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Re: Canada

Publié : 15 avr. 2020, 21:25
par energy_isere
La Banque du Canada se prépare à une crise économique sans précédent

PUBLIÉ LE 15/04/2020 OTTAWA (Reuters)

La Banque du Canada (BoC) a laissé son taux directeur inchangé mercredi mais elle a annoncé de nouvelles opérations de rachats de titres afin de réduire les tensions sur les marchés financiers face au double choc de la pandémie de coronavirus et de la chute des cours du pétrole.
............. ... nt.N953726

Re: Canada

Publié : 17 avr. 2020, 21:36
par energy_isere
Le Canada aide son secteur pétrolier, doublement touché par le coronavirus


Le Premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau a annoncé vendredi un plan d'aide au secteur énergétique, durement touché à la fois par la crise du coronavirus et l'effondrement des cours du pétrole.

Ottawa va débloquer 1,7 milliard de dollars canadiens (1,1 milliard d'euros) pour aider au nettoyage de puits de pétrole ou de gaz inactifs ou abandonnés dans les trois provinces pétrolières de l'ouest du pays (Alberta, Saskatchewan et Colombie-Britannique).

"Ces puits, qui ne sont plus utilisés, peuvent être nocifs non seulement pour notre environnement, mais pour la santé des gens", a justifié M. Trudeau lors de son point presse quotidien.

Le gouvernement va également créer un fonds de 750 millions de dollars pour aider les entreprises à réduire leurs émissions de gaz, notamment de méthane.

L'objectif de ces mesures est de "créer des emplois immédiats dans ces provinces tout en aidant les compagnies à éviter la faillite et en soutenant nos objectifs environnementaux", a expliqué le Premier ministre.

"Ce n'est pas parce qu'on traverse une crise sanitaire, qu'on doit négliger la crise environnementale", a-t-il relevé.

Selon lui, ces mesures devraient permettre de maintenir environ 10.000 emplois, dont plus de la moitié dans la province pétrolière de l'Alberta.

Greenpeace s'est félicitée de cette annonce.

"Ces mesures permettront de créer des emplois à un moment crucial, tout en nettoyant une partie du gâchis environnemental abandonné par les pétrolières", écrit l'association écologiste dans un communiqué.

Le Canada est le quatrième producteur mondial de pétrole, qui représente 8% de son PIB. Le pays possède les troisièmes réserves prouvées de pétrole au monde, situées principalement dans les sables bitumineux de l'ouest du pays.

Quelque 960 millions de dollars seront par ailleurs versés aux agences régionales de développement pour aider les petites entreprises, et 500 autres millions soutiendront les secteurs de l'art, de la culture et des sports, a ajouté M. Trudeau. ... 6add6adc0e

Re: Canada

Publié : 28 avr. 2020, 01:04
par energy_isere
La production pétrolière du Canada pourrait avoir à être réduite de 1.2 à 1.3 millions de b/j au Q2.

Lire : ... arter.html

Re: Canada

Publié : 14 juil. 2020, 15:21
par energy_isere
L'aéroport de Edmonton veut construire un parc solaire de 120 MW.
Edmonton Airport’s giant solar farm
Edmonton International Airport in Alberta, Canada, is working on an agreement with Germany’s Alpin Sun to develop Airport City Solar, a 627-acre, 120-megawatt solar farm in a field next to the airport. Edmonton Airport claims it would be the largest solar farm at an airport in the world.

According to CBC:

The solar farm will consist of about 340,000 solar panels.
The facility will produce enough electricity to power 27,000 to 28,000 homes.
The area, 627 acres, will equal roughly 313 CFL football fields,
Construction will employ 120 workers for a year, with up to 250 workers at its peak.
The 120-megawatt facility will generate approximately 200,000 MWh per year.
Alpin Sun estimates that annual production of 200,000 MWh will result in an annual offset of an estimated 106,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
Construction is expected to begin in early 2022. Tom Ruth, Edmonton International Airport president and CEO, said:

The project will ‘create jobs, provide sustainable solar power for our region, and show our dedication to sustainability.’

Re: Canada

Publié : 01 sept. 2020, 07:40
par energy_isere
Réduction drastique des investissements petro gazier au Canada.
Canadian Oil And Gas Spending Plummets 54%

By Julianne Geiger - Aug 28, 2020

Canada’s capital spending on its oil and gas industry fell by more than half in the second quarter as the pandemic-inspired low prices continue to burden oil and gas producers with impossible breakevens.

