[Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 04 nov. 2018, 11:39

Suite de ce post du 22 Mai 2018 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 3#p2269373

La cour suprême des états Unis doit décider de l'avenir du plus gros gisement d'uranium inexploité du pays.
Le gisement d'uranium est valorisé pour 6 milliards de dollars.
US Supreme Court to decide fate of Virginia's uranium mining ban

Mining. Com 2 nov 2018

The US Supreme Court will hear on Monday why a group of Virginia miners believe states should not have the right to ban uranium mining for public health reasons, part of a long dispute over a moratorium the state put in place on the radioactive metal in 1982.

The bid by a Virginia Energy Resources’ subsidiary and other owners of the largest US uranium deposit seeks to revive a lawsuit thrown out by a lower court that sought to invalidate Virginia’s ban because it conflicted with a federal law that regulates nuclear power generation.

President Donald Trump’s administration has backed the companies in the case.

What the US top court will have to decide is whether the state has the right to regulate uranium mining or whether it should be done by the federal government.

The plaintiffs, Virginia Uranium Inc, a subsidiary of Vancouver, B.C.-based Virginia Energy Resources, Cole Hill LLC and Bowen Minerals LLC, value the southern Virginia uranium deposit at up to $6 billion, according to court documents. Mining it could inject billions of dollars into the local economy, the plaintiffs said.
http://www.mining.com/us-top-court-deci ... ining-ban/

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 10 mars 2019, 10:26

Démentelement en cours de ce qui fut la seule installation de retraitement de déchets radioactifs des USA.
Cover marks milestone for US vitrification plant demolition

07 March 2019

Installation of a final cover has marked the end of physical work associated with the demolition of a former vitrification plant at the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management's West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP), the only commercial nuclear fuel reprocessing plant to have operated in the USA.

Work to demolish the three-storey, 10,700 square foot (994 square metre) structure was completed in September. The multi-phase demolition process involved the removal of the least-contaminated exterior parts of the facility; dismantling the heavily reinforced concrete process cell and remaining in-cell equipment; and the demolition of the crane maintenance room and transfer tunnel. Some 10,000 cubic feet of material, including a 195-ton melter and two tanks weighing over 150 tons each, had to be removed from the facility before demolition could begin. The weather-shielding cover which has now been installed over the remaining concrete slab will prevent water from infiltrating into the portion of the facility that is below ground-level.


The vitrification facility was constructed in the 1980s to solidify the wastes. Pre-treatment of waste began in 1988 with vitrification activities taking place from 1996 to 2002 during which 24 million curies of radioactivity were solidified in 600 tons of glass contained in 275 stainless steel canisters. The canisters - plus three canisters of decontamination waste - have been loaded into on-site storage casks until a permanent repository is available.

http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Artic ... on-plant-d

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 23 mars 2019, 21:50

Du financement pour la construction de la centrale de Vogtle en Géorgie :
U.S finalizes $3.7 bln loan for Vogtle nuclear power plant
The financing for Vogtle, the first new nuclear power plant to be licensed and begin construction in the United States in more than three decades, was first announced in 2017.

REUTERS | March 23, 2019

The U.S. Energy Department on Friday finalized up to $3.7 billion in loan guarantees to finance the construction of two reactors at the delayed Vogtle nuclear power plant in Georgia, tapping a program zeroed out in President Donald Trump's latest budget.

The financing for Vogtle, the first new nuclear power plant to be licensed and begin construction in the United States in more than three decades, was first announced in 2017. The decision brings the federal government's total in loan guarantees for Vogtle to $12 billion, some of which was provided in 2014 and 2015, during the administration of President Barack Obama.

Up to $1.67 billion will go to Georgia Power Co, a subsidiary of Southern Co; up to $1.6 billion will go to Oglethorpe Power Corp; and up to $415 million will go to three subsidiaries of the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia.

"This is the real new green deal, that's what we're looking at here folks," Energy Secretary Rick Perry told workers and politicians at a ceremony at the plant. Perry was apparently referencing the Green New Deal, a non-binding resolution in Congress introduced by Democrats that aims to spark ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions and boost investments in renewable energy, but leaves the door open for nuclear power.

Perry conceded that the U.S. nuclear industry has suffered recent challenges, but declared that nuclear power was back and said the world would be looking to the United States for nuclear technology and workers for the supply chain.

U.S. nuclear power has struggled amid rising costs for safety upgrades and in the face of competition from solar and wind power and plants that burn cheap and abundant natural gas. In 2017 utilities abandoned two unfinished reactors called V.C. Summer in South Carolina that were once hailed as the start of a U.S. nuclear power renaissance.

The reactors at Vogtle are years behind schedule, and the construction cost has soared to $20 billion or more.

