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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 19 sept. 2021, 15:36

Un prospect de Nickel (+Cuivre) dans le Minnesota donne de trés bon résultats de forages.
Talon Metals hits record nickel, copper grades at Tamarack

MINING.COM Staff Writer September 15, 2021

Talon Metals Corp. (TSX: TLO) this week provided an exploration update on its Tamarack nickel-copper-cobalt project in Minnesota, reporting assay results from three additional drill holes in the CGO (coarse grained orthocumulate) West area.

The Tamarack project, located 210 km north of Minneapolis and 89 km west of Duluth, is comprised of the Tamarack North and Tamarack South projects, with approximately 31,000 acres of private land and state leases.

Tamarack is currently the only high-grade development-stage nickel project in the US. ... -tamarack/

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 25 sept. 2021, 11:06

Selon GlobalData, la production mondiale de nickel devrait augmenter de 7 % en 2021

Agence Ecofin 21 sept 2021

Portée par le secteur des véhicules électriques, la demande mondiale de nickel devrait continuer d’augmenter sur les prochaines années. Si les principaux producteurs mondiaux s’arment pour saisir cette opportunité, les leaders africains, Afrique du Sud et Madagascar, sont encore à la traine.

Les mines de nickel dans le monde devraient collectivement produire 2,4 millions de tonnes en 2021. Si l’on en croit les estimations publiées le 17 septembre dans un nouveau rapport du cabinet GlobalData, cela représente une hausse de 6,8 % en glissement annuel, loin de la baisse de 4,2 % enregistrée en 2020.

En plus des restrictions liées à la pandémie de Covid-19, l’approvisionnement mondial en nickel a en effet été perturbé l’année dernière par des problèmes en Indonésie, premier producteur mondial. Le pays a en effet interdit l’exportation du minerai brut, obligeant les compagnies minières à arrêter ou réduire la production à cause des capacités de traitement insuffisantes des fonderies locales.

La situation semble néanmoins s’améliorer puisque la production indonésienne devrait augmenter de 16,3 % en 2021. « L’augmentation de la production sera soutenue par l’expansion de l’industrie du nickel en Indonésie, la reprise de la production dans diverses mines aux Philippines et la montée en puissance de la mine de Santa Rita au Brésil », explique Vinneth Bajaj, analyste minier à GlobalData.

Pendant ce temps, l’Afrique du Sud, premier producteur africain, devrait voir sa production baisser de 15,8 % cette année. La tendance baissière démarrée depuis plus de deux ans se poursuit donc puisque selon les données de la Banque mondiale, la nation arc-en-ciel a produit 48 000 tonnes, 43 000 tonnes et à nouveau 43 000 tonnes, respectivement en 2017, 2018 et 2019. L’année dernière, la production des mines est tombée à 35 000 tonnes.

Avec Madagascar, son dauphin sur le continent, l’Afrique du Sud doit pourtant trouver des moyens d’augmenter sa production, afin de profiter au mieux de l’euphorie dans le secteur des véhicules électriques. Le nickel fait en effet partie des métaux utilisés dans les batteries de ces voitures et, selon le japonais Sumitomo Metal par exemple, la demande dans ce domaine cette année devrait croitre de 18 % en glissement annuel. ... -7-en-2021

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 03 oct. 2021, 15:32

BHP lance la production de sulfate de Nickel de son usine de Kwinana vers Perth, Australie.
La capacité opérationnelle sera de 100 000 tonnes par an.
BHP opens Australia’s first nickel sulphate plant

Cecilia Jamasmie | October 1, 2021

BHP said on Friday it had produced the first nickel sulphate crystals from its plant in Kwinana, outside Perth, a part of the miner’s strategy to grow its battery metals footprint to meet expected soaring demand.

Nickel is a key component for electric vehicle (EV) cathodes, and the world’s no. 1 mining company expects demand for the metal from the batteries sector alone to increase by 500% over the next decade.

Nickel sulphate, a key battery chemical, has much higher margins than nickel metal and BHP believes it will be in high demand due to a spike in the adoption EVs, as governments commit to decarbonizing and set end dates for combustion engine sales.

