Importation de pétrole en Chine

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[production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 18 oct. 2010, 16:53

Les importations de pétrole Chinois augmentent encore :
Chinese crude oil imports hit record high in September

Monday, 18 Oct 2010

China Knowledge quoted according to statistics released by the General Administration of Customs of China, China crude oil imports hit a record high of 23.3 million tonnes or 5.7 million barrels per day in September up from the 20.9 million tons recorded in August or 17.2 million tons in the same period of last year.

In the first nine months of this year, the country imported 181.2 million tons of crude oil, 24.1% more than in the same period of last year.

The customs said last month, China imported 2.8 million tonnes of refined oil while it exported 2.09 million tonnes.

(Sourced from China Knowledge) ... 70436.html

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[production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 nov. 2010, 11:32

L' Arabie Saoudite repasse premier fournisseur de brut (pour la Chine) devant l' Angola.

Kuwait's crude oil exports to China surge 85%

Kuwait's crude oil exports to China skyrocketed 85 percent in September from a year earlier to 845,000 tons, equivalent to around 207,000 barrels per day (bpd), the latest government data showed.

Kuwait provided 3.6 percent of China's total crude oil imports, compared with 2.7 percent in the same month of last year and 3.9 percent in August, according to data released from the General Administration of Customs. Kuwait's exports in the first nine months of 2010 totaled 7.50 million tons (202,000 bpd), up 33.1 percent from the same period last year.

China's overall imports of crude oil in September rose 35.4 percent year-on-year to a record high of 5.69 million bpd. Saudi Arabia came back as China's top supplier with its shipments growing 22.4 percent from a year earlier to 1.1 million bpd, followed by Angola with 989,000 bpd, up 39.6 percent. Iran became third, with imports from the country surging 88.8 percent to 598,000 bpd.

China is the world's second-biggest oil consumer after the US. Through its subsidiary Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI), state-run Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) is in talks with the Chinese side to build a nine billion US dollar refinery and petrochemical complex in south China's Guangdong Province.

...... ... x?n=156073

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 10 janv. 2011, 14:08

La Chine aura importé 4.79 millions de b/j en moyenne sur 2010.
Soit +17.5 % par rapport à 2009.

China 2010 crude oil imports up 17.5 pct to record high

China's crude oil imports rose
17.5 percent to a record 4.79 million barrels per day (bpd) in
2010 from a year ago, official data showed on Monday, but the
growth may slow this year as fewer new refineries come onstream.
................ ... 10?sp=true

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[production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 04 mars 2017, 11:53

L’Arabie Saoudite et l’Angola supplantent la Russie et deviennent les principaux fournisseurs de pétrole de la Chine

Agence Ecofin 01 mars 2017

Selon le rapport de l’administration chinoise des douanes du mois de janvier 2017, la Russie n’est plus le premier fournisseur de pétrole brut à la Chine. Ce sont l’Arabie Saoudite et l’Angola qui l’ont surclassée au terme du premier mois de l’année en cours.

Comme l’indique le document, sur la période, le royaume wahhabite a exporté 5,03 millions de tonnes de pétrole brut vers l’empire du Milieu, soit 18,9% de plus que la moyenne mensuelle enregistrée en 2016. Quant à l’Angola, nouveau plus grand producteur africain d’or noir, ses exportations chinoises se sont élevées à 4,95 millions de tonnes, soit une hausse de 63,5% par rapport à janvier 2016. Avec 4,59 millions de tonnes exportées en janvier vers le pays asiatique, la Russie arrive en troisième position dans la hiérarchie.

D’après les conclusions des analystes, cette situation est due au recul important de la production russe. On se souvient que Moscou avait promis une réduction 300 000 b/j de sa production à Vienne. Une promesse qu’il a mise en œuvre à partir de janvier 2017.

Même si l’Arabie Saoudite et l’Angola ont aussi réduit leurs productions de pétrole, ils ont profité de la hausse de 27,5% des importations chinoises enregistrée en janvier 2017, poussée par une demande sans cesse croissante. Celle-ci est telle que la CNPC, la compagnie publique chinoise du pétrole, a multiplié les acquisitions de périmètres pétroliers à travers le continent depuis les deux dernières années. D’ailleurs, comme le rappelle le site d’information suisse Le Temps, la Bank of China vient de faire un prêt de 600 millions $ au pays lusophone pour la réalisation d’un terminal pétrolier censé faciliter et doper les importations chinoises.

Cependant, le rapport craint que la montée en puissance de la production nigériane, dont les acteurs lorgnent le marché chinois, ne vienne à nouveau troubler la hiérarchie et redistribuer les cartes. Le Nigéria pourrait en effet dépasser l'Angola dans les prochains mois, car la différence de production entre les deux pays est marginale.

