
Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 14 mars 2021, 22:57

Enorme projet pour Neoen en Australie :
Neoen obtient l’autorisation pour construire la première phase du projet hybride Goyder South en Australie


La première phase de Goyder South – qui pourrait afficher une capacité de 1,2 GW d’énergie éolienne, 600 MWc d’énergie solaire et 900 MW/1 800 MWh de stockage par batterie – a obtenu l’autorisation de construction. Le projet, qui devrait créer plus de 300 emplois et s’appuyer sur l’interconnexion SA-NSW (projet EnergyConnect), se situera près de Burra, en Australie-Méridionale.

« Goyder South aidera non seulement l’Australie-Méridionale à atteindre son objectif de 100% d’énergies renouvelables d’ici à 2030, mais aussi à garantir la sécurité des revenus des agriculteurs et à créer des emplois dans la région de Goyder », déclare Louis de Sambucy, directeur général de Neoen Australia.

Le projet sera construit en trois étapes. La première étape, maintenant approuvée, comprendra l’installation de 400 MW d’ici le début d’année 2022. ... australie/

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 28 mars 2021, 10:58

suite de ce post du 5 avril 2017 ... 23#p400923

Le projet de centrale STEP de Kidstone va se faire. ... y-storage/

The Genex Kidston Pumped Hydro Energy Storage (PHES) project will develop a pumped hydro energy storage facility to produce approximately 250MW / 2,000MWh of dispatchable (baseload) power for export to the electricity grid.

Genex will deploy a 250 MW, 8 hour storage PHES asset into the North Queensland market. The project will be located at the old Kidston Gold Mine, around 275km north-west of Townsville.

This will be the first PHES deployment project in over 35 years in Australia and the first PHES project in Australia to be delivered by a private developer.

The level of available storage in the market will be increased to facilitate an additional 500MW of renewable energy penetration at Kidston and a potential further 500MW at Mt Fox.
Australian developer to start building 250 MW pumped hydro plant
Construction is expected to commence in the weeks ahead on the massive 250 MW Kidston Pumped Hydro Storage Project in Queensland, as developer Genex Power has announced a $115 million share issue that will deliver the funds for the project to proceed.



Genex said on Wednesday that it will raise AUD 90 million ($68.4 million) through a share offering to institutional investors, while Japanese electric utility J-Power will make a AUD 25 million equity investment to increase its stake in the company.

Genex has also confirmed that the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has conditionally approved up to AUD 47 million in funding for the pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES) facility in northern Queensland, which will be located alongside the existing 50 MW Kidston Solar Farm.

It said that the latest funding announcements, in conjunction with AUD 610 million of previously approved concessional debt finance from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, will provide the AUD 777 million in funding that is required for the construction of the pumped hydro project to commence.
Two existing mining pits at the former gold mine site will serve as the upper and lower reservoirs for the PHES to minimise construction time and costs. During peak power demand periods, water will be released from the upper to the lower reservoir, passing through reversible turbines. During off-peak periods and when the sun is abundant, water will be pumped back from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir using electricity imported from the National Electricity Market (NEM).

A 187-km transmission line will be needed to connect the Kidston Renewable Energy Hub to the NEM. This transmission line is also expected to facilitate the connection of further renewable generation projects in the region.

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 04 avr. 2021, 21:48

La première station à hydrogène d’Australie vient d’ouvrir à Canberra

Neoen et ActewAGL ont développé la première station à hydrogène d’Australie, à Canberra. Elle servira notamment à ravitailler la nouvelle flotte de voitures à hydrogène Hyundai Nexo du gouvernement du Territoire de la capitale australienne (ACT).


