
Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 11 oct. 2022, 09:09

Après Nord Stream, une coupure générale d'électricité sur l'île danoise de Bornholm

G.D. - 10 ocotbre 2022

Les 40.000 habitants de l'île de Bornholm, à proximité des lieux du sabotage présumé des gazoducs Nord Stream, sont privés d'électricité depuis ce lundi matin. La situation devrait revenir à la normale rapidement.

L'île danoise de Bornholm, voisine des lieux de sabotage présumé des gazoducs Nord Stream en mer Baltique, a été touchée lundi matin par une coupure générale d'électricité, a-t-on appris auprès de l'opérateur.

L'opérateur danois du réseau à haute tension Energinet pense que l'origine de la panne provient du câble électrique sous-marin reliant l'île de 40.000 habitants au continent, mais la cause exacte n'a pas encore été identifiée avec certitude.

"Il y a un défaut d'approvisionnement et Bornholm est sans électricité depuis 07H50 (5h50 GMT)", a expliqué à l'AFP une porte-parole d'Energinet. "Nous pensons que cela peut venir du câble (sous-marin) mais cela peut très bien venir d'autre part dans le système", a-t-elle précisé.

Le courant devrait être rétabli sur l'île à la mi-journée grâce aux moyens de production locaux.

Regain de tension dans la région
L'incident intervient deux semaines après la découverte à l'est de l'île de quatre énormes fuites dans les deux gazoducs Nord Stream reliant la Russie à l'Allemagne, provoquée selon les enquêteurs par des détonations sous-marines et un très probable sabotage.

La Russie, vers laquelle tous les regards se sont tournés, rejette toute responsabilité et accuse les Occidentaux qui dénoncent eux un "sabotage".

Depuis les fuites, le Danemark avait relevé d'un cran la sécurité autour des ses infrastructures énergétiques.

La semaine dernière, la police danoise a également annoncé avoir reçu des signalements de vols de drones non autorisés près de champs gaziers en mer du Nord, suivant des incidents similaires côté norvégien.
https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/actualite/mon ... 9aad8b5750

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 15 janv. 2023, 16:05

le Danemark fait 100 % de son électricité en renouvelable ces derniers 48 heures.

https://www.energy-charts.info/charts/p ... 1111111000

j' ai éteints les génération électriques à partir de fossiles dans le graphe :


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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 29 janv. 2023, 14:38

Projet énergétique gigantesque au Danemark avec 2 GW d'électrolyseurs :
GreenGo Energy to develop €8bn Megaton green energy park in Denmark

By NS Energy Staff Writer 25 Jan 2023

To be developed at the future Stovstrup 400kV substation east of Tarm in Ringkøbing-Skjern municipality, the Megaton project is anticipated to generate over one million tons of green fuels per year and contribute to Denmark's 2030 goal of mitigating carbon dioxide emissions by 70%

GreenGo Energy reveals plan for the Megaton green energy park in Denmark. (Credit: GreenGo Energy Group)

Danish greentech company GreenGo Energy has announced an association with Ringkøbing-Skjern municipality in Denmark to build the Megaton green energy park with an investment of around DKK60bn (€8bn).

The investment will come from GreenGo Energy’s clients and partners, which include some of the major investors in the world in renewable energy and infrastructure.

Megaton will be based on 4GW of renewable hybrid solar and onshore and offshore wind energy being fed directly to the new energy park. The core of the project will be 2GW electrolysis.

It will be developed at the future Stovstrup 400kV substation, east of Tarm in Ringkøbing-Skjern municipality.

The Megaton green energy park is anticipated to produce more than one million tons of green fuels per year.

Its associated solar and wind projects will generate 11.5TWh of renewable energy each year. This is equivalent to over 30% of the current total energy consumption of Denmark.

Over 85% of the produced clean energy is anticipated to be used directly in the Megaton green energy park for the generation of green fuels.

The green energy park and the fully integrated clean energy projects could be operational by the end of this decade, said GreenGo Energy.

The Megaton project will create spin-off companies from by-products including surplus heat as well as generate 300-500 permanent local jobs for the energy park and renewable energy projects.

GreenGo Energy CEO Karsten Nielsen said: “With the Megaton project and the development of one of the world’s largest energy parks in Western Jutland, we will once again put Denmark on the world map as a leader in the transition to 100% green power and the green fuels that are necessary to achieve the global climate goals towards 2050.”

According to the greentech company, the project will make a substantial contribution to Denmark’s transition as well as help the country achieve its 2030 target of mitigating carbon dioxide emissions by 70%.

