cuivre d’ici l’an prochain

Agence Ecofin 24 août 2018

Un nouveau projet de cuivre, zinc, or et argent entrera en exploitation en Érythrée au début de l’année prochaine, apprend-on vendredi de Bloomberg qui cite comme source, Alem Kibreab (photo), le directeur général des mines du pays.

Le projet est détenu par une unité de Sichuan Road & Bridge Co. qui y a acheté en 2016, 60% de participation auprès de Sunridge Gold pour 65 millions $. Le gouvernement érythréen détient les 40% restants d’Asmara Mining Share Co. (AMSC), la filiale opérant sur le site, qui prévoit d’exploiter quatre gisements en dehors de la capitale Asmara en l’occurrence Emba Derho, Adi Nefas, Gupo et Debarwa.

«Nous prévoyons que d'ici le premier trimestre de l’année 2019, elle (la production, NDLR) commencera. Les opérations se feront en plusieurs phases : la première devant porter sur l’expédition directe de minerai de cuivre à haute teneur.», a déclaré M. Kibreab.

Selon les prévisions, la mine devrait avoir une durée de vie de 17 ans, produire environ 381 000 tonnes de cuivre, 850 000 tonnes de zinc, 436 000 onces d'or et 11 millions d'onces d'argent.

Elle sera la troisième mine en exploitation en Érythrée après les mines de cuivre et zinc Bisha, gérée par Nevsun Resources, et d’or Zara opérée par Shanghai Sfeco Group. La construction d’une autre mine, celle de potasse de Colluli gérée par Danakali, est prévue pour démarrer plus tard cette année. ... n-prochain

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 02 sept. 2018, 16:42
par energy_isere
Legére augmentation de la production de Cuivre de Codelco sur la première moitié de l' année :
Chile's Codelco produced 875,000 tonnes copper in first half of 2018 – CEO

Aug 31 2018 (Reuters)

Copper production at Codelco, Chile's state-owned copper mining company, rose 2 percent in the first half of 2018 to 813,000 tonnes, Chief Executive Nelson Pizarro said on Friday.

The world´s top copper miner benefited from rising prices, posting a pretax profit of $1.235 billion in the same period, up 25 percent year-on-year, with a production cost per pound of copper of $1.38, an increase of 4 percent year-on-year, Pizarro said.

Total production of copper including from red metal mined in its other holdings totalled 875,000 tonnes.

"Without a doubt the result was influenced by the copper price and better management," he told journalists in Santiago.

The company expects to produce around 1.7 million tonnes of copper in the whole of 2018, he added, and will invest $39 billion over the next 10 years to extend the shelf life of its aging facilities.

Pizarro said he was confident global demand for copper would remain robust despite short-term volatility caused by the U.S.-China trade war. ... -2018-ceo/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 02 sept. 2018, 16:49
par energy_isere
Projet d' extension/prolongation d'un mine de Cuivre au Chili pour 2 milliards de $.
KGHM to go ahead with $2bn expansion of Sierra Gorda copper mine in Chile

Cecilia Jamasmie | 6 days ago |

olish miner KGHM (WSE:KGH), Europe's second-largest copper producer, was given Monday environmental approval for a $2 billion expansion and upgrade of its flagship Sierra Gorda mine in northern Chile, 60 km south-west of the town of Calama.

The state-controlled company grabbed the copper and molybdenum project in 2012, after completing the acquisition of Canadian rival Quadra FNX, in what was the largest-ever foreign acquisition by a Polish company.

KGHM, also one the world's largest silver miners, had planned to extend Sierra Gorda earlier, but the 2015-2016 rout in commodity prices forced the company to place the plan in the backburner.

According to Chilean newspaper Estrategia, the approved upgrades would extend the mine’s life by 21 years. They include an increase to the capacity of the facility's mill from 190,000 tonnes to 230,000 tonnes per day, though overall production of copper cathodes will stay at 55,000 tonnes.

Sierra Gorda, a joint venture 55% owned by KGHM and 45% by Japan's Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd, began operations in July 2014 with an expected output of 220,000 tonnes of copper a year once the now approved expansion was completed.

