[Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 16 déc. 2016, 19:34

Engie met en production le champ gazier Cygnus

Publié le 15/12/2016 lemarin.fr

Son démarrage était initialement prévu pour la fin 2015. Le champ gazier Cygnus vient enfin de commencer à produire du gaz en mer du Nord britannique.

Le développement de Cygnus a été le plus important réalisé dans la partie sud de la mer du Nord en 25 ans. (Photo : DR)
http://www.lemarin.fr/secteurs-activite ... ier-cygnus

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par Raminagrobis » 06 janv. 2017, 13:35


La production danoise baisse pour la 11e année consécutive. En 2016 seuls 9.1 millions de mètres cubes de pétrole ont été produits - 156 000 b/j.
Par rapport au pic de 2004, la production a baissé de 60%. Le liquide qui sort des puits comprend maintenant 80% d'eau.
Toujours moins.

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par tita » 16 janv. 2018, 11:31

Un aperçu de la production norvégienne:
Après avoir légèrement augmenté entre 2014 et 2016, la production de pétrole est à nouveau en déclin. Cependant, la mise en exploitation d'un champ géant en 2020 (Johan Sverdrup, découvert en 2011) devrait faire remonter cette production. Pour ce champ, ils anticipent une production à 0.44 Mb/j dans un premier temps... et 0.66 Mb/j à son pic. La Norvège va ensuite entamer un déclin de production, à partir de 2023, faute de découvertes récentes...

C'est surtout la production de gaz qui s'est développé depuis leur pic de pétrole en 2000

Mais là aussi, plus de découvertes, et donc un déclin annoncé. La production totale (pétrole+NGL+gaz) va commencer à décliner à partir de 2023.

source: http://www.npd.no/en/news/News/2018/The ... ar-period/
Je remarque aussi, en lisant d'anciens rapports, qu'ils sont plutôt prudents dans leur projections...

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par tita » 16 janv. 2018, 12:10

Côté Royaume-Uni, la production ressemble à ça:

Tout comme la Norvège, certains développement vont un peu accroître (100kb/j) la production dans le prochaines années... Mais ce sera de courte durée avant un nouveau déclin.

On constate surtout qu'avec un prix suffisamment élevé sur quelques années, des développements sont possibles pour maintenir un plateau. Mais la majeure partie de la production est derrière, et les taux de production de la mer du Nord à 6 Mb/j ne sont qu'un souvenir.

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 27 nov. 2018, 23:15

Démantèlement : ODS se dotera d’un navire de levage lourd d’ici à 2021

Publié le 27/11/2018

Créé en 2017, le spécialiste britannique du démantèlement ODS (Offshore decommissioning services) appuiera ses activités sur le Moonraker I.

D’après ODS, le « Moonraker I » réduira les coûts et le temps de démantèlement des infrastructures pétrolières offshore. (Illustration : ODS)
http://www.lemarin.fr/secteurs-activite ... -dici-2021

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 29 janv. 2019, 21:06

Royaume-Uni : nouvelle découverte « significative » pour Total

Publié le 29/01/2019 lemarin.fr

Total a fait une nouvelle mise au jour « significative » outre-Manche, a-t-il annoncé le 29 janvier.


Outre celle de Glengorm, au Royaume-Uni, Total vient aussi de faire une découverte de gaz et condensats en mer de Norvège suite au forage d’un puits par le rig « West Phoenix » au sud du champ Kristin. (Photo : Seadrill)
https://www.lemarin.fr/secteurs-activit ... pour-total
Total fait une nouvelle découverte significative en mer du Nord

le 29/01/2019

Le 29 janvier, Total a annoncé une découverte significative d'hydrocarbures en mer du Nord, au large du Royaume-Uni. Le groupe pétrolier français estime à près de 250 millions de barils équivalent pétrole ces nouvelles ressources récupérables.

Le groupe pétrolier français a précisé dans un communiqué que le puits avait été foré à une profondeur finale de 5,056 mètres et que des travaux de forage et des tests complémentaires seront menés pour apprécier le volume de ressources et la productivité du réservoir.

"Des résultats qui correspondent à nos meilleures prévisions"

"Glengorm est un nouveau succès pour Total en mer du Nord, avec des résultats qui correspondent à nos meilleures prévisions et des ressources de gaz comportant une large part de condensats", a déclaré Kevin McLachlan, directeur de l'exploration chez Total, cité dans le communiqué.

Le groupe a souligné que la découverte se situait à proximité d'infrastructures existantes opérées par Total et offrant des possibilités de raccordement, telles que la plate-forme d'Elgin-Franklin et le projet Culzean dont le démarrage est prévu cette année.

