Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Discussions traitant de l'impact du pic pétrolier sur l'économie.

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Re: [Véhicule électrique] la question des batteries

Message par energy_isere » 28 avr. 2017, 16:48

Du Lithium en Tchéquie à la frontière avec l' Allemagne:
Czech mining industry pins hopes of revival on lithium

Cecilia Jamasmie 26 April 2017

Coal-rich Czech Republic is hoping to diversify its mining sector by taping into one of the hottest commodities of the decade: lithium.

Demand for the metal, frequently referred to as "white petroleum," is expected to triple by 2025, as it has become an irreplaceable component of rechargeable batteries used in high tech devices and electric cars.

And while global production of the metal grew by 14% last year, that wasn’t enough to meet demand, which caused prices to jump by 74% in December alone, according to London-based Benchmark Minerals Intelligence.

Banking on that growing need for lithium, a small ancient mining village, once famous for its tin and tungsten production, is hoping to attract investors to develop a recently found lithium deposit, considered the largest in Europe, Deutsche Welle reported.

Based on data from the Czech Geological Survey, the European country holds between 1.2 to 1.4 million tonnes of lithium, located mostly around the tiny village of Cinovec, on the border with Germany.

One company has already set its eyes on the prize. Australia's European Metals Holdings, or EMH, plans to open a mine in the area, which is expected to produce over 20,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate (the processed ore) a year.

Such amount would place the Czech Republic among the top five lithium producers in the world, the Associated Press reported. Currently, the top producers of the white metal are Australia, Chile, China and Argentina, in that order.

EMH has had an exclusive exploration license and the right to apply for a mining permit since 2014 when it acquired Czech exploration company Geomet, the first one to confirm the presence of lithium in the region.

Unlike most other lithium deposits in the world, the one in the Czech Republic is in an area with built-in, working infrastructure, which includes a railroad. It is also conveniently located close to car makers, most of which have launched or are planning to introduce electric vehicles.

The landlocked country could use a windfall brought by a potential lithium industry, as it continues to recover from a recession that hit the country between 2011 and 2013, the nation’s longest-ever.

Prices of lithium carbonate have roughly doubled since 2015, according to analysts at investment bank Liberum. Some fear, however, that a speculative bubble may take shape in the market, with more small-cap miners turning their attention to deposits.
http://www.mining.com/czech-mining-indu ... l-lithium/

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Re: [Véhicule électrique] la question des batteries

Message par energy_isere » 04 mai 2017, 22:41

Du Lithium au Guyana ?
Guyana to explore mining of rare earth minerals

Published: April 21, 2017

The Guyanese Government has announced plans to place more focus on the mining of rare earth minerals in the coming year, particularly lithium.

According to Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman a survey will be carried out "to get a better sense of what exactly we have."

Last year, a permit was given to a Canadian company for prospecting of lithium.

"That company has started doing some drilling and has seen signs of lithium.

I believe they are now in the process of looking for financiers to go further," Trotman said.

The Canadian-based company, Guyana Strategic Metals (GSM) Incorporated that is operating in Region Sevenr signed an agreement earlier this year with an Australian company, Greenpower Energy to acquire interests in the exploration.

In the coming months, Greenpower Energy is expected to carry out an airborne geophysical survey to focus on the follow-up work.

Lithium was discovered in Guyana five years ago .

It is said to be the lightest known metal and is commonly used to make rechargeable batteries such as those found in cell phones.
http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/busi ... h-minerals

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Re: [Véhicule électrique] la question des batteries

Message par energy_isere » 05 mai 2017, 22:52

Du Lithium au Nord Québec !
Une étape de plus vers une deuxième mine de lithium en Jamésie

Patrick Rodrigue Publié le 7 avril 2017

Corporation Éléments Critiques (CEC) a franchi une nouvelle étape en vue d’ouvrir une mine de lithium sur le territoire de la Jamésie en complétant avec succès des essais confirmant l’efficacité de sa future usine.

