[Découvertes] Le pétrole antésalifère au large du Brésil

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par SuperCarotte » 11 sept. 2008, 20:17

energy_isere a écrit :
SuperCarotte a écrit :On parlait pas initialement de 30 milliards de barils ?

si si, voir le premier post du fil ....
C'est ce que je regardais, mais je n'arrive pas à comprendre si ces 30 milliards de barils étaient annoncés pour tupi ou pour carioca (ou les deux) ?

Edit : apparement c'était 33 pour carioca et 8 pour tupi
La folie, c’est se comporter de la même manière et s’attendre à un résultat différent. [Albert Einstein]

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par Raminagrobis » 11 sept. 2008, 20:51

SuperCarotte a écrit : Edit : apparement c'était 33 pour carioca et 8 pour tupi
Je peux me tromper, mais mon impression étai que les chiffres de 33, 50, et même 80 milliards de barrils (équivalent pétrole, incluant le gaz) qu'on avait entendu ici et là é"taient des projections pour l'ensemble de cette nouvelle région pétrolière (donc incluant Tupi, Carioca, et même ceux pas encore découverts).
Toujours moins.

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par Feuille d érable » 11 sept. 2008, 21:36

Il me semblait que Carioca c'était environ 30 milliards en tout dans le gisement, donc 5 à 8 millliards de récupérable ce serait assez bas comme ratio mais possible

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par Raminagrobis » 15 sept. 2008, 16:57

Ils ne trainent pas :shock:

Le "conseil d'administration" (ce n'est pas le mot exact puisque c une entreprise publique) de Pétrobraz vient d'autoriser la commande de 10 FPSO (plates formes flottantes basées sur des pétroliers) pour ces nouveaux gisements antésalifères :


8*120 + 2*100 = 1160 kb/j de capacité nominale, et tout doit être installé en 2016.
Toujours moins.

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 02 oct. 2008, 20:17

encore une découverte de pétrole au Brésil :
Foreign company announces oil discovery in Brazil

www.chinaview.cn 2008-10-02 10:02:02 Print

RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) -- U.S. oil company Anadarko has announced an oil discovery in the Campos Basin in southeastern Brazil, local daily O Globo reported on Wednesday.

The field, nicknamed Wahoo, was discovered by a consortium of four companies, of which Anadarko is the main operator. The other three are U.S. company Devon, India's EnCana and South Korea's SK Energy.

It is the first time a foreign company other than Brazil's state-owned oil and gas giant Petrobras announced an oil discovery in the country's pre-salt layer fields.

The Wahoo field, off the coast of Espirito Santo state, is 40 km away from the Jubarte mega oil field, which is Brazil's first producing pre-salt well.

Oil reserves in the Wahoo field are yet to be estimated. Preliminary results at Wahoo indicate similar characteristics to the Jubarte well.

The capacity of the Jubarte field has been estimated at 4 billion barrels of crude.

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par Raminagrobis » 03 oct. 2008, 22:22

energy_isere a écrit :encore une découverte de pétrole au Brésil :
Je suis en train de tenter d'évaluer le futur de la production de pétrole de tous les pays non opec et je sens que quand j'arriverais au Brésil ça va être extrêmement dur :evil:

Je garde ce pays pour le faire en dernier ;)

Pour l'instant je m'amuse avec l'Afrique (déjà j'arrive pas à faire une scénario de production qui tient la route pr le Tchad).
Toujours moins.

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 04 nov. 2008, 13:01

Ah, enfin, du nouveau :
Nouveaux défis marins pour l'exploitation des réserves

D'importantes réserves de pétrole et gaz naturel ont en effet été découvertes fin 2007 au Brésil, dans ladite zone du "pré-sel". En particulier, l'exploitation des réserves du puits de Tupi, dans la baie de Santos va nécessiter des avancées technologiques conséquentes.

Ces réserves sont localisées à plus de 6000 mètres de profondeur, dans des roches carbonates appelées "couche pré-sel", et situées sous une "croûte saline" solide d'environ 2000 mètres d'épaisseur. Cette "croûte saline" repose elle-même sous une couche sédimentaire appelée "couche post-sel" de 2000 mètres d'épaisseur, et sous 2000 à 3000 mètres d'eau.

Outre le forage dans le sol marin et l'extraction du pétrole, la transformation et le transport du gaz associé au pétrole représente un vrai défi technologique. Ce gaz devra être transformé de l'état gazeux à l'état liquide sur la plate-forme pétrolière elle-même, afin d'en faciliter le chargement et le transport sur un navire spécialisé en gaz liquéfié.