Total détient une participation de 25% dans la découverte de Glengorm, aux côtés de CNOOC Petroleum Europe Limited, filiale du chinois CNOOC Limited (50%, opérateur), et d'Euroil, filiale de l'italien Edison E&P SpA (25%).
https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/t ... rd.N799435

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 10 févr. 2019, 12:32

La Britain’s Oil and Gas Authority lance une enchère pour la zone de Greater Buchan en offshore, qui pourrait contenir 300 millions de barils.
Britain Auctions 300 Million-Barrel Offshore Oil Field

Reuters, January 31, 2019

Britain’s Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has launched an offshore licensing round for a field in the North Sea that is estimated to hold as much as 300 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe), it said on Jan. 31.

Companies have until May 2 to bid for the Greater Buchan Area, where oil production started in 1981 but where much volume is believed to remain untapped, and which the OGA would like to see exploited by companies partnering up.

“This is a material opportunity. To put this in context, the last discovery made in the U.K. of this scale was Rosebank in 2004,” said Ross Cassidy, senior research manager for the North Sea at Wood Mackenzie.

“The... volumes are a mix of redevelopment, undeveloped and yet-to-find volumes...[It] is surrounded with infrastructure at Golden Eagle, Buzzard, Scott, Forties and Kittiwake, making a tie-back to existing infrastructure possible. A minimum of 75 million boe is likely to be required to be commercially viable.”

The auction starts after Total SA (NYSE: TOT) and partners including China’s CNOOC Ltd. (NYSE: CEO) announced a new gas discovery in the British North Sea’s Glengorm prospect, with recoverable resources estimated at around 250 million boe.

The British North Sea has been undergoing a revival, attracting a new breed of investors in the form of private-equity-backed oil companies and majors rejigging their portfolios in the region.

The OGA plans to auction other mature offshore licenses this summer.
https://www.epmag.com/britain-auctions- ... ld-1730106

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 07 déc. 2019, 10:51

Les pipes sous marin en mer du Nord côté UK :


Source de 2012 https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/e ... me.N171536

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 21 mai 2020, 15:52

La prix bas du pétrole met en péril du pétrole de la mer du Nord :
33% Of North Sea Oil Is Now Too Expensive To Extract

By Tsvetana Paraskova - May 20, 2020

The oil price collapse will result in one-third of the North Sea oil left untouched because it will be uneconomical to produce, a new study from the University of Aberdeen showed on Wednesday.

According to the study led by Economist Professor Alex Kemp and Linda Stephen from the University of Aberdeen, even if Brent Crude prices were to trade at $45 a barrel, as much as 28 percent of the oil left in the North Sea would not be economical to extract. At $25 a barrel oil, a total of 35 percent of available oil in the North Sea may not make it out of the ground.

“The future of the UKCS (UK Continental Shelf) at the oil and gas prices employed in this study depends critically on technological innovations which can significantly enhance productivity,” the oil economists said in the study as carried by the BBC.

“At low prices, fields are quicker to reach the end of their economical lives,” Professor Kemp told Evening Express.

“Although that means decommissioning costs may be lower, we are still facing an extremely difficult period for the industry,” the economist noted.

Commenting on the study, the leading industry association of the UK offshore industry, OGUK, said via market intelligence manager Ross Dornan:

“We know that low oil and gas prices, along with the impact of Covid-19 on operations, have created a very uncertain outlook as this report points out.”

“Remaining as competitive as possible to attract investment, alongside innovative and flexible approaches and business models, will be required to ensure we can not only continue to meet as much of the UK’s energy needs from domestic oil and gas, but also prepare the UK to fully capitalise on net zero opportunities of the future,” Dornan added.

Last month, OGUK warned that up to 30,000 jobs could be lost in the UK North Sea oil and gas sector.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/3 ... tract.html

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 06 oct. 2020, 23:51

Les groupes Premier Oil et Chrysaor vont fusionner pour donner naissance à un poids lourd du pétrole en mer du Nord

AFP parue le 06 oct. 2020

Les groupes pétroliers Chrysaor et Premier Oil ont annoncé mardi leur fusion qui va donner naissance à un poids lourd de la production d'or noir en mer du Nord britannique. Cette union va créer le premier groupe pétrolier et gazier indépendant coté à la Bourse de Londres, avec une production totale de plus de 250 000 barils par jour.