For the development of the Megaton project, GreenGo Energy is collaborating with consulting engineering teams including COWI, Arkitema, and New Power Partners.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/g ... k-denmark/

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 25 févr. 2023, 15:52

Commission approves €170m Danish scheme to support renewable hydrogen production.
The new electrolysers are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 70,000 tonnes of CO2 annually across the industrial, mobility and energy sectors

By NS Energy Staff Writer 16 Feb 2023

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €170 million Danish scheme to support the production of renewable hydrogen through Power-to-X (‘PtX’) technologies. The measure aims to contribute to the development of renewable hydrogen in line with the objectives of the EU Hydrogen Strategy and the European Green Deal. The scheme will also contribute to the objectives of the REPowerEU Plan to end dependence on Russian fossil fuels and fast forward the green transition.

Denmark notified the Commission of its intention to introduce an around €170 million scheme (DKK 1.25 billion) to support the upscaling of the production of renewable hydrogen and derivatives, such as renewables-based ammonia, methanol, and e-Kerosene, using PtX technologies. PtX refers to a group of technologies that turn electricity into carbon-neutral synthetic fuels. The key PtX technology is electrolysis, which uses electricity to decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen gas that can be used as a fuel or in chemical processes.

The scheme will support the construction of up to 100-200 MW of electrolysis capacity. The aid will be awarded through a competitive bidding process to be concluded in 2023. The tender will be open to all companies planning to construct new electrolysers in Denmark. The aid will take the form of a direct grant for a ten year period. Beneficiaries will have to prove compliance with EU criteria for the production of renewable fuels of non-biological origin. This includes contributing to the deployment or financing of the additional renewable electricity needed to produce the PtX products supported under the measure.

The new electrolysers are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 70,000 tonnes of CO2 annually across the industrial, mobility and energy sectors. The scheme will contribute to Denmark’s efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. It will also help the EU reach its 2030 target for renewable energy production, which the Commission has proposed increasing to 45%.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/c ... roduction/

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 27 mai 2023, 00:30

Denmark hits 3.2 GW of installed PV capacity
Denmark has reached 3.2 GW of cumulative installed PV capacity, with 236 MW added in the first quarter of 2023, according to the Danish Energy Agency.

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/05/19/ ... -capacity/

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Re: Danemark

Message par phyvette » 21 août 2023, 03:45

Les dix-neuf appareils F-16 promis par le Danemark à l'Ukraine seront livrés à partir du 1er Janvier 2024, en trois temps.
Six appareils autour du Nouvel An et huit autres au cours de l’année 2024 et les cinq derniers en 2025.

Image Quand on a un javelin dans la main, tous les problèmes ressemblent à un T-72.

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 01 nov. 2023, 12:39

Ørsted dégringole en Bourse après avoir renoncé à un projet de ferme éolienne offshore aux Etats-Unis

AFP le 01 nov. 2023

Après l'annulation d'un immense projet de ferme éolienne offshore aux Etats-Unis et des dépréciations de 3,8 milliards d'euros, le groupe danois Ørsted, spécialisé dans les énergies renouvelables, dégringolait mercredi à la Bourse de Copenhague.

A 10H00 (09H00 GMT), le titre perdait 20,51% dans un marché étal.

Dans la nuit, Ørsted avait annoncé renoncer aux projets Ocean Wind 1 et 2, deux fermes éoliennes qui devaient être installées au large du New Jersey (nord-est).

Au total, les deux champs devaient afficher une capacité de 2,248 gigawatts (GW), de quoi alimenter plus d'un million de foyers.

La décision va contraindre la société à une dépréciation d'actifs de 28,4 milliards de couronnes danoises, soit environ 4 milliards de dollars ou 3,8 milliards d'euros.

Entre juillet et septembre, le groupe a enregistré une perte de 22,6 milliards de couronnes, contre des bénéfices de 9,3 milliards un an auparavant.

Sur le trimestre, le chiffre d'affaires a été quasiment divisé par deux, à 19 milliards de couronnes.

En Europe, l'éolien est en difficulté en dépit des ambitions des États pour verdir leurs sources d'énergie.

Au moment où le secteur doit investir massivement pour répondre à la demande attendue, il est rattrapé par la flambée des taux d'intérêt et des coûts des matériaux.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... nis-231101

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 04 nov. 2023, 00:29

Bourse : quand le champion mondial de l'éolien boit la tasse...