Canada’s capital spending fell 54% in Q2, to $3.88 billion, according to Statistics Canada. This is down from $8.46 billion in Q1 2020 and $8.59 billion in Q4 2019.

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers estimated a couple of months ago that the full-year spend for its oil and gas production sector would be just above $23 billion—down from $37 billion for the year that it predicted in January, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Earlier this month, ATB Financial estimated that the heart of Canada’s oil industry, Alberta, would spend just $16.6 billion this year on oil and gas extraction—a drop of $7 billion from 2019. If realized, it will be the lowest spend since 2006, and 58% lower than Alberta’s ten-year average spend.

IHS Markit called this $7 billion drop “extraordinarily” large.

Prior to the pandemic, Alberta’s 2020 oil and gas capital spending was expected to be similar to 2019 levels.

Over half of what Alberta spends each year is on its oil and gas industry.

While recovery is expected at some point, it is no secret that even after the pandemic is behind it, Canada’s oil industry will continue to struggle, with pipeline projects stirring up trouble between provinces, and climate issues gaining traction.

For now, those pipeline issues have been put on the backburner while Canada’s oil production has fallen below its restrictive pipeline capacity that carries its oil to market. However, those issues will once again rear their ugly heads as the price of oil—and subsequently, the production of oil—rises. ... ts-54.html

Re: Canada

Publié : 06 sept. 2020, 10:22
par energy_isere
La production de pétrole va baisser de 6.6 % au Canada en 2020 à cause du covid-19.
The Drilldown: Canadian oil production to drop by 6.6 per cent in 2020: energy regulator

By Felixe Denson. Published on Aug 19, 2020

National oil production is expected to fall by 6.6 per cent in 2020 compared to last year, according to the Canada Energy Regulator (CER). The country’s output is projected to drop to 4.38 million barrels per day (bpd), down from 4.69 million bpd in 2019.

Canadian oil output is expected to make a gradual recovery over the year, after industry was forced to make large cuts to production when demand cratered amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

In June, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers estimated that $23.3 billion would be spent in the oil and gas production sector in Canada this year, a downward revision from about $37 billion in its January forecast. ... regulator/
Canada’s Oil Production Sinks to 2016 Levels

Lynnmarie P. Flowers, Technology Editor | 01 September 2020

In the first half of 2020, Canada’s production declined 20% from its 2019 average of 5.5 million B/D as a result of low crude oil prices, reduced demand, and continued production curtailments imposed by the government of Alberta. Last year, when Canada was the world’s fourth-largest producer, the province accounted for more than 80% of its production.

Canada produced about the same amount of petroleum and other liquids in 2019 as it did in 2018, when western Canadian select crude oil was trading at historically low prices. The government of Alberta imposed production curtailments in early 2019 to reduce associated bitumen production and reduce inventories and growing constraints on export pipeline capacity. These restrictions were extended through the end of this year.

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimated that Canada’s production of petroleum and other liquids fell from 5.6 to 4.9 million B/D between March and April, similar to the 640,000 B/D decline over the same period in 2016 when wildfires struck the area.

In May, production fell to 4.4 million B/D when it reduced production more than most of the 10 OPEC+ countries. Among non-OPEC producers, Canada’s declines were the third-­largest after Russia and the US. Production increased slightly in June, as demand in Canada and the US also increased.

EIA projects Canada’s production to remain less than its 2019 average through the first half of 2021, to average 5.1 million B/D in 2020 and 5.5 million B/D in 2021. ... /?art=7517

Re: Canada

Publié : 17 oct. 2020, 00:23
par energy_isere
Canada Government Invests In Mini Nuclear Reactors

By Irina Slav - Oct 16, 2020

The federal Canadian government has allocated US$15.11 million (C$20 million) for investments in mini nuclear power plants as part of efforts to reduce the country's carbon footprint.

The money will be provided to an Ontario-based company, Terrestrial Energy, to develop the modular reactors and bring them to market, CBC reported.

"By helping to bring these small reactors to market, we are supporting significant environmental and economic benefits, including generating energy with reduced emissions, highly skilled job creation and Canadian intellectual property development," Canada's innovation minister said, as quotes by the news outlet.

