Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 21 févr. 2019, 00:12

Le mbtu de gaz descendu à 2.6 dollar


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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 02 mars 2019, 19:05

Projet d'un gazoduc pour sortir le gaz du bassin des Appalaches. Cout de 3.2 milliards de $
U.S. Approves $3.2B Appalachian Natural Gas Pipeline

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Mar 01, 2019

TransCanada said on Friday that the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) had approved the full in-service of the Mountaineer XPress natural gas pipeline project, which will help link the Appalachian basin’s natural gas supplies and growing markets in the U.S. and beyond.

The Mountaineer XPress (MXP) project includes a 170-mile natural gas pipeline in West Virginia that will increase natural gas capacity by 2.7 billion cubic feet per day and together with related infrastructure—new compressor stations and modifications to existing compressor stations—represents a total investment of US$3.2 billion.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 07 mars 2019, 08:18

Le chinois Sinopec très intéressé pour un gros contrat d'achat de gaz US du terminal LNG de Cheniere sur 20 ans a 2 millions de tonnes par an.
Ça attend la fin de la guerre commerciale.
Sinopec Might Strike LNG Supply Deal with Cheniere If Trade War Ends

By Irina Slav - Mar 06, 2019

China’s biggest refiner Sinopec is preparing to ink a 20-year LNG supply deal with Cheniere Energy if the U.S.-China trade conflict gets resolved as many in the energy market anticipate, Reuters reports, citing unnamed sources close to the deal.

“Without the trade spat, the deal should have been signed some time ago,” one of the sources said. Both said the deal would be for almost 2 million tons of LNG annually, beginning in 2023. This will be a sizeable portion of the total U.S. liquefied natural gas capacity as of end-2019. The Energy Information Administration last December forecast this would reach 8.9 million tons.
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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 16 mars 2019, 14:17

Record de production de gaz aux USA pour 2018
Plus 11% par rapport à 2017.

U.S. natural gas production hit new record in 2018: EIA

Source: Xinhua| 2019-03-15

HOUSTON, March 14 (Xinhua) -- U.S. natural gas production in 2018 hit a new record high, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Thursday.

In 2018, U.S. natural gas production measured as gross withdrawals averaged 101.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), the highest volume on record.

The production grew by 10.0 Bcf/d during 2018, an 11 percent increase from 2017. The growth was the largest annual increase in production on record, reaching a record high for the second consecutive year.
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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 24 mars 2019, 14:16

États-Unis: une production et des exportations de gaz naturel au plus haut selon l'EIA

le 19 mars 2019

Aux États-Unis, la production de gaz naturel a atteint un niveau record en 2018, en hausse de 11% par 2017 selon l’EIA américaine (Energy Information Administration).

Une production gazière record en 2018

En 2018, près de 101,3 milliards de pieds cubes de gaz naturel par jour (unité principalement utilisée au États-Unis) ont été extraits des gisements américains selon l’EIA, un niveau jamais atteint précédemment dans le pays, déjà premier producteur mondial de gaz. La production de gaz « sec » du pays - qui correspond au gaz commercialisé(1) hors pertes dues à l’extraction des liquides de gaz naturel - a pour sa part atteint 83,4 milliards de pieds cubes par jour en 2018.

Près de la moitié du gaz extrait du sous-sol américain provient du bassin Permien (Texas) et de la région des Appalaches, où sont notamment situés les gisements de gaz de schiste de Marcellus et d’Utica (Pennsylvanie, Ohio, Virginie-Occidentale).

Grâce à la croissance de la production domestique de gaz de schiste, le gaz naturel a supplanté depuis 2016 le charbon comme première source d’énergie dans le mix électrique américain. En 2018, le gaz a compté pour 35,1% de la production électrique américaine (contre 31,7% en 2017).

Des exportations en forte hausse

L’Agence internationale de l'énergie (AIE) prévoit que les États-Unis renforcent leur importance sur les marchés gaziers dans les années à venir grâce à son exploitation d’hydrocarbures non conventionnels : l’offre américaine pourrait compter pour presque 45% de la hausse de la production mondiale d’ici à 2023 selon les prévisions de l’AIE publiées à l’été 2018 pour la période 2017-2023.

Les États-Unis ont fortement augmenté leurs exportations de gaz naturel l’an dernier, pour la 4e année consécutive. Ces exportations ont respectivement cru de 14% par gazoducs et de 53% sous forme liquéfiée (GNL) en 2018 selon les dernières données de l'EIA.