Avec 8,01 millions de barils par jour, la Chine est le plus gros importateur de pétrole à l’échelle mondiale. ... e-la-chine

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 15 avr. 2017, 13:03

Les importations chinoises de pétrole dépendent moins de l'OPEP

AFP e le 14 avr. 2017

La Chine, premier importateur net de pétrole brut au monde, dépend de moins en moins de l'OPEP pour son approvisionnement, indique l'EIA américaine ce vendredi. En 2016, les pays membres de l'OPEP ont compté pour 57% des importations chinoises de pétrole brut, contre 66% en 2012.

La Russie (14% des importations chinoises de brut), Oman (9%) et le Brésil (5%) sont les principaux fournisseurs de pétrole « hors OPEP » de la Chine. Les importations chinoises de pétrole brut ont augmenté de 2,2 millions de barils par jour (Mb/j) entre 2012 et 2016 pour atteindre 7,6 Mb/j l'an dernier.

Après une hausse régulière entre 2012 et 2015, la production chinoise de pétrole brut a significativement baissé en 2016, suite à la chute des prix et à la baisse des investissements dans de nouveaux gisements. ... pep-170414

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[production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 10 août 2018, 15:13

La chine importe quasiment 9 millions de b/jour.
However, for the first seven months of the year, China imported some 8.98 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil, up 5.6 percent from a year earlier.
Extrait de ... emand.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 22 nov. 2018, 00:22

La Chine augmente ses importations de pétrole d'Arabie Saoudite.
Saudi Arabia To Raise Oil Shipments To China

By Irina Slav - Nov 21, 2018,

Saudi Arabia sealed deals with Chinese oil importers that will see the Kingdom’s exports to China rise to 1.67 million barrels daily in 2019, Reuters reports, citing a statement from state oil giant Aramco.

According to official figures from Riyadh, China is the biggest importer of its crude oil, but Saudi Arabia is no longer the biggest oil supplier for China. Russia took its place two years ago. Even so, China remains a major destination for Saudi oil, hence the five contracts that will see its shipments there increase.
....... ... China.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 11 déc. 2018, 07:45

Les importations de pétrole de la Chine montent encore significativement et battent le record précédent :
10.4 millions de b/j en Novembre !
Sur les 11 premiers mois de l'année la Chine en est à 9.17 millions de b/j en moyenne.

China’s Crude Oil Imports Jump To New Record High In November

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Dec 10, 2018,

China’s crude oil imports averaged more than 10 million bpd for the first time ever in November, as they beat the previous record for highest crude imports set in October, according to Chinese customs data, as carried by Reuters.

Chinese crude oil imports surged to an all-time high of 10.43 million bpd last month, up by 8.5 percent compared to November 2017 and beating the previous record of 9.61 million bpd, which was set just a month earlier and was driven by smaller independent refiners who were rushing to fulfill their 2018 oil import quotas before they expire.

In November, independent refiners—the so-called teapots—continued to buy high volumes and some of them increased intake as they start trial runs at newly-built oil refineries.

Private firm Hengli is planning trials at its new 400,000 bpd refinery at Dalian, a port city in northeastern China, while Zhejiang Petrochemical is also expected to begin trial runs at some units of its refinery with 400,000 bpd capacity at Zhoushan. According to Reuters, Zhejiang Petrochemical has imported several cargoes of crude oil from Oman this quarter.

Two months ago, China raised by 42 percent the oil import quota for its non-state refiners—most of which are the independent refiners—for 2019 as new refinery capacity is planned to enter into operation next year. China is allocating a total of up to 202 million tons, or 4.06 million bpd, of import quota to non-state refineries for next year, according to S&P Global Platts. Independent refiners had until November 10 to apply, and those who haven’t imported crude oil in 2018 will not be allocated quotas for next year.

This weekend, Chinese customs data also showed that crude oil imports between January and November averaged 9.17 million bpd, higher than the level of imports in the same period last year, and putting China on course to set a new record for crude oil imports in 2018.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for ... ember.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 27 janv. 2019, 20:26

Pour l'année 2018 c'est la Russie qui a le plus fourni à la Chine avec une moyenne de 1.43 millions de b/j de pétrole.

Ensuite l'Arabie Saoudite avec 1.13 millions de b/j.

Imports from Russia reached 7.04 million tonnes, or 1.658 million barrels per day, in December, up 40 per cent from 5.03 million tonnes a year earlier, according to the data from the General Administration of Customs.

For the full year, Russian imports rose to 71.49 million tonnes, or 1.43 million bpd, up 19.7 per cent from 59.7 million tonnes in 2017.

Demand for Russian crude was supported by a rise in throughput by China’s private refiners, who favour Russian grades such as ESPO, while geopolitical uncertainties also forced China to import less from countries such as Iran and Venezuela.

