Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 27 juil. 2020, 21:35

Suite de ce post du 30 avril 2020. viewtopic.php?p=2302040#p2302040
Abu Dhabi: EDF et Jinko construiront la centrale solaire la plus puissante au monde

AFP parue le 27 juill. 2020

Le consortium formé par le français EDF et le chinois Jinko Power Technologie a remporté l'appel d'offres pour construire la centrale solaire "la plus puissante au monde" à Abu Dhabi, aux Émirats arabes
unis, ont annoncé les partenaires lundi.

La future centrale, d'une capacité installée de 2 gigawatts (GW), "sera la plus puissante au monde et alimentera en électricité l'équivalent de 160.000 foyers locaux chaque année", soulignent les deux groupes dans un communiqué commun.

Le contrat a été attribué par la société Emirates Water and Electricity Company (EWEC), pour une mise en service prévue en 2022 dans la région d'Al Dhafra, à 35 kilomètres au sud de la ville d'Abu Dhabi.

EDF Renouvelables et Jinko Power détiendront chacun 20% des parts du projet. Les 60% restants seront détenus par les acteurs publics locaux TAQA et Masdar.

"Il s'agit également de la première centrale d'une telle envergure à utiliser des modules bi-faciaux", qui permettent de capter le rayonnement solaire des deux côtés des modules photovoltaïques, soulignent les deux lauréats.

Le consortium explique avoir présenté l'offre la plus compétitive, "avec un coût moyen de production de l'électricité de 1,35 cent USD par kilowattheure".

L'énergie solaires a bénéficié ces dernières années d'une forte chute des coûts, tandis que des projets de plus en plus gigantesques se sont développés.

Le parc de Bhadla en Inde représente ainsi une capacité installée totale de plus de 2,2 GW, ce qui en ferait le plus puissant au monde. Mais il s'agit d'un complexe avec des lots successifs remportés par plusieurs acteurs.

"Al Dhafra est le plus puissant projet solaire qui sera raccordé en un point", souligne-t-on chez EDF Renouvelables.

Riches en pétrole et en gaz, les Emirats arabes unis veulent diversifier leur bouquet énergétique en développant notamment les renouvelables mais aussi le nucléaire. Le pays explique vouloir produire 50% de son énergie à partir de sources "propres" d'ici 2050. ... nde-200727

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par Jeuf » 28 juil. 2020, 10:37

Hé oui, le soleil ne manque pas là-bas. Et la production est globalement en phase avec les besoins.

2 gigawatts (GW), "sera la plus puissante au monde et alimentera en électricité l'équivalent de 160.000 foyers locaux chaque année"
ça fait beaucoup de consommation par foyer

à 2000kWh par an par kWc installé pour cette partie du monde, la plus favorable, ça fait 25000 kWh par foyer.
Surement beaucoup de clim en jeu pour chaque foyer, je ne sais pas si on fait des efforts sur l'isolation thermique des batiment (en plus des protection solaires), on a peut-être des choses à leur enseigner.

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 29 août 2020, 17:29

Les Emirats arabes unis annulent leur boycott d'Israël


Les Emirats arabes unis (EAU) ont annulé leur boycott d'Israël et autorisent désormais les accords commerciaux et financiers entre les deux pays, rapporte samedi l'agence de presse émiratie WAM.

L'émir d'Abou Dhabi et président de la fédération des EAU, le cheikh Khalifa ben Zayed al Nahyan, a signé un décret en ce sens, qui "vise à soutenir la coopération bilatérale afin de parvenir à (l'établissement) de relations bilatérales", précise l'agence de presse.

Ce décret constitue une nouvelle étape dans le processus de rapprochement entre Israël et les Emirats après l'accord conclu le 13 août sur une normalisation de leurs relations, sous l'égide du président américain Donald Trump.

La compagnie israélienne El Al doit assurer lundi le premier vol direct entre Israël et Abou Dhabi. ... 3add6f73b5

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 02 sept. 2020, 10:53

Les Emirats veulent acheter le F35 tazu, Israël s'y oppose farouchement. ... 3664fa3f55

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par emmort » 02 sept. 2020, 12:37

energy_isere a écrit :
02 sept. 2020, 10:53
Les Emirats veulent acheter le F35 tazu, Israël s'y oppose farouchement. ... 3664fa3f55
Nouveaux amis, peut-être, mais il ne faudrait quand même pas exagérer!!
Le contraire de la vérité, ce n'est pas le mensonge, c'est la certitude !! (Emmanuel Carrére)

J'utilise LINUX, il y a moins bien, mais c'est plus cher!!

