Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 13 mars 2019, 00:09

EDF Renouvelables va développer 310 mégawatts solaires aux Etats-Unis

AFP parue le 12 mar 2019

EDF Renouvelables, filiale de l'électricien français dédiée aux énergies renouvelables, a annoncé mardi la signature de contrats de vente d'électricité pour cinq centrales solaires en Floride, d'une capacité totale de 310 mégawatts (MW).

Ces cinq projets solaires de 62 MW chacun sont situés sur plusieurs sites de la ville de Jacksonville et l'électricité produite sera vendue au gestionnaire du réseau local de courant, le JEA (Jacksonville Electric Authority).

Ces projets viendront considérablement renforcer la présence d'EDF Renouvelables dans le solaire aux Etats-Unis, où la société avait déjà installé près de 400 MW fin 2018. ... nis-190312

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 06 juin 2019, 07:42

La société US Energy Transfer qui est dans les oléoducs et gazoducs dans le Permien passe un contrat pour acheter de l'électricité solaire pour 15 ans pour ses opérations.

Oil & Gas Pipeline Firm Buys Solar Power For Permian Operations

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jun 05, 2019

Canadian Solar Inc will supply solar energy to oil and gas pipeline company Energy Transfer from a solar project in the Permian in a first-ever dedicated solar contract that Dallas-based Energy Transfer has signed.

Canadian Solar’s wholly owned subsidiary Recurrent Energy has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) to supply Energy Transfer with solar energy from the Maplewood 2 project in Pecos County in West Texas for a duration of 15 years, the Canadian solar company said in a statement.

“Insiders of the renewable energy industry know well that solar PPAs often help corporations lock in low-cost electricity prices to power their operations. However, it is rewarding in 2019 to also see valued partners from the traditional energy sector like Energy Transfer view a purchase of electricity from high quality Canadian Solar assets like the Maplewood 2 project as a financially sensible decision,” Dr. Shawn Qu, chairman at Canadian Solar, said.

According to David Coker, vice president of Power Optimization at Energy Transfer, the PPA makes economic sense for the oil and gas pipeline company.

“We are always focused on operating our facilities safely and efficiently, and while we mainly rely on electrical energy powered by natural gas, we do use a diversified mix of energy sources when it makes economic sense to do so. In fact, the percentage of electrical energy we purchase that originates from solar and wind sources is now more than 20 percent on any given day with the addition of this contract with Recurrent Energy,” Coker said.

This is not the first time an oil and gas company has signed a power purchase agreement to use renewable energy for its oil and gas operations.

U.S. supermajor Exxon signed in November last year a 12-year deal with Danish renewable energy company Orsted to buy 500 MW of electricity produced by solar and wind farms to power its oil production in the Permian. Although the terms of the contract remained undisclosed, it is the largest such contract featuring an oil company as a party, Bloomberg New Energy Finance commented.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for ... tions.html

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 19 juin 2019, 22:31

2.7 GW de nouveaux solaire PV installés aux US au Q1 2019, c'est le plus gros chiffre jamais réalisé dans le pays
US Solar Power Is Booming This Year Despite Trump's Tariffs

Yessenia Funes 18 June 2019

Clean energy is on the up and up again, and the U.S. solar industry is benefiting as a result. Despite a drop in solar installations last year, this year is expected to see installations increase, according to a new report.

Published Tuesday, the report from the Solar Energy Industries Association and Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables, a market research group, found that the first quarter of 2019 was the strongest in the U.S. solar industry’s history, with 2.7 gigawatts of solar capacity added to the grid. New solar installations should grow 25 percent from 2018, to 13.3 gigawatts. The bounce back, after solar installations dipped 2 percent last year, was driven by larger-scale utility solar projects, which account for 61 percent of the first quarter’s growth.

This marks a sizeable change from what was expected last year when President Trump announced he was smacking tariffs on imported solar cells and modules. At the time, the industry was worried that the tariffs would hinder solar, especially after 2017’s job losses. Instead, solar installations shot past the 2 million mark this year, which is something worth celebrating.

