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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 14 juil. 2023, 11:28

suite de ce post du 27 mai 2023 viewtopic.php?p=2370202#p2370202
Polish government approves first nuclear power plant

12 July 2023

Poland's Ministry of Climate and Environment has given a decision-in-principle for Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (PEJ) to construct a nuclear power plant in Pomerania. It is a formal confirmation that the company's investment project is in line with the public interest and the policies pursued by the state, including energy policy.

(Image: PEJ)

PEJ - a special purpose vehicle 100% owned by the State Treasury - applied to the ministry on 13 April this year for a decision-in-principle. The application included a description of project characteristics, indicating the maximum total installed capacity, the planned operating period and details of the Westinghouse AP1000 technology to be used in the construction of the plant.

The ministry has now issued a decision-in-principle, enabling the investor, PEJ, to apply for a number of further administrative decisions, including a siting decision and subsequently the construction licence.

In the justification for issuing the decision-in-principle, the Minister of Climate and Environment emphasised the importance of this investment project for securing Poland's electricity needs, as well as its compliance with the Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 and the climate policy of the European Union.

"The fact that the Ministry of Climate and Environment issued the decision-in-principle for the first nuclear power plant means that the government project reached another important milestone," said Minister Anna Łukaszewska-Trzeciakowska, Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure. "Today's decision brings us closer to the moment, when the first Polish nuclear power plant will start operating and producing electricity, ensuring appropriate volume of power working in the base of the electricity system in the 2030.”

"The decision-in-principle is the first key administrative decision obtained for the nuclear project of Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe," noted Łukasz Młynarkiewicz, acting President of PEJ's Management Board. "This shows that the company is step-by-step achieving objectives set for this year, which bring us closer to the commencement of the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Poland."

Poland currently has large-scale plans to develop nuclear energy capacity. In September 2021, it was announced that six large pressurised water reactors with a combined installed capacity of 6-9 GWe could be built by 2040 as part of the country's plan to reduce its reliance on coal. According to the adopted schedule, the construction of the first nuclear power plant will start in 2026, with the first reactor - with a capacity of 1.0-1.6 GWe - being commissioned in 2033. Subsequent units will be implemented every 2-3 years. The coastal towns of Lubiatowo and Kopalino in Poland's Choczewo municipality in the province of Pomerania were named as the preferred location for the country's first large nuclear power plant.

In November 2022, the Polish government announced the first plant, with a capacity of 3750 MWe, will be built in Pomerania using AP1000 technology from the US company Westinghouse. An agreement setting a plan for the delivery of the plant was signed in May by Westinghouse, Bechtel and PEJ.

ZE PAK, Polska Grupa Energetyczna and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power have signed a letter of intent to cooperate on a nuclear power plant project in Patnow, in central Poland, assessing the viability of building South Korean APR1400 reactors on the site.

Applications have also been submitted for small modular reactors (SMRs) in Poland. In April, copper and silver producer KGHM Polska Miedź SA submitted an application for a decision-in-principle on the construction of a NuScale VOYGR SMR power plant in Poland. Later that month, Orlen Synthos Green Energy applied for a decision-in-principle on the construction of power plants based on GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy's BWRX-300 at six locations.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... -power-pla

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 14 juil. 2023, 11:42

Decision-in-principle for Polish SMR power plant
13 July 2023

Polish copper and silver producer KGHM Polska Miedź SA's plan to construct a power plant based on NuScale Power's small modular reactor (SMR) has been approved by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

A model of a NuScale SMR (Image: KGHM)

KGHM lodged an application on 14 April - the same day that Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (PEJ) applied for a decision-in-principle on the construction of Poland's first large-scale nuclear power plant. Later that month, Orlen Synthos Green Energy applied for a decision-in-principle on the construction of power plants based on GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy's BWRX-300 at six locations.

KGHM said its application was prepared partly on the basis of the project documentation that has already received final certification in the USA.

