[production] Production pétroliére en Chine

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 27 mars 2019, 08:18

Les 3 grosses compagnies pétrolières chinoises sont sous la pression du gouvernement central (Xi Jinping directement) pour augmenter la production et investir dans les gisements. Mais sortir le pétrole de champs vieillissant sera très coûteux.
China’s Mad Scramble To Boost Domestic Oil Production

By Julianne Geiger - Mar 26, 2019

For countries who have complete control over their oil industry through their state-run oil behemoths, it’s easy to order them to increase oil output—costs be damned. But sinking money into oil and aging oil fields or in new and cost-intensive plays comes with risks, and in China’s case, investors aren’t so sure that its onslaught of capex planned over the next five years is a winning bet.

Still, China’s largest state-run oil majors, China Petroleum & Chemical (SINOPEC), China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) have plans to shell out billions for what some see as rather unprofitable oil fields for the sake of shoring up the state’s energy security in direct response to President Xi’s call last year for them to increase oil production.

The billions in capex planned for the next five years from China’s three companies that together operate over 90 percent of China’s oil-producing fields are not insignificant and represent a huge increase from spending in recent years. Sinopec, for one, announced only days ago that it will spend US$20.3 billion in 2019 alone—US$8.9 billion of which will be dedicated to just upstream operations. This upstream capex represents more than a 40 percent increase in spending over 2018, and will be used in part to increase production at its aging Shengli oilfield, whose reserves fell to just 16 million barrels by end 2018 vs 49 million barrels the year prior, according to Reuters.

Sinopec’s dilemma is clear. Its net profit plunged in 2018 as its costs for purchasing crude oil rose over 40 percent as oil prices ticked upward. It is being squeezed by the rising cost of oil, and it has plans to refine even more crude in 2019, making it even more desperate to lower the amount of crude oil it must purchase by pumping more oil at home.

CNOOC, too, has major plans to up its capex, to the highest level since 2014. In January, it announced that it would lift capex to between US$10 billion and almost US$12 billion this year, and announced even bigger plans to double the number of exploration projects and proven oil and gas reserves by 2025.

CNPC—China’s largest oil and gas supplier, last year promised to spend US$22 billion by 2020 to boost oil production as its production in old and dying fields peters out. CNPC is hoping this spend will increase production by 75 percent. To this end, CNPC plans on enlisting the help of foreign firms as well in order to capitalize on others’ technology that it lacks, according to a South China Morning Post article from earlier this month.

The mad scramble by China’s big three to make large investments comes in response to President Xi’s directive last July to increase production as its thirst for oil continues to be robust. Its own oil production, too, is on the decline, leaving it in a predicament of potentially catastrophic proportions that are only exacerbated by the trade row that is endlessly dragging on with the United States

But producing oil and producing oil at a profit are two entirely different things. The reality is that China’s oilfields are aging, and getting oil out of the ground will be costly. According to data crunched by Bloomberg earlier this week, China’s oil reserves have been on a steady and “terminal” decline, with producing falling about 12 percent over the last three years.

While China’s hopeful increase in production may indeed offset production declines in its older oil fields, it is unlikely to be sufficient enough to also decrease its appetite for crude oil imports, which serviced a whopping 70 percent of its crude oil needs in 2018.

By Julianne Geiger for Oilprice.com
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/C ... ction.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 09 avr. 2019, 08:29

Shell se lance dans le pétrole de schiste en Chine

REUTERS | LE 08/04 2019

Royal Dutch Shell a conclu un partenariat, annoncé lundi, avec la compagnie publique chinoise Sinopec par lequel le groupe anglo-néerlandais va participer aux efforts balbutiants de la Chine pour exploiter ses ressources, potentiellement immenses, en pétrole de schiste.

Shell devient ainsi l'un des rares grands groupes pétroliers internationaux à s'aventurer dans le secteur du pétrole de schiste en Chine.

