Éolien continent Nord Américain

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 12 févr. 2017, 12:42

le 04 sept 2016 energy_isere a écrit :La capacité éolienne des USA a franchi les 75 GW.
ça monte en flèche. La capacité éolienne des USA a franchi les 82 GW de puissance installée
Wind power surges into first place as America’s largest renewable resource

February 9, 2017 evwind

American wind power just passed a historic milestone—it’s now the country’s largest renewable resource by installed generating capacity.

U.S. wind capacity now stands at over 82,000 megawatts (MW), surpassing the 80,000 MW at the nation’s hydropower dams.


Wind power moves up the ranks

That also means wind energy is now the country’s fourth-largest source of electric capacity, behind natural gas, coal and nuclear energy. Wind now sits ahead of hydroelectric and solar. It generates about 5.5 percent of America’s electricity, enough to power 24 million homes, and about five times more than solar.

Locally that amount can be much higher. For example, both Iowa and Kansas produce over 30 percent of their electricity using wind, while Oklahoma and North and South Dakota all generate over 20 percent. Overall, 13 states create at least 10 percent of their electricity using wind. That includes Texas, an especially impressive feat considering the Lone Star State produces more electricity than the United Kingdom.

http://www.evwind.es/2017/02/09/wind-po ... urce/58772

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 12 févr. 2017, 12:47

et au Canada c'est presque 12 GW d' éolien installé.
Canada’s wind energy industry had another year of strong growth in 2016, adding 702 MW of new capacity

February 6, 2017 evwind

Canada’s wind energy industry had another year of strong growth in 2016, adding 702 MW of new capacity through the commissioning of 21 projects in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. Sixteen of these projects are owned, at least in part, by aboriginal or local communities, or municipal governments. Canada now has 11,898 MW of installed wind generation capacity, enough to supply six percent of Canada’s electricity demand and meet the annual electricity needs of more than three million homes.


http://www.evwind.es/2017/02/06/canadas ... city/58732

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 25 juin 2017, 13:21

Ce crétin de Trump tente le bashing éolien en Iowa alors que cet état fait 36% de son électricité avec de l' éolien !
Trump bashes wind energy in state that gets a third of its power from wind

June 23, 2017 evwind

On Wednesday night, President Donald Trump held a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he praised coal and ridiculed wind energy.

“I don’t want to just hope the wind blows to light up your homes,” Trump told the crowd.

Iowa is the leading producer of wind energy in the country and generated 36.6 percent of its electricity from wind in 2016. Statewide, the wind industry employs between 8,000 and 9,000 people and has added $11.8 billion to the state’s economy through capital investments.

Wind farms that are built on private land, which is leased to wind developers, collectively earn farmers and landowners an estimated $20 million annually.

The mining industry in Iowa, by contrast, employs around 2,200 people?—?and is primarily made up of stone mining and quarrying jobs. Because of the way Iowa breaks down its employment data, that number also includes natural gas and petroleum extraction.
https://www.evwind.es/2017/06/23/trump- ... wind/60244

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 25 juin 2017, 13:38

suite de ce post du 13 dec 2016 : http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 99#p396399

Jolie photo du parc de Block Island :

“October 1, 2016- 15 foot waves, during a squall, are dwarfed by 600 ft. (180m) turbines at the first commercial offshore wind farm in the United States, located 3.8 miles from Block Island, Rhode Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Five Halide 6MW turbines, installed by Deepwater Wind (were currently under commissioning) are now producing 30 MWs of power and is the pilot project for the development of an offshore wind potential of 10,800 gigawatts (GW) in the United States.”

http://www.aweablog.org/global-wind-day ... t-winners/

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 30 juin 2017, 20:50

Premier appel d’offres d’envergure pour l’éolien offshore aux États-Unis

Publié le 30/06/2017 lemarin.fr

L’État du Massachusetts a ouvert, le 29 juin, un appel d’offres pour 400 MW d’éolien en mer. Le marché autorise les candidats à doubler la puissance si cela apporte un bénéfice économique. Il s’agit du premier appel d’offres de cette importance aux États-Unis.

Les cinq éoliennes du parc de Block Island sont les premières à avoir été installées au large des États-Unis. (Photo : Deepwater wind)
http://www.lemarin.fr/secteurs-activite ... fshore-aux

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 06 août 2017, 11:58

Les tazus ont prés de 26 GW de nouvel éolien en installation.
Le parc en fonctionnement est de 84 GW à ce jour.