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 27 sept. 2020, 09:40

Suite de ce post du 17 mars 2019 viewtopic.php?p=2281868#p2281868

Abengoa a terminé les travaux du premier parc solaire à concentration de 200 MW sur les trois à construire.
Chaque parc à 2120 collecteurs paraboliques de 40 tonnes pour 1430 m2 !
Abengoa advances in the construction of the world’s largest concentrated solar power complex in Dubai

September 24, 2020 reve

The company has just celebrated the completion of the first solar field of the three 200 MW parabolic trough plants which is building in phase IV of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (MBR) Solar Park, in the United Arab Emirates.
Its construction has involved the installation and assembly of 2,120 collectors, each weighing 40 tons.


Abengoa (MCE: ABG/P:SM), the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the infrastructure, energy and water sectors, has just celebrated the completion of the first solar field of the three which is building in the largest solar complex in the world: the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Phase IV of MBR Solar Park is currently under development by Noor Energy 1 PSC, a company owned by DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority), ACWA Power, and Silk Road Fund.

Abengoa provides the technology and is responsible for the design, engineering and construction, for Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd., of three parabolic trough plants of 200 MW each, which are part of phase IV of the complex. Now, the Dubai desert has been the scene of the installation of the last of the 2,120 parabolic trough collectors which are part of the solar field of the first of the plants and which has involved the assembly of more than 53,000 tons of structures, even breaking production records, having been installed up to 80 collectors per week.

A new generation of parabolic trough collectors

These collectors, with a 1,430 m2 mirrored surface each in the shape of a parabola, are responsible for concentrating solar radiation, heating a transfer fluid, which will produce steam that feeds a turbine to generate electricity. In addition to this, the collectors installed in this plant are part of the new generation of big aperture parabolic trough collectors, also manufactured by Abengoa, the Spacetube 8.2++, which is the parabolic through with biggest aperture in current commercialized applications. Its innovative design resulted in important improvements regarding its optical accuracy, optimization of assembly and a reduction in manufacturing and installation costs.

....... ... ubai/77352

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 30 nov. 2020, 22:57

Énorme contrat de 519 millions de dollars attribué à des chinois pour des études sismiques 3D combinées onshore et offshore.
ADNOC Dishes Out Deal Worth Up To $519MM

by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone StaffFriday, November 27, 2020

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has announced the award of a contract worth up to $519 million (AED 1.9 billion) to BGP Inc, a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Company (CNPC).

The contract further expands the scope of the world’s largest combined three-dimensional (3D) onshore and offshore seismic survey, which is currently taking place in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, ADNOC outlined. Following the new award, the total area to be covered by the survey is now up to 32,818 square miles, ADNOC highlighted.

The contract increases the scope of the survey to capture coastal areas, islands, and shallow water. It will utilize state-of-the-art technologies including cableless equipment and a wide range of environmentally friendly seismic sources, according to ADNOC.

ADNOC noted that the expansion underscores the important role seismic surveying plays in enabling the company to identify and explore new hydrocarbon resources. The business revealed that 50 percent of the award value will flow back into the UAE’s economy under ADNOC’s In-Country Value program.

“This award builds on the solid progress we are making in executing the world’s largest combined 3D seismic survey which is an important part of our strategy to accelerate the exploration and development of Abu Dhabi’s hydrocarbon resources,” Yaser Saeed Al Mazrouei, ADNOC’s upstream executive director, said in a company statement.

“It further demonstrates ADNOC’s commitment to realizing the full potential of our conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources to ensure the UAE remains a long-term and reliable energy provider to the world,” he added.

“The award follows a competitive tender process that ensures a significant portion of the value will flow back into the UAE’s economy, supporting local businesses in line with the leadership’s wise directives,” Mazrouei went on to say.

In July 2018, ADNOC awarded the first set of contracts for the survey and has so far recorded almost 60 percent progress in executing the initial scope, which includes onshore and offshore areas, the company highlighted. The entire survey, including the added coastal scope, is on track to be completed in 2024.

ADNOC is a leading diversified energy and petrochemicals group wholly owned by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, according to its website. The company’s objective is to maximize the value of the Emirate’s hydrocarbon reserves through responsible and sustainable exploration and production to support the United Arab Emirates’ economic growth and diversification, ADNOC’s website states. ... 5-article/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 10 déc. 2020, 00:28

Occidental Petroleum à gagné les droits d'exploration sur le bloc 5 à Abu Dhabi. Sur 1646 square miles.
Oxy Bags Onshore ADNOC Field Exploration Rights
by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone Staff December 09, 2020

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) revealed Wednesday that it has awarded the exploration rights for Abu Dhabi Onshore Block 5 to Occidental (NYSE: OXY).

