Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par phyvette » 04 nov. 2018, 12:50

Et en plus ce qui va encore aggraver les choses, le Mexique va devoir augmenter ses importations de GNL en provenance des États-Unis. ... he-US.html
Image Quand on a un javelin dans la main, tous les problèmes ressemblent à un T-72.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 15 nov. 2018, 22:28

Avec un nouveau terminal de Corpus Christie au Texas, les USA musclent leurs exportations de gaz

AFP le 15 nov. 2018

Le groupe énergétique américain Cheniere Energy s'apprêtait jeudi à exporter pour la première fois du gaz naturel depuis son nouveau terminal de Corpus Christi, au Texas, renforçant à l'occasion la capacité du pays à exporter son abondante production.

"Il nous a fallu près de 10 ans depuis la conception, un investissement de 15 milliards de dollars et la création de plus de 4.000 emplois mais, aujourd'hui, nous célébrons les premières exportations de GNL depuis le Texas", s'est félicitée l'entreprise dans un tweet.

Cheniere, contacté par l'AFP, n'a pas précisé à qui était destiné la première livraison.

Le terminal de Corpus Christi est le troisième aux Etats-Unis à transformer du gaz de schiste en gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) afin de l'exporter via des méthaniers un peu partout dans le monde.

Avec la mise en service en 2016 du terminal de Sabine Pass en Louisiane et celle en mars 2018 du terminal de Cove Point dans le Maryland, les Etats-Unis ont déjà approvisionné une trentaine de pays sur les cinq continents.

En plus de Corpus Christi, trois autres grands terminaux doivent entrer en fonction dans les deux prochaines années.

Grâce aux nouvelles techniques d'exploitation des bassins de schiste, les Etats-Unis produisent du gaz naturel à foison et sont depuis 2009 le premier producteur de gaz naturel au monde.

Ils exportent déjà une partie de cette abondante ressource via des gazoducs au Canada et au Mexique. Mais pour atteindre des marchés plus lointains, ils misent sur le gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) et ont récemment accéléré la recherche de débouchés sur le marché mondial.

Le président américain, Donald Trump, insiste ainsi régulièrement pour que l'Union européenne délaisse le gaz russe au profit du GNL américain.

Washington est déjà redevenu en 2017 un exportateur net de gaz naturel pour la première fois en 60 ans.

Et selon l'agence américaine d'information sur l'énergie (EIA), le pays pourrait devenir dès 2020 le troisième exportateur mondial de GNL, derrière l'Australie et le Qatar. ... gaz-181115

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 15 nov. 2018, 22:32

Le mbtu de gaz monte brusquement à 4.5 dollar


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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 07 déc. 2018, 08:56

Shell parle de construire une unité pétrochimique dans les Apalaches pour utiliser l'ethane du gaz de schiste de Marcellus et Utica.
Projet à 6 milliards de dollars. ... he-US.html

La fin :
When Shell’s new ethane cracker comes online in the early 2020s, it could supercharge shale gas drilling in the Marcellus and Utica shales. The region is already setting records for production. But a new wave of downstream facilities, which will soak up a lot of gas, could lead to even more drilling.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 15 déc. 2018, 10:38

3 posts au dessus j'informais sur Le terminal de Corpus Christi, mais l'article qui disait 15 milliards d'investissements ne donnait pas d'infos sur le tonnage annuel.

Voici selon le constructeur des trains de liquéfaction :
Phase 1 maintenant opérationnelle de 2 trains de 4.5 millions de tonnes par an,
et travaux en cours de la phase 2 qui ajoutera un autre train de 4.5 millions de tonnes par an.