Il a confirmé lundi un accord annoncé auparavant par Sinopec sur une collaboration en vue d'examiner le site de Dongying dans la province orientale de Shandong. Les deux groupes n'ont fourni aucune autre précision.

La Chine a déjà franchi les premières étapes lui permettant d'exploiter ses vastes ressources en gaz de schiste, qui ont contribué l'an dernier à hauteur de 6% à sa production totale de gaz. L'exploitation de ses réserves en pétrole de schiste en est à un stade encore plus précoce en raison, selon les experts, d'une géologie défavorable et de coûts de développement élevés.

Après plusieurs années d'efforts, le pétrole de schiste représente toujours moins de 1% de la production totale de brut de la Chine, dit Angus Rodger, directeur de recherche dans les activités "amont" pour la région Asie-Pacifique chez Wood Mackenzie.

"Le pétrole de schiste chinois a une très faible perméabilité, ce qui signifie une production par puits très faible rendant difficile de parvenir à une viabilité sur le plan économique", a dit de manière anonyme un responsable du secteur des hydrocarbures au sein du ministère chinois des Ressources naturelles.

L'essentiel des ressources chinoises en pétrole de schiste se situent dans l'est du pays, comme les bassins de Songliao et de Bohai Rim, où se trouve le site de Dongying. Les bassins d'Ordos et de Junggar, dans le nord de la Chine, pourraient aussi abriter d'importantes réserves, pensent les experts.

Les réserves en gaz de schiste sont en revanche concentrées dans la province du Sichuan, dans le centre du pays, où Total collabore avec Sinopec. Le groupe français envisage de se lancer aussi à l'avenir dans le pétrole non conventionnel en Chine.

Shell a en revanche renoncé à ses activités d'exploitation de gaz de schiste dans le Sichuan après avoir investi au moins un milliard de dollars sans obtenir de résultats satisfaisants.
https://m.investir.lesechos.fr/actualit ... 39987.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 15 avr. 2019, 09:01

Shell Ventures Into China’s Shale Oil

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Apr 09, 2019

Oil supermajor Shell has signed an agreement with China’s Sinopec to jointly study the potential development of shale oil in eastern China—one of the few international majors venturing into the potentially vast but underexplored and underdeveloped Chinese shale oil resources.

Shell and Sinopec will jointly study the potential of the Dongying trough in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong, Reuters reports, citing a brief statement from the Chinese company.

Shell operates in shale oil and gas projects in North and South America, including in the Permian and in the Appalachia basin, in Alberta and British Columbia in Canada, and in Argentina’s Vaca Muerta shale basin.

China, for its part, aims to develop its unconventional resources as its appetite for crude oil and natural gas continues to rise, while current domestic production can’t meet growing demand.

Over the past year, China’s biggest energy producers have started to tap more tight oil and gas wells, aiming to increase domestic oil and natural gas production at the world’s largest crude oil importer.

Earlier this year, China said that it had found massive shale oil reserves in its northern Tianjin municipality.

A PetroChina test oil well at a shale field in western China could finally mean a strong commercial potential for shale oil for the first time in the world’s top crude importer, Morgan Stanley said in February this year.

The shale boom in China, however, would be just a fraction of the U.S. shale revolution—Morgan Stanley expects Chinese shale oil production could be at 100,000 bpd-200,000 bpd by 2025, which is nothing compared to the millions of barrels of oil pumped in the United States every day.

According to an official at the Chinese Ministry of Natural Resources, quoted by Reuters this week, shale oil in China has very low permeability, meaning that production per well would be very low and the economics for production might not work.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/S ... e-Oil.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 19 juil. 2019, 07:04

Augmentation de 5.8 % de la consommation de pétrole de la Chine au 1er semestre compte au 1er semestre 2018.
China Data Breakdown: Oil Consumption Rises 5.8% In H1 2019

By JLC - Jul 18, 2019

China’s crude throughput totaled around 316.97 million mt in the first half of 2019, up by 5.8% year on year, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... -2019.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 11 nov. 2019, 09:57

Production de pétrole en Chine depuis 2012


https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/H ... eaked.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 09 janv. 2020, 19:58

Incroyable :
Pour la première fois, la Chine va ouvrir l'exploration pétrolière aux entreprises étrangères

Usine Nouvelle le 09/01/2020

Les entreprises étrangères vont pouvoir explorer et exploiter des ressources pétrolières et gazières en Chine. C'est la première fois que le pays ouvre ainsi à l'international cette industrie.