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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 17 avr. 2021, 10:07

suite de ce post du 5 nov 2020 ... 4#p2311704
Neoen clôture le financement de la Victorian Big Battery (300 MW) en Australie

Sydney & Paris, le 25 février 2021

• Neoen a finalisé le financement de la « Victorian Big Battery », qui sera l’une des plus
puissantes batteries au monde avec une capacité de 300 MW / 450 MWh

• La Victorian Big Battery sera entièrement détenue par Neoen et bénéficiera d’un prêt
accordé par la Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) pour le compte du
gouvernement fédéral australien

• Ce financement intervient trois mois après que Neoen a remporté auprès de l’Australian
Energy Market Operator (AEMO) un contrat de services réseau de 250 MW qui est le
fondement de cet investissement

• La batterie doit être mise en service avant le début du prochain été australien

source, ce communiqué de presse de Neoen : ... fc-vbb.pdf

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 16 mai 2021, 14:50

sur le site du gouvernement Australien ... households.



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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 16 mai 2021, 16:51

La capacité solaire de l’Australie pourrait atteindre 80 GW d’ici 2030
A cet horizon, la part de la capacité d’énergie renouvelable devrait atteindre 69,9 %, principalement grâce aux installations solaires photovoltaïques.


La société d’analyses du marché GlobalData indique dans un nouveau rapport que les installations solaires en Australie pourraient être multipliées par quatre d’ici 2030. Elle estime que le pays atteindra une capacité solaire de 80,22 GW en 2030, contre 17,99 GW en 2020.


Le rapport prévoit également une baisse significative de la domination de l’énergie thermique dans le mix énergétique australien, la voyant passer de 58,6 % au cours de la période 2000-20 à seulement 27,8 % en 2030. « L’Australie prévoit de compenser la baisse de la capacité thermique et hydroélectrique par une croissance de la capacité d’énergie renouvelable, déclare Aditya Sharma, analyste énergétique chez GlobalData. D’ici à 2030, la part de la capacité d’énergie renouvelable devrait atteindre 69,9 %, principalement grâce aux installations solaires photovoltaïques ».

GlobalData indique que les divers régimes réglementaires fédéraux, étatiques et locaux de l’Australie sont l’un des principaux moteurs de son déploiement solaire, déjà leader mondial. Le taux d’adoption de l’énergie solaire sur les toits dans le pays dépasse largement la moyenne mondiale.

Selon les données de l’Agence internationale pour les énergies renouvelables (IRENA), plus de 260 GW d’énergie renouvelable ont été ajoutés dans le monde en 2020, dépassant de près de 50 % le précédent record d’augmentation nette de 2019. Le rythme de croissance de l’Australie était presque le double de la moyenne mondiale, s’établissant à 18,4 %.

« La croissance de l’énergie solaire photovoltaïque en Australie est tirée par les fréquents appels d’offres et les tarifs d’achat, souligne Aditya Sharma. En plus des initiatives fédérales, les huit provinces offrent leurs propres programmes incitatifs pour la croissance de l’énergie solaire photovoltaïque, comme des prêts sans taux d’intérêt pour le pv sur toiture ». ... dici-2030/

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 16 mai 2021, 17:28

Un projet solaire PV de 400 MWc en Nouvelle Galles du Sud
Lightsource BP gains planning approval for 400MWdc solar system in New South Wales

ByEdith Hancock May 13, 2021

Solar developer Lightsource BP has been granted planning approval to develop a 400MWdc solar farm in New South Wales Australia.

The Wellington North Solar Farm, which was bought from AGL last year and is intended to comprise of 1.2 million bifacial solar panels, will sit adjacent to a 200MWdc solar system in the area that is currently under construction. Once complete, the entire project will become the state’s largest renewable energy system by capacity, according to a statement from the developer. It is also amongst the first to use bifacial panels in the country.
................ ... uth-wales/

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 22 mai 2021, 11:18

Australia to spend $468 million on controversial gas-fired power plant

Renju JoseSonali Paul May 19, 2021

Australia's government said on Wednesday it will build a taxpayer-funded A$600 million ($468 million) gas-fired power plant, arguing it is needed to drive down electricity prices, despite opposition from the power industry.

The government said last year state-owned Snowy Hydro would build a new gas-fired plant if other companies did not come up with plans by April to build 1,000 megawatts of capacity to fill a gap that will be left when AGL Energy (AGL.AX) shuts its Liddell coal-fired plant in 2023.