Total de 13.5 millions de tonnes de gaz par an.
The Corpus Christi Liquefaction project includes
a design production capacity of some 4.5 million metric tons per year of LNG from each train
three LNG storage tanks with capacity of more than 10 billion cubic feet equivalent
two berths that can accommodate vessels with capacity of up to 267,000 cubic meters
Inside the project
Construction of the complex is taking place over two stages:

Stage 1 includes two LNG trains, two tanks, one complete berth, and a second partial berth. Train 1 celebrated its first production of LNG from the facility on November 15, 2018.
Stage 2 covers one LNG train, one additional tank, and completion of the second berth. Stage 2 received full notice to proceed in June 2018.
Bechtel is designing, constructing, and commissioning the LNG trains using the ConocoPhillips Optimized Cascade® process, a proven technology deployed in numerous LNG projects around the world. The process uses three refrigeration phases involving propane, ethylene, and methane to progressively cool the natural gas. ... n-project/

Photo du terminal

Source une news qui annonce le lancement de la phase 2 en Mai 2018. ... on-Project

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 15 déc. 2018, 10:53

Si j'ai recherché les infos sur le terminal de Corpus Christie, c'est pour comparer au nouveau projet tazu encore plus grand de Tellurian Inc. , le projet en Louisiane d'un holding devrait assurer la production de 27.6 millions de tonnes de LNG par an !
Ça serait deux fois Corpus Christie, et bien plus que Yamal en Russie.
Carrément un tiers de la capacité totale de LNG du Qatar.

Début des travaux mi 2019.
Début de mise en service en 2022
coût de 15.2 milliards de dollars, ce qui paraît pas cher.
Localisé au sud du lac Charles en Louisianne.

Tellurian scores first LNG customer for $15B export terminal

Marissa Luck, Houston Chronicle | December 6, 2018

Houston-based Tellurian Inc. has struck its first big deal to sell liquefied natural gas from a proposed $15.2 billion export terminal in Louisiana.

Tellurian said Thursday its subsidiary has entered a memorandum of understanding with Vitol Inc. to supply 1.5 million tons per year of liquefied gas from its proposed Driftwood LNG export terminal south of Lake Charles, Louisiana.

A spokeswoman said the two companies have agreed in principle on the 15-year contract in l but are still ironing out the details of the deal.

"Tellurian is proud to work with Vitol, who has long been known for its innovation and creativity in the energy commodity markets, to lead LNG market transformation with a long-term LNG sale at the market index," said Tellurian CEO Meg Gentle in a statement.

In addition to buying liquefied natural gas through a contract, Vitol also is considering becoming an equity partner in the Tellurian sister company, called Driftwood Holdings.

Under the umbrella of Driftwood Holdings, Tellurian and its equity partners are developing the 27.6-million ton terminal as part of an integrated network of upstream and pipeline operations.

A company spokesperson said Tellurian is an active talks with 35 other parties to become equity partners in the holding company.

If all goes according to plan, Tellurian would complete its permitting and begin construction of the export terminal in the first half of 2019. The terminal would begin operating by 2023. It's one of several LNG export projects popping up along the Gulf Coast as companies look to take advantage of cheap supplies of natural gas. ... 448280.php

Ça ressemblerait à ceci

Source ... twood-lng/

On distingue 5 trains de liquéfaction, ça ferait donc 5.5 millions de tonnes par train, plus que chaque train de 4.5 millions de tonnes de Corpus Christie.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 27 déc. 2018, 16:48

Etats-Unis : la production de gaz de schiste de l'Ohio monte en flèche

Le 04 octobre 2018

La production de gaz de schiste dans l'Etat américain de l’Ohio a augmenté de 50% en glissement annuel, avec à 6,4 Gpi3 / j au deuxième trimestre.
....... ... ,1341.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 02 janv. 2019, 08:51

Les USA montent leur capacité de liquéfaction et exportation de GNL à un train d'enfer :

EIA: U.S. LNG export capacity to more than double by the end of 2019

1/1/2019. World

EIA projects that U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) export capacity will reach 8.9 Bcfd by the end of 2019, making it the third-largest in the world behind Australia and Qatar. Currently, U.S. LNG export capacity stands at 3.6 Bcfd, and it is expected to end the year at 4.9 Bcfd as two new liquefaction units (called trains) become operational.

