Le Cuivre

Discussions traitant de l'impact du pic pétrolier sur l'économie.

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 30 mai 2021, 15:29

le 20 sept 2015 j' avais fait ce post sur la mine de Morenci aux USA : http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 21#p380321

et bien cette mine reste encore la plus grosse mine de Cuivre d' Amérique du Nord, et c'est la 3ieme au rang mondial. (classement du post au dessus).
Taking third place is Morenci — the largest copper producer in North America — located in Greenlee County, Arizona. Morenci is an open-pit copper mining complex that has been in continuous operation since 1939, and previously was mined through underground workings.

The mine is majority-owned by Freeport-McMoRan (72%), with Japan’s Sumitomo Corp. (15%) and Sumitomo Metal Mining (13%) holding the remaining interest.

https://www.mining.com/featured-article ... per-mines/

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par Jeudii » 30 mai 2021, 15:36

energy_isere a écrit :
29 mai 2021, 16:28
et bien ils expérimentent l'utilisation d' Hydrogéne dans les fours de raffinage du Cuivre. En partenariat avec Air Liquide.
Comprends-tu pourquoi (d'un point de vue technologique) ils n'utilisent pas des fours électriques?

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 30 mai 2021, 15:37

Codelco says 40% of its copper output at risk if glacier bill passes

Reuters | May 23, 2021

Chile’s state-run Codelco, the world’s largest copper producer, said in a letter to lawmakers this week that as much as 40% of its copper output is at risk if a bill that limits mine operations near glaciers advances, according to a report in local daily El Mercurio.

The letter, sent by Codelco to the Chilean Senate’s Mining and Energy Committee, notes that three of its major mine operations – Andina, El Teniente and Salvador – would be impacted by the “absolute prohibitions” currently under consideration in the bill.

“The new protections proposed in the project would overlap with current and future activities in Andina, El Teniente and Salvador,” Codelco executives warned in the letter to lawmakers, according to the El Mercurio report.

The three mines together constitute nearly 40% of the sprawling miner´s production, government statistics show.

The Senate is considering the glacier protection bill as it begins to review a royalty bill aimed at sharply increasing taxes imposed on the country´s copper miners, a one-two punch that industry executives have warned could doom many of Chile´s massive mines.

Proponents of the bill say Chile´s glaciers, already under threat by climate change, need immediate protection from industrial operations.

The glacier bill was first introduced in early 2018 and is slated for further committee review and procedural votes in coming weeks.
https://www.mining.com/web/chiles-codel ... ses-media/

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 30 mai 2021, 15:39

Jeudii a écrit :
30 mai 2021, 15:36
energy_isere a écrit :
29 mai 2021, 16:28
et bien ils expérimentent l'utilisation d' Hydrogéne dans les fours de raffinage du Cuivre. En partenariat avec Air Liquide.
Comprends-tu pourquoi (d'un point de vue technologique) ils n'utilisent pas des fours électriques?
je suppose que c'est pas seulement l'énergie qui compte pour le chauffage, mais aussi les propriété réductrice de l' H2.
Mais je n' ai pas le détail exact.

Brut lourd
Brut lourd
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Inscription : 07 juil. 2020, 16:50

Re: Le Cuivre

Message par Jeudii » 30 mai 2021, 15:46

energy_isere a écrit :
30 mai 2021, 15:39
Jeudii a écrit :
30 mai 2021, 15:36
energy_isere a écrit :
29 mai 2021, 16:28
et bien ils expérimentent l'utilisation d' Hydrogéne dans les fours de raffinage du Cuivre. En partenariat avec Air Liquide.
Comprends-tu pourquoi (d'un point de vue technologique) ils n'utilisent pas des fours électriques?
je suppose que c'est pas seulement l'énergie qui compte pour le chauffage, mais aussi les propriété réductrice de l' H2.
Mais je n' ai pas le détail exact.
C'est ce que je pensais sauf que le minerai d'oxyde de cuivre est bien moins fréquent que le sulfate... et eureka, avec les sulfates un coproduit important est l'acide sulfurique, donc il faut de l'hydrogène pour mettre avec le soufre. Pas certain que ce soit ça, mais ça semble déjà plus logique.