ECORAMA•03/11/2023 à

Les gros décrochages boursiers se poursuivent en Bourse. Le danois Orsted, géant européen de l'éolien, vient de perdre 25% de sa valeur en une seule séance après avoir renoncé à un projet éolien offshore aux Etats-Unis. Cet accident boursier est-il justifié ? Les explications de Philippe Escande, éditorialiste économique au Monde. Ecorama du 3 novembre 2023, présenté par David Jacquot sur Boursorama.com
vidéo 11 mn : https://www.boursorama.com/videos/actua ... ae9f04581a

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 04 nov. 2023, 23:24

Denmark Awards $155M to Six Green Hydrogen Projects

01 Nov 2023 by energynews

Denmark has awarded a total of DKK 1.25 billion ($155 million) to six green hydrogen projects in its first tender for support for Power to X (PtX) projects. The projects will be located in Holstebro, Esbjerg, Padborg, Rybjerg, Rødekro, and Fredericia.
The largest amount of aid goes to European Energy’s plant in Padborg, which will be awarded more than DKK 910 million. Companies competed to see who could offer the lowest price per unit of energy produced.

The tender was opened to applicants in April and received applications for more than four billion kroner, even though the pool contains only 1.25 billion kroner. This demonstrates the strong market interest in PtX technology.

Climate Minister Lars Aagaard (M) said, “We are investing heavily in a technology that converts green power into hydrogen and into fuels that can get aircraft on the wings and poured into the tank of a ship.”

PtX is a method that can produce green fuels by using power from renewable energy sources such as solar cells and wind turbines. The production of green fuels from PtX plants is crucial for the decarbonization of sectors such as shipping and aviation.

In 2022, the Danish Parliament adopted an agreement that PtX plants will be built in Denmark with a capacity of 4-6 GW in 2030. This tender has supported six projects that will construct a total capacity of 280 MW.

Kristian Jensen, CEO of Green Power Denmark, said, “The first tender must not be a lone swallow.” He continued, “The great interest in the tender testifies to the fact that there is a need for more tenders to get the many hydrogen and PtX projects that are planned up and running. New tenders are a necessity to meet our goal of 4-6 GW of electrolysis by 2030.”

The Danish government’s investment in green hydrogen is a significant step towards achieving its ambitious climate goals. The six projects awarded support in this tender will play a vital role in developing Denmark’s PtX industry and helping to decarbonize the global economy.

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 22 janv. 2024, 20:51

suite de ce post du 10 octobre 2022 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 6#p2354956
TotalEnergies dit que la production du champ gazier danois de Tyra reprendra en mars

Publié le 22/01/2024

La production du champ gazier de Tyra au Danemark reprendra en mars 2024, a déclaré TotalEnergies dans un communiqué lundi.

Le plus grand champ gazier du Danemark a été temporairement fermé pour être redéveloppé en 2019 et la production devrait démarrer le 31 mars, voire plus tôt dans le mois, a déclaré la major pétrolière française qui précise qu'il faudra quatre mois à la production pour atteindre son rythme maximum.

Le champ redéveloppé, appelé Tyra II, devrait fournir 2,8 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz par an, avait déclaré précédemment TotalEnergies.
https://www.boursier.com/actualites/reu ... 53288.html

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 09 mars 2024, 14:59

suite du post au dessus.

Remise en route progressive de Tyra à la fin du mois.
North Sea Tyra restart preparations on track

Feb. 28, 2024

BlueNord, a partner in the Tyra redevelopment project in the Danish North Sea, has issued an update based on an announcement by operator TotalEnergies.

STAVANGER, Norway — BlueNord, a partner in the Tyra redevelopment project in the Danish North Sea, has issued an update based on an announcement by operator TotalEnergies.

The restart of the Tyra Field complex is on track, with rampup to the 8.1-MMcm/d technical capacity expected to take four months from the restart of production. That includes re-pressurization and activation of the connecting gas infrastructure.

First gas should flow around the end of March, although the restart could be earlier, depending on the current program’s progress.
https://www.offshore-mag.com/production ... s-on-track

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 22 mars 2024, 21:05

suite du post au dessus.
Totalénergies remet en service le champ gazier danois Tyra
Totalénergies a fait part le 22 mars du redémarrage du gisement offshore Tyra, qui permettra au Danemark de redevenir exportateur net de gaz naturel.