The United States began exporting LNG from the Lower 48 states in February 2016, when the Sabine Pass liquefaction terminal in Louisiana shipped its first cargo. Since then, Sabine Pass expanded from one to four operating liquefaction trains, and the Cove Point LNG export facility began operation in Maryland. Two more trains—Sabine Pass Train 5 and Corpus Christi LNG Train 1—began LNG production this year, several months ahead of schedule, and are expected to ship their first cargos within the next few weeks.


Two more LNG export facilities—Cameron LNG in Louisiana and Freeport LNG in Texas—are currently being commissioned. Commissioning of liquefaction facilities involves introducing natural gas feed into the train and ultimately producing LNG. For liquefaction terminals, which use refrigeration to cool natural gas into liquid form, commissioning also includes getting the equipment and refrigerants down to sufficiently cold temperatures. The first LNG production from these facilities is expected in the first half of 2019. The developers of these projects expect all three trains at Cameron LNG and two trains at Freeport LNG to be placed in service in 2019.

The Elba Island LNG facility near Savannah, Georgia, is also scheduled to become fully operational by the end of 2019. Elba Island LNG consists of 10 small modular liquefaction units with a combined capacity of 0.33 Bcfd. Project developers expect LNG production from the first train to begin early next year and from the remaining nine trains to commence sequentially through the rest of 2019. The second train at Corpus Christi LNG is scheduled to be placed in service in the second quarter of 2019. The final two trains of the U.S. liquefaction projects currently under construction—Freeport Train 3 and Corpus Christi Train 3—are expected in service in the second quarters of 2020 and 2021, respectively.

Four additional export terminals—Magnolia LNG, Delfin LNG, Lake Charles, Golden Pass—and the sixth train at Sabine Pass have been approved by both the U.S. Federal Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy, and they are expected to make final investment decisions in the coming months. These proposed projects represent a combined additional LNG export capacity of 7.6 Bcfd. ... nd-of-2019

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 27 janv. 2019, 09:54

Le gaz associé au pétrole de schiste du Permien commence à compter.
There’s No Slowing U.S. Natural Gas Production

By Robert Rapier - Jan 26, 2019

Last August I warned that a Natural Gas Price Spike May Be Looming. The reason for the warning was that natural gas in storage – which the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports every Thursday – had fallen to abnormally low levels just ahead of high-demand season.

Indeed, natural gas inventories remained low throughout the fall, and by November prices had spiked by 60 percent. By late November, it seemed that prices were destined to hit the $5 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) level.

However, the price peaked about the time inventory levels began to head back to the lower end of the normal range. Last week’s report marked the first time since last June that the level reached the lower end of the 5-year minimum range:

As natural gas levels headed toward the normal range, prices tumbled. From a close of $4.70/MMBtu in November, prices during the first week of January fell back below $3.00/MMBtu.

Natural gas inventories are still about 11 percent below average for this time of year, and there is a lot of winter left. But, unless the rest of the winter is unseasonably cold, the recent trend suggests that natural gas prices may spend most of 2019 below $3.00.

Demand for natural gas continues to grow along multiple fronts. For example, the EIA reported that liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports set two consecutive monthly records in November and December 2018. EIA estimates that LNG exports averaged 3.6 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in November and 3.9 Bcf/d in December.

But supply is more than keeping pace. Not only does production in the Appalachia Region continue to grow unabated, but the associated gas (co-produced with oil) in the Permian Basin has started to have a large impact on the natural gas market over the past year or so. Due to logistical constraints in the Permian Basin, this at times has led to significant flaring and even natural gas prices falling below zero at times in the area.

For perspective, current natural gas production in the Permian Basin is about 13 Bcf/d. That reflects a doubling of production there in just over two years, and is now second only to the Appalachia Region’s 31 Bcf/d.

I will close by pointing out that the Appalachia Region produced 13 Bcf/d – the current level of production in the Permian – in 2013. Permian Basin gas production isn’t growing quite as quickly as that in the Appalachia, but the resource potential suggests that both oil and gas production in the Permian will continue to grow for a number of years.