The award was approved by Abu Dhabi’s Supreme Petroleum Council (SPC) and follows the SPC’s endorsement last month for ADNOC to begin awarding exploration blocks in Abu Dhabi’s second competitive block bid round, ADNOC outlined.

Occidental will hold a 100 percent stake in the exploration phase, investing up to $140 million (AED 514 million), including a participation fee, to explore for and appraise oil and gas opportunities in the block, which covers an onshore area of 1,626 square miles southeast of Abu Dhabi city.

Following a successful commercial discovery during the exploration phase, Occidental will have the right to a production concession to develop and produce such commercial discoveries, ADNOC outlined. ADNOC has the option to hold a 60 percent stake in the production phase of the concession. The term of the production phase is 35 years from the commencement of the exploration phase.

...... ... 9-article/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 24 déc. 2020, 21:31

Suite de ce post du 27 juillet 2020 ... 5#p2307165

Le projet de centrale solaire de 2 GW boucle son financement.
World’s largest solar power plant set to operate as Taqa receives UAE's financing

December 22, 2020

Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (Taqa) and its partners Masdar, EDF Renewables and JinkoPower, have announced financial closing of the Al Dhafra Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Independent Power Producer (IPP) project.

The project, located approximately 35 km from Abu Dhabi City, will have a capacity of 2 gigawatts (GW) and will supply power to Emirates Water and Electricity Company (EWEC).

Once operational, the Al Dhafra Solar PV IPP will be the world’s largest single-site solar power plant, using approximately 4 million solar panels to generate enough electricity for approximately 160,000 homes across the UAE.

Financing for the project will come from seven international banks, following the signing of the power purchase agreement in July 2020.

Earlier in the year, the competitive bidding for the project led to one of the most competitive tariffs for solar power, set at 4.97 fils/kWh (1.35 US cents/kWh), which upon financial closing, was further improved to 4.85 fils/kWh (1.32 US cents/kWh), primarily driven by hedging and financing cost improvements, in addition to other optimization efforts.

Taqa will own 40 per cent of the Al Dhafra project, while the remaining partners – Masdar, EDF Renewables and JinkoPower – will have a 20 per cent stake each.

The plant will deploy the latest in crystalline, bifacial solar technology, which will enable the plant to provide more efficient electricity by capturing solar irradiation from both the front and backside of the panel. Upon full commercial operation, the plant is expected to reduce Abu Dhabi’s CO2 emissions by more than 2.4 million metric tons per year, equivalent to removing approximately 470,000 cars from the road.

Jasim Husain Thabet, Group CEO and Managing Director at Taqa, said: "The financial closing of the world’s largest solar plant marks the beginning of an important chapter for this IPP project, for Taqa Group and for the UAE as we continue to deliver on our bold clean energy ambitions, while demonstrating the commercial and operational viability of utility-scale single-site solar projects. Through this project and many others – such as Taqa’s Noor Abu Dhabi, currently the world’s largest operational solar power plant – we have established the company as a trusted integrated utilities partner that is leading the sector’s transformation in the UAE and beyond. We have an expanded portfolio of power and water assets that we will grow further through a disciplined approach, adding value for our shareholders and delivering a diverse supply of energy for our stakeholders and the communities in which we operate.”

Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar (Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company), said: “Achieving this milestone is a significant step forward in the development of the Al Dhafra project and the realisation of the UAE leadership’s vision for a diversified power sector.” ... -financing

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 26 mai 2021, 09:08

Gros contrat de 744 millions de dollars attribué par ADNOC pour développer 45 000 b/j plus du gaz associé dans le bloc offshore Belbazem .
ADNOC Announces $744MM Contract Award

by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone Staff|Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) announced on Tuesday the award of a $744 million (AED2.73 billion) contract for the full field development of the Belbazem Offshore Block.

Al Yasat Petroleum Operations Company Ltd (Al Yasat) - ADNOC’s subsidiary and joint venture with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) - awarded the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract to the National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC). The scope of the award covers engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning activities for the offshore facilities required to enable full production capacity of 45,000 barrels per day of light crude and 27 million standard cubic feet per day of associated gas from Belbazem, ADNOC outlined. First oil from the asset is expected in 2023.