Last year, the mine produced 101,700 tonnes of copper. In the first half of 2018, however, output fell by 10% year-on-year to 25,000 tonnes, versus a full year target of 59,000 tonnes. ... ine-chile/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 02 sept. 2018, 16:56
par energy_isere
Le minier chinois Zijin Mining va prendre le controle de 62% des parts de la plus grande mine de Cuivre de Serbie, pour 1.26 milliard de $. Ils prennent en charge 200 millions de $ de dettes
China’s Zijin wins race for Serbia’s largest copper mine

Cecilia Jamasmie | 2 days ago

Serbia has picked a Zijin Mining, China's largest gold miner and one of the country’s top copper producers, to take over its debt-hit copper mining and smelting complex RTB Bor, Minister of Mines and Energy Aleksandar Antic said on Friday.

Majdanpek open pit. (Image courtesy of RTB Bor

The $1.26 billion-deal, which gives Zijin a 63% stake in the asset, marks the latest expansion of Beijing’s economic footprint in the Balkan region.

China views Serbia as part of its One Belt, One Road initiative, which is aimed at opening new foreign trade links for local companies.

It has invested over $1 billion so far in the Balkan country — a candidate for European Union membership — mostly in soft loans, infrastructure and energy projects.

The contract also fits Serbia’s efforts to sell-off indebted state-run companies to help spur growth and relieve pressure on the budget, as recommended by the International Monetary Fund.

As part of the agreement, published on the Serbian government's website, Zijin has also promised to cover RTB Bor’s $200 million debt and keep 5,000 jobs at the mine.

Antic said that out of the $1.26 billion, $135 million would be invested in improving the environment while another $320 million in opening a new copper mine.

The deal is expected to be signed next month, which means that Zijin could start managing the company early next year, according to Antic.

RTB Bor, in eastern Serbia, will be the second company a Chinese firm buys in the European country. In 2016, China’s Hesteel acquired Serbia’s steel plant in the town of Smederevo.

The copper complex was key in the development of Serbia’s industrial sector before the collapse of communist Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. However, it later became a burden on the country’s struggling economy because of malpractices and international sanctions during the regime of late president Slobodan Milosevic.

Currently, RTB Bor accounts for only 0.8% of Serbia’s GDP. According to company data, it exported 15,000 tonnes of copper in the first half of 2018 with a total revenue of $107 million, a 23% increase compared to last year. ... pper-mine/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 02 sept. 2018, 17:00
par energy_isere
La dernière fiche USGS sur le cuivre avec le chiffre de 2017 : ... -coppe.pdf


Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 09 sept. 2018, 13:46
par energy_isere
Une compagnie d'un milliardaire Russe lance le développement du plus gros gisement de cuivre encore inexploité de Russie.

Ce gisement, Udokan, est dans un coin reculé de l'est de la Sibérie.

Construction starts at biggest undeveloped copper deposit in Russia

Reuters | 5 days ago |

A company owned by Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov's holding company said on Tuesday it had started construction of a massive mining and metallurgical plant at the Udokan copper deposit in a remote region in eastern Siberia.

With total reserves of around 26.7 million tonnes of copper, Udokan is the largest undeveloped copper deposit in Russia and one of the biggest in the world.

Copper at the deposit, first discovered in the 1940s, is hard to extract due to the characteristics of the ore and because it is located in a remote area with poor infrastructure, high seismic activity and permafrost ground conditions.

Baikal Mining Company, owned by Usmanov's USM holding company, said the plant will have the capacity to process up to 12 million tonnes of ore per year after it launches in 2022, producing cathode copper and sulphide concentrate. The company may increase its annual capacity to process 48 million tonnes of ore per year.