It seems inevitable that we are going to be awash in natural gas well into the next decade.

By Robert Rapier ... ction.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 27 janv. 2019, 10:01

Le mbtu de gaz monte est revenu à 3.1 dollar

Et le graphe Monthly dry shale Gas Production montre aucun signe d'essouflement.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 03 févr. 2019, 10:22

Le mbtu de gaz encore à 3.0 dollar

La situation du gaz (infrastructure, marché) à tenu le coup face au vortex polaire qui a frappé les usa.
Polar Vortex Tests U.S. Natural Gas, Electric Systems

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Feb 01, 2019

Natural gas and electricity networks in the United States have proved resilient during the polar vortex this week, while natural gas futures prices even dropped during one of the coldest snaps in the Midwest in decades.

The natural gas and electric systems across the U.S. have been under less pressure compared to the previous polar vortex in 2014.

PJM Interconnection, the electric grid operator for all or parts of 13 states from New Jersey to Illinois, has reported no realibility issues so far. Natural gas use in the United States hit a record on Wednesday, according to estimates by financial data provider Refinitiv, quoted by Reuters.

Some utilities have urged their customers to voluntarily reduce gas use. Consumers Energy of Michigan urged on Wednesday customers to voluntarily cut gas use as a result of an unexpected incident at a Gas Compressor station in Southeast Michigan. The company also required industrial and large business customers to temporarily curtail processes.

Even before the polar vortex hit, natural gas stocks for the week ending January 25 were 14 Bcf less than this time last year and 328 Bcf below the five-year average, the Energy Information Administration said on Thursday.

Yet, natural gas futures prices for March have been dropping this week while many parts of the U.S. were experiencing the lowest temperatures in decades. As of 11:04 a.m. EST on Friday, natural gas prices were down 0.96 percent at $2.787 per million British thermal units (MBtu).

According to Reuters market analyst John Kemp, traders have been less concerned about natural gas stocks during the winter than they were between September and November, when the Henry Hub natural gas prices soared amid fears that stocks were too low going into the heating season.

The polar vortex is expected to be short-lived and so far, this winter has been warmer than average and about the same as last winter.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for ... stems.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 03 févr. 2019, 17:11

EXXON et Qatar Petroleum vont lancer un terminal d'exportation de LNG à Golden Pass.
ConocoPhillips qui était dans le coup initialement va vendre sa part peut être à Exxon.
10 milliards de dollars d'investissements.
Exxon, Qatar Petroleum Continue $10-Bln LNG Project Without ConocoPhillips

By Irina Slav - Feb 01, 2019

Exxon and Qatar Petroleum will proceed with a US$10-billion expansion of their Golden Pass LNG import terminal in Texas to turn it into an export facility as well, Reuters reports, citing source familiar with the matter.

The third partner in the venture, ConocoPhillips, however, will not be joining them in the expansion and has decided to sell the 12.4-percent interest it holds in Golden Pass, the sources also said, adding that Exxon, which has a 17.4-percent stake in the project, is the most likely buyer. Qatar Petroleum is the majority shareholder in the venture with 70 percent.

The Golden Pass terminal can accommodate up to 2 billion cu ft of natural gas for regasification right now. The sources did not detail the capacity of the future export part of the facility.

The Reuters sources also noted that Exxon and Qatar Petroleum have been forging closer ties in the liquefied natural gas segment across the world, from Qatar itself to Mozambique and the United States, which has thanks to the shale gas boom become an increasingly important exporter of LNG.

At the same time, Qatar is planning huge investments in U.S. natural gas as it seeks to retain the number-one LNG exporter spot, which last November was threatened by Australia. Down Under emerged as the largest LNG exporter globally for that month.

Qatar plans to invest US$20 billion in U.S. natural gas, part of a larger U.S. investment campaign by the Qatar Investment Authority that will total US$45 billion as it diversifies away from Europe.