Les essais réalisés en usine pilote sur les zones Rose et Rose Sud de ce projet situé à une trentaine de kilomètres au nord de la communauté crie de Nemaska ont confirmé les teneurs et les récupérations obtenues lors des essais préliminaires en circuit fermé.

Les résultats obtenus ont donné jusqu’à 6,41 % d’oxyde de lithium avec une récupération atteignant 83,4 % pour Rose et 6,56 % pour une récupération de 81,9 % dans Rose Sud. Du côté du tantale, la teneur du concentré a atteint près de 2 % pour une récupération de 69,1 %. Les essais comprenaient aussi des tests pour la production d’un concentré à faible teneur en fer pour des applications de verre et de céramique.

«Nous sommes très enthousiastes de ces récents résultats, a commenté Jean-Sébastien Lavallée, directeur général de CEC. Ceux-ci confirment un concentré de haute qualité et un taux de récupération robuste pour le projet Rose. Les essais en laboratoire ont toujours rapporté des récupérations et des teneurs en lithium supérieures aux normes de l’industrie. Ces résultats sont maintenant confirmés à l’échelle de l’usine pilote.»


Selon une récente évaluation économique préliminaire, le projet Rose, dont on voit ici des travaux de prélèvement d’échantillons de minerai, pourrait soutenir un taux de production annuel de 26 600 tonnes de carbonate de lithium de haute pureté et de 206 670 livres d’oxyde de tantale pendant 17 ans.
http://www.lafrontiere.ca/actualites/ec ... mesie.html

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Re: [Véhicule électrique] la question des batteries

Message par energy_isere » 08 juil. 2017, 14:12

Du Lithium en Australie. Le gouvernement Australien investi directement 15 millions de $ dans la compagnie Pilbara Minerals.
Australia backs lithium mine to spur battery push

Reuters | Jun. 27, 2017

The Australian government will invest in a lithium mine for the first time, as part of a wide-ranging effort to shore up power stability in a market increasingly dependent on variable wind and solar power.

The government said on Tuesday it would invest about A$20 million ($15 million) into Pilbara Minerals Ltd's Pilgangoora project in Western Australia, which will produce lithium concentrate, a key component in electric vehicles and batteries.

Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg said it represented the conservative government's first investment in a mining project of its kind.

"Lithium is a vital component used in battery storage, which helps to support Australia's increasing use of renewable energy," the minister said in a statement.

The move comes as the government looks to prove it is being "technology neutral" in its efforts to beef up power supply, amid a battle over whether that should include subsidies for coal-fired power.

The investment is from the government's Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which took part in Pilbara Minerals' recently completed A$132 million bond issue.

The proceeds of the bond issue together with A$80 million raised in a share sale will underpin the A$234 million required for the project's first stage of development. Construction is expected to start in early 2018, Pilbara Minerals said.

Australia was the world's largest lithium producer in 2016, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

On the same day the government also awarded a A$2 million grant to Australian researchers developing ultra-thin, screen-printed batteries for use in both large-scale energy storage and in cheap, portable devices.

The Brisbane-based company behind the A$12 million project, Printed Energy, said the batteries would be flexible – printed in a roll-to-roll process like a newspaper – and could be adapted to almost any shape.

($1 = 1.3189 Australian dollars)
http://www.mining.com/web/australia-bac ... tery-push/

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Re: [Véhicule électrique] la question des batteries

Message par energy_isere » 26 juil. 2017, 21:53

Du Lithium en Serbie.

Rio Tinto, Serbia in outline deal to move giant lithium project forward

Reuters 2 days ago

* Production not expected before 2023

* $90 million invested so far

Major miner Rio Tinto and the Serbian government on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to speed up development of Rio's giant deposit of jadarite, a mineral unique to Serbia that contains lithium.