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 30 mai 2021, 15:49

Le mieux est d' aller dans la press room de Aurubis, et la je vois :
https://www.aurubis.com/en/public-relat ... h-hydrogen
Aurubis: First copper anodes produced with hydrogen

May 27, 2021

Today, Aurubis started the series of tests for hydrogen use on an industrial scale in copper anode production at the Hamburg plant. The pilot project in which hydrogen and nitrogen were introduced in the production facility (anode furnace) instead of natural gas went according to plan. Initially, the current tests will gauge the reaction of the facility to the introduction of hydrogen and ensure that the individual production steps, which are highly sensitive in the energy-intensive metal production process, run smoothly.

In the medium term, hydrogen could replace fossil fuels in the production process, making production more climate-friendly overall. Due to hydrogen’s high reactivity, Aurubis expects enhanced efficiency in the production process as well. The hydrogen for the tests at Aurubis is supplied by Air Liquide, a long-term Aurubis partner that operates an oxygen unit on the Hamburg plant premises, among other things.

With the first-time use of hydrogen on an industrial scale, Aurubis demonstrates another key step towards carbon-neutral multimetal production: while the conventional use of natural gas as a reducing agent forms carbon dioxide, the use of hydrogen only generates water vapor as a by-product. “Hydrogen has long been considered the energy source of the future. In addition to electricity, it can become the energy source of today if competitive parameters are created for its use. With the successful start of the hydrogen pilots, Aurubis shows how the carbon-neutral future can look with the help of innovation,” said Aurubis AG CEO Roland Harings. He emphasized, “When it comes to climate protection, Aurubis has been a forerunner for a long time already. We support the goal of a carbon-neutral continent by 2050. As a multimetal company, we can and want to contribute to this goal – through innovative products and production processes.”

Significant reduction in emissions

Aurubis’ CO2 footprint is already considerably lower than the industry average: With the current processes, Aurubis emits – compared to the average of all copper smelters – about half of the global CO2 footprint per ton of copper output. “By using hydrogen, we can achieve additional significant emission reductions,” remarked Plant Manager Dr. Jens Jacobsen. “The savings potential for the Hamburg smelter in this area alone amounts to 6,200 tons of CO2 annually.”

Hydrogen region Hamburg – a hub for Germany and Europe

“Hamburg is a forward-looking region for innovative climate protection. Today, Aurubis is taking a crucial step to make industry more climate-friendly,” said First Mayor of Hamburg Dr. Peter Tschentscher. “Hydrogen is the central energy source of the energy transition. Generated from renewable energies, it can replace coal, crude oil, and natural gas – in industry, as a CO2-free fuel in transport, as a means of flexible energy storage, and as a sustainable energy source in many other areas. Hydrogen is already being used in Hamburg in a number of pilot projects on a large scale, like the one here at Aurubis. Our goal is to become the biggest hydrogen center of the north: in sustainable production, technology development, and the establishment of a strong hydrogen economy.”

Series of tests to conclude in late summer

The extensive tests starting on May 27 will investigate hydrogen use in continuous operation until the late summer. The long-term goal is to determine the conditions under which hydrogen can be used for poling purposes in the anode furnace instead of natural gas. Furthermore, the technical insights that are gathered in this process are intended to establish the foundation for additional hydrogen activities in the Group.

“We are glad to have the support of the city and to do our part in making Hamburg the hydrogen hub of northern Germany. If the tests go positively in late summer, this will open up additional opportunities to use hydrogen as an alternative, at Aurubis and beyond,” underlined Ulf Gehrckens, Senior Vice President Corporate Energy & Climate Affairs at Aurubis. The Hamburg Authority for Economic Affairs and Innovation supports the project, financially and otherwise.