The Kwinana plant, which BHP and authorities call an “Australian first”, will produce 100,000 tonnes of nickel sulphate per year when fully operational. That is enough premium product to make 700,000 EV batteries each year, Nickel West asset president Jessica Farrell said in the statement.

The facility will create 80 new direct jobs and support 400 new indirect jobs, along with the 200 construction jobs that were created during the construction phase, Farrel noted.

As Western Australia’s (WA) largest nickel producer, BHP’s Nickel West operations play a key role in supporting the state’s goal of becoming a world leader in future battery minerals, materials, technology and expertise.

“Nickel is essential to decarbonization and Western Australia has some of the largest and highest-grade nickel sulphide deposits in the world, in addition to leading mining and mineral expertise,” state development, jobs and trade minister, Roger Cook, said in a separate statement.

Over 50% of the plant was fabricated in Western Australia using local skills and suppliers. This included the steel work, fibreglass leach vessels and stainless-steel tanks. Half the refinery’s electricity needs will be met by solar power, the WA government noted.

WA is the world’s fourth largest nickel producer, with more than A$3.3 billion (about $22bn) in sales in 2020.

BHP’s nickel operations include Mt Keith, Cliffs and Leinster mines. It has concentrators at Mt Keith, Leinster and Kambalda, a smelter in Kalgoorlie and the Kwinana refinery. ... ate-plant/

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 11 oct. 2021, 08:58

Renault signe avec Terrafame un accord d'approvisionnement durable en nickel 11 oct 2021

Renault a signé un contrat d'approvisionnement avec la société finlandaise Terrafame, l'un des principaux producteurs de métaux pour la fabrication de batteries pour véhicules électriques.

A travers cet accord, Renault Group s'assure d'un approvisionnement significatif en sulfate de nickel, représentant une capacité annuelle d'environ 15 GWh. Cette coopération vise à réduire l'impact sur l'environnement et à déployer un système de traçabilité sans précédent sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement en nickel pour batteries.

En résonance avec la création du pôle industriel dédié au véhicule électrique Renault ElectriCity, Renault Group se positionne comme le fer de lance du déploiement de batteries plus performantes, bas carbone et réutilisables. Combiné au partenariat avec Vulcan pour sécuriser du lithium à faible teneur en carbone et à l'alliance avec Veolia & Solvay pour recycler les matériaux des batteries en boucle fermée, cet accord marque une nouvelle étape vers la réduction de l'empreinte environnementale des véhicules électriques et l'objectif de neutralité carbone du Groupe en Europe d'ici 2040.

Cette coopération directe entre un constructeur automobile et un acteur de la métallurgie présent sur l'amont de la production modifie en profondeur la chaîne de valeur de la batterie. Cette implication sur l'ensemble de la chaîne simplifie non seulement la gestion des risques, mais contribue à rendre les mécanismes de prix plus transparents.

"Le mémorandum n'est pas exhaustif, mais il reflète la compréhension mutuelle des parties et leur intention commune d'approfondir leur coopération sur les matières premières des batteries. Les parties cherchent à introduire un ensemble d'accords contraignants impliquant également d'autres acteurs de la chaîne de valeur des batteries pour véhicules électriques afin de prendre part à cette étape de développement", précisent les deux groupes. ... d=msedgntp

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 13 oct. 2021, 23:19

Tesla va se fournir en nickel en Nouvelle-Calédonie

par Melanie Burton et Gus Trompiz 13 oct 2021

Prony Resources a annoncé mercredi un accord sur la fourniture à Tesla d'environ 42.000 tonnes de nickel sur plusieurs années, ce qui fera du groupe minier néo-calédonien l'un des principaux fournisseurs de métaux du constructeur américain de voitures électriques.

Prony, qui a repris en début d'année les activités déficitaires du brésilien Vale sur le site de Goro, dans le sud de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a précisé qu'il visait une production de 44.000 tonnes de nickel en 2024, le double de la production prévue cette année.

L'accord avec Tesla fera de l'américain son principal client, a déclaré Antonin Beurrier, directeur général de Prony, lors d'une conférence de presse.

Le volume de 42.000 tonnes de nickel prévu par l'accord est indicatif et peut varier, a-t-il ajouté. Il s'est refusé à préciser la durée de l'accord signé le mois dernier, négocié par le courtier suisse Trafigura, actionnaire de Prony Resources.