La transaction met fin à une période d'incertitude pour Premier Oil qui croulait sous une énorme dette et cherchait à la restructurer au moment où l'industrie pétrolière est touchée de plein fouet par la pandémie. Les actionnaires de Premier Oil ne détiendront plus que 5,45% du nouveau groupe, qui appartiendra en majorité à ceux de Chrysaor, dont la société d'investissement Harbour. L'accord prévoit en particulier que la dette de 2,7 milliards de dollars de Premier Oil soit remboursée une fois la transaction bouclée.

Chrysaor est devenu en quelques années le premier producteur de pétrole et de gaz en mer du Nord, grâce à des acquisitions notamment auprès des géants Shell et ConocoPhillips.

Les majors se détournent eux peu à peu de la mer du Nord britannique, considérée comme un bassin vieillissant et au coût élevé, laissant la place à des groupes de taille intermédiaire qui se spécialisent dans les hydrocarbures de la région.

Cette fusion survient à un moment charnière pour l'industrie pétrolière qui fait face à une chute de la demande et des prix du fait de la crise sanitaire, et dont l'avenir semble compromis par la crise climatique. Des grands groupes comme BP et Shell prennent un virage "vert" en investissant davantage dans les énergies renouvelables et en réduisant les investissements dans l'exploration et la production de pétrole.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... ord-201006

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 29 août 2021, 00:21

Spirit Energy finds more gas at UK North Sea’s Grove field

By NS Energy Staff Writer 27 Aug 2021

The successful drilling of an infill well in an un-appraised north-eastern limb enables Spirit Energy to extend the life of the offshore gas field in the UK North Sea from 2022 to at least 2028, while potentially providing 4.2mmboe net additional reserves
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/s ... discovery/

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 02 sept. 2021, 00:55

Les investissements UK en Mer du Nord au plus bas depuis 1973 !
UK North Sea Investment Crashes To 50-Year Low

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Sep 01, 2021

Due to the pandemic-driven collapse in oil prices, capital investment in the UK North Sea plunged by one-third in 2020 to the lowest level since 1973, offshore industry body OGUK said in its Economic Report 2021 published on Wednesday.

As a result of COVID, reduced global oil demand, reduced capital budgets, and lower project timeline visibility, capital investment in the UK Continental Shelf fell to just US$5 billion (£3.7 billion) last year, compared to US$7.6 billion (£5.5 billion) in 2019, OGUK said.

The one-third annual decline in investment was steeper than the fall in capex globally, which Rystad Energy estimates to have dropped by 27 percent in 2020.

The fall in UKCS investments was also greater than the overall UK business investment, which fell by 17 percent compared to pre-COVID times, OGUK said.

As much as US$29 billion (£21 billion) could be invested in the UK North Sea between 2021 and 2025, but less than one-third of this sum has been fully committed by producers so far.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/U ... r-Low.html

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 15 juil. 2022, 09:03

Shell fails to discover hydrocarbons in North Sea well
Shell, along with its partners DNO and Spirit Energy, has failed to find hydrocarbons in the North Sea

July 8, 2022

A North Sea exploration well is being sealed and abandoned after Shell failed to find large amounts of hydrocarbons for commercial use.

Shell is the operator for the Edinburgh exploration well (30/14a- 5), with DNO and Spirit Energy serving as partners in the venture. Shell originally formed a partnership with Spirit Energy and Faroe Petroleum around several blocks in early 2019, with DNO entering the licence following its acquisition of Faroe Petroleum later that year.

The well was drilled in offshore UK licence P255, having been drilled by Shell as part of a joint well arrangement encompassing four different, contiguous licences, two of which are in the UK (P255 and P2401) and two in Norway (PL018ES and PL969).

DNO announced on Friday that the well is being plugged and abandoned after commercial quantities of hydrocarbons were not discovered in the prospect. The well was sunk to a total depth of 16,500 feet and encountered two Jurassic-age sandstones; however, wireline logging revealed no moveable hydrocarbons.
https://www.offshore-technology.com/new ... north-sea/

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 08 sept. 2022, 08:25

Les accords de Paris c'est pour plus tard quand il y a 30 milliards de dollars à investir dans le pétrole :
UK Oil Industry Urges PM to Speed New North Sea Licenses

by Bloomberg|William Mathis|Wednesday, September 07, 2022

The UK’s offshore oil and gas industry called on new Prime Minister Liz Truss to speed the approval of more exploration licenses to help boost domestic fuel supplies.

The lobby group identified £26 billion ($30 billion) of potential investments in the North Sea by the end of the decade that would enable the UK to meet about half its demand for oil and gas from domestic supplies. Without these projects, fuel demand would be met increasingly by imports, the group said.