The decision-in-principle now issued by the ministry is a general opinion on selected conditions enabling the construction of a VOYGR modular nuclear power plant with a capacity of 462 MWe consisting of six modules, each with a capacity of 77 MWe.

The decision-in-principle represents official state approval for the planned investment in accordance with the assumptions and concept presented by the company. It is the first decision in the process of administrative permits for investments in nuclear power facilities in Poland that an investor may apply for. Obtaining it entitles KGHM to apply for a number of further administrative arrangements, such as a siting decision or construction licence.

"Our goal is safe, ecological and price-stable energy, which will allow us to maintain KGHM's business advantage on a global scale," said KGHM President Tomasz Zdzikot. "In the case of involvement in nuclear energy, we have strong support from the Ministry of State Assets and now the approval of the Ministry of Climate and Environment. This is important, because the introduction of nuclear technology in our country, based on small modules, also supports the energy transformation of the Polish economy."

In February 2022, KGHM signed a definitive agreement with NuScale Power of the USA to initiate work towards deploying a first NuScale VOYGR SMR power plant in Poland as early as 2029. In July last year, KGHM submitted an application to Poland's National Atomic Energy Agency (NAEA) to evaluate NuScale's SMR technology and prepare a site study. Under a task order signed in September, NuScale will continue to support KGHM's application to the NAEA through activities including drafting additional preliminary safety analysis reports and coordinating with the NAEA. The task order also sets the stage for the subsequent tasks in the Early Works Agreement as proposed by NuScale to KGHM.

NuScale's SMR technology is the first to have gained approval from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in August 2020. NuScale offers VOYGR plants in four, six and 12-module configurations.

KGHM aims to diversify its energy sources. By 2030, 50% of the electricity used by KGHM will come from its own sources, including nuclear and renewables.

The announcement of KGHM's receipt of a decision-in-principle came the day after the Ministry of Climate and Environment gave a decision-in-principle for PEJ to construct Poland's first large nuclear power plant. That plant, comprising three Westinghouse AP1000 reactors, will be built in Pomerania.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... ower-plant

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 10 août 2023, 16:11

La Pologne annonce de nouveaux renforts à la frontière biélorusse


La Pologne compte déployer jusqu'à 10.000 soldats supplémentaires à sa frontière avec la Biélorussie, a déclaré jeudi son ministre de la Défense, Mariusz Blaszczak.

"Environ 10.000 soldats seront à la frontière, dont 4.000 viendront directement renforcer la garde-frontière et 6.000 seront placés en réserve", a déclaré le ministre sur les ondes de la radio publique.

"Nous rapprochons l'armée de la frontière pour effrayer l'agresseur afin de le dissuader de nous attaquer", a-t-il ajouté.

Varsovie affiche son inquiétude face à l'arrivée le mois dernier de centaines de combattants du groupe paramilitaire russe Wagner en territoire biélorusse, à l'invitation du président Alexandre Loukachenko.

Le Premier ministre polonais Mateusz Morawiecki a affirmé fin juillet que des miliciens de Wagner pourraient chercher à se fondre dans les effectifs de la garde-frontière biélorusse et à faciliter le passage d'immigrés clandestins afin de déstabiliser la Pologne.

La Biélorussie mène actuellement des exercices militaires près de la frontière et Alexandre Loukachenko a plusieurs fois assuré être intervenu pour contenir les intentions belliqueuses des mercenaires russes.

La Pologne redoute une augmentation des arrivées clandestines de migrants. Le chef de la garde-frontière, Tomasz Praga, a déclaré cette semaine que 19.000 personnes avaient tenté de traverser la frontière polono-biélorusse depuis le début de l'année, contre 16.000 en 2022.
https://www.boursorama.com/actualite-ec ... 0124ea958c

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 15 août 2023, 23:32

suite de ce post du 3 oct 2022 viewtopic.php?p=2354267#p2354267
ORLEN reaches conditional investment decision on Baltic Power offshore wind farm

By NS Energy Staff Writer 14 Aug 2023

The construction phase of the Polish offshore wind project, which involves a total finance plan of about €4.73bn, is scheduled to commence later in 2023 following the completion of the construction permits as well as the financing process

ORLEN Group’s supervisory board has reached a conditional investment decision on the 1.2GW Baltic Power offshore wind farm in Poland.