Tesla était déjà associé à Prony en tant que conseiller sur les produits et la durabilité. Le constructeur fondé par Elon Musk a par ailleurs signé un accord pour se fournir en nickel en Australie auprès de BHP.

Prony prévoit dans un premier temps que son nickel fournira les activités de production de Tesla en Asie, a dit Antonin Beurrier.

Le capital de Prony est détenu à 51% par les trois provinces de Nouvelle-Calédonie, les salariés du groupe et des acteurs coutumiers locaux et à 19% par Trafigura, le solde appartenant à une coentreprise entre les dirigeants de la société et le fonds Agio Global.

Le groupe prévoit d'emprunter 220 millions d'euros à l'Etat français en plus du prêt public de 200 millions dont il a déjà bénéficié, afin de financer des investissements dans ses capacités de production et d'améliorer le traitement des déchets de l'extraction du nickel. ... d=msedgntp

L'usine de Prony Ressources en Nouvelle Calédonie :

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 19 oct. 2021, 09:01

Nickel: Après Tesla, la Nouvelle-Calédonie veut fournir les batteries européennes

AFP parue le 18 oct. 2021

Prony Resources (PRNC), la société qui vient d'annoncer un mega-contrat avec Tesla après avoir repris au printemps les mines calédoniennes de nickel du groupe brésilien Vale, souhaite aussi "alimenter la filière européenne des batteries", a indiqué son PDG Antonin Beurrier.

"L'accord signé avec Tesla fera du constructeur automobile américain notre premier client et de loin" a déclaré M. Beurrier lors d'un entretien téléphonique avec l'AFP dans le cadre d'une tournée de présentation de ses activités en Europe, "mais nous avons encore de la place pour la filière européenne des batteries, qui cherche à augmenter son indépendance stratégique".

"Le changement d'actionnaire annoncé le 31 mars 2021 a permis un changement de stratégie industrielle, et de nous concentrer sur un nickel hydroxyde cake, NHC, un produit intermédiaire destiné aux batteries automobiles notamment" a-t-il dit.

Grâce à un contrat pluriannuel de 5 à 7 ans, Prony va fournir quelque 42.000 tonnes de ce nickel à Tesla, ce qui doit permettre de produire quelque 200.000 batteries pour des voitures électriques.

Ce nouveau produit, qui fournira les unités de production de Tesla en Asie, est à la fois moins raffiné et plus cher que l'oxyde de nickel sur lequel Prony se concentrait auparavant.

Depuis cinq mois, le groupe a retrouvé une exploitation positive de ses activités, grâce à la baisse de 30% de ses coûts de raffinage (il a fermé une usine) et à la hausse des prix mondiaux du nickel et du cobalt, très recherchés pour la transition énergétique.

Prony Resources entend désormais produire un "nickel vert" et vise une empreinte carbone zéro en 2040, grâce notamment à des investissements dans l'énergie photovoltaïque et en capacité de stockage, qui pourraient être annoncés "d'ici la fin 2021", a indiqué M. Beurrier.

Le groupe a aussi lancé un chantier de stockage à sec des résidus, baptisé Lucy, qui est destiné à remplacer d'ici 2024 le stockage de boues humides de l'usine, qui suscitait des inquiétudes environnementales.

Pour tout cela, il a bénéficié d'un soutien massif de l'Etat français, avec un prêt public de 200 millions d'euros, suivi d'un second prêt espéré dans le budget 2022 de 220 millions d'euros.

"Les discussions avec Tesla ont commencé il y a deux ans, c'était un pari à l'époque" a souligné le dirigeant. Le nickel au niveau mondial pour les batteries ne représentait que 50.000 tonnes par an, contre 170.000 tonnes aujourd'hui. Le marché devrait s'élever à 750.000 tonnes en 2025 et plus d'un million de tonnes en 2030, selon lui.

Au terme de la délicate recomposition du capital, et de l'équilibre industriel, financier et social négocié pendant de longs mois, Prony est désormais détenu à 51% par des acteurs locaux néocaledoniens (30% aux trois provinces, 12% aux salariés et 9% à un fonds local représentant les populations océaniennes et kanaks). 19% appartiennent au négociant de matières premières Trafigura basé à Singapour et Genève, et 30% à la compagnie financière de Prony, montée avec le management et le fonds d'investissement Agio appartenant à Trafigura.