As part of the lead up to the EPC award, which followed a competitive tender process, Al Yasat undertook a front-end engineering design (FEED) competition among the bidders to optimize the project. This reduced the originally scheduled tender time by up to 12 months, ADNOC revealed.

“We are very pleased to commence the full field development of the Belbazem Offshore Block, together with our strategic partner CNPC,” Yaser Saeed Almazrouei, ADNOC’s upstream executive director, said in a company statement.

“This award demonstrates our commitment to maximize value from all of Abu Dhabi’s hydrocarbon resources for the benefit of the UAE and our partners. NPCC was selected after a rigorous tender process that ensures it will deploy best-in-class technology and expertise to execute this strategic project, with a substantial part of the award value flowing back into the UAE’s economy to stimulate local economic growth, in line with the wise directives of our leadership,” he added.

Shaheen Al Mansoori, the acting chief executive officer of Al Yasat, said, “the FEED competition and EPC award for the Belbazem Offshore Block highlight Al Yasat’s focus on costs and competitive approach to ensure we can commercially develop our concession areas and deliver long-term and sustainable value for ADNOC and our partner CNPC”.

“Al Yasat will continue to drive cost efficiencies as we unlock value from those of Abu Dhabi’s fields which are comparatively smaller and require a lean operating model to optimize their production and value potential,” the Al Yasat representative went on to say.

The Belbazem Block, which is located 74 miles northwest of Abu Dhabi city, consists of three marginal offshore fields; Belbazem, Umm Al Salsal, and Umm Al Dholou. ADNOC and CNPC hold 60 percent and 40 percent stakes in Al Yasat, respectively. ... 1-article/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 31 mai 2021, 11:21

Abu Dhabi projette un parc solaire PV de 800 MW pour fabriquer industriellement de l' Hydrogéne et de l' Amoniac.40 000 t d' hydrogène annuel.
Abu Dhabi to host green hydrogen and ammonia facility powered by 800MW of solar

ByJules Scully May 27, 2021

The 1.2GW Abu Dhabi Noor solar project. Image: EWEC.

Plans have been revealed for a US$1 billion green hydrogen and ammonia facility in Abu Dhabi that will be powered by a dedicated 800MW solar project.

According to Abu Dhabi Ports, the facility will be constructed by special project vehicle company Helios Industry in the Khalifa Industrial Zone. At peak capacity, it will produce 200,000 tonnes of green ammonia from 40,000 tonnes of green hydrogen.

Helios, which aims to develop the installation alongside both local and international partners in two phases, said it will be the first plant within Abu Dhabi to produce green ammonia from hydrogen using renewable energy.

“Abu Dhabi Ports is proud to be the host of an innovative company like Helios Industry, and one of the region’s first green ammonia plants with zero carbon emissions,” said Abdullah Al Hameli, head of industrial cities and free zone cluster at Abu Dhabi Ports.

Abu Dhabi is set to host another green hydrogen facility that is being developed by local renewables company Masdar in partnership with Siemens Energy and Marubeni Corporation. The initiative aims to establish a demonstrator plant at Masdar City to explore the development of green hydrogen, sustainable fuels and e-kerosene production for transport, shipping and aviation.

Last week saw neighbouring Dubai inaugurate the Middle East’s first industrial-scale, solar-powered green hydrogen project, which is powered by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park and is expected to produce approximately 20.5kg of hydrogen per hour.

With the United Arab Emirates looking to increase the contribution of renewables in its energy mix to 50% by 2050, recent research from consultancy Rystad Energy estimates that installed solar capacity in the country will increase from the current 2.1GW level to 8.5GW by the end of 2025. ... -of-solar/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 04 juin 2021, 07:41

Grand parc solaire PV de 3 MW sur le parking voiture de l' aéroport de Abi Dhabi.
Abu Dhabi Airports and Masdar have announced the completion of Abu Dhabi’s largest solar-powered car park, which will save 5,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

Jun 02, 2021

The three-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic (PV) project is installed on the car shading at the short-term car park of the Midfield Terminal at Abu Dhabi International Airport, with 7,542 solar panels producing electricity.


The energy generated by the grid-connected project will be used to power the car parking facility, with excess energy fed to other sections of the airport.