According to Atomic Energy Canada, the mini reactors, which are small enough that they can be built in one place and then transported and assembled at another, will be useful in three main areas. One of these is as a replacement for coal-powered generation capacity due to be retired. Another use is to supply power to off-grid projects in industries such as mining and oil sands extraction. The third use of the reactors would serve as replacements for diesel fuel as a source of electricity and heating for remote Canadian communities.

Terrestrial Energy has designed what it calls an Integral Molten Salt Reactor, which, according to the company, "will provide high-efficiency on-grid electricity generation, and its high-temperature operation has many other industry uses, such as zero-carbon hydrogen production."

Canada is the second-largest producer of uranium in the world, according to the Canadian government, and the fourth-largest exporter of the commodity. Nuclear energy accounted for 15 percent of the country's electricity production in 2018.

The money granted to Terrestrial Energy is the first government investment in small modular reactors and comes ahead of the announcement of a roadmap, to be released by the Natural Resources Ministry, that shows how the technology could help Canada reduce its carbon footprint. The country has pledged to reduce its emission levels by a third over the next 10 years. ... ctors.html

Re: Canada

Publié : 26 oct. 2020, 23:47
par energy_isere
Encore une grosse concentration à plusieurs milliards de dollars en Amérique du Nord, au Canada cette fois,
Cenovus Buys Husky To Create New Canadian Oil Giant

By Irina Slav - Oct 26, 2020

Cenovus and Husky Energy have struck a deal to combine their businesses in an all-stock transaction worth US$17.92 billion (C$23.6 billion). The size of the deal includes debt, Cenovus said in a news release.

The company noted that the two expected to save $1.2 billion from the tie-up, most of it during the first year after the transaction.

The net value of the deal is US$2.89 billion (C$3.8 billion), according to media reports, which means the bulk of the gross total is the two companies’ debt in addition to the value of the buyer, Cenovus.

Cenovus and Husky Energy both suffered their fair share of pain as the pandemic added to already considerable woes among Canadian oil producers. The industry had not yet recovered from the fallout of the last oil price crash and was struggling with a pipeline shortage that pressured their selling prices when the pandemic came on the scene and pushed a mot of them into negative earnings territory.

Cenovus and Husky were no exception. Both swung to losses this year, cut spending, and started reviewing projects and planning job cuts. Cenovus was forced to suspend dividend payments for a while, and Husky cut its dividend by 90 percent.

The combined company will produce some 750,000 bpd of oil equivalent daily and operate refining capacity of 660,000 bpd. This will make it the third-largest oil and gas company in Canada.

“We will be a leaner, stronger and more integrated company, exceptionally well-suited to weather the current environment and be a strong Canadian energy leader in the years ahead,” said Cenovus president and chief executive, Alex Pourbaix, who will be at the helm of the new company.

“The diverse portfolio will enable us to deliver stable cash flow through price cycles, while focusing capital on the highest-return assets and opportunities. The combined company will also have an efficient cost structure and ample liquidity.” ... Giant.html

Re: Canada

Publié : 31 oct. 2020, 09:46
par energy_isere
Découverte de pétrole offshore de Terre Neuve.
Equinor and BP Strike Oil Offshore Canada

by Matthew V. Veazey|Rigzone StaffFriday, October 30, 2020

Equinor and BP Canada have made two oil discoveries offshore Newfoundland, Canada, Equinor reported Thursday.

Drilled this summer by the Transocean Barents semi-submersible rig, the two wells at the Cappahayden and Cambriol prospects in the Flemish Pass Basin have proven the presence of hydrocarbons, Equinor noted in a written statement emailed to Rigzone. The operator, which owns a 60-percent interest, added that it is too soon to provide specifics on volumes for the wells – located roughly 311 miles (500 kilometers) east of St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
...... ... 4-article/

Re: Canada

Publié : 06 nov. 2020, 21:16
par energy_isere
Étonnant dans le contexte actuel :
L'opérateur d'oléoducs et de gazoducs Enbridge annonce une hausse de son bénéfice net au 3e trimestre

AFP parue le 06 nov. 2020

Le groupe canadien Enbridge, premier opérateur d'oléoducs et de gazoducs d'Amérique du Nord, a annoncé vendredi une hausse de 4% de son bénéfice net au troisième trimestre, un résultat un peu moindre qu'attendu par les analystes.