La Chine va permettre à des compagnies étrangères d'explorer et d'exploiter des ressources pétrolières et gazières sur son territoire, a-t-on appris jeudi 9 janvier. C'est la première fois que le pays ouvre cette industrie à des entreprises autres que les géants pétroliers publics. Le gouvernement entend ainsi stimuler son approvisionnement en énergie alors que la Chine importe 70 % du pétrole brut qu'elle raffine.

Quelles sont les entreprises concernées ?

À partir du 1er mai, les entreprises étrangères enregistrées en Chine avec un actif net d'au moins 300 millions de yuans (38 millions d'euros environ) seront autorisées à prendre part à l'exploration et la production de pétrole et de gaz, a déclaré le ministère des ressources naturelles lors d'une conférence de presse. Cette nouvelle réglementation s'appliquera aussi aux entreprises chinoises répondant à ces critères, a-t-il précisé.

Les permis d'exploitation de ressources minérales seront valides pendant cinq ans et pourront être prolongés de cinq ans, auquel cas le gouvernement réduira automatiquement de 25 % les zones d'exploration par rapport à celles enregistrées initialement.
https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/p ... es.N917974

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par tita » 10 janv. 2020, 23:25

Dans un autre fil de discussion (peak oil, encore loin?), je disais justement que la Chine était dans une position de faiblesse à cause de sa dépendance aux importations de pétrole.

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 janv. 2020, 01:47

Les Chinois de CNPC trouvent du pétrole à 8882 m de fond en on shore dans le Tarim.
China Finds Oil In Asia’s Deepest Onshore Well

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jan 20, 2020

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has found crude oil and natural gas in the deepest well drilled in Asia’s onshore, striking hydrocarbons in a pre-salt layer for the first time in China.

The discovery was made in the Tarim oilfield in China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang in a well deep 8,882 meters (29,140 feet), which was first drilled in July last year.

Production from the now spudded well in the pre-salt area is expected at 133.46 cubic meters of oil per day, while daily gas production is seen at 48,700 cubic meters, according to a CNPC statement carried by Reuters.

It is rare for new wells to be so deep, as the oil and gas wells in China typically range from 200 meters (656 feet) to 5,000 meters (16,404 feet), a petroleum engineer told the Global Times, commenting on the deepest onshore well in Asia.

CNPC and China are touting the deepest well in Asia as a success in enhanced oil recovery and risk exploration, but the world’s largest oil importer could face geological challenges in replacing oil and gas reserves from maturing oil and gas fields, analysts say.

China has made increasing its oil and gas production a matter of energy security and a priority for its oil and gas companies as its oil and gas demand continues to grow while domestic production is not nearly enough to cover that demand.

The biggest energy producers in China are tapping more tight oil and gas wells, aiming to increase domestic oil and natural gas production at the world’s largest crude oil importer.

China’s efforts to boost oil and gas exploration in harsh-environment areas and challenging geological conditions could get a shot in the arm later this year when Beijing will open oil and gas exploration to foreign companies. As of May 1 this year, foreign companies will be able to explore and develop oil and gas fields in China without setting up a joint venture with a Chinese company – a rule until now.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-Gene ... -Well.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 19 avr. 2020, 15:49

Chine : la production du pétrole brut en hausse de 2,4% au premier trimestre

French.xinhuanet.com | Publié le 2020-04-19

La production du pétrole brut a augmenté de 2,4% en base annuelle à 48,57 millions de tonnes au premier trimestre de l'année en Chine, selon les données officielles.