EnergyAustralia, a unit of Hong Kong's CLP Holdings (0002.HK), has committed to build a 300 MW gas-fired plant and mining billionaire Andrew Forrest has proposed a 660 MW plant, although he has yet to make a final decision. Both would be backed by government aid.

"We were very clear from the start - we will not stand by and watch prices go up and the lights go off," Energy Minister Angus Taylor said on Wednesday.

The power industry has opposed the government's intervention in the market, saying such a large plant would not be needed and would deter private investment in renewable power.

Snowy Hydro's environmental impact statement for the Hunter Power project in New South Wales state says in an average year the plant is only likely to run at 2% of its capacity.

The 660-megawatt (MW) plant will be built in the Hunter Valley, the country's biggest coal-producing region, which is under threat from the push toward cleaner energy.

A by-election will be held in the region this weekend in which the future of coal mining jobs will be a key issue. Taylor said the Hunter Power project would create up to 600 jobs during construction and 1,200 indirect jobs across the state.

Green groups said it makes no sense to rely on gas, as it is polluting and expensive.

"It drives up electricity prices, it increases emissions at a time when the rest of the world is reducing emissions and it creates very few jobs," Climate Council spokeswoman Nicki Hutley said.

The government's move, which fits with its effort to promote gas to fuel a recovery from the COVID-19 recession, comes a day after the International Energy Agency said the world needs to stop funding all new fossil fuel supply to reach net zero emissions by 2050. read more

($1 = 1.2832 Australian dollars) ... 021-05-18/

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 23 mai 2021, 13:25

Mise en service d'un parc éolien de 214 MW en Western Australia. 51 turbines. 450 millions de dollars.
Alinta Energy and RATCH-Australia launch WA’s largest wind farm

May 21, 2021 evwind

A joint venture between Alinta Energy and RATCH-Australia has spawned the newly opened Yandin Wind Farm in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia.

The site for the wind farm is located on Yued lands near Dandaragan, 175km north of Perth, chosen for its ample local wind resources and proximity to the grid.

The $450 million Yandin Wind Farm is was officially opened this week by Energy Minister Bill Johnston.

“Congratulations to Alinta Energy, RATCH-Australia and the Dandaragan community on the launch of the Yandin Wind Farm, Western Australia’s largest renewable energy facility,” Johnston said.

“With the many challenges faced around COVID-19, it was fantastic to see this project completed, which reflects the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in the project.”

“Projects such as the Yandin Wind Farm illustrate the great potential we have in Western Australia to take advantage of the worldwide transition to clean energy technologies. Around 150 local jobs were created during construction, which took almost one million hours, and created valuable opportunities for businesses in the Wheatbelt.”

Consisting of 51 Vestas turbines, with each blade tip rising to a height of 180 metres, the development’s turbine rotor diameter is 150 metres – larger than the London Eye observation wheel.

At its full power the Yandin Wind Farm can generate enough renewable energy to supply 214 megawatts of capacity, or the equivalent to about 200,000 Western Australian homes for a year.
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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 02 juin 2021, 09:02

L'Australie va construire la plus longue ligne électrique du pays, 900 km pour 1.76 milliards de dollars.
Australia clears $1.8 bln power line to boost renewable energy
EnergyConnect, being developed by TransGrid and ElectraNet, is one of several interconnectors that Australia's energy market operator has said are needed to prevent blackouts, while keeping a lid on power prices

Reuters May 31, 2021

Australia on Monday approved a A$2.28 billion ($1.76 billion) project to build the country's longest power transmission line, which the country's energy market operator considers critical to handling electricity supply from new wind and solar farms.

The Australian Energy Regulator, whose role includes ensuring power customers don't face excessive bills, approved the 900-km (560-mile) EnergyConnect project between South Australia and New South Wales after the companies cut its cost by 4%.