Pour la période des trois mois terminée le 30 septembre, le groupe basé à Calgary, dans l'Ouest canadien, a dégagé un bénéfice net de 990 millions de dollars canadiens (639 millions d'euros), en hausse par rapport aux 949 millions de dollars enregistrés il y a un an.

Le groupe indique dans un communiqué avoir tiré profit de taux d'utilisation élevés dans le transport et la distribution de gaz et dans les énergies renouvelables (éolien et solaire).

Enbridge a notamment fait état de progrès dans la réalisation de deux gros projets éoliens en mer en France, ceux de Saint-Nazaire et de Fécamp, d'une capacité respective de 480 et 500 mégawatts. Il prévoit aussi de prendre une décision finale d'investissement concernant un troisième projet en France en 2021.

Le chiffre d'affaires trimestriel était en forte baisse, à 9,1 milliards de dollars (5,9 milliards d'euros), contre 11,5 milliards il y a un an.

Au troisième trimestre, la pandémie a entraîné une diminution de la demande en pétrole en Amérique du Nord, ce qui s'est traduit par une baisse des volumes transportés sur le principal oléoduc du groupe entre les provinces de l'Alberta et de l'Ontario en passant par les Etats américains des Grands Lacs.

Les volumes ont atteint en moyenne 2,5 millions de barils par jour dans cet oléoduc au troisième trimestre et devraient rester inférieurs aux prévisions d'avant la pandémie au quatrième trimestre. Hors éléments exceptionnels et ramené à une action, le bénéfice du trimestre est ressorti à 48 cents, soit 8 cents de moins que le consensus des analystes.

Enbridge affirme cependant être en voie de réaliser des économies de coûts de 300 millions de dollars canadiens en 2020.

Le groupe prévoit un raffermissement graduel de la demande en énergie en 2021. ... ndu-201106

Re: Canada

Publié : 06 déc. 2020, 11:46
par energy_isere
Conversion d'une centrale thermique à charbon vers le gaz en Alberta dès 2023.
Alberta set to retire coal power by 2023, ahead of provincial schedule

Bloomberg News | December 4, 2020

An environmental think-tank says Alberta will meet its goal to eliminate coal-fired electricity production years earlier than expected thanks to recent conversion announcements by utility companies.

The Pembina Institute welcomed news from Capital Power Corp. of Edmonton on Thursday that it will spend nearly $1 billion to switch two coal-fired power units to gas at its Genesee generating facility west of the city as part of a plan to stop using coal entirely by 2023.

Capital Power says direct carbon dioxide emissions at Genesee will be about 3.4 million tonnes per year lower than 2019 emission levels when the project is complete.

In November, Calgary-based TransAlta Corp. said it will end operations at its Highvale thermal coal mine west of Edmonton by the end of 2021 as it switches to natural gas at all of its operated coal-fired plants in Canada four years earlier than previously planned.

The Alberta government announced in 2015 it would eliminate emissions from coal power generation by 2030. In 2014, 55 per cent of Alberta’s electricity was produced from 18 coal-fired generators.

Binnu Jeyakumar, director of clean energy for Pembina, says the moves by the two utilities and rival Atco Ltd. mean significant emissions reduction and better health for Albertans. ... -schedule/

Des Micmacs en Gaspésie se dotent d’une centrale d'énergie solaire

Publié : 04 août 2021, 14:49
par alga
Les Micmacs de Gesgapegiag, en Gaspésie, ont choisi de se doter d'une petite centrale d'énergie solaire pour alimenter leur centre de services, situé en pleine forêt. Le reportage de Sylvain Desjardins.

Re: Canada

Publié : 26 nov. 2021, 00:53
par energy_isere
Climat: le Canada est le plus mauvais élève des pays du G7 (rapport officiel)

AFP parue le 25 nov. 2021

Le Canada accumule les "échecs" en matière de lutte contre les changements climatiques et enregistre la "pire performance" des pays du G7, a dénoncé le commissaire à l'environnement canadien dans une série de rapports publiés jeudi.

L'organisme indépendant de surveillance parlementaire a déterminé que "30 ans d'engagements pris par le gouvernement fédéral pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre ont abouti à une hausse des émissions de plus de 20% depuis 1990".

Le Canada "est désormais le pays avec la pire performance de toutes les nations du G7 depuis l'adoption de l'historique accord de Paris en 2015", a affirmé Jerry DeMarco, commissaire à l'environnement, lors d'une conférence de presse.