Trump's budgets, including the one submitted earlier this month to Congress, have called for axing the Department of Energy's loan guarantee program that has supported numerous renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. But the previous requests never became law and this one has less of a chance with the takeover of the House of Representatives by Democrats in last year's elections.
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes ... t/68531397

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 03 mai 2019, 14:13

Le réacteur de Fort Calhoun 478 MWe arrêté en 2016 va être dementelé.
EnergySolutions to decommission Fort Calhoun

30 April 2019

EnergySolutions is to decommission the Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant in Nebraska - which was permanently shut down in October 2016 - under a contract signed yesterday with owner Omaha Public Power District (OPPD).

http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Artic ... rt-Calhoun

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 09 juin 2019, 00:20

L'origine de l'uranium aux États Unis :
US 2018 uranium purchase figures released
03 June 2019

Owners and operators of US civilian nuclear power reactors purchased a total of 40 million pounds U3O8 equivalent (U3O8e) (15,386 tU) of deliveries during 2018, according to the latest uranium marketing report from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Nearly 10% of that was US-origin uranium.

US uranium purchases by origin, 2013-2018 (Image: EIA)

Total deliveries were 6% lower than 2017's figure of 43 million pounds U3O8e, the EIA's Uranium Marketing Annual Report found. Canada, at 9.6 million pounds, was the largest single country supplier to the USA in 2018, followed by Kazakhstan at 8.2 million pounds and Australia, at 7.2 million pounds. The remainder came from Russia (5.4 million pounds), Uzbekistan (2.5 million pounds) and Namibia (2.2 million pounds). US-origin purchases were 3.9 million pounds.
http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Artic ... s-released

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 10 août 2019, 23:59

Première exploitation d'uranium par dissolution in-situ aux USA, dans le Wyoming.
Wyoming approves first use of low pH ISL uranium production

05 August 2019

Peninsula Energy Ltd has completed the regulatory process for the use of low pH in-situ uranium recovery at the Lance uranium projects in Wyoming, becoming the only operator authorised to use the technique in the USA.
http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Artic ... -uranium-p

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 08 sept. 2019, 11:28

Trump voudrait relancer l'industrie minière de l'uranium aux USA.
White House considering direct purchases of US mined uranium

Bloomberg News | September 6, 2019

The White House is considering a plan that would have the government directly purchase uranium from U.S. producers as it contemplates ways to revive the flagging domestic mining industry.

A group set up by President Donald Trump to study the issue is considering a request by the nuclear industry to use the Defense Production Act, a 68-year-old Cold War-era statute once invoked by President Harry Truman to help the steel industry. The plan calls for requiring the government to buy American uranium to replenish their stockpiles and for other purposes, Paul Goranson, chief operating officer for Energy Fuels Inc., said in an interview.

Energy Fuels and Ur-Energy Inc. unsuccessfully petitioned the White House to put quotas on foreign imports of uranium. The concept of direct government purchases of U.S. uranium was among ideas discussed during a roundtable with administration staff and the nuclear industry at the Old Executive Office Building earlier this week, Goranson said.

“They seem receptive to direct purchasing of material,” Goranson said. “The president intends to take bold action on this. It’s got his attention now.”

The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Share rise
Shares in U.S. uranium producers rose on the report. Energy Fuels jumped as much as 11% while Ur-Energy climbed as much as 10%. Cameco Corp. increased about 2%.

Trump in July rejected the Commerce Department’s recommendation that he impose quotas on uranium imports using a trade law tied to national security concerns that he invoked to impose tariffs on steel, solar panels and hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese goods. Instead, Trump said a fuller analysis was needed and he directed his administration to identify other options. He created a nuclear fuel working group comprised of six cabinet secretaries and several other top White House officials.

The Uranium Producers of America, which represents miners including Cameco, is requesting “federal actions facilitating domestic uranium production” of at least 7.5 million pounds per year by 2025 and 10 million pounds per year by 2030, according to a letter the Santa Fe, New Mexico, trade group sent to the working group last month. That includes millions of pounds via contracts with the Department of Defense, requirements that government-owned utilities buy domestic uranium, and the creation of a new “Federal Uranium Security Stockpile.”

“We may not be able to continue any operations without immediate relief from the impact of state-backed entities, which have distorted global prices and made it more difficult for free market mines in the U.S. to compete,” the group wrote in the letter, which included a request to direct payments to domestic uranium companies.

In a separate letter, the Nuclear Energy Institute, which represents nuclear reactor operators, also recommended the working group use the Defense Production Act to “accelerate the procurement” of domestic uranium as well as “incentivize” the annual purchase of domestic uranium through a tax credit for nuclear utilities.