It will allow the finalisation of the design phase of the Polish offshore wind project.

The construction phase of the Baltic Power project is scheduled to commence later in 2023 following the completion of the construction permits and the financing process.

To be located 23km to the north of the Polish coastline, on the level of Choczewo and Łeba, the offshore wind facility is developed by Baltic Power, a joint venture (JV) between PKN ORLEN and Northland Power.

Upon the completion of the construction in 2026, the project is anticipated to deliver clean energy to over 1.5 million Polish households.

The Baltic Power offshore wind farm involves a total finance plan of about €4.73bn and covers capital expenditures and contingency along with financing costs and additional reserve.

Besides, the offshore wind project has all the permits for the onshore part of the project and a permit for the construction of an offshore power connection.

It has also secured contracts for all key components of the farm including turbines, offshore and onshore substations, cables and foundations as well as their manufacture, transport and installation, said ORLEN.

The final investment decision is subject to several conditions including the acquisition of construction permits for the offshore part of the project.

ORLEN management board president Daniel Obajtek said: “By 2030, ORLEN Group will have made a leap in the development of renewable energy sources, reaching 9 GW of installed capacity.

”Offshore wind energy will be a key element of this development. As regional pioneers in this area, we have had to do an enormous amount of preparatory and administrative work and build new competencies that we will be able to use in future projects.

”Today’s decision is a milestone that brings us significantly closer to achieving the company’s strategic objectives.”

Separately, Vestas has signed a conditional agreement to deliver wind turbines for the Baltic Power offshore wind project.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/o ... wind-farm/

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 19 août 2023, 09:55

suite de ce post du 15 avril 2023 viewtopic.php?p=2367505#p2367505
Approval sought for second large Polish nuclear power plant

17 August 2023

PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa has submitted an application to Poland's Ministry of Climate for a decision-in-principle on the construction of a nuclear power plant consisting of at least two Korean-supplied APR1400 reactors in the Patnów-Konin region of Wielkopolska province in central Poland.

A plant comprising two APR1400 reactors (Image: KHNP)

PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa SA is a 50/50 joint special purpose vehicle formed in April by Polish companies ZE PAK and Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE) to implement the project.

The application included a description of project characteristics, indicating the maximum total installed capacity, the planned operating period and details of the APR1400 technology to be used in the construction of the plant.

The decision-in-principle represents official state approval for the planned investment in accordance with the assumptions and concept presented by the company. It is the first decision in the process of administrative permits for investments in nuclear power facilities in Poland that an investor may apply for. Obtaining it entitles ZE PAK and PGE to apply for a number of further administrative arrangements, such as a siting decision or construction licence.

"The application submitted today for a basic decision on the planned construction of a nuclear power plant in Pątnów in the Konin region is a step forward in the implementation of one of the key investments from the point of view of the PGE Group," said PGE President Wojciech Dabrowski. "Today's event confirms that it is proceeding as planned. Through the company established for this purpose, PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa, we maintain a fast pace of work, ensuring that the assumed schedule for the construction and commissioning of the nuclear power plant in Konin-Pątnów is met."

On 31 October last year, Poland's Ministry of State Assets, South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, ZE PAK and PGE, and Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) signed a letter of intent to develop plans for a nuclear power plant in Pątnów.

"Obtaining the basic decision is crucial for starting further works related to the location, environmental studies and finally applying for a permit to build a nuclear power plant - a stable source of cheap and clean energy, and starting its operation in 2035," PGE said. "The application was submitted after only 10 months from the moment of signing the letter of intent by PGE, ZE PAK and KHNP."

Jakub Rybicki, president of PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa, was quoted by Energianews as saying: "We are starting negotiations with our Korean partner regarding the feasibility study, agreements on financing our project and the creation of a Polish-Korean company that will directly lead this process."