Aurubis is committed to the goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050 at the latest and is already successfully implementing CO2 reduction projects at all of the company’s production sites. These include the use of industrial waste heat, the power-to-steam procedure, and wind energy for sustainable electricity generation.
''poling'' dans ce contexte avec le Cuivre est un terme technique qui signifie désoxyder.
https://www.linguee.fr/anglais-francais ... oling.html

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 05 juin 2021, 09:11

suite de ce post du 30 mai 2021 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 5#p2320045
RDC : une fonderie chinoise de Lualaba va transformer environ 40 % de la production initiale de cuivre de Kamoa-Kakula

Agence Ecofin 3 juin 2021

Depuis 2013, la RDC a interdit les exportations de concentré de divers minerais, dont le cuivre, afin de stimuler la construction de fonderies locales. Face à la lenteur du processus, des dérogations sont cependant régulièrement accordées pour permettre aux compagnies d’exporter leur production.

Ivanhoe Mines veut produire du cuivre blister pur à 99 % en RDC grâce à sa mine de cuivre Kamoa-Kakula entrée récemment en production. Pour y arriver, la compagnie minière a conclu un accord avec la China Nonferrous Metal Mining (CNMC), propriétaire à 60 % de la fonderie de cuivre de Lualaba (LCS). Pendant 10 ans, la fonderie traitera annuellement jusqu’à 150 000 tonnes de concentrés, apprend-on du communiqué publié le 2 juin par Ivanhoe.

« Kamoa Copper se réjouit d’avoir conclu un accord avec LCS, qui représentera un peu moins de 40 % des volumes totaux de concentrés produits par la phase 1 […]. Nous avons effectué nos premières livraisons de concentré à LCS le 1er juin et nous nous réjouissons d’une relation à long terme mutuellement bénéfique », a commenté Rochelle de Villiers, directrice financière de Kamoa Copper, la filiale locale gérant la mine.

Il faut souligner que cette initiative d’Ivanhoe obéit au vœu de l’Etat congolais de raffiner à terme toute la production minière dans des fonderies locales. Depuis 2013, les autorités ont imposé une interdiction sur les exportations de divers concentrés, dont le cobalt et le cuivre, afin de stimuler le développement d’une industrie locale de la transformation et accroitre ainsi les revenus miniers. En attendant d’atteindre ces objectifs, Kinshasa accorde tout de même des dérogations aux compagnies minières, ce qui permettra donc à Ivanhoe Mines d’exporter le reste de la production de Kamoa-Kakula.

Pour rappel, la mine de Kamoa-Kakula a produit ses premiers concentrés de cuivre le 25 mai. Elle devrait livrer annuellement 200 000 puis 400 000 tonnes à l’issue de sa première phase de production, avant d’atteindre sa pleine capacité à la douzième année d’exploitation. À ce moment-là, Kamoa-Kakula sera la deuxième plus grande mine de cuivre au monde avec une production annuelle de 740 000 tonnes de concentrés.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/cuivre/030 ... moa-kakula

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 06 juin 2021, 10:57

La start up miniére Jetti Resources (dans le Colorado) développe une technologie d'extraction du Cuivre de minerai pauvre Sulfure de Cuivre de type Chalcopyrite et qui évite le procédé traditionnel de pyrométallurgie :
BHP, Freeport invest in Jetti Resources’ ‘holy grail’ copper extraction technology

Amanda Stutt | June 4, 2021

Jetti Resources, the Colorado-based company that developed an eponymous copper extraction technology announced Friday it has secured $50 million in funding to support rapid deployment of the technology across large scale copper mining operations.

The financing round was led by existing investor Mitsubishi Corporation, and included new investors Freeport-McMoRan, BHP Ventures, Orion Resource Partners, and funds and accounts advised by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. Jetti said Mitsubishi further deepened its involvement as an investor as part of a shared vision for transforming the copper industry.

Facing aging mines with lower grades, the industry is looking at how much more copper they can produce out of existing operations – Chile’s Codelco, for example, is planning massive upgrades of its aging mines.

Jetti Resources, a start-up founded in 2014, says its technology makes it possible to extract copper from low-grade primary sulfides like chalcopyrite, the world’s most abundant copper mineral ore.

Its co-founder and CEO is 32-year-old venture capitalist Mike Outwin, who, in 2018, while based in Vancouver, was named one of BC Business magazine’s ’30 under 30′ business leaders.