Totalénergies, qui emploie environ 1 200 personnes au Danemark, indique exploiter plus de 80 % du pétrole et 90 % du gaz produits dans le pays. | TOTALÉNERGIES

Carole LANZI. le 22/03/2024 Le marin

Le champ gazier danois Tyra, à l’arrêt depuis 2019, a été remis en production, a annoncé Totalénergies le 22 mars. Il produira quotidiennement, à son niveau plateau, 5,7 millions de m³ de gaz et 22 000 barils de condensats. De quoi permettre au Danemark d’être autosuffisant et de redevenir exportateur net de gaz , a souligné l’énergéticien français.

Affaissement du réservoir

Après démantèlement des anciennes infrastructures, huit nouvelles plateformes, deux jackets et six passerelles ont été installés, construits en Italie, en Espagne, à Singapour ou en Indonésie, a précisé Nordsofonden, partenaire de Tyra aux côtés de Totalénergies et BlueNord.

Tyra a dû être redéveloppé du fait de l’affaissement naturel de son réservoir. Un énorme investissement, évalué en 2017 à 2,8 milliards d’euros.
https://lemarin.ouest-france.fr/energie ... a8f06f54df

On remarquera que le Danemark préfère renouer avec la production gazière plutôt que de sortir tout de suite de la production d'énergie fossile pour le climat.

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 30 mars 2024, 21:54

Tyra gas hub restarts production after major redevelopment project

By NS Energy Staff Writer 25 Mar 2024

The Tyra redevelopment is the largest project on the Danish Continental Shelf, which involved the installation of eight new platform topsides, two jackets, and six bridges, reusing 98.5% of the materials recovered from the retired installations

Tyra gas hub is located 225km off the west coast of Denmark. (Credit: TotalEnergies)

French oil and gas company TotalEnergies announced that the Tyra natural gas field (Tyra gas hub) has restarted production after the completion of a major redevelopment project (Tyra II).

TotalEnergies owns 43.2% of the project and is also its operator, Nordsøfonden holds 20%, and BlueNord, previously known as Norwegian Energy (Noreco), owns the remaining 36.8%.

Discovered in 1968 by Maersk Oil, Tyra is located 225km off the west coast of Denmark.

The project processed and supplied gas to address more than 90% of the country’s natural gas needs for nearly four decades until it was closed for redevelopment in 2019.

The redevelopment project, due to the natural subsidence of the reservoir, included building an advanced facility that provides safety while enhancing production and export capacity.

Tyra hub is now expected to produce 5.7 million cubic meters of gas and 22,000 barrels of condensate per day, making Denmark self-sufficient and a net exporter of natural gas.

TotalEnergies exploration and production president Nicolas Terraz said: “We are pleased to restart the Tyra hub, one of the most technologically advanced offshore gas installations in the world.

“The success of this major redevelopment project owes a lot to the commitment of our teams, our partners and our contractors.

“The new Tyra leverages state-of-the-art digital solutions and technological innovations to produce more efficiently and with 30% lower greenhouse gas emissions than the former facilities.”

Tyra redevelopment is the largest project on the Danish Continental Shelf. It involved the fabrication and installation of eight new platform topsides, two jackets, and six bridges.

The redevelopment project reused or recycled 98.5% of the materials recovered from the previous or retired installations.

According to BlueNord, production from Tyra II facilities is expected to more than double its net production to more than 50,000 barrels of oil equivalents per day (boepd) by the end of 2024.

In addition, redeveloped Tyra will significantly decrease field opex and emissions intensity, and extend the life of the field by 25 years, only constrained by the 2042 licence expiry.

BlueNord CEO Euan Shirlaw said: “We are delighted to announce the restart of production from Tyra, marking a significant milestone in a journey that began for us nearly five years ago when we became a partner in the DUC.

“The successful delivery of this project is a monumental accomplishment that is a testament to the commitment, resilience, and perseverance of all parties involved, not only at BlueNord but also at TotalEnergies and Nordsøfonden.

“With a ramp-up that is expected to last four months, Tyra will shortly be a key supporter of energy security in the region, transforming Denmark from a net importer to a net exporter of natural gas and supporting the European Union in a manner that compares favourably to imported LNG.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/t ... t-project/

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Re: Danemark

Message par energy_isere » 20 avr. 2024, 23:47

Le Danemark a cette particularité unique au monde. vidéo 10 mn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k3JtesS-yg
16 k
00:00 : Intro
00:52 : Histoire
02:11 : Outre-mer
03:29 : Jutland
05:39 : Les îles
07:50 : Transports
09:36 : Conclusion