Interest in lithium, used in batteries, is strong as electric vehicles gain popularity, but projects can take years to bring online.

Rio discovered the 136 million-tonne reserve of jadarite, named after the Jadar Valley, in 2004 and has invested $90 million so far on developing the mineral.

Rio Tinto says the project is expected to start producing in 2023 assuming the necessary approvals are obtained, which the MOU is designed to accelerate.

Rio Tinto Salt, Uranium and Borates Division Managing Director Simon Trott, who signed the agreement on behalf of the company, said it brought "Serbia and Rio Tinto closer to becoming a leading source of global lithium and borate production".

Minister of Mining and Energy Aleksandar Antic, who signed the accord on behalf of Serbia, said the deal would "speed up the activities related to the process of opening a mine and the beginning of the exploitation of lithium, which will have capital effect on the development of Serbia".

Jadarite contains borates, used in ceramics, fertilisers and other chemical compounds, as well as lithium.

Rio Tinto said it expected to make a final investment decision and start construction in 2020 and then the first production, based on a processing technology developed by Rio, is expected to commence in 2023.
http://www.mining.com/web/rio-tinto-ser ... t-forward/

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Re: [Véhicule électrique] la question des batteries

Message par energy_isere » 03 sept. 2017, 14:30

Nemaska Lithium mise sur le marché de la mobilité

Dominique Lemoine - 15/08/2017

La minière affirme viser le marché des piles au lithium, notamment pour les véhicules électriques, les téléphones cellulaires et les tablettes numériques.Nemaska Lithium, piles

Nemaska Lithium se présente comme étant un producteur d’hydroxyde de lithium et de carbonate de lithium à partir de sa mine Whabouchi, située dans le Nord-du-Québec, et de son usine en préparation à Shawinigan. Son siège social est situé à Québec.

La minière décrit le marché des piles au lithium comme étant un « marché émergent ».

Par exemple, la minière soutient avoir produit de l’hydroxyde de lithium pour piles pour le fabricant Johnson Matthey Battery Systems. Cette entreprise britannique fabrique et conçoit, entre autres, des matériaux et des systèmes qui sont destinés au marché de la fabrication des piles. Elle dispose d’une installation de développement de matériaux pour piles à Candiac au Québec.

Nemaska produit du minerai fin et du concentré de spodumène. Ce dernier entre dans le processus de production de l’hydroxyde de lithium et du carbonate de lithium. Selon la minière, cette production pourra être réalisée à son usine hydrométallurgique de Shawinigan quand les travaux de construction et d’ingénierie seront terminés.
http://www.directioninformatique.com/ne ... lite/50440

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Re: Le lithium, une flambée en perspective?

Message par energy_isere » 03 sept. 2017, 14:39

le 21 janvier 2017 j' avais parlé de Cornish Lithium en UK http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 18#p397718

ça revient : des investisseurs ont mis 1 millions de £.
Il leur faudra encore 4 millions de £ de plus pour faire des forages.

Lithium start-up finds backers for Cornish project

13 AUGUST 2017

Claims that Cornwall is sitting on a multibillion-pound lithium bonanza are due to be tested after a start-up ­project that plans to drill for the metal raised £1m from a trio of experienced mining investors.

Cornish Lithium aims to extract the resource, which is in increasing demand for batteries, from hot underground salt water. Its new investors include Norwegian financier Peter Smedvig, founder of Smedvig Capital, whose net worth has been estimated at more than £900m.

The others are Chris von Christierson, an ex-director of Goldfields, and Keith Liddell, a metallurgist and former CEO of Aquarius Platinum.

They have put up cash to explore a 15-mile stretch of land where Cornish Lithium secured extraction rights ­earlier this year.

Jeremy Wrathall, chief executive, said the firm would also tap the expertise of its new investors. “We assessed a number of offers but the most important thing was the experience of the people and their ability to follow their money,” Mr Wrathall said. Cornish Lithium will use the funding to collate historic data on hot brines in Cornwall and confirm its targets for drilling. It will then look to raise around £4m to fund its drilling programme in about a year’s time, possibly through a listing on London’s junior Aim market.