L'option de construire des gazoducs le long des fonds marins jusqu'aux côtes brésiliennes a été écartée car trop couteuse et difficile à mettre en oeuvre à une distance de 300 kilomètres des côtes. Une des alternatives prises en compte par Petrobras, l'entreprise brésilienne en charge de l'exploitation de la zone, est d'amener le gaz et le pétrole vers la surface via un réseau de tubes flexibles appelées "risers".

Cette alternative est actuellement développée par le TPN (Tanque de Provas Numérico), un groupe de développement de systèmes de Petrobras, que coordonne le Professeur Kazuo Nishimoto du Département d'Ingénierie Navale et Océanique de l'Ecole Politechnique (Poli) de l'Université de São Paulo. La création du TPN a été financé par Petrobras, par la Finep (Financeur d'études et projets), et par le Ministère des Sciences et Technologies brésilien. De nombreux partenaires de recherche font également partie du TNP.

A ce jour, il n'existe pas dans le monde un système en activité en haute mer qui soit capable de transformer le gaz en liquide. Dans cet état, le gaz natural liquide (GNL) doit être préservé dans des conditions de basses pression et température, ce qui crée une contrainte pour son transfert et son transport par bateau. A cela s'ajoutent des conditions maritimes difficiles, avec des vents forts et des mouvements d'eau importants, ce qui est non seulement une contrainte pour l'amarrage et le chargement des navires, mais aussi pour la résistance du réseau tubulaire qui émane des fonds marins vers la surface.

Petrobras est en passe de réaliser un programme de vérification des réserves des nouveaux puits qui seront exploités commercialement dans la région qui s'étend des côtes de l'Etat d'Espirito Santo à Santa Catarina. Sont également en période de vérification les technologies pour extraire le pétrole et le gaz en conditions extrêmes et les transporter vers les infrastructures de valorisation et les canaux de distribution.

Ces processus de vérification font partie du programme Petrobras appelé Prosal (Programme Technologique pour le Développement de la Production des Réserves Pré-sel), auxquels participent plusieurs groupes de recherches. Prosal inclut 23 projets dans des spécialités distinctes, comme l'ingénierie d'extraction des puits, sur lesquels l'entreprise Petrobras garde le plus grand secret.

La viabilité de l'exploitation commerciale et les réserves réelles vont être définis ultérieurement lors de Tests de Longue Durée (TLD), qui doivent s'écouler sur un an et demi à partir de mars 2009 pour le puits de Tupi. Les essais pilotes de production sont quant à eux prévus pour le second semestre de 2010. Ensuite, en supposant qu'aucun évènement ne vienne entraver le plan établi, devrait commencer en 2013 la phase de production sur les nouvelles plate-formes, chacune produisant initialement 100.000 barils de pétroles et 5 millions de mètres cubes de gaz par jour. A noter que l'échéance initialement annoncée de 2013 pourrait être repoussée à 2020, et ce suite aux effets de la crise financière qui touche actuellement le monde, selon un article de la Folha Online du 22/10/2008.

L'enjeu sur le plan économique, pour l'entreprise comme pour le pays, est conséquent. Le Brésil pourrait voir ses réserves de pétrole passer des actuels 14 milliards à 50 milliards de barils ou plus. Un puits comme celui de Tupi, dans la baie de Santos, pourrait déjà garantir une réserve de pétrole avoisinant 9 à 12 milliards de barils. Ceci pourrait positionner le Brésil parmi les plus grands producteurs de pétrole de la planète, alors qu'il est actuellement en 24ème position. Les prévisions annoncées par Petrobras en ce qui concerne le gaz naturel, dans la seule région de Tupi, sont de 176 à 256 milliards de mètres cubes, ce qui est quasiment équivalent à l'ensemble des réserves actuelles de gaz estimées à 330 milliards de mètres cubes.