In September 2021, it was announced that six large pressurised water reactors with a combined installed capacity of 6-9 GWe could be built by 2040 as part of Poland's plan to reduce its reliance on coal. According to the adopted schedule, the construction of the first nuclear power plant will start in 2026, with the first reactor - with a capacity of 1.0-1.6 GWe - being commissioned in 2033. Subsequent units will be implemented every 2-3 years. The coastal towns of Lubiatowo and Kopalino in Poland's Choczewo municipality in the province of Pomerania have been named as the preferred location for the country's first large nuclear power plant.

In November 2022, the Polish government selected Westinghouse's AP1000 for the country's first nuclear power plant. In April this year, Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (PEJ) applied for a decision-in-principle on the construction of the plant. Last month, the Ministry of Climate and Environment gave a decision-in-principle for the plant, formally confirming PEJ's investment project is in line with the public interest and the policies pursued by the state, including energy policy.

A decision-in-principle has also been issued for copper and silver producer KGHM Polska Miedź SA's plan to construct a NuScale VOYGR modular nuclear power plant with a capacity of 462 MWe consisting of six modules, each with a capacity of 77 MWe.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... nuclear-po

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 06 sept. 2023, 08:46

Pourquoi la Pologne porte plainte contre la politique énergétique européenne ?
Varsovie a annoncé fin août avoir saisi la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne (CJUE) pour remettre en cause plusieurs mesures adoptées par l’UE sur la transition énergétique. Très dépendant des énergies fossiles, la Pologne souhaiterait un assouplissement, quitte à poursuivre ses émissions faramineuses de CO2.

Lorraine VERON 5 Sep 2023

lire https://www.revolution-energetique.com/ ... %20charbon.

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 22 sept. 2023, 18:13

Société Générale: finance un projet éolien en Pologne


Baltic Power a annoncé avoir obtenu des accords de facilité de crédit pour le premier parc éolien offshore de Pologne.

Société Générale a agi en tant que Mandated Lead Arranger (MLA), Lender et Hedge Provider sur cette transaction.

Le budget global du projet est estimé à environ 4,73 milliards d'euros.

Il s'agit du projet éolien offshore le plus avancé en Pologne. À son achèvement en 2026, le parc éolien de Baltic Power commencera à produire de l'électricité pour alimenter plus de 1,5 million de foyers.

' Société Générale est particulièrement honorée de participer au financement de ce projet majeur pour Orlen Group et Northland Power et plus globalement pour la Pologne. Avec 4 TWh d'électricité verte produite, ce projet fait également écho au récent plan stratégique de Société Générale visant à jouer un rôle de premier plan dans la transition énergétique, environnementale et sociale ', déclare Antoine Seligmann, Directeur Energy+ Group et Team Leader, Société Générale.
https://www.boursorama.com/bourse/actua ... bol=1rPGLE

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Re: Pologne

Message par Jeuf » 22 sept. 2023, 22:47

energy_isere a écrit :
06 sept. 2023, 08:46

Vu sur electricity maps, la Pologne a presque autant de GW de PV et d'éolien installés que la France, pour près de 2 fois moins d'habitants et un tiers de moins de PIB par habitant.

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 23 sept. 2023, 11:05

suite de ce post du 14 juillet 2023 viewtopic.php?p=2373495#p2373495

Accord environnemental pour la future centrale nucléaire à 3 réacteurs AP1000 en Pologne.
Environmental permit granted for first Polish plant

22 September 2023

Poland's General Director for Environmental Protection (GDOŚ) has issued to Polskie Elektrownie Jadrowe (PEJ) its decision on the environmental conditions for the construction of a nuclear power plant in the province of Pomerania.

How the plant in Pomerania could look (Image: PEJ)

PEJ, the Polish government company that is progressing its policy to deploy up to six reactors at multiple sites in the country by 2040, submitted the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report for the first plant to GDOŚ on 29 March 2022. GDOŚ is an expert institution responsible for environmental protection and control of the investment process.