L'usine qui exploite le gisement de Goro a une capacité maximum de 44.000 tonnes par an. Après avoir produit 20.000 tonnes l'an passé, elle vise 36.000 tonnes l'an prochain, a indiqué M. Beurrier. ... s-211018-0

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 07 nov. 2021, 09:15

suite de ce post du 2 aout 2021 viewtopic.php?p=2323769#p2323769

L'usine hydrométallurgique de Nickel de Eramet Sandouville va être acquise par le Sud Africain Sibanye-Stillwater.
Sibanye-Stillwater to acquire Sandouville asset in France

05 Nov 2021

The deal follows the signing of an exclusive put option agreement by Sibanye to acquire the Sandouville asset.

South African gold mining company Sibanye-Stillwater has signed a share purchase agreement (SPA) with French mining and metallurgy company Eramet to buy the Sandouville nickel hydrometallurgical processing facility.

The deal follows the signing of an exclusive put option agreement by Sibanye-Stillwater in July to acquire the asset for €65m.

At that time, the two firms agreed to sign a SPA that would be conditional on successful consultations with the works council of the Sandouville facility.

ibanye said in a statement: “The signature of the SPA follows the successful completion of the information consultation process with the employee representative bodies of Eramet Sandouville and Eramet, who have rendered a favourable opinion of the transaction.”

The deal has secured the approval of the French Foreign Investment Control Office and the South African Reserve Bank.

Sibanye said that it will now work with Eramet on the remaining conditions precedent.

This will include clearance for the transfer of the permits and carve out arrangements. These are anticipated to be finalised by early next year. ... le-france/

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 07 nov. 2021, 09:34

Projet d'extension d'une mine de Nickel (et Cobalt) à Cuba.
Sherritt plans to expand Cuban nickel mine

Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 4, 2021

Sherritt International (TSX: S) is making plans to expand production and lengthen the life of the Moa nickel-cobalt mine in Cuba. Moa is a joint venture of Sherritt (50%) and General Nickel Co. of Cuba (50%).

The plan calls for a multi-phased approach, and work will include a new slurry preparation plant and expansion of other circuits at the mill. Existing equipment at Sherritt’s 100%-owned refinery in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, is part of the plan.

Moa is a lateritic nickel deposit mined by open pit methods. The ore is pressure acid leached on-site and then transported to the refinery in Canada. Finished nickel and cobalt are produced as well as a byproduct ammonium sulphate fertilizer.

The most recent 43-101 resource estimate at Moa was completed in 2019. At that time, the project had 111.9 million measured tonnes grading 1.03% nickel and 0.13% cobalt. The indicated portion was 46 million tonnes at 0.94% nickel and 0.12% cobalt. The inferred resource was 32.6 million tonnes grading 0.89% nickel and 0.13% cobalt. ... ckel-mine/

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 14 nov. 2021, 11:54

L'analyste Antaike prévoit un cours du nickel en baisse en 2022.
Nickel prices seen falling in 2022 due to surplus

Reuters | November 9, 2021

Nickel prices in 2022 are seen falling from this year’s multi-year highs, Chinese research house Antaike said on Tuesday, with the global market expected to swing into a surplus as production recovers from pandemic disruptions.

The most-traded nickel contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange surged to a record 161,510 yuan ($25,244) a tonne in October, when benchmark three-month nickel on the London Metal Exchange hit $21,425 a tonne, its highest since 2014.

But average LME nickel prices are seen declining to $17,000 a tonne in 2022 from an estimated $18,500 this year, Antaike analyst Chen Ruirui said at the China International Nickel & Cobalt Industry Forum.

A forecast 45,000-tonne global supply glut next year is pressuring price expectations, with 12% growth in output likely to outpace that of demand, estimated at 10%, data presented by Chen showed.

Demand this year has been solid in both the stainless steel and battery sectors, while Chinese nickel output in 2021 could fall 13% year-on-year after new project developments failed expectations, alongside an increasing number of accidents.