"Nous ne pouvons pas continuer d'aller d'échec en échec", a-t-il poursuivi, ajoutant qu'il "ne suffit pas d'établir d'autres cibles et d'autres plans", mais de prendre des mesures et "d'obtenir des résultats".

Le commissaire a notamment cité le fonds gouvernemental, censé aider le secteur pétrolier et gazier à réduire ses émissions polluantes mais qui permet d'accroître les niveaux de production. "Lorsque la production (de pétrole et de gaz) augmente, les émissions" augmentent aussi, a-t-il précisé.

Jerry DeMarco a par ailleurs qualifié de "médiocres" les rapports du gouvernement fédéral dans ce domaine. "Ils n'ont pas présenté de résultats pour près de la moitié de leurs mesures", a-t-il déploré.

Quatrième producteur de pétrole au monde, le Canada se classe parmi les 10 plus grands émetteurs d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) de la planète et compte l'un des plus haut taux d'émissions par habitant.

Jeudi, le nouveau ministre de l'Environnement Steven Guilbeault, ancien militant écologiste, a dit accueillir "favorablement" les rapports. Selon lui, "l'analyse rétrospective" du commissaire ne tient pas compte de l'ajout de plus d'une "centaine de mesures" mises en place depuis 2016 en matière de lutte contre les changements climatiques.

"Nous sommes convaincus d'avoir jeté les bases, notamment en mettant en place l'un des programmes de tarification de la pollution et de remise les plus rigoureux au monde, pour que la lutte contre les changements climatiques menée par le Canada passe à un niveau supérieur", ajoute le ministre.

Le commissaire à l'environnement estime qu'il faudra de vrais efforts pour que soit inversée la tendance actuelle et que le Canada atteigne son objectif de réduire les émissions de GES de 40 à 45% sous les niveaux de 2005 d'ici 2030. ... iel-211125

Re: Canada

Publié : 27 nov. 2021, 20:55
par energy_isere
Projet d'une usine de liquefaction de Gaz en Colombie Britannique
McDermott wins EPFC contract for Woodfibre LNG project in Canada.
With a storage capacity of 250,000 m³, the LNG facility is expected to produce around 2.1 million tonnes of LNG per annum

By NS Energy Staff Writer 24 Nov 2021


US-based engineering solutions provider McDermott has secured an engineering, procurement, fabrication, and construction (EPFC) for the Woodfibre LNG project in Canada.

Situated around 7km west-southwest of Squamish in British Columbia, the LNG project is advancing to begin pre-construction of a single train LNG export facility on the previous Woodfibre pulp mill site.

With a storage capacity of 250,000 m³, the Woodfibre LNG facility is expected to produce around 2.1 million tonnes of LNG per annum using 100% renewable hydroelectric technology.

Designed to use hydroelectricity for the main liquefaction process, the LNG facility features an advanced technology that allows liquefaction machinery to restart without flaring, recycling system for boil-off gas, and additional transformers, switchgear and transmission lines.

Woodfibre LNG president Christine Kennedy said: “Together, we will be building the lowest-emission, most sustainable and innovative LNG export facility in the world.

“A particular point of pride for us is that the Squamish Nation serves as a full environmental regulator for this project. Serving as a unique example of economic Reconciliation, this is the first arrangement of its type for an LNG facility.”

McDermott will also take responsibility for commissioning and start-up services, in addition to the EPFC work.

The company plans to start pre-installation work for the project early next year and gradually accelerate by September 2023, when major construction is expected to be commenced.

Major works are anticipated to be completed in the third quarter of 2027.

During the development of an onshore gas processing and liquefaction facility with floating storage, the NetZero Modular LNG strategy from McDermott is used.

Woodfibre LNG has already signed two offtake agreements with BP, thereby covering more than 70% of the project’s annual throughput.

The facility is expected to reduce global emissions by 3.5 million tonnes CO2e per annum by using the low-carbon gas resources of British Columbia’s Montney region to replace coal-fired energy sources in Asia. ... fibre-lng/

Re: Canada

Publié : 27 nov. 2021, 21:09
par energy_isere
Crude Oil Production in Canada is expected to be 4590.00 BBL/D/1K by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the Canada Crude Oil Production is projected to trend around 4650.00 BBL/D/1K in 2022 and 4750.00 BBL/D/1K in 2023, according to our econometric models. ... production