In addition, the trade group urged expanding an Energy Department loan program to include domestic uranium projects and to ”modernize the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s regulatory regime to be more safety focused, risk-informed, timely, consistent, cost-contained, and transparent.”
https://www.mining.com/web/white-house- ... d-uranium/

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 07 déc. 2019, 20:43

La NRC Américaine autorise la centrale de Turkey Point (Floride) à fonctionner jusqu'à 80 ans.
Turkey Point licensed for 80 years of operation

06 December 2019

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has approved Florida Power & Light's (FPL) application for a 20-year subsequent licence extension for Turkey Point units 3 and 4, the first time the regulator has issued licences authorising reactors to operate for up to 80 years.

The two pressurised water reactors, which are located about 20 miles south of Miami, have been in commercial operation since 1972 (unit 3) and 1973 (unit 4), when they were initially licensed to operate for up to 40 years. The NRC in 2002 issued renewed licences for a further 20 years of operation for each unit. FPL submitted a subsequent licence renewal application for a further 20 years of operation on 30 January 2018. The NRC notified FPL of the issuance of the subsequent renewed licences in a letter dated 4 December. Turkey Point 3's subsequent renewed licence expires on 19 July 2052, and unit 4's on 10 April 2053, the NRC said.

"The rationale for the NRC's decision is documented in the staff’s July 2019 final Safety Evaluation Report on the application, as well as the staff's October 2019 final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. The NRC's Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards also reviewed the safety aspects of renewing the licences," the regulator said.

The NRC is authorised under the US Atomic Energy Act to issue licences for commercial power reactors to operate for up to 40 years - a time period which it says was based on economic and antitrust considerations, rather than limitations of nuclear technology. Licences can be renewed for an additional 20 years for an operating lifetime of 60 years in a process that requires applicants to address the technical aspects of plant aging and describe how those effects will be managed, as well as evaluating potential environmental impacts of the plant's continued operation.

Subsequent licence renewals cover a further 20 years of operation beyond 60 years and focus on the management of plant ageing during the 60-80 year operating period, especially the effects of extended operation and high radiation exposure on reactor parts, concrete containment structures, piping and electrical cables, among other things. The NRC will renew a licence only if it determines that a currently operating plant will continue to maintain the required level of safety.

Almost all of the USA's currently operating nuclear reactors have already renewed or applied to renew their licences for up to 60 years of operation, and US operators are now turning to subsequent licence renewals. The NRC is currently reviewing applications for subsequent licence renewals from Exelon Corporation for Surry 1 and 2 and Dominion Energy for Peach Bottom 2 and 3, while Dominion has formally notified the regulator it intends to apply for a subsequent licence renewal for North Anna 1 and 2. According to the US Department of Energy, some 20 reactors are planning or intending to operate up to 80 years, with more expected to apply in the future as they get closer to the end of their operating licences.
http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Artic ... -operation

La centrale est constituée de 2 réacteurs de 800 MWe.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey_ ... ng_Station

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 14 déc. 2019, 20:31

Pose du dôme de la centrale de Vogtle unit3.

Roof placed over first Vogtle unit

12 December 2019


The roof of the Vogtle unit 3 shield building - a unique feature of the AP1000 reactor design for Vogtle 3 and 4 - has been set into place at the nuclear expansion project near Waynesboro, Georgia. Georgia Power has also held the first emergency preparedness drill for the new nuclear units.
http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Artic ... ogtle-unit

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 31 déc. 2019, 10:03

Trump administration’s push for U.S. uranium production opposed near Grand Canyon

By James Carr, Cronkite News | Monday, Dec. 30, 2019

As of 2018, U.S. nuclear power plant owners and operators imported roughly 90% of their uranium from Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Russia and a handful of other countries. Total production of uranium concentrates in the U.S. was 1.6 million pounds in 2018 – 33% less than in 2017.
Article sur l'uranium possible du grand Canyon.
https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2019/12/ ... um-mining/

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 08 févr. 2020, 11:04

Suite de ce post du 28 juin 2011 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=1257&p=297057&hilit=Yucca#p297057

L'administration Trump pas vraiment pour le projet de stockage radioactif de Yucca Mountain.
Trump signals opposition to storing nuclear waste in Nevada’s Yucca Mountain
by Abby Smith

| February 06, 2020 05:33
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/poli ... a-mountain

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 13 févr. 2020, 01:19

Suite de 3 post au dessus.

Les travaux avancent bien sur le chantier de Vogtle.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... t-Vogtle-3


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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 15 févr. 2020, 19:40

Les USA veulent se constituer une réserve stratégique d' Uranium en U3O8 et y consacrer 150 millions de dollars chaque année de 2021 à 2030.
US uranium reserve proposal receives positive response

13 February 2020

US uranium companies have responded favourably to the Administration's 2021 budget request of USD150 million in funding to set up a uranium reserve. Energy Fuels CEO and President Mark Chalmers said the development was "an important step toward addressing the devastating impact of our nation's overdependence on uranium imports from Russia and its allies, which is displacing free market uranium and forcing US mines out of business".