BE Brésil numéro 120 (3/11/2008) - Ambassade de France au Brésil / ADIT - http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/ ... /56489.htm


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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 14 nov. 2008, 13:06

Brazil subsalt oil reserves could reach 150 bln boe

Reuters, Friday November 14 2008

NEW YORK, Nov 13 (Reuters) - Brazil's subsalt offshore reserves could contain as much as 150 billion barrels of oil equivalent and enough natural gas to turn the country into an exporter of the product, Energy Minister Edison Lobao said on Thursday.
Brazil's proven reserves in its ultra-deep subsalt area currently stand at 12 billion barrels of oil equivalent, based on 16 prospective well drillings.
"But we'll have to drill hundreds of wells and, based on that, the National Petroleum Agency estimates we can have 50 billion to 150 billion barrels (of oil equivalent)," Lobao told reporters after a presentation at the Council of the Americas in New York.
Last week, National Petroleum Agency Director Haroldo Lima had said the subsalt areas already licensed by the government could contain as much as 80 billion barrels of oil equivalent. He had also forecast the total size of the subsalt reserves may top 100 billion barrels.
Such reserves could turn the Latin American country into a major global oil producer, if they are as large as the government expects.
Lobao also said the subsalt offshore field of Jupiter, jointly explored by Brazil's state oil firm Petrobras and Portugal's Galp, is believed to be "a giant natural gas reserve."
"According to the first estimates, it is enough to make Brazil self-sufficient in natural gas, with much left to export," he said.
Brazil currently imports 31 million cubic meters of natural gas from Bolivia every day, or about half of its consumption. But political instability has turned the neighboring country into a not very reliable supplier, encouraging the government to increase investment in other sources of gas.
Asked whether Brazil is planning to increase taxes and royalties on miners, Lobao answered the government is studying the existing international models for the sector, with plans to "adjust its law according to international markets."
"It is the government interest to get a little more income (from mining taxes) but we won't do anything that hurts the mining industry in Brazil," the minister said, adding that the country's exports need to be competitive overseas.
He said the government will conclude its evaluation of the mining sector by the coming month.
mais pour ca il va falloir que les Brésiliens investissent massivement avec 400 miliards de $ :
Official: $400 bln needed to exploit Brazil's pre-salt layer oil fields

RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- A total investment of 400 billion U.S. dollars is needed to develop Brazil's pre-salt layer oil fields, the president of the country's National Petroleum Agency said Wednesday.

Speaking at a meeting of the foreign relations committee of Brazil's House of Representatives, Haroldo Lima reaffirmed that the country's pre-salt layer oil reserves amount to 50 to 80 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

The pre-salt layer oil reserves, discovered last year and mainly located off the coast of Brazil's five states, is considered able to turn Brazil into one of the world's largest oil producers.

The model for the exploitation has yet to be decided. A special committee has been formed to analyze the country's Petroleum Law. They will decide whether to change the law and make it applicable to all oil fields, or to create a new set of regulations for the pre-salt layer fields.

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 20 nov. 2008, 20:13

Situation assez incertaine sur les investissements à réaliser pour l' exploitation des ces nouveaux champs.
Petrobras Says It's Too Early to Decide on Oil Plans (Update1)

By Jeb Blount

Nov. 19 (Bloomberg)

Petroleo Brasileiro SA, Brazil's state-controlled oil company, said it's too early to decide whether the decline in oil prices and the worldwide credit crunch will require a revision of exploration and output plans.

Petrobras, as the company is known, said today in a statement on its Web site that a revision of its 2009-2013 strategic plan hasn't been completed. The scheduled October release of the revision already has been delayed until the end of the year. All budgets are under review with an aim of cutting costs, refining chief Paulo Roberto da Costa said Nov. 4.

The plan revises the company's $112 billion 2008-2012 spending outlook. In August, before bank failures led to the credit crisis and New York oil futures traded for an average close to $117 a barrel, Chief Financial Officer Almir Barbassa said the revision would probably raise spending.

On Nov. 11, following the plunge in oil prices, Barbassa said the plan would focus on projects that generate cash. Oil currently is trading below $54 a barrel in New York.

Rio de Janeiro-based Petrobras today said it still plans to bring 12 contracted deepwater drilling rigs into service by 2012. No date has been set for a planned tender for 28 Brazilian-built drilling rigs. The lack of a date won't delay plans to bring the Brazilian-built rigs into service between 2013 and 2017, Petrobras said.

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 03 déc. 2008, 12:59

Petrobras Pre-Salt Region Profitable at $50 Oil, Santander Says

Dec. 2 (Bloomberg)

Petroleo Brasileiro SA, which discovered the Western Hemisphere’s largest oil find in three decades, may still be able to develop the region and turn a profit with oil prices at $50 a barrel, Banco Santander SA said.