The EIA report examined the environmental impact of constructing and operating a plant with a generating capacity of up to 3750 MWe in the area of ​​the municipalities of Choczewo, Gniewino and Korkowa in the province of Pomerania. PEJ said the final EIA report complied with the provisions of the decision of GDOŚ, which in 2016 defined the scope of the environmental report in relation to the considered location variants and their technical sub-options, as well as in relation to the infrastructure accompanying the power plant.

The draft decision was reviewed by the Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia, the State Sanitary Inspector for the Pomorskie Voivodeship, the Director of the Regional Board of Water Management in Gdańsk of the State Water Holding Wody Polskie, the President of the Polish National Atomic Energy Agency, and the Minister of Climate and Environment.

GDOŚ has now issued its final decision, which PEJ said is "a key permit obtained in the investment process, as subsequent administrative approvals, including the location decision and the construction permit, must be consistent with the terms and conditions contained in the decision on environmental conditions".

The obtained decision on environmental conditions determines the site variant for the first nuclear power plant in Poland, at the Lubiatowo-Kopalino site in the Choczewo municipality. It also defines the conditions of using the environment at the stage of development and operation of the facility, requirements concerning the environment protection necessary to be included in the design documentation, requirements for counteracting the effects of industrial accidents, and it also imposes an obligation of the reassessment of environmental impact, as part of the procedure for issuing the construction permit.

The decision was preceded by national and transboundary consultations with 14 countries that applied for participation in this procedure. The national consultations, held from 20 July to 18 August 2023, included all residents of Poland, who could review the documentation and submit their comments and conclusions. The transboundary consultations were held from September 2022 until July 2023. As part of the procedure, relevant protocols were signed with all the countries involved, including four protocols signed after intergovernmental expert meetings held under Article 5 of the Espoo Convention, which contributed to closing the process within the assumed timeframe.

"The issued decision on environmental conditions is one of the most important stages in the permitting process and brings us significantly closer to the start of the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Poland," said PEJ President Mateusz Berger. "It defines the conditions that must be met in order to execute a nuclear investment project in compliance with environmental regulations and requirements on both the national and international level."

PEJ - a special-purpose vehicle 100% owned by the State Treasury - has already obtained a decision-in-principle issued by the Ministry of Climate and Environment confirming that the company's investment is in line with the energy policy implemented by the state. In August, it applied to the head of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for a location decision for the plant.

The Polish government selected the Westinghouse AP1000 reactor technology for construction at Lubiatowo-Kopalino in Pomerania in November 2022.

Westinghouse and Bechtel have just signed a formal agreement to partner on the design and construction of the plant. They expect to sign an engineering services contract with PEJ within the next week.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... olish-plan

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Re: Pologne

Message par mahiahi » 27 sept. 2023, 09:33

Suite à l'affaire du Waffen SS ukrainien ovationné au parlement canadien (je me cite http://oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.ph ... 2#p2377332), l'ambassadeur polonais au Canada, Witold Dzielski, a exprimé son indignation devant l'honneur accordé par le Parlement canadien au "responsable du meurtre de milliers de Polonais et de Juifs" (100 000 Polonais tués par les Bandéristes).

Mais le ministre de l'Education, Przemysław Czarnek, a relancé en demandant l'extradition dudit criminel de guerre
C'est quand tout semble perdu qu'il ne faut douter de rien
Dieu se rit des hommes déplorant les effets dont ils chérissent les causes
Défiez-vous des cosmopolites allant chercher loin dans leurs livres des devoirs qu'ils dédaignent remplir autour d'eux

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 28 sept. 2023, 00:17

Deal à 40 milliards de dollars pour 2 centrales nucléaires à 3 réacteurs chacune entre la Pologne et le consortium américain constructeur.
$40B Deal With U.S. Companies Kickstarts Poland’s Nuclear Power Ambitions

By Charles Kennedy - Sep 27, 2023

Poland’s first nuclear power plant moved forward on Wednesday with the signing of a deal between the Polish government and a consortium of U.S. companies including Westinghouse and Bechtel.

