Importation de pétrole en Chine

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 02 juil. 2020, 08:07

Accumulation de pétroliers au terminaux de déchargement en Chine. Le pétrole acheté à très bas prix en mars et avril arrive et congestionne le déchargement.
China is storing an epic amount of oil at sea. Here’s why
China bought so much foreign oil at dirt-cheap prices this spring that a massive traffic jam of tankers has formed at sea waiting to offload crude.

As of June 29, China — the world’s second-largest consumer of oil after the United States — had amassed 73 million barrels of oil on 59 different ships floating at sea off the country’s northern coast, according to ClipperData, which tracks waterborne flows of crude oil in real-time. For context, that is three-quarters of the demand for the entire planet.

Barrels arriving today would have been purchased in March and April — when oil prices were melting down because of the pandemic. US crude crashed below zero on April 20 for the first time ever.

China’s so-called floating storage — defined as barrels of oil on vessels waiting for seven days or longer — has nearly quadrupled since the end of May, according to ClipperData. Not only is that the most on record going back to early 2015, it’s up seven-fold from the monthly average during the first quarter of 2020.

The hoarding of oil at sea is a reflection of China’s bargain-hunting during a time of extreme stress in the energy market.

“China went on a global buying binge,” said Matt Smith, director of commodity strategy at ClipperData. “There is just this deluge of crude building up offshore.”

And Smith noted that China’s onshore storage tanks are not even close to being filled.

“This is simply related to terminal congestion. They’ve got so much coming in that they can’t bring it onshore quickly enough,” he said.
........ ... heres-why/

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 06 juil. 2020, 23:14

Importations record de pétrole en Chine au mois de Juin avec 11.93 millions de b/jour.
China’s June Crude Oil Imports Hit Record High

By Julianne Geiger - Jul 06, 2020

China’s crude oil imports in June hit a record high, according to a market analysis by OilX Research, in a sign that China’s thirst for crude oil is not being hampered by the coronavirus.

In June, according to data compiled by OilX, China’s crude oil imports hit a record high of 11.93 million bpd—an increase of 820,000 bpd from May levels, which were also at record levels.

This 11.93 million bpd represents a 2.4 million bpd increase year over year, which is a 25.4% increase.

OilX attributes this increase in June to the restart of its economy, along with favorable crude oil prices and spreads.

Besides the overall increase, the breakdown of China’s imports by country are shifting, with China importing more oil from Brazil (451,000 bpd more in June) and Angola (309,000 bpd more in June), while importing less oil from Saudi Arabia and Iran.
......... ... -High.html

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Inscription : 07 juin 2005, 11:22
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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par tita » 07 juil. 2020, 11:23

OilX attributes this increase in June to the restart of its economy, along with favorable crude oil prices and spreads.
Mouais, la principale raison semble surtout être de remplir les stocks avec du pétrole à bas prix... Faudrait avoir les données sur la consommation, pas seulement les importations, pour pouvoir relier ça à la reprise économique.
China’s inventories of crude oil will go up by 440 million barrels in the first half of 2020, representing an unprecedented volume for a half-year period, IHS Markit reported Monday. ... 4-article/

En comparaison, les USA ont augmenté leurs stocks de pétrole de 130 millions de barils depuis le 1er janvier, et les stocks de pétrole+produits de 200 millions de barils. Cette frénésie d'achat à bon compte ne va pas perdurer... Et c'est un peu ce qui risque de peser sur les prix sur le reste de l'année.

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 14 août 2020, 09:27

In July, China imported 12.08 million bpd of crude oil, according to official customs data, which was lower than the record-breaking import rate in June but 25 percent higher than the average for July 2019.

After August, the Chinese buying spree may be coming to an end, as oil is not as dirt cheap as it was in April, and China is estimated to have amassed extensive crude inventories in commercial and strategic storage. ... acity.html

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 août 2020, 23:13

La Chine va affréter des tankers pour 37 millions de barils des US.
China Charters Tankers For 37 Million Barrels Of U.S. Oil

By Irina Slav - Aug 21, 2020

China has chartered tankers that could deliver as much as 37 million barrels of crude oil from the United States next month, Bloomberg reports, citing data from the Census Bureau.

This would be a record-high for China, despite the latest escalation between the two, and in accordance with its obligations under the trade deal closed last year.

China committed to buying some $18.5 billion in additional energy supplies from the United States this year and another $33.9 billion next year. The supplies range from crude oil and LNG to coal and oil products. However, the pandemic has shattered the demand that would have helped soak up these supplies, making it a lot harder than before for Beijing to stick to its commitment.

Even before the pandemic, there were doubts that China would be able to buy all the agreed energy supplies. The oil glut and the growing LNG glut were among the reasons as was the comparatively high price for U.S. gas. It is hardly a surprise, especially with the pandemic, that so far this year, China has been slow to buy the agreed volumes.

Interestingly, despite this lag, China’s total oil imports during the first half of the year were higher than the respective period of 2019. These averaged 10.78 million bpd, up by 10 percent on the year, despite the pandemic.