U.S. wind industry reported 25,819 megawatts (MW) of wind capacity under construction

July 30, 2017 evwind

We know that U.S. wind power posted impressive numbers in 2016. But how is 2017 shaping up?

The second quarter results are in and the outlook is strong. AWEA just released its U.S. Wind Industry Second Quarter 2017 Market Report, and it shows development activity up 40 percent over the same time last year. Notably, heartland states like Kansas continue to headline project investment.

Here’s what you need to know from this quarter’s report.

The U.S. wind industry reported 25,819 megawatts (MW) of wind capacity under construction or in advanced development during the second quarter, a 41 percent increase over this time last year. That includes a combined 3,841 MW in new announcements. And nearly 80 percent of that activity is found in the Midwest, Texas and the Mountain West, as our richest wind resources draw even more investment and jobs to communities in rural America. Considering the U.S. currently has a total of more than 84,000 MW of installed capacity (enough to power 25 million homes), a development pipeline nearing 26,000 MW is a big deal.

Kansas just became the fifth state to surpass 5,000 MW of installed capacity, with enough wind power to supply 1.5 million average homes. Kansas wind supports nearly 6,000 in-state jobs and makes lease payments up to $15 million a year to its farmers and ranchers for hosting turbines.
https://www.evwind.es/2017/07/30/u-s-wi ... tion/60566

Ils vont pouvoir annoncer les 100 GW installés en fin d' année ........

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 03 sept. 2017, 12:41

Les éoliennes du Texas ont survécu à l' ouragan Harvey !
Texas Wind Turbines Survive Hurricane Harvey

August 30, 2017 evwind

Wind farms are generally engineered to withstand up to Category 3 hurricane-strength winds. Even though Hurricane Harvey struck the Texas coast as a Category 4, no wind turbines were destroyed by the storm’s winds. Why not? In coastal Texas, there are just over 2,000 megawatts of wind power capacity already installed. However, three projects representing 389 megawatts faced the worst of Hurricane Harvey – Harbor Wind (9 MW) on the north side of Corpus Christi, and the Papalote Creek I/II sites (380 MW, total) in San Patricio county. Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas as a Category 4 storm, with winds exceeding 130 miles per hour. It took six hours for Harvey to move 30 miles across Corpus Christi and Arkansas Pass, pummeling the area with Category 3 and Category 4 winds.
https://www.evwind.es/2017/08/30/texas- ... rvey/60862

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 14 janv. 2018, 20:54

La je me dis qu' il n' y aura plus de projet de centrale nucléaire aux USA :
Projet éolien onshore de 4.5 milliards de $ en Oklahoma ! 560 km de ligne haute tension à mettre en place.
Route being finalized for $4.5 billion Oklahoma wind farm project

January 6, 2018 evwind

The route for a $4.5 billion wind farm project in Oklahoma is being finalized.

The Wind Catcher Energy Connection project includes a wind farm, a 350-mile power line and two substations.

The wind farm would be built on 300,000 acres in Cimarron and Texas counties with a power line connecting the farm to Tulsa.

The project would bring 2,000 megawatts of energy to customers in eastern and southwestern Oklahoma, and parts of Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana.

Plans for three portions of the power line’s route are now open to public comment.

The project is a joint effort between the Public Service Company of Oklahoma and Southwestern Electric Power Co.

Project officials say it’s expected to be complete by 2020.
https://www.evwind.es/2018/01/06/route- ... ject/62319

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 27 janv. 2018, 20:42

La production de l'éolien devrait dépasser celle de l' hydraulique aux USA cette année.
U.S. wind power expected surpass hydro in 2018

By Ryan Maye Handy January 25, 2018

Wind is expected to surpass hydroelectric power in 2018 as the largest source of renewable power in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Hydro power was one of the first technologies used to generate electricity, and has remained the nation's dominant source of renewable power even as wind and solar power have grown rapidly in the past few years.

The Energy Department expects wind power capacity to grow significantly in 2018 and 2019, as fewer hydro-electric plant will come online. Wind power capacity in the U.S. is expected to grow by 9 percent in 2018 and 8 percent in 2019.

Wind could then provide as much as nearly 7 percent of utility-scale power generation in the U.S. in 2018, up from 6.3 percent in 2017. Hydro power, on the other hand, will expected to fall from 7.4 percent in 2017 to 6.6 percent in 2019, according to the Energy Department.
https://www.chron.com/business/energy/a ... 522773.php

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 04 févr. 2018, 12:40

Les USA ont installés 7 GW de nouvelle capacité éolienne en 2017.
Le total installé dans le pays est maintenant de 89 GW.