Production next year is expected to rise both in China and globally, however, though Chen said output of nickel pig iron (NPI), an input material for stainless steel, will fall further.

“Nickel ore supplies, the power usage situation and production costs are the major reason that restrain NPI output,” she said.

NPI production requires a lot of power and China has been curbing output of highly energy-intensive sectors to reduce its carbon emissions and reserve electricity for residents ahead of the winter.

The supply shortage this year is also severe in battery-grade nickel, Chen added. ... o-surplus/

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 21 nov. 2021, 14:24

Un gisement de Nickel dont je n' avais pas entendu parler : Kabanga en Tanzanie.
1.3 milliards de dollars pour être développé.
Kabanga says Tanzania mine may answer Elon Musk’s nickel plea

Bloomberg News | November 18, 2021

Kabanga Nickel Ltd. is seeking to raise $1.3 billion for a massive mining project in Tanzania that the company says could help ease electric-vehicle manufacturers’ insatiable demand for nickel.

“We are accelerating this kind of discussions as quickly as possible,” Chief Executive Officer Chris Showalter, a former investment banker, said in an interview. “Because of the quality of the project, we have developed a substantial interest.”

Kabanga is trying to secure funding for a $950 million mine and $350 million refineries that would be developed simultaneously in the northwest part of the country. The project would eventually produce as much as 50,000 tonnes of nickel cathodes a year, as well as smaller amounts of copper and cobalt. The company plans to bring it online by 2024, with an additional year to reach a steady state of production.

Nickel, traditionally used to make stainless steel, is also a key component in lithium-ion batteries, allowing vehicle manufacturers to reduce the use of cobalt, which is more expensive and has a less transparent supply chain. Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk has asked companies to “please mine more nickel.”

“I would emphatically say we are very much positioned to start delivering to Mr. Musk and all other strategic battery EVs,” said Showalter. Competition among electric-vehicle companies to secure future supplies puts Kabanga in a “pretty strong competitive environment” as it negotiates with investors, he added.

The Tanzanian government has a 16% stake in the project, which was previously owned by Barrick Gold Corp. and Glencore Plc. Their joint venture lost a license for the undeveloped project in 2018, when Tanzania introduced a new mining regime.

Kabanga plans to process the metals in a refining process that uses less electricity and has a reduced carbon footprint, which may help it sell its output at a premium, according to Showalter.

“The world needs clean nickel and we are not going to be the only solution, but we are the next fast-growing project,” he said. ... ckel-plea/

Le gisement de Nickel de Kabanga est connu depuis longtemps, mais très difficile à développer car loin de tout.
Kabanga's time has come. Not simply because it is the world's largest development-ready nickel sulphide and cobalt deposit, but also because of two technology events: a unique metal refining system; and the electric vehicle revolution.

Discovered almost 50 years ago in the northwest corner of Tanzania, Kabanga has been the subject of repeated exploration programmes and feasibility studies by some of the world's leading mining companies.

Anglo American, BHP, Glencore and Barrick invested hundreds of millions of dollars in drilling and project analysis.

But the big miners could never overcome Kabanga's remote location, a wildly fluctuating nickel price, and a rigid belief that the best development route was through conventional pyrometallurgical ore processing (heat) and the export of a concentrate to overseas smelters.

The new owner, London-based Kabanga Nickel, has adopted a different approach, preparing to use a hydrometallurgical refining process that significantly reduces power costs and pollution and leaves a residue perfect for backfilling the mine, as well as leading to domestically produced high-grade metal.
The early interest of the big miners in Kabanga can be explained by the size and grade of the orebody, which has a resource estimate of 58 million tonnes assaying 2.62% nickel, 0.33% copper and 0.2% cobalt - a nickel equivalent of 3.21% or a copper equivalent 7.3%.

There are two main deposits earmarked for mining (North and Tembo), both starting between 80m and 100m from the surface with their ‘pluton' (chonolith) structure and composition similar to the magma intrusions found at some of the world's great nickel mines, including Norilsk in Russia and Voisey's Bay in Canada.

"The history of Kabanga dates back to the 1970s," Liddell said. "It's had this classic history of a lot of owners and a lot of quality work, including 600km of drilling, but it's never had its time.
The overall capital cost estimate for Kabanga (including a 20% contingency for overruns) is $1.3 billion. Funding talks are likely sometime next year, as well as a possible stock exchange listing, with London a potential destination at this stage.