Meanwhile, LNG capacity is growing along with demand. Earlier this week, oilfield services provider Baker Hughes’s chief executive, Lorenzo Simonelli said he expected new LNG projects with a total capacity of 100 million tons per year could be approved this year alone.

Global LNG consumption is seen to double by 2030, reaching 550 million tons.

By Irina Slav for ... llips.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par mobar » 03 févr. 2019, 17:29

3,05 dollars le mbtu gaz nat aux US
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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 05 févr. 2019, 23:32

La news 2 post au dessus, en Français.
Gaz naturel: le Qatar et ExxonMobil vont investir 10 milliards dans un terminal aux USA

AFP le 05 févr. 2019

La société publique Qatar Petroleum et ExxonMobil ont confirmé mardi leur intention de développer un terminal d'exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) au Texas, dans le sud des États-Unis, un projet évalué à 10 milliards de dollars - soit 8,8 milliards d'euros.

Cette décision "va ouvrir la voie à la construction d'une structure destinée à l'exportation de GNL sur le site de Golden Pass, qui aura une capacité totale de production d'environ 16 millions de tonnes de GNL par an", détaille un communiqué de Qatar Petroleum.

Les travaux, menés par une co-entreprise détenue à 70% par Qatar Petroleum et à 30% par la major américaine ExxonMobil, doivent débuter d'ici fin mars et générer 9.000 emplois directs, précise un communiqué séparé d'ExxonMobil.

Le terminal, qui devrait commencer à fonctionner en 2024, emploiera ensuite plus de 200 personnes de façon permanente.

Le Qatar, important exportateur mondial de GNL mais isolé par un embargo imposé par ses voisins du Golfe, avait annoncé en décembre son intention d'investir plus de 20 milliards de dollars dans le secteur énergétique américain au cours des cinq prochaines années.

Le ministre qatari de l'Énergie, Saad al-Kaabi, avait alors souligné que l'objectif principal de l'émirat était de relancer le projet de terminal d'exportation de Golden Pass.

Grâce aux nouvelles techniques d'exploitation des bassins de schiste, les États-Unis sont depuis 2009 le premier producteur de gaz naturel au monde.

Ils exportent déjà une partie de cette abondante ressource via des gazoducs au Canada et au Mexique.

Mais pour atteindre des marchés plus lointains, ils misent sur le GNL, et ont récemment accéléré la recherche de débouchés sur le marché mondial.

Les exportations de GNL ont commencé à prendre de l'ampleur en 2016 quand la société Cheniere Energy a pour la première fois affrété un méthanier depuis ses installations à Sabine Pass, en Louisiane.

Les États-Unis sont d'ailleurs redevenus un an plus tard, en 2017, un exportateur net de gaz naturel pour la première fois en 60 ans. ... usa-190205

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 16 févr. 2019, 20:15

Signature de l'accord entre Exxon et Qatar Petroleum pour l'investissement et le lancement des travaux du terminal LNG de Golden Pass des le 1er trimestre.
Coût de 10 milliard de dollars.
ExxonMobil, Qatar Petroleum Begin Work on Golden Pass LNG
The project is part of ExxonMobil’s plan to invest more than $50 billion over the next five years to build and expand manufacturing facilities in the U.S.

by Anca Gagiuc Feb 13, 2019

ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum have reached an agreement and will proceed with the development of the Golden Pass liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project in Sabine Pass, Texas. Construction is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2019, with completion anticipated for 2024. The cost of the project is expected to exceed $10 billion.

Preliminary estimates indicate the project could generate up to $31 billion in U.S. economic gains and more than $4.6 billion in direct federal, state and local tax revenues over the life of the project, in addition to 16 million tons of LNG per year. During the five-year construction period, the Golden Pass LNG is anticipated to create about 9,000 jobs and more than 200 permanent jobs during operations. Working interests in the development are 70 percent Qatar Petroleum and 30 percent ExxonMobil.
........ ... -pass-lng/