Osmond Coelho, the manager of the state-controlled oil company’s so-called pre-salt region, said falling oil prices won’t affect the timing for developing the fields, Santander analysts Christian Audi and Ana Browne wrote. They cited a meeting with Coelho in a note to clients.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... in_america

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 05 déc. 2008, 19:17

Quelques inquiétudes sur les aptitudes à financer les 600 milliards de $ nécessaire pour exploiter les champs géants au large du Brésil.
Faudrait déja que le baril remonte à 60$ pour que Petrobras y aille seul sur le champs de Tupi.
Brazil's new oil reserves still buried in doubtsReuters, Thursday December 4 2008

By Raymond Colitt BRASILIA, Dec 4 (Reuters)

Despite tumbling oil prices, Brazil's government insists it will develop massive offshore oil deposits, but critics say geological hurdles, regulatory uncertainty and depressed markets could delay the country's hope for a fast track to oil wealth.
The largest discovery of oil deposits in at least 20 years could make Brazil one of the world's top 10 producers and has triggered avid debates on how to spend the new-found wealth.
While the onslaught of the global financial crisis has cast a pall over Brazil's dream of becoming an oil power, government officials remain optimistic.
"This crisis won't last more than a year," Energy Minister Edison Lobao told Reuters on the sidelines of an oil conference in Brasilia.
"We are not going to cut a single cent of our investments," Lobao said in reference to the state-run oil giant Petrobras, which holds roughly 65 percent of around 15 billion barrels of confirmed reserves.
Unless oil prices recover from current levels, the deposits under a thick layer of salt beneath the ocean floor may not be profitable.
"We are talking about at least $50 per barrel to make the subsalt (oil) viable," Gustavo Gattass, oil and gas analyst with investment bank UBS Pactual, told the conference. He assumed a minimum return on investments of 10 percent.
The price of a barrel of Brent crude oil fell below $44 on Thursday, down from a high of $147 in July, to its lowest since February 2005.
A host of technological challenges to extracting an estimated 50 billion barrels from around 7 kilometers (4.5 miles) below sea level could further increase costs, currently at around $600 billion, Gattass said.
A slow oil flow from the wells could double the need of production modules and increase costs to a "ludicrous" $1.3 trillion, he said.
"The production cost may be higher than its market value -- that's a big risk," Nina Todorova, a World Bank oil economist, told the conference that ended on Thursday.


On the other hand, slowing demand for drilling equipment and supplies could cut costs, other experts said. Whether associated gas can be monetized or will be re-injected will also affect the bottom line, they said.
How to finance such investments, equal roughly to two years of the world's total upstream expenditures, is also uncertain. Assuming the price of oil bounces back to $60, Petrobras would have the capacity to finance only the development of Tupi, one of several subsalt fields, with its own cash flow, Gattass said.
The oil company said on Thursday it secured three loans in the last month totaling $900 million, the latest in a flurry of recent announcements seeking to dispel speculation it was struggling to raise funds.
Raising debt to finance the subsalt project would cut profits significantly, adding to a tax burden of more than 60 percent, Gattass said.
Brazil will depend on private and mostly foreign investors to help develop a significant part of the subsalt reserves, said Edmar Almeida, an oil expert at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
But doubts abound about how the government will regulate the development of the new reserves.
"You don't pump $500 billion into an industry without a strong regulatory framework," said Almeida.
Skeptics are concerned that a political battle over the distribution of oil wealth and the tender of remaining exploratory blocks could muddle and delay the process.
"There are several large, unresolved challenges," Aloizio Mercadante, government leader in the Senate, told delegates.
Brazil needs to take its time with an extensive public debate to avoid mistakes other oil nations made, he said.
"We are late in becoming a global oil power, we need to ensure we do it right."
source : http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/feedarticle/8111856

le Guardian, encore une fois. :) . C' est pas dans Le Monde qu' on trouvera ca.

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 09 déc. 2008, 13:17

Les Chinois se verraient bien mettre 10 miliards de $ dans l' exploitation des nouveaux champs offshore Brésilien.
China wants to put $10B in Brazil oil


China wants to loan Brazil's state oil company $10 billion to help develop massive new oil fields in deep water off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's top energy official said in comments published Monday.

Mines and Energy Minister Edison Lobao also told the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper that the United Arab Emirates has offered to finance field development, but he did not specify a price tag.