The nuclear plant will be built in the Pomerania region near the Baltic Sea and is being billed as part of Poland’s effort to ditch fossil fuels.
The agreement with Polish state-owned Polskie Elektrownie Jadrowe (PEJ) will see $40 billion spent on two plants with three reactors each. The first of the three reactors is expected to go online in 2033, while the entire project is slated to be operational a decade after that, the Associated Press reports.

The Polish government views nuclear energy as a key element of “clean energy”, while also serving as a way of reducing dependence on Russian energy supplies.

“I want to make a very strong appeal: we cannot afford to reject nuclear energy,” Anna ?ukaszewska-Trzeciakowska, Poland’s secretary of state for strategic energy infrastructure, appealed to the Energy Day 2023 conference earlier this month.

“Without nuclear energy, large scale and SMR [small modular reactors], we will not be able to achieve our climate ambitions and assure our energy security,” she added.
Poland is not alone in Europe on the nuclear energy front, which has been a divisive issue for the European Union.

France is also pro-nuclear, while Germany and Spain reject the idea that nuclear energy should be considered “renewable”. Pro-nuclear EU member states are aiming to hit 150 gigawatts of nuclear power capacity in the bloc’s electricity mix by 2050.

In 13 of the EU’s 27 member states there are 103 reactors. Approximately 25% of the EU’s energy is nuclear, with more than half of that produced in France, according to Euronews. Only Italy and Lithuania have completed a total phase-out of nuclear power to date.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... tions.html

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 30 sept. 2023, 00:48

Le gros projet éolien offshore Baltic 1 sera équipé de 76 turbines Vestas 15 MW.
Vestas wins 1,140 MW offshore wind order for V236-15.0 MW wind turbines in Poland

September 28, 2023 evwind

Vestas has secured a firm order for 1,140 MW from Baltic Power Sp. z o.o. z o.o, a joint venture between ORLEN S.A. and Northland Power Inc, for the Baltic Power offshore wind farm in Poland.
Vestas will supply, install and commission 76 V236-15.0 MW wind turbines for the Baltic Power project. Upon completion, Vestas will service the turbines under a 15-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement designed to ensure optimized performance of the assets.

“Vestas, ORLEN and Northland Power share a common vision for the energy transition in Poland and we are very pleased to offer our wind turbines and know-how for this historic project in the Baltic Sea,” says Nils de Baar, President of Vestas Northern. & Central Europe. “The V236-15.0 MW is built with world-class technology and we are proud that this turbine has been chosen to power the largest wind project in Poland to date. Our thanks to the Baltic Power team for their excellent collaboration and professionalism.”

The project site is located 23 kilometers from the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea, near ?eba. Delivery of the wind turbines is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2025 and commissioning is expected in 2026.
https://www.evwind.es/2023/09/28/vestas ... land/94254

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 07 oct. 2023, 15:21

J' avais pas encore vu que la Pologne donnait ses data à Energy Charts.

donc pour cette semaine :

https://www.energy-charts.info/charts/p ... 1000000000


le plein d'éolien ce jour.

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 08 oct. 2023, 23:11

Former Polish coal mine transforms into 200 MW solar PV plant
‘It is a project that stands as an example of energy transition,’ Duarte Bello, CEO of EDP Renewables’ Europe and Latin America operations told pv magazine. The new 200 MW solar PV plant is now generating energy on a former brown open-pit lignite site.


EDP Renewables, the clean energy arm of Portugal's power utility EDP, has completed construction on a 200 MW solar farm in Poland.

Duerte Bello, CEO of Europe and Latin America operations at EDP Renewables, told pv magazine the PV facility in the center-west of Poland is a project that stands as an example of energy transition.

“What is particularly interesting is that Przykona has been built on fields that were once part of an open-pit lignite mine,” he said. “We believe that renewable energy projects can be an excellent recipe for the just transformation of post-industrial and post-mining areas. They confirm that there can be an energetic second life in traditionally coal-based regions, many of which are in both Poland and Germany.”