Russian oil giant Rosneft has also marketed its ESPO grade more aggressively, signing new long term supply deals with state oil companies such as ChemChina and PetroChina.

Saudi Arabia supplied China with 6.97 million tonnes in December, or 1.64 million bpd, up 48 per cent from 4.71 million tonnes a year earlier.

For 2018, OPEC’s top supplier boosted shipments to China by 8.7 per cent to 56.73 million tonnes, or 1.135 million bpd.

That means Russia’s lead over Saudi Arabia in supplying China almost doubled to 295,000 bpd in 2018 from 150,000 bpd a year earlier. ... hina-2018/

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 15 juil. 2019, 08:26

Importations de pétrole en Chine des trois derniers mois
10.64 millions de b/j en avril
9.47 millions de b/j en mai
9.63 millions de b/j en juin
According to Chinese customs data and Reuters estimates, crude oil imports in the first half of 2019 averaged around 9.87 million bpd, which is an 8.8-percent increase in import volumes compared to the first half of 2018.
En détails : ... -June.html

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Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 31 juil. 2019, 11:42

Importations record de la Chine de pétrole saoudien à 1.89 millions de b/j
China's Crude Imports From Saudi Arabia Smash Record In June

By JLC - Jul 30, 2019,

China’s crude imports from Saudi Arabia surged to 7.72 million mt, or about 1.89 million barrels per day (bpd) in June, shattering the record of 7.33 million mt hit in March, according to Chinese customs data.
....... ... -June.html

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Re: [production] Production pétroliére en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 24 mars 2020, 08:41

La Chine a importé en moyenne 10.1 millions de b/j en 2019.
C'est 0.9 millions de b/j de plus qu'en 2018.
55% de ce pétrole vient de l'OPEP.
China’s Crude Oil Imports Jumped To Record In 2019

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Mar 23, 2020

Rising refinery capacity, strategic inventory filling, and flat domestic production resulted in China importing record volumes of crude oil last year, an average of 10.1 million bpd, up by 900,000 bpd from the 2018 average, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in an analysis on Monday.

China continues to be the world’s largest importer of crude oil after surpassing the United States in 2017.

This year, the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted Chinese fuel consumption and has upended previous estimates about Chinese crude oil imports, refinery operations, and domestic consumption.

“The economic and transportation effects from this outbreak are still developing and will likely affect China’s crude oil imports, refinery runs, and domestic consumption through the second quarter of 2020,” the EIA said today.

Last year, the majority of Chinese crude oil imports, or 55 percent, came from OPEC, the EIA analysis based on the China General Administration of Customs and Bloomberg showed.

Although OPEC’s top producer and the world’s top oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, boosted its crude oil exports to the world’s largest oil importer China in 2019, the overall share of OPEC in Chinese imports slumped to its lowest level since at least 2005, according to the EIA. The reason for the lower Chinese imports from OPEC was not only the OPEC+ pact, but also the U.S. sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, whose sales in China have drastically dropped.

Saudi Arabia was the single largest oil supplier to China last year, with 16 percent of all Chinese imports, followed closely by Russia with a 15-percent share, EIA’s data showed. Russia was also the largest non-OPEC supplier to China in 2019, followed by Brazil which overtook Oman as the second-biggest non-OPEC supplier. China’s crude oil imports from the United States fell in 2019, due to the trade spat and the Chinese tariffs on U.S. goods, including crude oil. ... -2019.html

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 27 mai 2020, 00:00

La Russie dépasse l' Arabie Saoudite sur le plan des exportations de pétrole vers la Chine.
Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia As The Largest Oil Exporter To China

By Irina Slav - May 26, 2020

Russia became the top crude oil supplier to China last month, overtaking Saudi Arabia with an average of 1.75 million bpd versus 1.26 million bpd for Saudi Arabia, Reuters has reported, citing customs data. In fact, last month Saudi Arabia fell to the third spot among Chinese oil suppliers, with Iraq taking number-two.

This compares with 1.66 million bpd of Russian oil imports in March and 1.7 million bpd of Saudi oil imports, A comparison of the monthly averages shows a substantial decline in Saudi oil supplies to the world’s top importer. At the same time, China’s March intake of Russian crude was 31 percent higher than a year earlier, and the April imports from Russia were 18 percent higher than a year earlier.

According to data, Saudi Arabia exported 2.083 million bpd of crude to China in April, up from 1.065 million bpd in March. An issue that creates confusion, there is a difference between exported and imported crude shipments because of the different times when a shipment is logged as exported and when it is logged as imported into the target country. According to co-founder Samir Madani, this difference for Saudi Arabia and China is between two and four weeks.