“We’ve now gone a full five quarters with the tariffs being in place, and the market has seemed to have really settled down and has grown quite robustly,” said Colin Smith, senior analyst with Wood Mackenzie, to Earther. “Now, we’re in a position where we’re seeing a lot of market growth beyond what we initially expected a year ago or simply overcome any impacts of the tariffs.”

As the report notes, residential rooftop solar is seeing some growth, while non-residential solar—which refers to solar panels found on commercial and industrial facilities, in addition to community solar projects—is facing a decline. Utility solar projects that feed energy into the grid are the real saviors here, though: The report notes that this sector should grow by 46 percent from 2018 this year thanks to big solar projects in Florida and the Carolinas. So far, Florida has been leading the charge in solar installations this year, followed by California (of course).

The industry expects this growth to continue well past 2019, as well. A number of U.S. utilities—from Dominion to Duke Energy—have solar projects in the works, and they should be a reality come 2024. Plus, even non-residential solar should finally see some growth in the coming years. By 2023, the report authors expect community solar to make up about 30 percent of non-residential solar capacity. Another roughly 20 percent will come from solar-plus-storage as energy storage starts to gain some steam.

Corporations are also helping fuel solar’s growth, said Smith. Companies like Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google are procuring hundreds of megawatts—if not gigawatts—of solar to help fuel their internal renewable energy targets.

“In years past, we were really looking at distributed generation so residential and commercial rooftop projects as one segment,” Smith told Earther, “but we’re now seeing this emerging segment that’s really driving growth.”

Currently, solar doesn’t even make up 2 percent of the U.S. energy generation. However, as costs have fallen solar has grown more than seventeen-fold since 2008, according to the Department of Energy. Renewables, in general, are set to be the “fastest growing source of U.S. electricity generation for at least the next two years,” per the Energy Information Administration. Meanwhile, coal generation has been falling; it’s down to just 28 percent of U.S. energy generation.

Still, solar plus wind might not be enough to meet our targets put forth by the Paris Agreement, E&E News reports. Other types of renewable energy types may be necessary during winter months when energy demands are highest. Governments may need to step in to ensure there’s more research being done on nuclear, renewable hydrogen, biogas, and carbon capture. If we won’t be using fossil fuels in the future, we need to figure out what will fill in the gaps if there are times when wind and solar can’t produce enough energy.

The energy market is changing, and we all better brace ourselves. ... 14335?IR=T

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 22 juin 2019, 09:52

Je comprends pas trop comment ça peut arriver mais un oiseau est responsable d'un incident qui a mis hors service un parc solaire PV géant en Californie.
Only 40MW of Clearway Energy’s 250MW California Valley Solar Ranch remained operational after a bird caused a fire

‘avian incident’ has knocked 84% of a US solar farm off the grid.

Only 40MW of Clearway Energy’s 250MW California Valley Solar Ranch remained operational after a bird caused a fire that damaged distribution cables and poles.

Despite panels themselves remaining undamaged, according a regulatory filing made by the owner, the affected area spanned 1,200 acres

Clearway Energy hasn’t confirmed exactly how the blaze was ignited at the San Luis Obispo County facility but it is expected to return to full service by the 1st of July.

The incident could cost a total of $9 million (£7m) after estimated insurance recovery. ... -the-grid/

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 16 août 2019, 18:26

Droits de douane américains sur le solaire chinois: l'OMC va trancher

AFP parue le 15 août 2019

L'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) a accepté jeudi de créer un groupe d'experts chargé d'examiner la conformité avec les règles du commerce international des droits de douane américains sur les panneaux solaires importés de Chine.

L'Organe de règlement des différends (ORD) de l'OMC, qui agit en tant qu'arbitre des conflits commerciaux, avait été saisi par Pékin il y a un an, alors que le président américain Donald Trump avait approuvé début 2018 des "droits de sauvegarde" sur des panneaux solaires chinois. Ces taxes dégressives sont destinées à être imposées sur quatre ans.

Pékin avait alors déjà exprimé son "ferme mécontentement".

L'ORD a décidé de constituer un panel, groupe d'experts indépendants chargés d'étudier le conflit commercial opposant les deux puissances, a-t-on appris de source proche du dossier.