The large-scale PV plant is 270 ha in size and incorporates 308,000 p-type bifacial solar panels. Bello said the plant’s location was at a “tremendous advantage” for renewable energy generation as it received high solar irradiation during the day and consistent winds. This guaranteed an elevated degree of utilization of the installed capacity, Bello explained.

“Thanks to this solar installation and other clean energy projects nearby Przykona, the region has become the country’s leading center for renewable energy production,” he said. “With this installation, the company has a cumulative solar power capacity of more than 280 MW in the country, accounting for more than 90% of its total solar capacity in Europe.”

Construction on the Przykona project started in September 2022, with the first energy generation occurring in June 2023. The project was financed through corporate financing, Bello said, adding: “We do not disclose the investment made.”

When asked about the possibility of a power purchase agreement, Bello said Przykona landed a 15-year Contract-for-Difference (CfD) in 2020 as part of a suite of contracts granted in a Poland government renewable energy auction. “However, an option exists to opt out of the contract if a more profitable PPA is signed,” Bello said, adding, “EDPR has been exploring this option.”
https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/10/02/ ... -pv-plant/

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Re: Pologne

Message par energy_isere » 28 oct. 2023, 11:31

suite de ce post du 23 sept 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 4#p2377144
The proposed plant, to be built on the coast in northern Poland, is to feature three Westinghouse AP1000 reactors with a total capacity of 3750 MWe.

27 October 2023

The decision, issued by the Pomeranian Voivode Dariusz Drelich, to determine the location is not the same as a building permit - a separate permit will be needed to perform preparatory work, followed by a permit to build a power plant from the National Atomic Energy Agency. A construction permit to allow construction work to begin would then be required from the regional authority.

Drelich said: "The nuclear power plant will influence power supply stability, balance the projected increase in demand for electricity and ensure energy sovereignty. It is an investment in the future, harmonious development and, most importantly, safety."

Mateusz Berger, President of the Management Board of PEJ, said: "The implementation of our investment is associated with a number of socio-economic benefits for the entire Pomerania region. The Lubiatowo-Kopalino location was indicated as the company's preferred location in 2021 due to the balance between environmental aspects, socio-economic factors and nuclear safety. Obtaining the decision to determine the location of the first nuclear power plant in Poland is another milestone achieved by the company this year, which brings us, as an investor, closer to the moment of starting the construction of the facility."

Anna Łukaszewska-Trzeciakowska, Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure, said: "The decision to determine the location obtained by Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe enables the company to carry out preparatory activities ... in the field, indicating, among other things, specific plots for the implementation of the investment. This is another key decision in the power plant investment process. The decision issued, combined with the recently signed contract for the design of the power plant with our American partners, proves that we are consistently achieving subsequent milestones, and the nuclear power plant in Pomerania is the most advanced nuclear investment in the country."

Last month PEJ signed an engineering services contract with US firms Westinghouse Electric Company and Bechtel to finalise a site-specific design for the plant featuring three AP1000 reactors. The design/engineering documentation includes the main components of the power plant: the nuclear island, the turbine island and the associated installations and auxiliary equipment, as well as administrative buildings and infrastructure related to the safety of the facility.

As part of the 18-month contract, joint activities with Westinghouse and Bechtel are planned to be continued to involve Polish industry in the project. Taking into account the needs and capabilities of Polish contractors, the activities are intended to allow establishing supply chains for the nuclear power plant in a way that maximises the local content participation, including contractors from Pomerania, while guaranteeing efficient and safe execution of the investment project.

The Polish government - which is set to be replaced following elections this month - selected the Westinghouse AP1000 reactor technology for construction at Lubiatowo-Kopalino in November 2022. The country's Ministry of Climate and Environment in July this year issued a decision-in-principle for PEJ - a special purpose vehicle 100% owned by the State Treasury - to construct the plant. The aim is for Poland's first AP1000 reactor to enter commercial operation in 2033.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... r-plant-lo