"The Midfield Terminal is designed to not only deliver a state-of-the-art smooth and seamless passenger experience but also safeguard the UAE’s beautiful natural heritage. Throughout its development, we have integrated technology which enables sustainability, protects the environment, and creates a cleaner, greener, and more ecologically friendly building," said Shareef Al Hashmi, Chief Executive Officer of Abu Dhabi Airports.
Masdar’s Energy Services department provided a full turnkey solution for the project, including financing, design, procurement and construction. Under the terms of the lease agreement, Masdar will also provide operation and maintenance services for a 25-year period.
............. ... d-car-park

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 16 juin 2021, 23:28

Contrat de 510 millions de dollars pour Saipem à Abu Dhabi pour une extension d'une unité de traitement du Gaz.
$510MM Middle East Contract Goes to Saipem

by Matthew V. Veazey|Rigzone Staff|Wednesday, June 16, 2021

A unit of Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) has awarded Saipem an AED1.87 billion (US$510 million) contract to expand the capacity of its Shah Sour Gas Plant, ADNOC reported Tuesday.

Saipem’s receipt of the engineering, procurement, and construction contract from ADNOC Sour Gas (ASG) to expand the plant’s capacity 13% follows a competitive tender process, ADNOC noted in a written statement emailed to Rigzone.

According to ADNOC, the Optimum Shah Gas Expansion (OSGE) project will increase the six-year-old plant’s processing capacity from 1.28 to 1.45 billion standard cubic feet per day (scfd). The facility is located 130 miles (210 kilometers) southwest of Abu Dhabi city, ADNOC pointed out.

“The Shah Gas Expansion Project is an excellent example of how ADNOC is growing its gas production at existing fields to deliver a more sustainable gas supply and support the UAE’s gas self-sufficiency objective,” remarked ADNOC Upstream Executive Director Yaser Saeed Almazrouei. “Importantly, the In-Country Value generated from the EPC contract will help to stimulate the growth of the private sector and local economy as we navigate the post-Covid recovery and continue to meet the future energy needs of our nation.”

ADNOC stated the OSGE work scope includes engineering, procurement, construction, pre-commissioning, and facilities start-up. It pointed out the project includes all associated off-sites and utilities need to integrate new facilities with existing installations – gas gathering facilities, main gas plant, product pipelines, and the sulfur granulation plant. Not only will the project increase plant production capacity, but also extend the existing gas gathering network and new pad facilities, added ADNOC.

“Shah’s expansion will optimize the plant as well as improve both capacity and higher-end product recoveries, further growing our contribution as a safe and reliable supplier of gas to ADNOC and the UAE,” commented ASG CEO Tayba Al Hashemi. “It enhances Shah’s position as a hub of sour operations expertise, developing the skills and experience of the next generation of Emirati professionals.”

A joint venture of ADNOC and Occidental (NYSE: OXY), ASG operates the Shah field and distinguishes as the world’s only company that processes more than 1 billion scfd of ultra-sour gas from a single plant, ADNOC noted.

“The award of this new project by a key client such as ADNOC strengthens our long-lasting presence in the United Arab Emirates and is an additional recognition of our ability to carry out high-tech and complex projects in accordance with the highest safety and environmental standards,” stated Maurizio Coratella, chief operating officer of Saipem’s Onshore E&C Division. “We are pleased to contribute to the upgrading of this important plant for the country.”

ADNOC anticipates a 2023 project completion. ... 6-article/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 05 juil. 2021, 07:48

Les Emirats demandent un relèvement de leur seuil de production dans l' OPEP
Ca a fait capoté les discussions de l'OPEP la semaine dernière, voir viewtopic.php?p=2321947#p2321947
Ce seuil de production arrêté à la date d'octobre 2018 est jugé obsolète par un pays qui revendique "une capacité (de production) désormais plus élevée", a expliqué Eugen Weinberg, analyste de Commerzbank.

Actuellement à 3,17 millions de barils par jour, le ministre émirati aurait insisté pour qu'il soit "relevé à 3,8 millions de barils par jour", a précisé Ole Hansen, analyste de Saxobank.
............. ... pep-210704

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 01 oct. 2021, 07:18

Dubaï inaugure avec faste son exposition universelle
L'Expo-2020, reportée d'un an en raison de la pandémie, est la première exposition universelle organisée au Moyent-Orient

Après les JO de Tokyo, cette exposition se présente comme le plus grand événement à l'échelle mondiale depuis le début de la pandémie.

Dubaï espère attirer 25 millions de visiteurs, tous devront avoir été vaccinés ou disposer d'un test PCR négatif.

L'Expo-2020 promet de dévoiler merveilles architecturales et innovations technologiques dans ses nombreux pavillons, représentant plus de 190 pays. ... d=msedgntp