Les droits de douane imposés par l'administration Trump n'ont pas été unanimement salués par l'industrie américaine du solaire, beaucoup estimant qu'ils allaient contribuer à faire disparaître aux Etats-Unis des milliers d'emplois dépendant des panneaux chinois bon marché.

Mais les importations de cellules photovoltaïques chinoises à prix cassés ont fait plonger les prix moyens de 60%, amenant la plupart des fabricants américains à cesser leur production ou à se déclarer en faillite, avait rappelé en janvier 2018 le Représentant américain au commerce (USTR) Robert Lighthizer.

Ce dernier avait accusé la Chine de recourir à des mesures incitatives, subventions, rabais fiscaux et mesures douanières pour accroître sa production photovoltaïque. Il avait en outre reproché aux fabricants chinois d'avoir de façon répétée tenté d'échapper aux droits de douane américains en faisant transiter leurs produits par des pays tiers.

Les panels de l'ORD ont le pouvoir d'autoriser des pays lésés à prendre des contre-mesures, telles qu'une hausse de droits de douane frappant les produits importés des pays fautifs.

Le processus de règlement des conflits peut prendre des années à l'OMC, où il y a des possibilités d'appels. En outre, l'organe d'appel de l'ORD pourrait se retrouver paralysé le 11 décembre prochain: en raison des départs prévus, il n'aura plus suffisamment de juges pour fonctionner si les Etats-Unis continuent de refuser d'approuver la nomination de nouveaux juges. ... her-190815

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 14 déc. 2019, 16:37

Addition de 2.6 GW de capacité solaire PV aux US en Q3 2019.
The solar market in the U.S. added 2.6 gigawatts of solar photovoltaics in the third quarter of 2019, with total solar capacity — which includes both photovoltaic and concentrating solar power — hitting 71.3 GW, according to a new report. ... arter.html

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par Remundo » 14 déc. 2019, 18:25

pas mal... :)

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 02 janv. 2020, 08:58

Feu vert pour le projet de la plus grande centrale solaire aux US. 690 MW dans le Nevada près de Las Vegas (va donc doubler le record actuel de 579 MW en Californie)
Coût 1 milliards de dollars. Sur 2873 ha.
Mise en service fin 2023.
Avec stockage sur batteries.
Trump administration says it will approve largest U.S. solar farm

Jan 1, 2019

Federal officials plan to approve a massive solar farm with energy storage in the desert outside Las Vegas, paving the way for a $1-billion project that will provide electricity to Nevada residents served by billionaire Warren Buffett’s NV Energy.

At 690 megawatts across 7,100 acres, the facility would generate more power than the largest solar farm currently operating in the United States, a 579-megawatt plant in Southern California. The energy storage component — at least 380 megawatts of four-hour lithium-ion batteries, capable of storing solar power for use after dark — would also be one of the largest facilities of its kind.

The so-called Gemini project will be on federal lands, and thus requires sign-off from the Interior Department. The department’s Bureau of Land Management released a final environmental impact statement Monday, in which federal officials indicated they will approve the project after one last round of public comments, likely within 90 days..
Gemini could be the third solar farm on public lands approved by federal officials since Trump took office, joining the 80-megawatt Sweetwater project in Wyoming and the 500-megawatt Palen project in California’s Riverside County.

The Bureau of Land Management published the final environmental analysis for another large Riverside County solar project, Desert Quartzite, in September, but has not yet issued an official “record of decision.”

The Gemini project “would represent a significant increase in renewable energy capacity for Nevada and the West,” Tim Smith, the bureau’s district manager for southern Nevada, said in a recent news release, when the project’s draft environmental analysis was released.
The Gemini project is being developed by Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners and Arevia Power, and is expected to be fully operational by Dec. 1, 2023. It will be built along Interstate 15 about 30 miles northeast of Las Vegas, near two large solar farms that are already operating on the other side of the freeway. ... -las-vegas

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 25 janv. 2020, 20:36

Autorisation administrative accordée pour un parc solaire de 450 MW en Californie dans le désert de Sonora.
First Solar gets green light for 450MW PV complex in Californian desert

By José Rojo Martín Jan 15, 2020

The US administration has approved a large-scale solar PV plant in California’s Sonora Desert, capping off a long process that saw some oppose the project on green and cultural grounds.

