Charbon en Australie

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[Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par energy_isere » 13 oct. 2006, 19:41

Il y a présentement un incendie d' une mine de Charbon en Australie : ... 90407.html
Massive coal mine blaze still burning

Hundreds of firefighters continue to battle a massive coal mine blaze in Victoria's Latrobe Valley as authorities maintain a high bushfire alert across the state.

The fire, at International Power's open cut brown coal mine at Hazelwood, near Morwell, has stretched to more than two km along the coalface and is expected to continue burning for several days, Country Fire Authority (CFA) spokeswoman Adele Buhagiar said.

"We've got a lot of resources and personnel right now trying to get a hold on the fire but it will still be burning well into next week because it is so big," she said, adding 200 CFA firefighters and International Power workers had been tasked to the fire, aided by two water-bombing aircraft.
200 pompiers en action.

Je crois comprendre qu' il s' agit d'une mine à ciel ouvert.

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[Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par energy_isere » 13 nov. 2006, 12:46

L'Australie veut des centrales au lignite plus propres

Le gouvernement de l'Etat du Victoria a alloué 12 millions de dollars australiens (soit 7,14 millions d'euros) au développement de technologies pour une production d'énergie à faible niveau d'émissions à partir de lignite.

Cette mesure suit la création récente de huit bourses de recherche post-doctorale à l'université Monash et à l'université Swinburne à Melbourne.

Les projets de recherche retenus incluent le développement de techniques de séchage du lignite à la vapeur d'eau surchauffée, et de systèmes de détection de défauts dans les corps de turbine haute-pression des centrales électriques.

L'Australie est le troisième producteur mondial de lignite (8%) derrière l'Allemagne (20%) et les Etats-Unis (10%). Les ressources en lignite extractibles de l'Etat du Victoria ont été estimées à environ 38 milliards de tonnes en 2002.

La production annuelle se chiffre à 65 millions de tonnes dont 98% proviennent de la vallée La Trobe, à l'est de Melbourne.
enerzine le 13 Nov 2006

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Message par th » 13 nov. 2006, 13:04

Ils sont vraiment radin... 7 Millions € pour un sujet aussi complexe c'est vraiment peanuts. Juste de quoi se donner bonne conscience .

"the greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function"- Bartlett.

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[Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par energy_isere » 27 oct. 2008, 19:40

Projet d' une mine géante de Charbon en Australie pour 7.5 milliard d' investisssement. Demande la construction de 400 km de voies de chemin de fer.

$7.5b coal mine planned for central west Qld

A $7.5 billion coal project has been proposed for the Galilee Basin in Queensland's central west.

Hancock Prospecting is planning a new thermal coal mine near Alpha, together with the construction of a 400 kilometre rail line and a port and coal handling terminal near Mackay.

It could process up to 80 million tonnes of coal a year.

Barcaldine Mayor Rob Chandler says the council has been in discussion with the company and the economic benefits of the open cut mine would be huge.

"The statistics that they are throwing at us now, where there is 2,000 to 2,500 people in the construction phase and then up to 1,600 permanent employees after that," he said.

The project has been declared 'significant' by the State Government, which means it now needs to undergo an environmental impact assessment.

The company says it hopes to begin construction of the mine by late 2010 and start exporting coal in 2013. ... 401834.htm

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[Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par energy_isere » 07 févr. 2010, 17:00

La compagnie Australienne Resourcehouse Ltd. signe un accord pour livrer à la Chine environ 30 millions de tonnes de charbon par an à partir de 2014. Contrat pour 20 ans !
Ce projet demandera une ligne de train spécifique de 500 km de long, à construire.
Australian firm strikes $60-billion, 20-year coal deal with China


BRISBANE, Australia — Australian company Resourcehouse Ltd. said Saturday that it has struck a $60-billion, 20-year agreement to supply coal to China Power International Development Ltd., calling it Australia's biggest export contract.

The deal is the latest in a string of major contracts between Chinese firms and Australian resource companies as the Asian nation tries to secure the energy, steel and other materials it needs for its surging economy.