Mr Wrathall hopes a boom in electric cars will drive demand for lithium. He said the project was “potentially very strategic for the UK”, adding that recent news around electric cars – such as the Government’s pledge to end sales of petrol vehicles by 2040 – had provoked a surge of interest from ­investors.

“This project will have a low environmental impact and will ­produce a metal which is highly beneficial to the economy as we go toward a zero-emission future,” he said.

Providing it secures permits, Cornish Lithium will drill to a depth of between 500m and 1,000m to tap the brine, before pumping the water out and extracting the lithium in a processing plant.

Mr Liddell said Cornish Lithium had the potential to be a “very significant player in the lithium industry in the UK and Europe”.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/201 ... h-project/

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Re: Le lithium, une flambée en perspective?

Message par energy_isere » 03 sept. 2017, 14:58

Un peu plus haut le 24 Avril 2017 j' avais parlé du gisement de Bacanora.

Des news : Les études de faisabilité de la mine seront terminées en fin de cette année.
Bacanora to complete Sonora lithium project feasibility study this year

Cecilia Jamasmie | Aug. 24, 2017

Lithium exploration and development company Bacanora Minerals said Thursday it expects the feasibility study at its Sonora lithium project in Mexico to be completed by the end of the year.

Finalizing the report would be the fourth major milestone achieved by the company in just two years. In 2015, the firm and its joint-venture partner Rare Earth Minerals signed a conditional agreement with Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA) to supply the electric cars and energy storage products company with lithium hydroxide from the Sonora project. In May last year, the company secured a $11 million investment from Blackrock, and this April, it inked a long-term supply deal with Japan’s Hanwa Corporation that will see the Tokyo-based trader acquire up to 100% of the output coming from Sonora.

A Pre-Feasibility Study completed in early 2016 established Probable Mineral Reserve for the Sonora project of 2.1 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent.

The definitive feasibility study focuses on a two-phase open pit mine and lithium carbonate processing facility with a life of over 20 years.

Phase one will see Bacanora process 17,500 tonnes per year of battery-grade lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) for the first two years. It will then ramp up to phase two where it will process 35,000 tonnes of Li2CO3 each year.

According to the company, while expenditure at Sonora may be higher than brine deposits in Chile, the length of time to produce lithium carbonate should be considerably shorter and Sonora's operating expenditure is expected to be higher than brine deposits in Chile, the length of time to produce lithium carbonate and the operating costs should be considerably shorter.
http://www.mining.com/bacanora-complete ... tudy-year/

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Re: Le lithium, une flambée en perspective?

Message par energy_isere » 08 sept. 2017, 19:03

Le London Metal Exchange veut miser sur le lithium

Franck Stassi Usine Nouvelle le 08/09/2017

Matière essentielle des batteries, le lithium pourrait être référencé par le London Metal Exchange, qui annonce de nombreux changements pour ses utilisateurs.

Le London Metal Exchange (LME) poursuit sa mue. Talonnée par la concurrence, la première place de marché mondiale des métaux non-ferreux a annoncé son intention de lancer un contrat sur le lithium. "Les voitures électriques et les énergies renouvelables vont décupler la demande des métaux. Nous voulons être l'endroit de référence pour le prix de ces nouvelles matières premières", a justifié Adrian Farnham, directeur général de la chambre de compensation LME Clear. L’entreprise, qui souhaite y parvenir dans un délai de 18 mois, pourrait ainsi compléter son offre à destination des producteurs de batteries, déjà composée du cobalt, dont les prix ont doublé au cours des douze derniers mois, du nickel et du cuivre.