On Wednesday, the US Department of the Interior (DOI) authorised First Solar’s 450MW Desert Quartzite Solar Project near the city of Blythe, some 200 miles east of Los Angeles city.

As proposed, the project is estimated to cost around US$1 billion and would involve the setting up of a 2.8-mile 230 kV transmission line linking the plant to the Colorado River substation.
......... ... ian-desert

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 08 févr. 2020, 21:48

Duke Energy met en service une centrale solaire PV de 100 MW au Texas.
La centrale s'étend sur 323 hectares.
Duke Energy Renewables’ largest PV project in Texas begins operations

By Conor Ryan Jan 31, 2020

Duke Energy Renewables’ 100MW Lapetus Solar project in Andrews County, Texas, began commercial operation in December 2019. This stands as Duke Energy's second solar project in commercial operation in Texas and the first large-scale PV project in Andrews County.

Rob Caldwell, president, Duke Energy Renewables, said: "Texas ranks fourth in the country for solar energy. We're thrilled that Lapetus Solar is now online and will contribute to the growth of the community's clean energy facilities.”

Duke Energy Renewables acquired the project from 7X Energy in February 2019. In total, 240 individuals were employed during the peak construction phase of the installation, with over 340,000 solar panels installed on approximately 323 hectares outside of Andrews, Texas. ... ght-online

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 15 févr. 2020, 20:39

Une grande centrale solaire de 162 MW va voir le jour en Oregon, et sera la plus grande de cet état.
Portland General Electric (PGE) and Avangrid Renewables have signed off on an agreement to purchase power from a new 162MW PV installation that will be developed and built in eastern Oregon.

Once completed, the solar installation will be the largest ever developed in Oregon and will supply power and the accompanying renewable energy credits to PGE's Green Future Impact customers. Green Future Impact is a voluntary renewable energy program that PGE introduced to give large businesses and municipalities more ways to meet their ambitious sustainability goals and strengthen the local clean energy industry.

Maria Pope, president and CEO of Portland General Electric, said: “We're proud to meet growing customer demand for clean energy. These partnerships are critical for creating jobs, thereby creating a green economy and accelerating clean energy delivery to customers."

This new solar facility stands as Avangrid Renewables' 11th renewable energy installation developed in Oregon and will be built on roughly 485 privately-owned hectares of land in Gilliam County.

Construction is expected to begin in late 2020 or early 2021. During the peak of construction, the project is expected to create approximately 300 jobs through partnerships with local unions.

Once the facility commences operations in late 2021, it will produce enough energy to power the equivalent of about 40,000 homes and will generate an estimated US$1.3 million of taxes and property owner lease payments annually.

Avangrid Renewables will develop and own the project, which Green Future Impact customers will help name. PGE will purchase the facility's entire output over a 15-year span.

Alejandro de Hoz, Avangrid Renewables president and CEO, said: We value the opportunity to partner with PGE to build the largest solar facility in Oregon. Given our company's long history in the Pacific Northwest, we are proud to play a key role in delivering more renewable electricity to forward-thinking commercial energy customers." ... -project-t

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 20 mars 2020, 20:34

Les USA ont ajoutés 13.3 GW de solaire PV en 2019.
Dont 2.8 GW en résidentiel.

La capacité des parcs se monte maintenant à 76 GW.
The US added 13.3 GW of solar in 2019, beating new wind and gas capacity
According to data released by analyst Wood Mackenzie and the Solar Energy Industries Association, the U.S. added more than 2.8 GW of residential solar last year. Cumulative operating PV capacity now tops 76 GW.


Cumulative operating PV capacity in the U.S. now exceeds 76 GW, up from 1 GW at the end of 2009.
........ ... -capacity/

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 13 mai 2020, 00:43

Projet du plus grand parc solaire PV aux USA. 690 MW au Nord de Las Vegas. 1 milliard de dollars. ... -Ever.html
Trump Administration Approves Largest U.S. Solar Project Ever

By Tsvetana Paraskova - May 12, 2020

The U.S. Department of the Interior approved this week the biggest solar project in the United States ever—an estimated US$1-billion solar plus battery storage project in Nevada.