Au cours de la même période, la Chine a traité environ 149,28 millions de tonnes de pétrole brut, en baisse de 4,6% sur un an, selon le Bureau d'Etat des statistiques.

En mars, la production du pétrole brut a légèrement diminué de 0,1 % en glissement annuel à 16,56 millions de tonnes, et le pays a traité environ 50,04 millions de tonnes de pétrole brut, en baisse de 6,6 %.

Au cours des trois premiers mois, la Chine a importé 127,19 millions de tonnes de pétrole brut, en hausse de 5% sur un an.

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 avr. 2020, 09:32

La Chine aurait grandement rempli ses réserves stratégiques et commerciales de pétrole dans le contexte de prix bas.
China Doubles Rate Of Crude Stockpiling As Oil Falls Below $0

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Apr 20, 2020

China doubled the fill rate at its strategic and commercial inventories in Q1 2020, taking advantage of the low oil prices and somewhat supporting the oil market amid crashing demand by diverting more imports to storage, rather than outright slashing crude imports.

According to estimates from Reuters columnist Clyde Russell based on official Chinese data, between January and March, nearly 2 million bpd of oil imports were not processed by refiners. To compare, the estimates for Q1 2019 show that out of the total Chinese crude oil availability—including imports and domestic oil production – just 1.07 million bpd were held back and not processed by refiners. The difference between the Q1 2020 and the Q1 2019 unprocessed crude suggests that this year China has doubled the rate at which it has been filling its strategic and commercial inventories, Russell argues.

China doesn’t report inventories, so the rate at which it fills stockpiles is almost always a game of guestimates. This year so far, despite the COVID-19 pandemic that resulted in a Chinese demand slump first, China hasn’t dramatically cut its imports, according to official customs data. Oil imports have been lower than recent record-breaking levels, but not as dramatically as they would have been if China hadn’t diverted a higher volume of oil imports into storage.

Emerging from the coronavirus lockdown, China’s oil refiners are buying ultra-cheap spot cargoes from Alaska, Canada, and Brazil, taking advantage of the deep discounts at which many crude grades are being offered to China with non-existent demand elsewhere.

In March, China’s crude oil imports rose by 4.5 percent on the year, but dropped compared to January-February. However, independent refiners began ramping up bookings for crude arrivals in March and April as early as at the end of February.

But China’s stockpiling alone cannot save the oil market right now, with prices plunging again at the start of the week amid colossal demand losses and shrinking storage around the world and in the U.S.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Nuclear-Pow ... low-0.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 30 juin 2020, 07:53

Découverte de pétrole en mer de Chine, 2020 b/j en phase de test.
Chinese Oil Major Strikes It Big In South China Sea

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jun 29, 2020

The listed arm of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) said on Monday that it had made a significant discovery of oil and natural gas in the eastern part of the South China Sea.

A discovery well at the Huizhou 26-6 discovery in the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the Eastern South China Sea was tested to produce around 2,020 barrels of oil and 15.36 million cubic feet of gas per day.

CNOOC expects the new oilfield to become the first mid-to-large sized condensate oil and gas field in the shallow water area of Pearl River Mouth Basin.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... a-Sea.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 25 juil. 2020, 09:10

CNOOC démarre la production d'un gisement en mer de Bohai qui devrait atteindre 25 000 b/j.
CNOOC Starts Production from Luda Project
by Andreas Exarheas

|Rigzone StaffWednesday, July 22, 2020

The project, which is located in the Liaodong Bay area of the Bohai Sea, is expected to reach peak production of around 25,600 barrels of crude oil per day in 2022. The Luda 21-2/16-3 regional development project currently contains one central platform, three wellhead platforms and one production platform, according to CNOOC, which outlined that a total of 69 development wells are planned.