EnergyConnect, being developed by TransGrid and ElectraNet, is one of several interconnectors that Australia's energy market operator has said are needed to prevent blackouts, while keeping a lid on power prices.
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes ... y/83103929

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 04 juil. 2021, 16:57

L'Australie engrange 235 milliards de US dollars d'exportation de matières premières sur leur année fiscale 2020-2021. Le minerai de fer compte pour presque la moitié.
Iron ore seen driving Australia’s resources export earnings to a record in 2020/21

Reuters | June 27, 2021

Booming iron ore prices are expected to account for nearly half of Australia’s record export earnings from resources this financial year and the country anticipates further gains ahead, according to a government report on Monday.

Earnings from Australian resources exports are estimated to come in at a record A$310 billion ($235.41 billion) in the 2020-2021 financial year ending in June, rising to A$334 billion the following year as industrial activity ramps up following covid-19 restrictions.

The Department of Industry revised its estimate up by 14% from a March forecast due to strong iron ore prices, which hit an all-time high above $200 a tonne in early May on strong steelmaking demand.

“This is a very strong result in the context of the global covid-19 pandemic,” it said in its June quarterly report.

“Advanced economies and most of Australia’s major trading partners are continuing to recover strongly from the economic impacts of the covid-19 pandemic.”

Australia’s mining sector makes up around 10% of the country’s’ gross domestic product and iron ore is the country’s top export.

Australia expects iron ore prices to average $137 this financial year from a March forecast of $128, and $129 next financial year, the government report said.

LNG export earnings are expected to jump 53% to A$49 billion in the year to June 2022 on the back of higher oil prices and a 5% rise in export volumes as problems at the Gorgon LNG and Prelude floating LNG are resolved, according to the report.

The government has also revised up expectations for thermal coal prices this year to $74 from $60, and to $82 next year. Copper price expectations stand at $7,882 from a March forecast of $7,649, and are seen at $8,579 next year.

($1 = 1.3168 Australian dollars) ... n-2020-21/

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 14 juil. 2021, 09:55

Commande des turbines pour le gros parc éolien on shore MacIntyre dans le Queensland
Nordex receives an order for 923 MW in Australia for Acciona’s MacIntyre wind farm

July 7, 2021 evwind

Firm order of 923 MW out of potential order for approx. 1 GW as revealed on June 14, 2021.
Of the potential 1 GW orders from Australia announced on June 14, 2021 via ad-hoc notification, the Nordex Group can confirm the order for the first “MacIntyre” project for 923 MW as a firm order. by July 2021. The subsidiary of its client Acciona Energía, Acciona Energía Australia Global PTY LTD, has ordered 162 Nordex N163 / 5.X wind turbines of the Delta4000 series.

The wind complex southwest of Warwick in the Australian state of Queensland consists of the “MacIntyre” project with a capacity of approx. 923 MW and the “Karara” wind farm with approx. 102.6 MW. The total production of both wind farms amounts to 1,026 MW, of which the Nordex Group has already received the turbine production order for “MacIntyre”.

The Nordex Group will supply the N163 turbines in the 5.7 MW mode of operation and will be installed on tubular steel towers with a hub height of 148 meters.
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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 31 juil. 2021, 22:38

suite de ce post du 17 avril 2021 ... 1#p2317461

L'une des mega batterie du parc en construction a pris feu.
Les pompiers essaient de limiter l'incendie au seul conteneur en flamme.
Tesla's Giant Australian Battery Bursts Into Flames

By Charles Kennedy - Jul 30, 2021

The giant Tesla lithium-ion battery that French Neoen is building in the Australian province of Victoria is burning, according to the fire and rescue service of the province.

"A 13 tonne lithium battery in a shipping container is fully involved with crews wearing breathing apparatus working to contain the fire and stop it spreading to nearby batteries," Fire and Rescue Victoria reported earlier today, adding that there was no threat to local residents or drivers despite the release of smoke at the sight.

The battery installation, with a capacity of 300 MW/450 MWh, is due to be completed later this year and is expected to provide about half of the storage capacity Victoria needs to replace the Lorne power plant, which is due for retirement. The megabattery was also planned to reduce electricity bills for Victorians and increase grid reliability.