Australia’s Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners and California-based Arevia Power now have the green light to build and operate the Gemini Solar Project some 30 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada. The project will consist of a 690-MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility plus a battery storage facility. The project will be the world’s eighth-largest solar power facility and is expected to generate enough electricity to power 260,000 homes in the Las Vegas area and potential energy markets in Southern California, the Department of the Interior said.

The plan received the U.S. Administration’s approval despite objections from environmentalists who had argued in recent years that the construction would endanger rare species in the area, including the desert tortoise, and endanger the habitats of desert kit foxes and rare wildflowers, among others.

The Gemini project is expected to be built in two phases, with the first phase coming online in 2021 and final completion as early as 2022, the Department of the Interior said. ... -Ever.html

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 26 juil. 2020, 16:02

De plus en plus de solaire PV au Texas au détriment du charbon :
Solar power to push much of remaining Texas coal fleet offline: IEEFA

By Jules Scully Jul 14, 2020 .

A surge in new utility-scale solar is poised to push much of the remaining coal-fired power fleet in Texas into retirement in the next few years, according to a report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA).

The research describes the increasing vulnerability of coal plants across the power generation market managed by the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), an area that covers most of the state. It sees upward of 70% of daytime coal-fired generation in ERCOT being at risk by 2022.

According to IEEFA, wind-fired generation has set the stage for the rise of utility-scale solar, in effect delivering a one-two punch to a coal fleet that is down to 11 plants and will number ten by October.

“Coal-fired power generation in Texas, pummelled by clean, no-fuel-cost wind over the past ten years, is about to be hit by a second wave of competition from renewables as utility-scale solar power stands to gain significant market share over the next few years,” said Dennis Wamsted, an IEEFA analyst and lead author of the report.

He added that while installed solar power capacity in the US has grown by almost 4,000% over the past ten years, its growth rate across ERCOT has been even faster, with installed capacity increasing from just 15MW in 2010 to 2,281MW at the end of 2019, a 15,107% increase. ERCOT’s installed capacity could climb at a comparable rate this year, with current projections showing solar topping 5.8GW by the end of 2020.

The report concludes that the gathering utility-scale solar surge will irreversibly alter the market’s daily dynamics and drive more coal plants offline by 2025.

“This June, for example, solar generation supplied 4-5% of daytime electricity demand on many occasions,” the report states. “Given its low cost and given the Texas grid’s energy-only business model, which pays for electricity produced rather than mere generation capacity, solar is gaining – and will continue to gain – market share. This will come at the expense of more costly generation, most likely coal-fired, which will be backed out of the ERCOT generation mix by a comparable amount.”

The report underscores the importance of the rise in battery storage technology, which is evolving quickly and is being adopted by a growing number of utilities and independent power producers.

Publication of the report comes a week after solar and storage developer 8minute Solar Energy announced the completion of its first utility-scale solar project in Texas. The 280MWdc/200MWdc Holstein solar farm, built alongside Duke Energy Renewables, marks a “significant milestone” for 8minute, the company said.

8minute currently has a further four projects in late stages of development in the Lone Star state, representative of nearly 1GW of capacity. Tom Buttgenbach, president and CEO of 8minute, said the company was bringing its solar and storage development expertise to “forge a new energy model in Texas”

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Re: Etats-Unis: un grand plan de l'énergie solaire

Message par energy_isere » 18 sept. 2020, 07:50

Projet d'une centrale solaire PV de 400 MW avec du stockage sur batteries de 180 MW / 540MWh, Californie, pour 2023.
8minute Solar Energy unveil another massive Californian solar plus storage project

Joshua S Hill16 September 2020

8minute Solar Energy is to partner with Californian locally operated electricity provider Clean Power Alliance to develop a massive new solar and storage project, measuring in at 400MW in solar capacity with 180MW/540MWh of energy storage.

8minute Solar announced last week that it had executed a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Clean Power Alliance, which serves approximately one million customers across Los Angeles and Ventura Counties in California, for the electricity generated from the to-be-constructed Rexford 1 Solar & Storage Centre in Tulare County.
...... ... ect-61192/