In the budget request, which was unveiled on 10 February, the US Department of Energy (DOE) said the reserve would be part of efforts to help "re-establish" the USA's nuclear fuel supply chain through the domestic production and conversion of uranium. According to DOE, it reflects the priorities of the Nuclear Fuel Working Group (NFWG) which was set up following a July 2019 presidential decision in response to a Section 232 Petition from two US uranium miners, Energy Fuels Inc and Ur-Energy.

Energy Fuels is the owner of the White Mesa mill in Utah which is the only operating conventional uranium mill in the USA, as well as in-situ leach (ISL) projects at Nichols Ranch in Wyoming and Alta Mesa in Texas. "[W]e believe we are well-positioned to provide a significant portion of the uranium needed for the reserve … and we are able to commence ramping up production immediately," Chalmers said.

Wayne Heili, managing director and CEO of Australia-based Peninsula Energy, said around 2 to 3 million pounds U3O8 (769-1154tU) of US-mined uranium, depending on price, would be required for the reserve's initial purchases. Peninsula, which owns the Lance uranium project in Wyoming, "stands ready to provide uranium to help meet the strategic needs of the United States", he said.

Azarga Uranium Corp President and CEO Blake Steele said the annual USD150 million request to establish the strategic reserve would equate to USD1.5 billion between 2021 and 2030. The company is continuing to "de-risk" the advanced-stage Dewey Burdock ISL project in South Dakota, and "anticipates being well positioned to realise the benefits of the Administration's support of the United States nuclear industry", he said.

Vancouver-based Anfield Resources has 25 Wyoming-based uranium projects including the advanced Charlie project, for which it completed a preliminary economic assessment last September. The company said it is "well-positioned" to contribute to the reserve. Anfield CEO Corey Dias said the proposal to create a strategic uranium reserve was a "critical first step" to provide US producers with a "dedicated, improved domestic market" for their material. "Moreover, the NFWG may have additional recommendations on which the Administration might act that could further improve the prospects of US-based uranium miners and producers," he said.

The proposed budget is subject to appropriation by the US Congress.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... e-proposal

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 16 févr. 2020, 09:48

Dans cet article on comprend mieux que la réserve stratégique serait établie avec de l'uranium miné sur le sol US en relançant l'activité des mines.
Trump administration seeks $1.5 billion to revive uranium mining

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) February 14, 2020

The Trump administration is asking Congress for $1.5 billion over 10 years to create a new national stockpile of U.S.-mined uranium, saying that propping up U.S. uranium production in the face of cheaper imports is a matter of vital energy security.

But some Democratic lawmakers, and market analysts across the political spectrum, charge that the Trump administration's overall aim is really about helping a few uranium companies that can't compete in the global market. Demand for the nuclear fuel has languished worldwide since Japan's 2011 Fukushima disaster. U.S. uranium production has plummeted 96% in the last five years, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported Thursday.

The U.S. nuclear industry has sought help from the Trump administration, including asking for taxpayer subsidies to promote use of U.S. uranium. U.S. nuclear power plants in 2018 got 90 percent of their uranium from Canada, Kazakhstan and other foreign suppliers, and only 10 percent from U.S. mines.

Moore said the program should lead to production of 2.5 million pounds of uranium per year. U.S. uranium mines produced less than 174,000 pounds in 2019, according to Thursday's Energy Information Administration report. That's down from 4.9 million pounds in 2014.
https://newsmaven.io/indiancountrytoday ... sEDKNx5VZQ

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par Jeuf » 05 mars 2020, 11:21

Voilà une curieuse affaire, à propos de laquelle je ne trouve pas d'autres articles pour étayer et expliquer cette histoire (notament ,quelque chose de plus technique m'aurait intéressé...)
https://korii.slate.fr/tech/idaho-react ... klo-aurora
Dans l'Idaho, un réacteur nucléaire utilisant de l'uranium recyclé va voir le jour

Le département de l'Énergie des États-Unis a donné son feu vert à un projet pour le moins innovant: la création d'un réacteur nucléaire expérimental, utilisant de l'uranium recyclé pour créer de l'énergie, dans l'Idaho.

Une start-up américaine nommée Oklo, qui prétend être la première entreprise à créer de l'énergie à partir de déchets nucléaires. L'Idaho National Laboratory (INL), gigantesque centre de recherche nucléaire de 2.300 km2 situé dans le désert, qui accumule depuis des années des dizaines de tonnes de déchets d'uranium.
À lire aussiMini-centrales nucléaires, maxi-espoirs

Depuis un an environ, raconte Wired, l'organisme de recherche traite le combustible nucléaire usé pour le rendre réutilisable.
Ah oui je vois : il faudrait aller lire en anglais pour avoir plus d'info (https://www.wired.com/story/recycled-nu ... w-reactor/ pour commencer)