After a two-year construction phase, commissioning is expected to start at the end of 2024, followed by a 12-month ramp up and life-of-mine annual production of 2.2 million tonnes of ore, yielding 40,000t of LME-grade refined nickel a year, plus 3,000t of cobalt.
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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 21 nov. 2021, 15:16

Adoption d'un nouveau procédé d'extraction du Nickel en Indonésie :
Indonesian miner to employ next-generation nickel extraction technology

MINING.COM Staff Writer | November 14, 2021

British company Altilium Group and PT Indo Mineral Research, a member of the Sebuku Group – one of Indonesia’s largest mining groups – signed a deal to commit financial, technical and logistical resources to accelerate the adoption of the DNi Process in Indonesia.

Altilium’s DNi process allows for the extraction of nickel from ore with lower nickel content.

The technology treats the full laterite ore profile, namely limonite, saprolite, and the transition zone, in one continuous process and uses nitric acid to dissolve the metals into a solution. The nickel and cobalt are delivered in the form of a mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP), which is the preferred feed material for cathode/battery manufacturers for refining into battery metals.

According to Altilium, the process also allows for the recycling of 99% of the nitric acid used to extract the metals and it doesn’t generate tailings, but rather a nitrogen-rich residue that can be returned to the mine to encourage the growth of local flora.

As Indonesia has the world’s largest nickel reserves, Altilium reports that several parties have shown interest in building DNi Process plants, with the first plant likely to deliver at least 20,000 tonnes of nickel in mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) a year. This would be sufficient nickel and cobalt for the equivalent of around 500,000 and 250,000 lithium-ion batteries, respectively.

“The lack of sensitivity of the DNi Process to ore grade is one feature which has Indonesian resource owners excited,” the British firm said in a media statement. “Because it can treat all the ore in a laterite mine and extracts all the metals available in that ore the economics of the process make the utilisation of low-grade ores both possible and profitable.”

DNi has already been tested in Australia with a pilot plant set up at one of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s facilities In Perth.

Following such initial tests, Queensland Pacific Metals commissioned a process plant, with construction set to begin in 2022 and which is expected to deliver 16,000 tonnes of nickel in MHP. ... echnology/

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 28 nov. 2021, 11:06

suite de ce post du 19 sept 2021 viewtopic.php?p=2326965#p2326965

Horizonte Minerals à levé 197 millions de dollars pour pour le financement du projet de construction de l' usine de traitement du minerai de Nickel de Araguaia au Brésil
Horizonte fully funds construction of Araguaia nickel mine

Horizonte Minerals (TSX: HZM; AIM: HZM) has raised US$197 million (£147.4 million) in an overnight share placement that forms part of an equity and debt finance package of US$633 million to fund the construction of the Araguaia nickel project, in Brazil.

According to CEO Jeremy Martin, the equity fundraise represents a significant milestone for the company, which places the company at the forefront of new, large-scale, sustainable nickel projects. The timing is convenient, too, since nickel is witnessing strengthening fundamentals on the back of the accelerating electric vehicle market.

The nickel market is driven by strongly rising demand from the electric vehicle battery sector, which, combined with continued growth in stainless steel demand, has increased the nickel price by 24% in the last 12 months. According to Wood Mackenzie data, global nickel demand is expected to reach 3.9 million tonnes in 2030, a 1.6-fold increase compared with 2020. Demand is expected to grow at 5% per annum.

According to an October 2019 Araguaia feasibility study, the project’s initial production phase would produce 900,000 tonnes per annum of ore for treatment in a rotary kiln electric furnace to produce about 14,500 tonnes per year of nickel contained in 52,000 tonnes per year of ferronickel.

Araguaia will also produce substantial volumes of cobalt.

The study includes an option to double production to 29,000 tonnes per annum of contained nickel by adding a second kiln in the project’s third operating year.

The feasibility study had calculated an after-tax IRR of 28.1% and an NPV of US$740 million with a capital payback of three years.