Resourcehouse said it would supply 30 million tonnes of coal a year to the Chinese company, at a price of about $3 billion a year, for 20 years starting from about 2014.

The deal will help bring about the planned development of a series of mines and other infrastructure including a 500-kilometre rail line and port facilities in the Galilee Basin in northeastern Queensland state.

"When you need a lot of money there is no better place to get it than in China," said Clive Palmer, who controls privately-owned Resourcehouse.

"This is Australia's largest single, non-syndicated, finance deal, and the interest from China highlights the strength of the project and the benefits for Queensland and Australia in developing a new world class coal region such as the Galilee Basin," he said. ... r-NqsuV-_g

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Re: [Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par GillesH38 » 07 févr. 2010, 19:56

comme quoi les chinois n'en ont pas tant que ça chez eux, du charbon...
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

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Re: [Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par Raminagrobis » 07 févr. 2010, 20:07

30 Mt/an, c'est un peu moins de 1% de la consommation chinoise actuelle.

Mais ca fait quand même l'équivalent calorifique de 320 000 b/j de pétrole, et 8% de la production australienne 2008.

Autre point de vue : l'apogée de la production de charbon en france c'était 58Mt en 1958. Donc sur un seul contrat les chinois achètent l'équivalent de plus de la moitié de ce que fut la production française à son apogée :shock:
Toujours moins.

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Re: [Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par hyperion » 07 févr. 2010, 21:31

dollar australien?
dans 1984, la novlangue; mais surtout la double pensée: la guerre c'est la paix, la liberté c'est l'esclavage, l'ignorance c'est la force, l'hcq c'est hautement toxique

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Re: [Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par Raminagrobis » 07 févr. 2010, 21:33

en bas de l'article :
Copyright © 2010 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

Allez donc savoir si c'est des $ canadiens, américains ou australiens :lol:
Toujours moins.

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Re: [Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par GillesH38 » 07 févr. 2010, 21:53

Raminagrobis a écrit :30 Mt/an, c'est un peu moins de 1% de la consommation chinoise actuelle.
certes, mais néanmoins pour la première fois le bilan net est qu'elle est importatrice et non exportatrice ... ... 1274.shtml
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

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Inscription : 02 déc. 2005, 09:49

Re: [Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par Yves » 08 févr. 2010, 17:27

GillesH38 a écrit :
Raminagrobis a écrit :30 Mt/an, c'est un peu moins de 1% de la consommation chinoise actuelle.
certes, mais néanmoins pour la première fois le bilan net est qu'elle est importatrice et non exportatrice ... ... 1274.shtml
oula, c'est pas d'aujourd'hui cela, ça date de l'été 2007 ou 2008 (en tout cas avant crise)
Trop tard, trop peu, trop cher, il n'y aura pas de miracle !!
Notre futur sera d'être la banlieue ouest de la Russie alors que celle-ci aura le regard tourné vers la Chine...

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Charbon en Australie

Message par energy_isere » 27 sept. 2010, 12:17

Des activistes protestent et bloquent un terminal de chargement de charbon en Australie.

L' Australie est le 1er exporteur mondial de Charbon.
86% de l' energie electrique de l' Australie d' origine Charbon. :shock:

Climate protestors stall Australia's largest coal terminal

photo of coal stockpiled for export at the Newcastle Coal Terminal north of Sydney, Australia. Protesters occupied the port calling for an immediate moratorium on expansion of Australia's coal industry.

Dozens of Australian climate change activists stopped operations at the world’s largest coal terminal on Sunday. More than 40 people broke into the terminal in the east-coast city of Newcastle and climbed atop coal-loading equipment.

“We’re staging an emergency intervention into Australia’s number one cause of global warming,” protest spokeswoman Annika Dean said in a statement.

She demanded an “immediate moratorium on the expansion of the coal industry.” Australia, which relies on coal for 86 per cent of its electricity generation, is the world’s biggest polluter on a per capita basis and also the world’s largest coal exporter.

