BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015

Toute l'acualité, discutée à la lumière de la déplétion des réserves d'hydrocarbures.

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BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015

Message par Raminagrobis » 04 juin 2015, 11:01

Il sera disponible le 10 juin. Ce fil servira à en discuter, analyser les chiffres, etc.
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Re: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015

Message par yvesT » 10 juin 2015, 09:16

En allant voir si le rapport était dispo sur le site BP (pas encore le cas, webcast à 10am), les majors (non US) viennent d'adresser une lettre à Fabius comme quoi ils sont pour une taxe carbone :
http://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/pdf/Pr ... carbon.pdf

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Re: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015

Message par energy_isere » 10 juin 2015, 09:52

yvesT a écrit :En allant voir si le rapport était dispo sur le site BP (pas encore le cas, webcast à 10am), les majors (non US) viennent d'adresser une lettre à Fabius comme quoi ils sont pour une taxe carbone :
http://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/pdf/Pr ... carbon.pdf
Oui, c' est ce que enerzine avait rapporté la post du 03 Juin sur ce forum

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Re: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015

Message par yvesT » 10 juin 2015, 11:52

Ca y est les chiffres et présentations sont dispos :
http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/a ... nergy.html


Ah oui je n'avais pas vu.
Ce qui est "amusant" dans cette lettre, c'est des choses comme :
"« Our companies are already taking a number of actions to help limit emissions, such as growing the share of gas in our production, … »
Comme si c’était intentionnel …

Et associé au fait que les pressions actuelles sont plus vers une baisse des taxes et royalties d'extraction.

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Re: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015

Message par energy_isere » 10 juin 2015, 21:42

La synthése express pour le pétrole :
(BP Report 2015)
2014 in review: Oil

Dated Brent averaged $98.95 per barrel in 2014, a decline of $9.71 per barrel from the 2013 level and the first annual average below $100 since 2010. Crude oil prices remained firm in early 2014 in the face of continued large supply disruptions, but fell sharply later in the year due to strong non-OPEC production growth combined with weaker consumption growth (relative to 2013) and OPEC's November decision to defend market share. The WTI – Brent differential narrowed to $5.66 per barrel despite continued robust US production growth.

Consumption and production
Global oil consumption grew by 0.8 million barrels per day (b/d), or 0.8% – a little below its recent historical average and significantly weaker than the increase of 1.4 million b/d seen in 2013. Countries outside the OECD once again accounted for all of the net growth in global consumption. OECD consumption declined by 1.2%, the eighth decrease in the past nine years. Chinese consumption growth was below average but still recorded the largest increment to global oil consumption (+390,000 b/d); Japan recorded the largest decline (-220,000 b/d), with Japanese oil consumption falling to its lowest level since 1971. Light distillates were the fastest growing refined product category for a second consecutive year.

Global oil production growth was more than double that of global consumption, rising by 2.1 million b/d or 2.3%. Production outside OPEC grew by 2.1 million b/d, the largest increase in our dataset. The US (+1.6 million b/d) recorded the largest growth in the world, becoming the first country ever to increase production by at least 1 million b/d for three consecutive years, and taking over from Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil producer. Along with the US, production in Canada (+310,000 b/d) and Brazil (+230,000 b/d) also reached record levels in 2014. OPEC output was flat, and the group's share of global production fell to 41%, its lowest since 2003. Declines in Libya (-490,000 b/d) and Angola (-90,000 b/d) were offset by gains in Iraq (+140,000 b/d), Saudi Arabia (+110,000 b/d) and Iran (+90,000 b/d).

Refining and trade
Global crude runs rose by 1.1 million b/d (+1.4%) in 2014 – the highest growth since 2010 and more than double the 10-year average. Strong growth in the US, China and the Middle East outweighed declines in Europe and OECD Asia Pacific. Refinery runs in the US rose by 530,000 b/d, the largest increase since 1986. Global refining capacity expanded by an above average 1.3 million b/d, led by additions in China and the Middle East, with Middle Eastern capacity expanding by a record 740,000 b/d. Global refinery utilization remained at 79.6%, its lowest rate since 1987.