"By securing one of the biggest batteries in the world, Victoria is taking a decisive step away from coal-fired power and embracing new technologies that will unlock more renewable energy than ever before," Victoria environment minister Lily D'Ambrosio said last November when the project was made public.

Currently, firefighters are on site trying to contain the fire to the container where it first started, 7NEWS Melbourne reported. Other Australian media noted that the battery installation had been approved for partial operation earlier this month. The companies involved in the project—Tesla and French Neoen—have not responded to media requests for comment on the cause of the fire.

This is the second megabattery that Tesla is building in Australia.

The first one, in South Australia, has a capacity of 100 MW/129 MWh and, according to Tesla's Elon Musk, is able to supply some 30,000 households with power from a local wind farm and reduce the risk of blackouts. The installation, Musk said three years ago, would "manage summertime peak load to improve the reliability of South Australia's electrical infrastructure." ... lames.html

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 04 août 2021, 08:46

Suite du post au dessus.
Il aura fallu 3 jours pour éteindre l'incendie de la méga-batterie Tesla en Australie
mar. 3 août 2021,


......................... ... 00222.html ... australie/

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 10 août 2021, 08:46

L'Australie rejette les objectifs en matière de lutte contre le changement climatique

10 Aout 2021

Le Premier ministre conservateur australien a rejeté mardi les appels à fixer des objectifs plus ambitieux en matière de lutte contre le changement climatique, au lendemain d'un rapport alarmant de l'ONU.

Le Premier ministre conservateur australien a rejeté mardi les appels à fixer des objectifs plus ambitieux en matière de lutte contre le changement climatique, au lendemain d'un rapport alarmant de l'ONU, estimant suffisante la politique menée par son pays. Quelques heures après la publication du rapport des experts climat de l'ONU (Giec), qui mettent en garde contre un réchauffement pire et plus rapide que prévu, le Premier ministre Scott Morrison a averti qu'il ne souhaitait pas fixer d'objectifs en matière de neutralité carbone. "L'Australie fait sa part", a estimé M. Morrison. "En l'absence de projets, je ne signerai pas un chèque en blanc au nom des Australiens afin d'atteindre ces objectifs", a-t-il mis en garde.

L'immense île-continent est un des plus importants importateurs (*!!) au monde de charbon et de gaz naturel. Les récents incendies, la sécheresse et les cyclones d'une rare intensité qui ont frappé le pays sont, selon des scientifiques, aggravés par le changement climatique. L'Australie, l'un des plus grands exportateurs de combustibles fossiles au monde, est en première ligne de la crise climatique mondiale. Les récents incendies, la sécheresse et les cyclones d'une rare intensité qui ont frappé le pays sont, selon des scientifiques, aggravés par le changement climatique. A quelques mois d'un sommet international sur le climat, M. Morrison a rejeté les appels - y compris de la part d'alliés comme les États-Unis - à adopter un objectif officiel de réduction ou de compensation des émissions de carbone.

L'Australie a laissé entendre qu'elle atteindrait des émissions de carbone nulles "dès que possible", et de préférence d'ici 2050, mais n'a pris aucun engagement en ce sens. Le chef du gouvernement semble vouloir détourner l'attention vers les pays en développement et les nouvelles technologies, qui, à ses yeux, sont la solution à la crise. "Nous devons adopter une approche différente. Nous devons nous concentrer sur les avancées technologiques nécessaires pour changer le monde et notre mode de fonctionnement", a déclaré M. Morrison. De nombreux responsables politiques de la coalition conservatrice du Premier ministre entretiennent des liens étroits avec l'industrie minière et nient l'existence du changement climatique ou cherchent à en minimiser les risques. Le parti libéral du Premier ministre ainsi que le parti travailliste, dans l'opposition, sont tous deux favorables à la poursuite de l'exploitation des mines de charbon. ... d=msedgntp

*!! il faut lire exportateur.