Usmanov, 64, is Russia's tenth richest businessman, according to the Russian edition of Forbes magazine, which estimates his wealth at $12.5 billion. His portfolio includes a half of Russia's biggest iron producer, Metalloinvest , as well as telecoms and internet assets. ... it-russia/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 23 sept. 2018, 13:11
par energy_isere
Premiére ouverture de mine de Cuivre aux USA depuis 10 ans. Dans le Nevada, sera une mine souterraine.
Une premiére phase d'investissements de 592 millions de $ puis 8 ans aprés une extension de 447 millions de $.

Nevada Copper building first US copper mine in a decade

Sept 22, 2018

Aerial view of Pumpkin Hollow underground project near Yerington, NV.

A 37,000t per day operation with a price tag of $592m would be expanded eight years later to 70,000t for $447m. Over the 20 year life production is pegged at 167m pounds (~75,000t) per year and net sales revenues at over $10 billion.

Together with the underground mine, it would rank Pumpkin Hollow at number three in the US, behind only Morenci and Bingham Canyon in terms of production, given that the proposed Rosemont and Resolution mines in Arizona remain stuck in permitting. ... ne-decade/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 06 oct. 2018, 10:45
par energy_isere
VALE va agrandir son activité dans la mine de cuivre de Salobo au Brésil. C'est le plus gros gisement de cuivre connu du Brésil. Il veulent faire passer la production de métal de 200000 t à 250000 t annuel. 1 milliard de dollars à investir.
Vale to approve $1B expansion of Salobo copper mine in Brazil — report

Cecilia Jamasmie oct 03, 2018

The Salobo open-pit mine is the largest copper deposit ever discovered in Brazil. (Image by Salviano Machado | Vale.)

Vale , the world’s No.1 iron ore miner, is set to approve a $1 billion expansion of its vast Salobo copper-gold mine, located in Carajás, Brazil, later this month, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

The project — known as Salobo 3 — is expected to take about three years to complete and will add about 50,000 tonnes to the open-pit mine’s current capacity of nearly 200,000 tonnes of copper per year.

According to local news outlet Portal Canaã, Vale is waiting for the Ministry of the Environment's administrative arm — IBAMA — to issue a permit for the planned expansion, which could generate as many as 3,000 jobs.

At around 1,800km2, Carajás is the second largest land holding in a region known for iron oxide copper-gold deposits of which Salobo is the prime example. The mine, the largest copper deposit ever discovered in Brazil, is estimated to hold more than 1 billion tonnes of the red metal.

Canada’s Wheaton Precious Metals (TSX, NYSE: WPM) is a major partner in the mine and receives 75 percent of the gold produced from it.

News of the expansion come at a time when miners are scrambling to either acquire copper reserves or boost production amid forecasts that demand of the metal will significantly outstrip supply in 2020 or even earlier.

The expected deficit will partly be a consequence of increasing demand for power generation and electric vehicles (there’s 300kg of copper in an electric bus and nine tonnes per windfarm megawatt).

But it’s also related to the fact that the current copper pipeline is at the lowest seen this century, both in terms of number and capacity.

“After delivery of Cobre Panama (with the main ramp early next year) we are left with a gap until we see the next batch of 200ktpa-plus projects in 2022-23,” Colin Hamilton, director of commodities research at BMO Capital Markets, said in April. “This is when the likes of Kamoa, Oyu Tolgoi Phase 2, and QB2 are likely to offer meaningful supply growth,” he wrote.

Prices for copper, however, have dropped almost 20% in London so far this year, due to a combination of factors, including a strengthening dollar, mounting trade disputes and emerging market turmoil. ... il-report/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 06 oct. 2018, 11:12
par energy_isere
Encore une découverte de Cuivre en RDC. Pas loin du gisement de Kamoa-Kakula

Ivanhoe Mines soars on third major copper discovery in Congo

Cecilia Jamasmie 1er oct, 2018

Shares in Canadian miner Ivanhoe Mines (TSX:IVN) jumped Monday after it announced a significant new discovery of high-grade copper on its 100%-owned Western Foreland asset, west of the Kamoa-Kakula mining licence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The find, named Makoko, is Ivanhoe’s third major copper discovery in the DRC, as well as the first of multiple high-potential target areas identified by the company’s exploration team to be tested by drilling.
The find, named Makoko, is Ivanhoe’s third major copper discovery in the DRC, as well as the first of multiple high-potential target areas identified by the company’s exploration team to be tested by drilling.