China is a key market for all crude oil exporters so it has naturally become a sort of battleground for the world’s top exporters given the rising tensions between Beijing and Washington, which are not exactly conducive to more U.S. imports of oil.

Meanwhile, in more good news for oil prices, China’s total oil imports for April were higher than they were in March, suggesting a stable recovery in oil demand. At 9.84 million bpd, the April average compared with 9.68 million bpd for March. The April figure, however, was lower than the average for April 2019, which stood at 10.64 million bpd.

Analysts believe, however, that Saudi Arabia’s loss of market share to Russian oil is only temporary. Speaking to Bloomberg, ship-tracking company Vortexa said Saudi shipments of crude to China could more than double in May from April, when they fell by 41 percent from March.

“It was clear that Saudi was targeting to increase its market share in the West during April,” IHS Markit regional head of commodities told Bloomberg. “Saudi is now reducing output and shipments, but is expected to focus on China again.”

According to data from for the first 21 days of May, Saudi shipments of oil for China averaged some 1.87 million bpd. ... China.html

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 05 juin 2020, 00:25

Rebond des importation de la Chine à 11.1 millions de b/j au mois de Mai.
China’s Crude Oil Imports Rebound To Near Record High

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jun 04, 2020

China’s crude oil imports jumped by 13 percent from April to near record-highs of 11.11 million bpd in May, due to favorable spreads of the Shanghai-traded yuan-denominated oil futures and a ramp-up in refinery throughput, oil analytics firm OilX said in a report this week.

There has been a steady recovery in Chinese refinery crude processing rates in recent weeks to warrant higher imports, but at least some of the increased crude intake can be attributed to the Shanghai INE crude futures trading at a premium over other deliverable grades, OilX said.

Since April, Chinese hedge funds have been betting big on an oil price recovery on the Shanghai crude futures, which has led to major Chinese state oil firms, including PetroChina and Sinopec, delivering oil into the crude oil futures contract.

Apart from the Shanghai crude futures and recovering crude processing rates, another factor in China’s near-record imports of crude was the fact that the independent refiners – the so-called teapots—continued to actively procure oil, most likely because of the low prices, OilX’s analysts Juan Carlos Rodriguez and Valantis Markogiannakis noted.

China’s crude oil imports in May were up by 1.28 million bpd compared to April and up by 1.27 million bpd compared to May last year, OilX said.

China’s imports from Saudi Arabia jumped by 800,000 bpd, following declines in the two previous months, while imports from Iraq surged by more than 400,000 bpd as the Basrah crude grade is one of the seven grades allowed under the Shanghai crude futures contract, OilX data showed.

China’s imports are rebounding and its oil demand is also steadily recovering, according to analysts. In recent weeks, China has led the global oil demand recovery, while tentative signs of improvement emerge in other major economies, including the United States and India, as lockdowns are eased.

In China, oil demand was at 90 percent of the pre-COVID-19 levels in April, and was expected at 92 percent of ‘normal’ demand in May, according to data from IHS Markit. ... -High.html

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Re: Importation de pétrole en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 26 juin 2020, 21:02

Inversion par rapport à 2 posts au dessus :
China’s Oil Imports From Saudi Arabia Jump To Record High

By Charles Kennedy - Jun 26, 2020

As China imported its highest-ever volume of crude oil in May, its imports from the world’s top oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, nearly doubled to the highest on record after fuel demand in the world’s top oil importer recovered and refiners purchased crude at bargain prices in April.

Chinese imports of crude oil from OPEC’s largest producer, Saudi Arabia, surged by 94.9 percent on the year and by 71 percent on the month in May, to reach 2.16 million barrels per day (bpd), according to data from China’s General Administration of Customs reported by Reuters.

Saudi Arabia beat Russia for the spot of China’s top oil supplier last month, with Russian shipments to China at 1.82 million bpd, up by 21.3 percent from May 2019.

Year to date in May, Chinese imports of crude from Saudi Arabia jumped by 20.8 percent, while imports from Russia rose by 17.8 percent.

Total crude oil imports into China surged to an all-time high of 11.34 million bpd in May, preliminary data from the Chinese General Administration of Customs showed earlier this month. China smashed its crude oil imports record as manufacturing activity picked up and lockdowns eased. But refiners also took advantage of the cheapest crude in years in April to snap up cargoes for delivery in the following months.

According to the customs data, China imported in May its first cargo of U.S. crude oil since November 2019, while Refinitiv data shows that a record amount of U.S. oil is set to be delivered to China in July after refiners had bought cheap U.S. oil in April when prices slumped to the low teens.

China didn’t import any oil from Venezuela in May, according to its customs data, while shipments from Iran also plummeted as buyers are steering clear of U.S. sanctions.

Yet, shipping data suggests that China continues to receive crude from Venezuela, mostly through ship-to-ship transfers. ... -High.html