Dean said operations could not continue without endangering the climbers.

“We’ve been forced to make our dramatic protest today because the federal government is failing to take any action.” The Labour government, which dumped a plan to introduce a carbon trading scheme in April, is promising action on global warming after convening a “citizen’s assembly” that would meet for a year.

The protesters, from environmental action group Rising Tide, sneaked into Newcastle Port before dawn and attached themselves to loaders in what they called “an emergency intervention“.

“Operations were stopped from dawn through to mid-morning,” a spokesman for the port said. “There was a total shutdown for a period of about five hours, (and) a disruption for a period of about eight hours.”

Police said seven men and two women had chained themselves to or suspended themselves from machinery, while another 32 activists stormed the Port Waratah Coal facility to occupy a coal stockpile.

“All nine protesters who were tied to the structures were eventually removed by officers from the Police Rescue Squad, arrested and taken to Newcastle Police Station,” police said, adding that they had been charged with trespass.

Those who occupied the stockpile were also arrested, but they were released without charge and are likely to be fined at a later date. Cranes were used to move some of the activists. ... 797303.ece

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Re: Charbon en Australie

Message par energy_isere » 27 sept. 2010, 12:38

pour situer l' Australie dans statistiques charboniéres 2008 :

Production mondiale de charbon en 2008 (en millions de tonnes, hors lignite et tourbe) :
5 845.
Dont Chine : 2 761, Etats-Unis : 1 007, Inde : 489, Australie : 325, Russie : 247, Indonésie : 246.

Principaux pays exportateurs nets de charbon en 2008 (en millions de tonnes, hors lignite et tourbe) :
Australie (252), Indonésie (203), Russie (76), Colombie (74), Afrique du Sud (60).

source :

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Re: Charbon en Australie

Message par energy_isere » 28 janv. 2011, 12:36

Aprés les grosses inondations dans les mines de charbon en Australie, voila qu' ils attendent maintenant l' arrivée d' un cyclone : ... flood.html

Coal Mines in Australia's Queensland Brace for Cyclone After Worst Flood

Australia’s Queensland state, recovering from the nation’s worst flood disaster, is bracing for a cyclone expected to hit its northeastern coast within three days, threatening more damage to stricken coal mines.

Tropical Cyclone Anthony reformed into a cyclone today and is likely to hit the coast between Mackay and Cooktown on Jan. 30 or Jan. 31, the Bureau of Meteorology said. On the other side of the continent, Western Australia’s state capital Perth is preparing for dangerous weather triggered by another cyclone and catastrophic fire conditions.

Almost two months of torrential rains in the Queensland have killed as many as 32 people, damaged about 30,000 properties, cut rail lines and spoiled crops. Lost coal production may cost as much as A$9.5 billion ($9.4 billion), with 85 percent of coal mines in the Australian state, the biggest exporter of the steelmaking commodity, “impaired by excess water,” Queensland Resources Council said yesterday.

Cyclone Anthony may reach a Category 2 intensity, out of a scale of one to five, with five being the highest, bureau forecaster Rick Threlfall said in a phone interview from Brisbane. Queensland coal-mining districts may be affected with storms and heavy rain, he said.

“Areas of concern at this stage would be the central coalfields area such as Emerald, but pretty much everywhere on that coastal strip and inland could see very heavy rainfalls early next week,” Threlfall said.


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Re: Charbon en Australie

Message par pascal47 » 01 févr. 2011, 22:28

L'Australie se prépare à l'arrivée d'un puissant cyclone

Un cyclone menaçant le nord-est de l'Australie a été reclassé en catégorie cinq, la puissance maximale, et il risque de causer de gros dégâts et des pertes en vies humaines, ont déclaré mercredi des responsables des secours. Lire la suite l'article ... 5ae06.html
Daniel Pennac (La fée Carabine)
"Le bonheur individuel se doit de produire des retombées collectives, faute de quoi la société n'est qu'un rêve de prédateur."