Global trade of crude oil and refined products in 2014 grew by a below average 0.9%, or 490,000 b/d. Import growth was driven by China and other emerging economies, while US net imports declined. China replaced the US as the world's largest net oil importer in 2013. Gross exports from North Africa declined by 17.1%, or 360,000 b/d, primarily due to lower Libyan crude production, however this was outweighed by a 530,000 b/d increase in US (gross) exports as rising refinery runs lifted product exports.

+1.6m b/d : Growth in global primary energy consumption, the weakest since 2009.

7.3m b/d : Reduction in US net oil imports since 2005

http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/a ... w/oil.html

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Re: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015

Message par energy_isere » 10 juin 2015, 21:47

La synthése express pour le Gaz :
(BP Report 2015)
2014 in review: Natural gas

Consumption and production
World natural gas consumption grew by just 0.4%, well below the 10-year average of 2.4%. Growth was below average in both the OECD and emerging economies, with consumption in the EU (-11.6%) experiencing its largest volumetric and percentage declines on record. The Europe & Eurasia region (-4.8%) had the five largest volumetric declines in the world in Germany, Italy, the Ukraine, France and the UK. The US (+2.9%), China (+8.6%) and Iran (+6.8%) recorded the largest growth increments. Globally, natural gas accounted for 23.7% of primary energy consumption.

Global natural gas production grew by 1.6%, below its 10-year average of 2.5%. Growth was below average in all regions except North America. EU production fell sharply (-9.8%) to its lowest level since 1971. The US (+6.1%) recorded the world's largest increase, accounting for 77% of net global growth. The largest volumetric declines were seen in Russia (-4.3%) and the Netherlands (-18.7%).

Global natural gas trade registered a rare contraction in 2014, falling by 3.4%. Pipeline shipments declined by 6.2%, the largest decline on record, driven by falls in net pipeline exports from Russia (-11.8%) and the Netherlands (-29.9%). The UK (-28.2%), Germany (-10.1%) and the Ukraine (-29.9%) all reduced their net pipeline imports markedly. Global LNG trade increased by 2.4%. Higher imports by China (+10.8%) and the UK (+20.1%) were partly offset by declines in South Korea (-6.0%) and Spain (-15.7%). International natural gas trade accounted for 29.4% of global consumption; LNG's share of global gas trade rose to 33.4%.

-11.6% : Decline in EU gas consumption, the largest decline on record.

-3.4% : Decline in global gas trade.
http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/a ... l-gas.html

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Re: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015

Message par Raminagrobis » 15 juin 2015, 22:09

Voici le graphe des deltas de production entre 2013 et 2014, en milliers de /j.
Encore plus que les années précédentes, c'est les etats-Unis qui portent la production mondiale. Ils réalisent trois quart de l'augmentation mondiale. A coté des pétroles de schistes américains, ce sont les sables bitumineux du Canada et les gisements ultra-profonds du Brésil qui réalisent la hausse.

Donc même si la production mondiale augmente fortement (2.1 Mb/j!) c'est presque exclusivement grâce à du pétrole très cher, qui est à peine rentable au cours déprimés actuels.

Mais en parallèle à l'augmentation des Etats Unis, un autre fait remarquable est que les principaux producteurs en déclin depuis des années tiennent bien le coup, à part le Mexique qui chute. Norvège, Royaume-Uni, Danemark, Argentine, Australie, Oman, parviennent à limiter la casse.

Mais à surveiller, l'angola, qui affiche sa première grosse chute de production. Il pourrait avoir franchi le pic en 2008. Pas sur car il y a de gros gisements en développement.
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Re: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015

Message par energy_isere » 16 juin 2015, 11:05

pour le Sud Soudan, ca dépend des combats (guerre civile) et des zones de puits fermés ou pas.......

Lybie, pareillement.