Pour rappel, les États-Unis sont devenus exportateurs nets de gaz naturel en 2017, pour la première fois depuis près de 60 ans. Selon l’EIA, les exportations américaines de GNL pourraient très fortement augmenter entre 2022 et 2030, avec la mise en service de nouveaux terminaux actuellement en construction. Après 2030, les installations américaines ne seront toutefois « plus aussi compétitives en raison de nouveaux fournisseurs arrivant sur le marché global du GNL » (plus proches des grandes zones de consommation), juge l'agence américaine.


Les exportations mensuelles de gaz naturel des États-Unis ont atteint un niveau record en décembre 2018, aussi bien par gazoducs que sous forme liquéfié. (©Connaissance des Énergies, d’après EIA)

Le gaz « commercialisé » exclut entre autres les volumes de gaz réinjectés dans les gisements ou « torchés » sur site. ... eia-190319

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 28 mars 2019, 08:06

Suite de ce post du 15 déc 2018 ... 9#p2277079

Tellurian Inc affirme à nouveau qu'il veut faire ce projet d'énorme terminal d'exportation de LNG en Louisianne.
Tellurian Teases $30B Driftwood LNG Decision

By Damir Kaletovic - Mar 27, 2019

In the crowded U.S. LNG space, Tellurian Inc says it will likely make a final investment decision on its $30-billion Louisiana Driftwood export project during the first half of this year, alluding to a handful of customers for its planned first phase.

If the FID comes through as planned, the first LNG could come out of this project by 2023, with full completion by 2026, Reuters cited Tellurian CEO Meg Gentle as saying on the sidelines of the BloombergNEF summit in New York.
Tellurian’s Driftwood project, which would produce 27.6 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of LNG when completed, is unique in that while is one of at least 12 such projects in the pipeline in the United States, it is going for something fully integrated. In other words, it’s planning to both build and own the export terminal, as well as produce its own gas, host its own pipelines, and sell its own LNG globally.

More than anything, Tellurian is eyeing the Chinese market.

Gentle alluded to “positive” signs of forward movement between the United States and China over the past couple of months, and noted that China will be the largest LNG export market for the U.S.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 29 mars 2019, 08:19

Suite de ce post du 16 sept 2018 ... 7#p2272337

Le projet de terminal LNG plus gazoduc en Alaska est d'une viabilité douteuse.
CAPEX trop importants.

Supermajors Set Out To Save Alaska LNG

By Tim Daiss - Mar 28, 2019

Technical teams from the Alaska Gasline Development Corp. (AGDC) and supermajors BP and ExxonMobil will meet next week in Houston to begin a review of the proposed $43 billion Alaska LNG project in an effort to find potential cost reductions so the massive capex project can move forward, Tim Fitzpatrick, an AGDC spokesman said on Tuesday. Discussions will begin on April 2 and last for most of the month, he said, adding that about “25 technical folks from ExxonMobil, BP and AGDC will meet in Houston on the cost reduction workshop.”

The move comes as recently elected Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy reviews the project’s financial feasibility, in stark contrast to his predecessor, former Gov. Bill Walker, which promulgated the project both in the state and overseas looking for new customers for the project’s gas. The Anchorage Daily News said recently that Dunleavy ’s message was a sharp contrast to what former AGDC President Keith Meyer often stressed. Meyer and former Governor Walker emphasized the state would only go forward with an LNG pipeline and export plan if it was economical, but there was never an indication the corporation would give up on finding a path forward for Alaska LNG if the current plan ultimately didn’t work.

Dunleavy made changes to the AGDC board in January, replacing Meyer with Joe Dubler who is also taking a more cautious approach to the project and its financial feasibility. Dubler, for his part, told state legislators during a Feb. 27 Alaska Senate Finance subcommittee meeting that AGDC, a quasi-state corporation, holding the state’s dream of a large natural gas pipeline project was in the process of scaling back while evaluating the technical and commercial viability of the project. Dubler emphasized that Dunleavy replaced four board members and hired him to “refocus the corporation.”
Related: The World’s Largest Oil Company And Petrochemical Company Merge

“If it is (viable) we’re going to solicit world-class partners for FEED, which is front-end engineering and design and completion of regulatory efforts,” Dubler said at the meeting. “If we do all of our work and we determine that the project does not look like it’s going to be viable we will wind the project down, close the corporation up and return all the current funds that remain to the General Fund,” he added.

Oil major renewed interest

However, on March 8, BP and Exxon Mobil, two of three oil majors that were part of the original four-member Alaska LNG consortium that pulled out in 2016 due to low oil and gas prices, expressed renewed interest in the project - which led to the upcoming meeting in Houston. After BP, Exxon Mobil and Conoco Phillips withdrew from the project three years ago, Walker directed the AGDC to continue work on its own, mainly on the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license. All three oil majors that had been part of the consortium are North Slope oil and gas producers.