The 6.75 sq. km discovery remains open in all directions, while the company continues drilling other targets on Western Foreland for high grade copper, Ivanhoe said.
........ ... ery-congo/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 04 nov. 2018, 10:47
par energy_isere
Un minier américain s' intéressé à un vieux gisement de Cuivre aux US qui contient aussi peu que 0.2 à 0.3 % de cuivre :
Cardero completes acquisition of historic Arizona copper mine 2 nov 2018

Measured and Indicated Resources have been estimated in 76.8 million short tonnes grading 0.33% copper containing 510 million pounds of copper (0.2% copper cut-off grade). Inferred Resources, on the other hand, have been estimated in 27.2 million short tonnes grading 0.28% copper containing 154.6 million pounds of copper (0.2% copper cut-off grade).
....... ... e-arizona/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 18 nov. 2018, 09:30
par energy_isere
Projet d'extension de la mine de Cuivre de Los Pelembres au Chili pour 1.3 milliards de dollars.
Ça comprend 500 millions pour une usine de desalination et un aqueduc.

Antofagasta approves $1.3B expansion of Los Pelambres mine.

Cecilia Jamasmie Nov 15, 2018


Shares in Chilean miner Antofagasta Plc. (LON:ANTO) got a boost Thursday after the company announced the board of directors had approved a $1.3 billion expansion of its Los Pelambres copper mine in Chile.

The awaited upgrade of Los Pelambres will add 60,000 tonnes of copper a year to the company’s overall production once in full operation. Annual production is expected to increase from 40,000 tonnes in the first year at the expanded throughput to 70,000 tonnes towards the end of a 15-year period. This, said the company, will happen as the hardness of the ore increases and the benefit of the higher milling capacity is fully realized.

Los Pelambres is Antofagasta’s biggest mine, producing 356,000 tonnes of copper last year.

Copper miners in mature markets, particularly in Chile, the world’s top producer of the red metal, have seen production costs rise as they need to dig deeper and process larger amounts of rock to obtain the same amount of copper they used to a decade ago.

Construction will start in early 2019 and first production is expected in the second half of 2021. The project includes the construction of a desalination plant and water pipeline, which will also benefit the existing operation in cases of prolonged or severe drought, and for a potential further phase of expansion, chief executive officer Ivan Arriagada said in the statement.

The capital cost of the project also includes $500 million for the desalination plant and water pipeline. The seawater treatment facility will supply the expansion and a potential further growth phase, acting also as a back-up for the existing operation in case of extreme dry conditions, were these to materialize, Arriagada noted.
..... ... bres-mine/

Re: Le Cuivre

Publié : 18 nov. 2018, 09:41
par energy_isere
Encore une découverte de Cuivre aux alentour de Kamola Kakula en RDC.

Ivanhoe Mines shares jump as it finds new copper-rich area in Congo

Cecilia Jamasmie Nov 14, 2018

Shares in Canadian miner Ivanhoe Mines (TSX:IVN) climbed Wednesday as it announced that exploration drilling at its Kamoa North prospect area, which forms part of the Kamoa-Kakula mining licence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), had defined two new, continuous corridors of shallow and high-grade copper mineralization.

The newly delineated copper corridors occur on the western flank of the unmineralized Kamoa Dome at Kamoa North, the company said.

The most significant corridor trends north and south for more than 9 km before swinging to the northwest, and it is projected to continue onto the adjacent Western Foreland exploration licences that are 100%-owned by Ivanhoe.

The second corridor trends west-southwest, away from the Kamoa Dome and toward the West Scarp Fault, over a distance of 3 km to 4 km.

The Kamoa North exploration area is roughly 12 km north of Kamoa’s Kansoko mine development and about 20 km north of the Kamoa-Kakula project’s planned initial mine at the Kakula deposit.
..... ... rea-congo/