Oil imports from the U.S. also rose, according to a Refinitiv analyst, to as much as 5 million tons, which is equal to more than 1 million bpd – higher on the year but lower than the amounts that were agreed to ship from the U.S. to China this year.
...... ... S-Oil.html

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Inscription : 07 juin 2005, 11:22
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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par tita » 22 août 2020, 17:11

Donc la Chine va continuer d'engranger du pétrole dans ses stocks... Sur ce graphique, on peut constater qu'elle engrangeait du pétrole depuis bien longtemps, et qu'elle n'a fait qu'augmenter le rythme:
Image ... KKCN25E116

Contrairement aux USA qui ont tendance à réduire leur SPR, la Chine a une stratégie d'accumuler autant de pétrole qu'elle peut. C'est un aspect qui maintient finalement le prix du pétrole.

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 27 août 2020, 23:16

Les Chinois continuent d'importer du pétrole Iranien,
120 000 b/j selon les chiffres officiels, en réalité peut être 5 fois plus.
Chinese Data Shows Beijing Continues Iranian Oil Imports
By Tsvetana Paraskova - Aug 27, 2020 ... ports.html

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 26 sept. 2020, 08:28

La Russie 1er fournisseur de pétrole à la Chine sur les 8 premiers mois de l'année. Avec une moyenne de 1.72 million de b/j ... Years.html

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 26 oct. 2020, 23:52

Le Brésil passe numéro 3 dans le ranking des fournisseurs de pétrole à la Chine.
Brazil Becomes One Of China’s Top Oil Suppliers

By Charles Kennedy - Oct 26, 2020

Brazil climbed to number three among China’s crude oil suppliers last month thanks to continued purchases by independent refiners, whose quotas for imported crude oil are running out.

Imports of Brazilian crude oil stood at 4.49 million tons in September, according to a Reuters report. This translates into an average daily purchase rate of close to 1.1 million barrels, based on a conversion factor of 7.33 barrels to the ton. This compares with 2.96 million tons, or 723,000 bpd, a year earlier.

The January-September total of Brazilian oil exports to China stood at 33.69 million tons, which equaled about 915,000 bpd. This was a 15.6-percent increase on the year, Reuters said, based on its own calculations.

China’s total imports during the first nine months of the year jumped by 13 percent despite the pandemic as refiners gobbled up dirt cheap crude oil from wherever they could. Russia was the biggest supplier of crude to Asia’s now largest economy for most of that time. It enjoyed a 16-percent increase in exports to China. The country’s number-two supplier, Saudi Arabia, recorded a 6.5-percent increase on the year during the nine-month period.

Brazil managed to expand its crude oil exports this year, at least during the first half, despite the pandemic. Most of the oil went to Asia as economies there reopened after the lockdowns, and Petrobras could offer more attractive terms than competitors, Reuters noted in a July report.

The state energy company also has plans for a production ramp-up next year. According to these plans, Petrobras should see a rise of 300,000 bpd in its production total by the end of 2021, to reach 3.12 million bpd.

This year’s output will also be higher than last year’s, again despite the pandemic. Petrobras slashed its planned spending like every other oil and gas company, but production continued to grow thanks to developments in the presalt zone, estimated to contain most of Brazil’s hitherto undeveloped oil and gas riches. ... liers.html

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Inscription : 07 juin 2005, 11:22
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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par tita » 27 oct. 2020, 11:34

China’s total imports during the first nine months of the year jumped by 13 percent despite the pandemic as refiners gobbled up dirt cheap crude oil from wherever they could
Production moyenne de la Chine en 2019: 4.9 Mb/j (janvier-septembre)
Production moyenne de la Chine en 2020: 4.93 Mb/j. (janvier-septembre)

Consommation moyenne de la Chine en 2019: 14.49 Mb/j (janvier-septembre)
Consommation moyenne de la Chine en 2020: 13.62 Mb/j (janvier-septembre)

Donc la Chine importe plus de pétrole et en consomme moins que l'année dernière. La Chine avait déjà une stratégie de stocker de grandes quantités de pétrole, et ça s'est exacerbé en 2020. Rien que la différence de consommation fait qu'elle avait empilé 230 millions de barils en plus avec des importation identiques.

La stratégie annoncée de la Chine était d'atteindre des réserves stratégiques suffisantes pour 90 jour de consommation. Avec 15 Mb/j de consommation, ça ferait 1'350 millions de barils. Déjà en 2015, certains s'inquiétaient de savoir ce que la Chine ferait lorsqu'elle atteindrait le niveau visé et qu'elle n'aurait plus de place pour en stocker plus... Si ses importations chutent brutalement, le prix du pétrole ferait de même.

Reste que ça ne s'est pas produit. C'est en quelque sorte un Black Swan, une hypothèse qui bouleverserait tout si elle se produit, mais qui est difficile à prédire parce que personne ne sait vraiment les plans de la Chine de ce côté-là, ni où elle en est exactement.