Massive capex

The project has a massive capex due to several factors. For one, an 800-mile pipeline would have to be built to move gas from North Slope fields to a liquefaction plant in Nikiski (about 60 air miles southwest of Anchorage). Also, much of that pipeline would have to be built on permafrost, adding even more cost. Second, construction costs are much higher in Alaska than for competing LNG projects in the Lower 48, which means that gas sold at the Alaska LNG project would have to bring in higher prices for the project to break even. Some estimates place Alaska LNG project gas exports as high as $10/MMBtu just to be profitable.

Meetings in China

Separate meetings are also slated to be held Shanghai next month with three Chinese companies, led by Chinese state-run oil major Sinopec, that have expressed interest in purchasing LNG from Alaska, Fitzpatrick also said on Tuesday. Meetings will take place during the LNG 2019 conference, set for April 1-5, and will include Bank of China and China Investment Corp., which have been working with Sinopec in discussions with AGDC.

By Tim Daiss for ... a-LNG.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 03 avr. 2019, 21:48

Suite de 2 posts au dessus.
Total renforce son implication dans le projet américain Driftwood LNG

Publié le 03/04/2019

Total a signé une série d’accords avec sa filiale américaine Tellurian renforçant son implication dans le projet de liquéfaction Driftwood LNG, en Louisiane. ... 2ea4570065
L’usine de liquéfaction Driftwood LNG, dont la mise en service est prévue en 2023, sera construite en Louisiane. (Carte : Tellurian) ... -driftwood

GNL: Total renforce sa participation dans le groupe américain Tellurian

AFP parue le 03 avr. 2019

Le groupe énergétique Total a annoncé mercredi qu'il avait acquis pour 200 millions de dollars des titres supplémentaires dans le capital de l'américain Tellurian et qu'il allait investir 500 millions d'euros dans un site du producteur de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) en Louisiane.

"Total et Tellurian ont signé une série d'accords renforçant le partenariat entre les deux sociétés pour le développement du projet Driftwood LNG situé en Louisiane" (sud des États-Unis), précise un communiqué.

Outre le renforcement de la participation de Total dans Tellurian et l'investissement de 500 millions d'euros, ces accords portent également sur l'achat de 2,5 millions de tonnes par an (Mt/an) de GNL pendant 15 ans.

Driftwood LNG est "un projet très compétitif qui tire parti de la baisse des coûts de production et des prix du gaz aux États-Unis", se félicite le PDG de Total Patrick Pouyanné dans le communiqué. "Cette transaction s'inscrit dans notre stratégie de consolider notre statut d'acteur majeur du GNL doté d'un portefeuille mondial. Elle renforce nos positions aux États-Unis", poursuit-il.

Le projet Driftwood comprend la construction de gazoducs à partir de zones de production de gaz au Texas et une usine de liquéfaction d'une capacité de 16,6 millions de tonnes par an qui peut être augmentée jusqu'à 27,6 Mtpa. Total est entré au capital de Tellurian en 2017, via l'achat d'environ 46 millions d'actions pour un montant de 207 millions de dollars. ... ian-190403

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 04 avr. 2019, 08:23

Le gaz au Texas à un prix historiquement bas.
Les compagnies dans le shale oil doivent torcher le gaz ou payer pour s'en débarrasser car le réseau de gazoduc est insuffisant pour évacuer le gaz co-produit.
Texas Natural Gas Prices Plunge To All-Time Low

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Apr 03, 2019

Natural gas prices at the Waha hub in West Texas plummeted to record low negative levels on Wednesday, as pipeline constraints and problems at compressor stations at one pipeline stranded gas produced in the most prolific U.S. shale oil basin.

Real-time or next-day prices at the Waha hub in Texas have stayed at negative levels since March 22, so drillers have had to pay companies with capacity to ship the gas via pipeline.

On Wednesday, the spot Waha hub prices plunged to minus $3.38 per million British thermal units (MMBtu), from minus 2 cents for Tuesday, data from the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), cited by Reuters, showed.

Adding to the chronic pipeline constraints for both oil and gas in the Permian basin, last month equipment failures at two compressor stations along the El Paso Natural Gas Pipeline in New Mexico resulted in El Paso declaring a force majeure and reducing the takeaway capacity of the pipeline.

Gas production in the Permian has been rising in lockstep with crude oil production, and even though gas takeaway capacity has attracted less media attention, pipeline constraints for natural gas are similar to those of crude oil pipeline capacity.

The natural gas takeaway capacity constraints have resulted in more gas flaring in the Permian on the one hand, and in a record-high spread between the Waha gas hub price and the U.S. benchmark Henry Hub in Louisiana, on the other hand.

On Wednesday, the differential jumped to an all-time high of US$6.14 per MMBtu, beating the previous record of US$5.85 from February 1996, according to data from ICE and Refinitiv Eikon compiled by Reuters.