Based on a nickel price of US$16,800 per tonne, Araguaia will have a net cash flow of US$2.58 billion. The spot nickel price is currently US$20,270 per tonne.
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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 28 nov. 2021, 11:42

Le Chinois Weiming va investir 400 millions de dollars dans une usine de raffinage de Nickel en Indonésie.
China’s Weiming to invest in $400 million Indonesia nickel matte project

Reuters | November 25, 2021

China’s Weiming Group, which makes equipment to treat solid waste, has signed a deal to invest in a $400 million project to produce nickel matte in Indonesia, becoming the latest Chinese firm to enter the Southeast Asia country’s battery supply chain.

Weiming said in a statement that the project, in which it will partner with a company called Indigo, would produce 40,000 tonnes per year of nickel matte, an intermediate product that can be used to make battery-grade nickel for electric vehicles (EVs) or stainless steel.

Indonesia, which banned exports of nickel ore from the start of 2020 to boost its domestic processing industry, is home to several Chinese-backed projects designed to produce nickel chemicals for EV batteries.

Weiming said the Indigo tie-up, described as a framework agreement, would also focus on the development of low-grade nickel ore and tailings utilisation technology. Mine tailings are the crushed remnants of ore.

“The company plans to increase investment in the new energy industry chain,” and will draw on its experience in manufacturing environmentally friendly equipment, its statement, issued on Wednesday, said.

Weiming is based in Wenzhou in China’s Zhejiang province, the same city that is home to top global nickel producer Tsingshan Holding Group.

Tsingshan has several projects in Indonesia and in March roiled nickel markets by announcing plans to make matte at scale and sell it to companies making battery materials.

In late June, Weiming signed a broad strategic cooperation agreement with Tsingshan that envisaged cooperation in areas including waste battery recycling and treatment of mine tailings.

It was not immediately clear if Indigo had any affiliation with Tsingshan. ... e-project/

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 12 déc. 2021, 10:56

Investissements Australiens de 525 millions de dollars dans un projet de mine de Nickel et traitement du minerai en Indonésie.
Il y aura une centrale thermique de 380 MW à construire.
Australia’s Nickel Mines to acquire stake in Indonesia project for $525m

By NS Energy Staff Writer 08 Dec 2021

Nickel Mines will pay $371m to Shanghai Decent for the stake acquisition and will have to provide a funding of $154m for the construction of the project

Australia’s Nickel Mines has signed an agreement with Shanghai Decent Investment (Group) to buy a 70% stake in the Oracle Nickel project in Indonesia in a deal worth $525m.

Oracle Nickel is a development project consisting of four rotary kiln electric furnace (RKEF) lines and has started construction within the Indonesia Morowali industrial Park (IMIP) in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

The four RKEF lines will have an annual nameplate production capacity of 36,000 tonnes of equivalent contained nickel in nickel pig iron.

The Oracle Nickel project will also include ancillary facilities needed to operate the RKEF lines.

To support the RKEF lines and the IMIP’s grid power requirements, Nickel Mines is expected to install a 380MW captive power plant.

Commissioning of the four RKEF lines is expected to begin no later than 19 February 2023, while the power plant will come online on or before 19 July 2023.

Under the terms of the agreement, Nickel Mines will pay $371m to Shanghai Decent and will have to provide a funding of $154m for the construction of the project.

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Re: Nickel

Message par energy_isere » 02 janv. 2022, 14:05

Un prospect de Nickel en Papouasie (Indonésie)
Nickel Mines to buy Bolt Metals’ stake in Cyclops project in Indonesia

By NS Energy Staff Writer 24 Dec 2021
Nickel Mines has agreed to acquire Bolt Metals’ 100% stake in the Cyclops nickel-cobalt project in located in Papua province, Indonesia.

Under the conditional share sale and purchase agreement, Bolt and its subsidiaries will receive cash payments in the aggregate amount of $6m in exchange for its 65% stake in the Cyclops project.
Cyclops, which is a 5,000ha nickel-cobalt project, is estimated to contain significant near-surface nickel and cobalt mineralisation
Cyclops, which is a 5,000ha nickel-cobalt project, is estimated to contain significant near-surface nickel and cobalt mineralisation over 1205ha with drilling intersecting significant mineralisation in the limonite, transition and saprolite zones of the laterite profile.
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