Baisse des frais de transaction

Cette annonce n’est qu’une des mesures envisagées par le LME – 140 ans au compteur – pour "servir le marché physique, assurer l’équité, augmenter le choix des utilisateurs et maximiser l’efficacité commerciale". A l’issue de la[…abonnés]
http://www.usinenouvelle.com/editorial/ ... um.N584598

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Re: Le lithium, une flambée en perspective?

Message par energy_isere » 10 sept. 2017, 13:53

:shock: Du Carbonate de Lithium dans les eaux salines mêlées au pétrole ! Éventuellement récupérable d'aprés une compagnie basée au Canada.
Vancouver company finds faster way to extract lithium from oil

Valentina Ruiz Leotaud | 3 days ago

Vancouver-based MGX Minerals says it is possible to get lithium from oil-extraction wastewater in just a few days and not the 18 months that it takes to recover the mineral through solar evaporation.

In an interview with Green Tech Media, the company's CEO, Jared Lazerson, said that the ever growing demand for lithium would benefit from faster turnover times.

According to Lazerson, his firm's method, which currently relies on a pilot plant capable of processing a cubic metre of liquid per hour, is not only faster but also cleaner. It allows for a 70 per cent recovery rate of the lithium carbonate contained in oil field brine, and the byproduct is just clean water.

Independent assays of the lithium and other minerals extracted, along with the purity of the resulting water, are still pending.

MGX processes wastewater from two mines and six oil and gas sites across North America, but Lazerson says they already have a lineup of clients waiting for the company to ramp up production.

Lithium carbonate is a key element in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and other power-storage devices.
http://www.mining.com/vancouver-company ... thium-oil/

Ça met l' eau à la bouche, mais manque les précisions techniques .......

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Re: Le lithium, une flambée en perspective?

Message par energy_isere » 28 oct. 2017, 12:16

suite de ce post du 04 fev 2017 : viewtopic.php?p=398287#p398287
Zimbabwe : Arcadia héberge la plus grande ressource déclarée selon le code JORC pour un projet en Afrique

Agence Ecofin 26 oct 2017

Selon de nouvelles estimations réalisées par Prospect Resources, le projet de lithium zimbabwéen Arcadia hébergerait la plus grande ressource déclarée selon le code JORC en Afrique, et la 6e au monde.

La mine aurait le potentiel de produire 808 000 tonnes d’oxyde de lithium (Li2O), soit 2 millions de tonnes de carbonate de lithium équivalent.

Dans le détail, elle contiendrait une ressource minérale totale de 43,2 millions de tonnes titrant 1,41% de Li2O à une teneur de coupure de 1%. La nouvelle évaluation est plus fiable que la précédente en cela que la majeure partie des ressources inférées a été convertie en ressources mesurées et indiquées totalisant désormais 37,4 millions de tonnes (en hausse de 31%).

Le projet Arcadia devrait entrer en production en 2018 et son exploitation durer 15 ans.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/metaux/261 ... en-afrique

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Re: Le lithium, une flambée en perspective?

Message par kercoz » 28 oct. 2017, 18:45

J' ai la flemme de lire toutes les pages. Quelle est l' estimation optimum du parc mondial de véhicules automobile avec le stock lithium estimé ? ( sachant que je viens d'acheter une tondeuse sans fil -hybride avec fil ou batterie lithium)
Largeur de coupe assez faible , autonomie 30/45mn, temps de charge des 2 batteries 3à 4h !
J' ai qd même un doute.

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Re: Le lithium, une flambée en perspective?

Message par energy_isere » 29 oct. 2017, 11:47

Du Lithium en Californie, dans le désert du Mojave : un gros projet de la compagnie Standard Lithium
pour l'instant seulement au stade de détection d' indices très prometteurs de ressource. Programme de forage à mener.

Standard Lithium is currently focused on the 25,000-acre Bristol Dry Lake lithium brine project in the Mojave region of California.
The aim is to develop this project into the second operating lithium brine processing asset in the U.S., after Albemarle’s Silver Peak operation in Nevada.