Situated about 25 miles north of the Luda 10-1 oilfield and 55 miles northwest of the Suizhong 36-1 onshore terminal, the average water depth at the regional development project is around 82 feet. CNOOC Limited holds a 100 percent interest in the Luda 21-2/16-3 regional development project.

https://www.rigzone.com/news/cnooc_star ... 0-article/

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 sept. 2020, 22:21

CNOOC Begins Production At New Oilfield In South China Sea

By Charles Kennedy - Sep 21, 2020

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) said on Sunday it had started oil production from the Liuhua 16-2 oilfield cluster in the Eastern South China Sea, which is expected to reach peak production of around 72,800 barrels of crude oil per day in 2022.

As part of the project, CNOOC plans to put into production and development a total of 26 wells via a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) and three underwater production systems, the Chinese offshore oil giant said.

The Eastern South China Sea is one of CNOOC’s most important crude oil and natural gas producing areas, where crude is mostly of light to medium gravity.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... a-Sea.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 23 mars 2021, 09:31

China is a major oil producer, with about 198 Mt in 2019 (5th largest worldwide). Oil production increased by an average of 2%/year between 2000 and 2015, but declined by 10% between 2015 and 2018. It slightly rebounded in 2019 (+1%).

Most of the production is onshore (90%) and located in the fields close to the north-eastern coast (Daqing and Shenghi). Offshore production is in full development, with the basin of Bohai (where CNOOC, PetroChina, Kerr-McGee, ConocoPhillips, Chevron Texaco and Shell operate) being one of the most active areas.


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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 juin 2021, 23:52

China Reports Major Oil And Gas Find At Record Depths

By Irina Slav - Jun 21, 2021

China National Petroleum Corporation has made an oil and gas discovery with reserves estimated at 900 million tons, Chinese media reported.

The discovery was made after six years of exploration work in the Tarim Basin in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China. The geology of the formation is challenging, the report said, requiring ultra-deep drilling, at a record 8,470 meters.

"We have grasped the geological rules of oil and gas reservoirs," said the general manager of Tarim Oilfield Company, Yang Xuewen. "In Fuman Oilfield, we have successively drilled 56 100-ton wells and found a new oil reserve area of 1 billion tons (about 907 million tonnes). This has been the largest discovery of oil exploration in the Tarim Basin in the recent decade."

The Tarim Basin is the largest oil and gas deposit in China, with discovered oil and gas reserves reaching 16 billion tons. Production of hydrocarbons from the basin is seen at 2 million tons this year, up from 1.52 million tons last year.

China has abundant oil and gas reserves but tapping them is often challenging due to geological reasons, which has so far prevented the country from shrinking its overwhelming dependence on imported oil and gas. The country depends on imports for about 70 percent of its oil needs and is on track to overtake Japan as the world's largest importer of liquefied natural gas this year.

China produced an estimated 3.87 million bpd of crude oil last year, according to a Reuters report from December. That was a 1.6-percent increase in 2019 despite the pandemic and despite China's crude buying spree fuelled by historically low oil prices. This made the country one of the top ten oil producers globally, but with demand much higher than that, it also solidified its dependence on imported oil and gas.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/C ... epths.html

C'est du non conventionnel, et le chiffre au dessus cumule en fait des chiffre déjà découverts en 2019 et 2020 :
China discovers billion-tonne shale oil field, largest in country

China National Petroleum Corporation announced on Sunday the discovery of a shale oil field with geological reserves of 1 billion tonnes in northwest China's Ordos Basin, making it the largest in the country.

The leading energy company said the accumulated proven geological reserves of its Changqing Oilfield reached 1.052 billion tonnes thanks to breakthroughs in core technologies like horizontal drilling.

Proven reserves – resources that can be recovered with existing technology after detection – of 359 million tonnes were found in 2019, 143 million tonnes in 2020 and another 550 million tonnes in the first five months of this year.

It is estimated that by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25), the shale oil capacity in the Changqing Oilfield will exceed 5 million tonnes with output exceeding 3 million tonnes.

Shale oil is a type of unconventional oil found in sedimentary rock that requires fractional extraction. The heavier, waxy oil is more difficult and costly to recover than traditional crude.
https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-06-21/C ... index.html