Lobao said Chinese officials contacted his ministry to propose a loan and Petrobras then negotiated directly with the Chinese. He gave no details on the status of talks, and any deal would have to be approved by his ministry.

Petrobras, in an e-mailed statement to The Associated Press, didn't confirm a China deal, but said the company has historically searched for "varied sources of financing" and that recent deals will be included in its new investment plan, expected in the coming weeks.

Lobao told the privately run Agencia Estado news agency other countries also wanted to participate: "It's not just China. It's a range of opportunities that Petrobras has."

Lobao said the ministry has talked with a Japanese consortium, Canadian banks and various foreign oil service companies who want to invest in or work on offshore finds. He offered no other details.

Brazil also is ready to tap its foreign reserves to offer a credit line for exploration by Petroleo Brasileiro SA if needed, he added. Lobao's ministry confirmed the comments, but a spokesman did so only on condition of anonymity in keeping with department policy.

Lobao spoke as many Brazilian companies are being cut off from international credit, which has tightened in the global financial crisis. The minister and other top government officials have repeatedly said the crisis will not effect the exploration of the offshore oil reserves, which could hold up to 80 billion barrels of oil.

Petrobras says it has discovered 50 billion to 80 billion barrels of reserves over the past year and is gearing up to spend hundreds of billions of dollars during the next 30 years to extract the light crude.

Lobao said investment would not be hurt as long as oil prices stay above $30 per barrel. But other officials have put the price from $35 to $60 a barrel for deep-water exploration to remain viable.
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/art ... wD94UPIHO0

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 14 janv. 2009, 20:51

Investissement probable de la compagnie BG sur 4 milliards de $ sur les champs sub-salt en offshore Brésilien :
BG to Invest $4 Billion in Brazil’s Pre-Salt Oil, Folha Reports

Jan. 13 (Bloomberg)

BG Group Plc plans to invest $4 billion in Brazil’s so-called pre-salt oil fields, Folha de S. Paulo reported, citing Chairman Robert Wilson.

The majority of that amount will go toward prospecting for oil in the reserves around the Tupi field in Brazil’s Santos Basin, Wilson said at an event with Rio de Janeiro State Governor Sergio Cabral yesterday, according to the newspaper.

The investment will make up a quarter of the funds to be channeled into the Tupi region, Folha said, citing State Secretary for Economic Development Julio Bueno.

Petroleo Brasileiro SA, Brazil’s state-controlled oil company, owns 65 percent of the block where the Tupi well was drilled, while BG, the U.K.’s third-largest oil and gas producer, holds 25 percent and Lisbon-based Galp Energia SGPS SA 10 percent.

The so-called pre-salt areas are underwater oil fields beneath a layer of salt.

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 03 avr. 2009, 19:31

Long article de Bloomberdg daté du 31 Mars, sur le gisement antésalifere de Tupi .
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... refer=home

Il y est toujours question de 600 milliards de $ à y investir.

et puis concrétement et à court terme, le Brésil va lancer une plate forme flottante dite P-51 à 1 milliard de $, en Octobre, entiérement construite au Brésil.
“It’s more important than ever, in this moment of international economic problems, to press forward,” CEO Gabrielli told shipyard workers at the launching in October of the company’s $1 billion P-51 floating oil platform, the first such vessel built entirely in Brazil.
et on y apprend que sa formation remonte au temps ou l' Amérique du Sud et l' Afrique étaient encore collée il y a 130 million d' années (le super continent Gondwana) :
As Petrobras geologists explain it, the oil buried under the salt comes from the remains of a 130-million-year-old lake. The lake was formed as Africa and South America, once part of a supercontinent dubbed Gondwana, slowly separated, sending the lake and its rich layer of organic sediments to the bottom of what became the Atlantic Ocean, where they were gradually covered with sea salt.

Pressure, heat, time and the shifting of tectonic plates turned the sediment into oil.

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Re: [Découvertes] Un champ géant découvert au large du Brésil

Message par Raminagrobis » 03 mai 2009, 16:19


Pétrobras sort du pétrole de Tupi... Bien sur il ne s'agit pas encore d'une production commericale dui gisement, mais d'un test de longue durée pour mieux l'évaluer, sans doute rendu nécessaire par la profondeur extrême du champs (il n'existe aucun retour sur expérience de la production d'un gisement de taille comparable et aussi profond).

Un premier puits sort depuis vendredi 15000 barrils/jours, un 2e doit suivre. Ce test durera jusqu'en 2010.
Toujours moins.