The UK’s petroleum industry has an opportunity to arrest its long-term decline as soaring energy prices bring concerns about security of supply to the fore. The situation threatens to devastate households and businesses this winter, and is already dominating Truss’s agenda just one day into her leadership. Linking the future of the North Sea to the way out of the current crisis could revive the fossil fuel industry even as the country seeks to transition to clean energy.

“We need the new government to rapidly announce the next round of oil and gas exploration licenses and speed up production approvals,” said Mike Tholen, acting chief executive officer of Offshore Energies UK. “Our North Sea reserves mean the UK can protect itself -- provided we invest -- as well as building the low-carbon systems for the future.”

In its annual economic report published on Wednesday, the industry group acknowledged that new investment won’t offer a near-term solution to the energy crisis. New fields currently under development won’t start producing until late 2026 with peak production coming a year later. That’s roughly in line with Shell Plc’s plans to bring on the Jackdaw gas field in the mid-2020s after taking a final investment decision on the project earlier this year.

The push to boost the UK’s domestic oil and gas follows a long period when the main energy policy focus was on climate goals, and questions about whether investments in new fields should even be permitted. The country has committed to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and the Climate Change Committee sees oil demand falling by as much as 98% if this pledge is fulfilled.

Offshore Energies said there will be a major role for oil and gas in the UK’s energy mix even as the country moves toward this target.

“We must expand the supply of low carbon energy including wind and hydrogen but the scale-up will take time,” Tholen said. “UK gas will give us a bedrock of reliable energy through the transition and minimize reliance on imports.”
https://www.rigzone.com/news/wire/uk_oi ... 0-article/

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Re: [Production] Pétrole en mer du Nord

Message par energy_isere » 18 janv. 2023, 09:22

115 marques d'intérêt pour des licences pétro gazières suite l' appel d'offre en offshore UK :
UK Offshore Licensing Round Attracts 115 Bids

by Bojan Lepic|Rigzone Staff|Tuesday, January 17, 2023

More than one hundred applications have been received for the UK’s 33rd offshore oil and gas licensing round.

The round which closed last week attracted a total of 115 bids across 258 blocks and part blocks, from a total of 76 companies.

The process, which will provide a significant boost to the UK’s energy security, opened on October 7 and offered acreage across the North Sea. It included four priority areas, which have known hydrocarbons, in which there was very keen interest and could see production in as little as 18 months.

The round has attracted similar interest to the 32nd Licensing Round in 2019 which received 104 applications from 245 blocks and part-blocks. In 2019 a total of 768 blocks and part-blocks were offered, compared with 931 this year.

The bids will now be carefully studied, with a view to awarding licenses quickly and supporting licensees to go into production as soon as appropriate. There are several necessary consents after licensing and before production to ensure these developments are also in line with net zero.

Internal analysis by the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) shows that the average time between the dates of recent discoveries and first production has been close to five years, and it is hoped that, since they consist of existing discoveries, the priority cluster areas can go into production in an even shorter time.

The round is a key part of the NSTA’s drive to support UK energy security, which also includes licensing the Rough gas storage facility, and encouraging operators to look at reopening closed wells.

Oil and gas currently contribute around three-quarters of domestic energy needs and official forecasts show that, even as demand is reduced, they will continue to play a role. As we transition, maintaining a clean domestic supply to meet that demand can support energy security, jobs, and the UK’s world-class supply chain.

The drive to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 continues alongside the drive for energy security and they support each other. New developments tend to have lower emissions than older fields so can contribute to reducing average production emissions. Consuming gas from the North Sea also reduces the need to consume LNG from elsewhere which has around double the carbon footprint.

Production emissions have been cut by more than a fifth between 2018 and 2021. Projections indicate the sector is on track to meet reduction targets of 10 percent by 2025 and 25 percent by 2027 – agreed in the North Sea Transition Deal in 2021.

Since February last year, NSTA interventions have prevented the lifetime emission of 1.4 million tons of CO2e, equivalent to taking more than 500,000 cars off the road for a year.

“We have seen a strong response from the industry to the Round, which has exceeded application levels compared to previous rounds. We will now be working hard to analyze the applications with a view to awarding the first licenses from the second quarter of 2023,” Nick Richardson, NSTA Head of Exploration and New Ventures, said.

“Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine has led to volatile global energy markets. It’s fantastic to see such interest from industry in this round, with the awarded licenses set to play an important role in boosting domestic energy production and securing the UK’s long-term energy security of supply,” Energy and Climate Minister Graham Stuart added.
https://www.rigzone.com/news/uk_offshor ... 2-article/