Oct. 20, 2017 MINING.COM



So far, we can explore a few illustrations of why this project has huge potential:

A mining lease agreement with National Chloride Corporation of America, which has mined brines in the area for close to 100 years, reducing the project’s risks and permitting requirements;
Positive results from a controlled-source audio-magnetotellurics/magnetotellurics (CSAMT/MT) geophysical survey suggesting that high lithium brine concentrations are located across nearly every inch of the Bristol Lake claim package;
Commencement of a resource definition drill program, with National Instrument 43-101 resource estimates expected in the first half of 2018;
Testing showed that the raw brine pumped from the near-surface test pit contained an average concentration of 146 mg/L lithium;
Access to electric grid, paved roads and established infrastructure.
A key feature of Bristol Lake is that the low resistivity values measured on the project are very similar to those located in the lithium hotbed known as the Lithium Triangle (Chile, Argentina and Bolivia), and the project itself is located in a less risky geographical location.
http://www.mining.com/sc/standard-lithi ... gain-even/

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Re: Le lithium, une flambée en perspective?

Message par Remundo » 29 oct. 2017, 11:52

kercoz a écrit :
28 oct. 2017, 18:45
J' ai la flemme de lire toutes les pages. Quelle est l' estimation optimum du parc mondial de véhicules automobile avec le stock lithium estimé ? ( sachant que je viens d'acheter une tondeuse sans fil -hybride avec fil ou batterie lithium)
Largeur de coupe assez faible , autonomie 30/45mn, temps de charge des 2 batteries 3à 4h !
J' ai qd même un doute.
ça dépend si tu ne fais que des Tesla à 100 kWh, ou bien des tondeuses à 0,5 kWh. :-P

Mais dans les technologies Lithium, c'est plutôt les autres métaux qui sont plus rares... Manganèse, Cobalt... Il n'y aurait que la technologie LiFePO4 (Lithium fer phosphate) qui aurait de grosses capacités minière. Mais ces batteries sont un peu moins denses en énergie (tension plus faible).

De plus il peut y avoir une rupture technologique qui nous détourne du Lithium, tout comme l'ancienne techno Nickel Cadmium, puis Nickel MH est en perte totale de vitesse (alors que c'étaient des batteries robustes !)

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Re: Le lithium, une flambée en perspective?

Message par energy_isere » 29 oct. 2017, 11:54

Un projet de mine de Lithium au Portugual par la compagnie Savannah Resources.Premiéres extractions prévues fin 2019.

Savannah Resources enters the lithium race in Portugal

Oct 27 2017 mining.com

Drill rig at NOA prospect at Mina do Barroso. Photo by Savannah Resources.

In response to European automakers’ push for lithium-ion battery packs, Savannah Resources announced its plans to start mining lithium at its Mina do Barroso in northern Portugal by the end of 2019.

Currently, an ongoing Reverse Circulation drill programme is taking place at the site and will help define a Mineral Resource Estimate as a basis for a scoping study.

Mina do Barroso is arguably one of the most advanced lithium mining concessions in Europe and, according to company officials, it would be the continent's first significant producer of spodumene, a hard-rock form of lithium.

“We’re in a unique position in Europe. What we have is a premier lithium project (…). Late 2019 for a production start is an aggressive target for Savannah but also one which the company thinks is achievable,” CEO David Archer told Reuters.

At present, Europe relies on lithium imports from Latin America’s ‘Lithium Triangle,’ as well from Australia and China.

When it comes to battery-making, Asia is the place to go although South Korea’s LG Chem is scheduled to open a giant lithium-ion battery factory in Poland in 2018.

According to Archer, Savannah does not yet have offtake deals, but is looking to negotiate with the companies that convert spodumene concentrate into battery chemicals, as well as with automakers.
http://www.mining.com/savannah-resource ... ce-europe/