U.S. wind power industry closed 2017 strong, delivering 7,017 megawatts (MW) of new wind power capacity

January 30, 2018 revwind

The U.S. wind power industry closed 2017 strong, delivering 7,017 megawatts (MW) of new wind power capacity representing $11 billion in new private investment, according to the U.S. Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2017 Market Report, released today. Twenty-nine new wind farms totaling 4,125 MW came online across 16 states in the fourth quarter.

The wind industry’s powerful growth is poised to continue in 2018 and beyond, delivering jobs and private investment to rural areas and factory towns. The pipeline of wind farms under construction or in advanced development totals 28,668 MW, a 34 percent increase compared to the end of 2016.

“Wind delivered big results for the U.S. economy in 2017. Building new wind farms keeps American factory and construction workers busy, while breathing new life into farming and ranching communities,” said Tom Kiernan, CEO of the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). “This American success story will continue, with the wind project construction and advanced development pipeline four times greater than the amount installed in 2017. That means tens of billions in additional infrastructure investment is on its way to the United States of America.”

There are now 89,077 MW of wind power installed across 41 states, enough to power 26 million American homes.

https://www.evwind.es/2018/01/30/u-s-wi ... city/62472

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 03 avr. 2018, 21:54

États-Unis : la première ferme d’éoliennes flottantes se précise

Publié le 03/04/2018 lemarin.fr

Le projet d’un parc d’éoliennes flottantes, dans le comté d’Humboldt, au nord de la Californie, prend forme. L’autorité locale de l’énergie a sélectionné, le 2 avril, le lauréat destiné à signer avec elle le partenariat public-privé pour porter le dossier.

Principle power, avec sa technologie de flotteur Windfloat, fait partie du consortium sélectionné pour réaliser le projet. (Photo : Principle power)
http://www.lemarin.fr/secteurs-activite ... ttantes-se

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 22 avr. 2018, 13:18

Il y a 4 états US qui produisent plus de 30 % de leur electricité avec l' éolien !
C'est à dire comparable à l' Espagne.

le Kansas, le Sud Dakota, l' Idaho et l' Oklahoma.

Largest Ever Database of U.S. Wind Turbines Released

April 20, 2018
https://www.evwind.es/2018/04/20/larges ... ased/63164

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 03 mai 2018, 20:53

États-Unis : la compétition fait rage pour le premier parc éolien en mer

Publié le 03/05/2018 lemarin.fr

La course est lancée pour ce qui devrait être, au large du Massachusetts, le premier parc éolien offshore de taille commerciale aux États-Unis. Dans cette compétition à trois, Vineyard wind vient de prendre une longueur d’avance.

Le projet de Vineyard wind prévoit un parc de 800 MW au sud de l’île de Martha’s Vineyard. (Image : Vineyard wind)
http://www.lemarin.fr/secteurs-activite ... emier-parc

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 24 mai 2018, 22:13

1,2 GW d’éolien offshore attribué dans le nord-est des États-Unis

Publié le 24/05/2018

Le mercredi 23 mai, le Massachusetts et Rhode Island ont attribué 1,2 GW d’éolien offshore à Vineyard wind et Deepwater wind, dans une zone située au sud de l'île de Martha’s Vineyard, à la frontière de ces deux États du nord-est des États-Unis.
http://www.lemarin.fr/secteurs-activite ... rd-est-des

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Re: Éolien continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 27 mai 2018, 14:09

Iberdrola entre sur le marché éolien offshore US avec un projet de 800 MW dans le Massachusetts.
Iberdrola enters the U.S. offshore wind market for the first time with an 800 megawatt macro-project

May 24, 2018 evwind

Vineyard Wind, a company owned 50% by Iberdrola (through its subsidiary Avangrid), has received authorisation from the Massachusetts Electric Distribution Companies (EDC) to build an offshore wind farm off the east coast of the United States.

The wind farm will have an output of 800 megawatts (MW) and will be the first of Iberdrola’s large-scale offshore wind farms to be commissioned.

The project is part of the State of Massachusetts’ goals to develop offshore wind infrastructure under its Green Communities Act.
https://www.evwind.es/2018/05/24/iberdr ... ject/63513