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 16 janv. 2021, 00:22

China's 2020 crude oil imports jump 7.3% to record on low prices, new refineries


China’s total crude oil imports surged 7.3% in 2020 despite the coronavirus shock early in the year, with record arrivals in the second and third quarter amid plunging oil prices and expanding refineries, data showed on Thursday.

For 2020, the world’s top oil buyer brought in a record 542.37 million tonnes of crude oil, or 10.85 million barrels per day (bpd). ... SL4N2JM18N

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 13 mars 2021, 10:03

L' Arabie Saoudite bat d'un cheveu la Russie comme principal fournisseur de pétrole brut à la Chine :
1.69 millions de b/j pour l'Arabie Saoudite
1.67 millions de b/j pour la Russie ... -2020.html

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 20 mars 2021, 14:08

Les nouveaux flux de pétrole iranien en Chine menacent l’équilibre du marché prôné par l’OPEP

Agence Ecofin 16 mars 2021

Alors que les discussions sur le nucléaire iranien stagnent, l’Iran casse les prix pour ses exportations d’huile vers le marché chinois, avec 1 million de barils par jour. Si ceci évince déjà certains de ses concurrents, il plane également un grand risque d’accumulation des stocks.

Malgré les restrictions d’exportation de son pétrole imposées par les Etats-Unis, l’Iran profite de la hausse des prix du baril en baissant les siens, afin de livrer le marché chinois. Cette opération va certainement peser sur l’équilibre en cours jusqu’ici sur le marché mondial.

Plusieurs analystes du secteur pétrolier s’inquiètent de la hausse soudaine des exportations iraniennes de pétrole vers la Chine, le plus grand consommateur mondial du combustible. Actuellement, les raffineurs indépendants chinois qui constituent 25 % de la demande de l’empire du Milieu, importent chaque jour près d’un million de barils de brut, de condensat, et de fuel du golfe persique.

Un flux supplémentaire qui, à terme, risque de créer une nouvelle surabondance de l’offre mondiale et la dégringolade des prix.

L’Iran défie ainsi l’embargo américain sur ses exportations, dans un contexte où la plupart des raffineurs et négociants d’autres pays hésitent à acheter son offre, au risque de se voir bannir du système bancaire américain. Cette situation est de nature à affecter les mesures d’équilibrage de l’offre et de la demande mises en place par l’organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (OPEP).

La remontée ininterrompue des cours du brut rend le pétrole iranien de plus en plus attrayant pour les acheteurs chinois. Selon les négociants, ces nouveaux flux ont pour effet d’évincer l’offre provenant de pays tels que la Norvège, l’Angola et le Brésil.

Il faut savoir que jusqu’à 10 millions de barils de pétrole angolais devant être exportés en avril, sont toujours sans acheteurs, alors que normalement, ces cargaisons auraient déjà dû être vendues. Les cargaisons de pétrole en provenance du Nigeria et de la République du Congo ont également souffert d’un manque d’intérêt de la part des acheteurs chinois à cause de cette offensive iranienne.

L’Iran est membre de l’OPEP, mais est exempté de quotas de réduction de son offre. ... par-l-opep

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 27 mars 2021, 09:27

La Chine à raffiné plus de produits pétrolier en 2020 que les USA !
A la faveur du ralentissement aux USA à cause du Covid .
China Overtakes U.S. As World’s Largest Refiner

By Felicity Bradstock - Mar 25, 2021

As the shift in oil demand from Covid-19 turned the tables of regional levels of fuel production and exports, China succeeded in overtaking the USA as the world’s biggest oil refiner in 2020. As China began to ramp up its refining capacity throughout the pandemic, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) published data showing that China processed more crude oil than the U.S. for much of 2020.

While the USA suffered from a drop in demand throughout 2020, leading to a decrease in all oil-related activities, China benefited from this international shift. In contrast to the U.S., when oil prices fall, the Chinese government pays refiners to increase production levels.

China currently has at least four major new refineries under construction, most of which are expected to produce plastic feedstocks, such as ethylene and propylene.

While the U.S. is likely to once again overtake China as the world’s biggest oil refiner by the end of 2021, long-term demand predictions mean it's probable that this trend will be short-lived, as oil needs across Asia continue to rise.

Oil refineries across the U.S. have been losing momentum in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. At the end of last year, Royal Dutch Shell Plc ground production at its Convent refinery in Louisiana to a halt. This same facility had 35 times the refining capacity of China when it opened in 1967, showing how dramatically the tables have turned over the past couple of decades.

Oil refineries have also been impeded this year by the severe storm that hit the state of Texas in February. During the storm, oil refining fell to its lowest levels since 2008. This was largely due to frozen pipelines which forced producers to halt activities. Refinery crude runs fell by 2.6 million bpd throughout the week to 12.2 million bpd.

Meanwhile, in November, China was processing around 1.2 million bpd of crude oil. Much of this new refining work was taking place in the new unit at Rongsheng Petrochemical’s giant Zhejiang facility in northeast China. ... finer.html

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 17 juil. 2021, 11:22

La Chine à importé 9.77 millions de b/j au mois de juin 2021 ... -2021.html