To compare, the spread averaged just over US$1 per MMBtu throughout 2018.

In the Permian, drillers have been literally burning profit because of pipeline constraints. Surging volumes of natural gas have become a kind of a side product that drillers prefer to burn off instead of shutting in wells and missing out on monetizing the oil production gushing out in the Permian. Company executives admit that they wouldn’t flare as much gas as they do if they had a choice.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for ... e-Low.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 19 avr. 2019, 08:54

Les US vont encore lancer deux projets de terminaux LNG. Un en Louisiane (celui de Tellurian, voir post plus haut) et l'autre au Texas.
U.S. Greenlights Two Major LNG Export Projects

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Apr 18, 2019

The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved on Thursday two liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects that will add to the growing U.S. export capacity of the super-chilled fuel.

FERC approved the project for the Driftwood LNG export terminal and associated pipeline on the west bank of the Calcasieu River, south of Lake Charles, Louisiana, proposed by Tellurian, and the Port Arthur LNG facility in Texas planned by Sempra Energy.

“We look forward to beginning construction and delivering first LNG in 2023,” Tellurian’s President and CEO Meg Gentle said today, commenting on the Driftwood LNG approval.

Tellurian’s timeline for the Driftwood LNG project includes final investment decision this year, the start of construction this year, and start of operations in 2023.

Another 10 proposed LNG export projects are pending FERC approval at the time being, the commission said today.

“LNG exports can help increase the availability of inexpensive, clean-burning fuel to our global allies who are looking for an efficient, affordable, environmentally friendly source of generation. FERC continues to focus on developing a regulatory ecosystem that allows new technologies to flourish,” FERC Chairman Neil Chatterjee said in a statement.

U.S. LNG export capacity is set to more than double from the end of 2018 to reach 8.9 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) by the end of 2019, making it the third-largest in the world behind Australia and Qatar, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Companies in the U.S. continue to plan and approve LNG export projects, aiming to seize a larger share of the growing global LNG market.

For example, ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum made a final investment decision in February this year to proceed with the development of the Golden Pass LNG export project in Sabine Pass, Texas, with investments of more than US$10 billion. The export terminal is expected to start up in 2024.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for ... jects.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par Rod » 19 avr. 2019, 09:17

Une preuve de plus (s'il en fallait une), que le gaz de schiste américain est très loin d’être un simple "feu de paille" comme on nous l'annonçait il y a 15 ans.
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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par mobar » 19 avr. 2019, 13:42

Ce n'est pas non plus un feu de paille, qui serait circonscrit aux seuls Etats-Unis
Maintenant que les techniques d'extraction sont stabilisées et économiquement rentables on verra les sites d'extraction se déployer partout ou il est possible d'en extraire
De quoi encore alimenter les discussions sur la déplétion du gaz de schiste en 2100 :lol:
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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 19 avr. 2019, 14:03

Rod a écrit :
19 avr. 2019, 09:17
Une preuve de plus (s'il en fallait une), que le gaz de schiste américain est très loin d’être un simple "feu de paille" comme on nous l'annonçait il y a 15 ans.
Oui, et ça continue à monter en production.

Je n' avais pas posté la courbe depuis le 14Sept 2018. ce post : viewtopic.php?p=2272279#p2272279

Voila la mise à jour :


2.6 $ le MBTU

Et les exportation de LNG se cassent bien la gueule :
Natural gas deliveries to U.S. LNG export facilities decline to the lowest level since October 2019

Natural gas deliveries to U.S. facilities producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) for export ("LNG feedgas") declined to 5.6 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) on May 24, 2020, and averaged 6.7 Bcf/d from May 1 through May 26, according to data by IHS Markit. This was the lowest level of LNG feedgas deliveries since October 2019, despite 2.0 Bcf/d baseload (2.3 Bcf/d peak) of new liquefaction capacity that was commissioned over this period.

Declining levels of feedgas to LNG export facilities (and LNG export volumes) reflect a seasonal decline in LNG demand in the major consuming markets in Asia and Europe, as well as the reduction in global LNG demand resulting from mitigation efforts related to the corona virus (COVID-19), and historically low global LNG spot prices, which reduce economic viability of U.S. LNG exports. Lower levels of U.S. LNG exports are expected to continue through the summer as buyers have cancelled as many as 20 cargoes for June delivery and up to 45 cargoes for July delivery, according to trade press reports.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par ni chaud ni froid » 19 avr. 2019, 14:39

Dernière modification par ni chaud ni froid le 18 oct. 2019, 22:27, modifié 1 fois.
lock-out pending...

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par Rod » 19 avr. 2019, 14:55

Et tous çà avec un prix très bas!
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