“For decades they’ve been trying to figure out how to utilize existing technologies and infrastructure to get copper out of that material,” Outwin told MINING.COM last year. “Its always been thought – if you can leach chalcopyrite – that’s the holy grail.”

“Jetti’s financing round has been backed by two of the world’s largest copper mining companies. We look forward to working with all investors to accelerate the adoption of Jetti’s technology and deliver much needed “green copper” to meet the world’s needs for a low-carbon electrified future,” Outwin said in Friday’s press release.

Jetti Resources attracted to its board copper industry veterans Ken Pickering, former BHP Copper president, former BHP CEO Chip Goodyear, Trevor Reid, former Xstrata CFO, Jonathan Leslie, former CEO of Rio Tinto Copper and John Mackenzie, former CEO of Anglo American Copper.

Outwin said the latest investments demonstrate recognition from the miners of the potential for Jetti’s technology to unlock vast untapped copper resources within their portfolios.

Jetti technology was tested last year by Capstone Mining at its Pinto Valley mine in Arizona. During the first year of Capstone’s partnership with Jetti, cathode production per area irrigated has doubled, Capstone announced last July.

“The technology that we’ve developed solves the problem [of] being able to leach chalcopyrite to get the copper out that the industry currently assigned zero percent recovery to. Seventy percent of the world’s remaining copper resources are stuck in low-grade chalcopyrite,” Outwin said in an interview last year.

Outwin said the Jetti technology is a “game changer” because miners generally assign zero percent recovery to the low grade chalcopyrite, which can make up a significant portion of their mines.

“What we’ve developed is a low cost catalyst that enhances the leaching – it’s the key that unlocks that layer and lets the copper out. We’re able to use existing technology and existing leaching infrastructure that [is in] place,” Outwin said. With this technology, just by deploying it at a site and using existing infrastructure, and going after the minerals they already have on-site – you’re effectively able to create a new mine.”

Jetti has a pipeline of 23 projects at various stages, including five active pilots and three opportunities transitioning to commercial status.

https://www.mining.com/bhp-freeport-inv ... echnology/

voir ici : https://mine.nridigital.com/mine_nov20/ ... ade_copper
Jetti’s catalytic technology enables the industry to meet a challenge by addressing a key technical problem – preventing the recovery of trillions of dollars of copper resources trapped in low-grade primary ores, often at existing operations. These low-grade resources contain more than 70% of the world’s copper reserves and they cannot be processed using traditional leaching processes.

Standard leaching techniques on primary copper ores are blocked by a hard, non-reactive coating, which forms around the crystal structure of the ore. This is known as a “passivation layer,” which prevents contact between the leaching solution and the surface of the mineral. Jetti’s catalyst enables the disruption of the sulphur metal bond of the mineral, allowing copper extraction by leaching to take place unimpeded.

The strengths of Jetti’s technology lies in its ease of use and its environmental credentials. The technology requires limited levels of capex as it can be easily integrated with existing plants and processes. The catalyst enables the use of hydrometallurgy, which requires less power, transportation, and water use than pyrometallurgy.

This means that 40% less carbon dioxide, 70% less sulphur oxides, and 70% less nitrogen oxides-associated emissions are generated when processing copper ore. Leaching also requires less than half the water that traditional pyrometallurgical approaches need to produce the same amount of copper.

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 06 juin 2021, 11:21

suite de ce post du 19 juillet 2020 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 1#p2306941

L'usine de production de la mine de Serrote au Bresil est opérationelle.
MVV completes construction of Serrote copper mine in Brazil
Serrote will produce an average of approximately 22,000tpa of copper equivalent over an initial 14-year mine life

By NS Energy Staff Writer 02 Jun 2021

Mineração Vale Verde (MVV) and funding partner Appian Capital Advisory have announced the completion construction of the Serrote copper-gold project in Alagoas, Brazil.

Over an initial 14-year mine life, Serrote will produce an average of approximately 22,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of copper equivalent.

It will produce from a low-strip, open pit mine supplying a 4.1 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) processing plant.

During the initial life of mine, Serrote is expected to exploit a mineral reserve of 52.7 million tonnes grading 0.6% copper and 0.1 grams per tonne gold.

MVV targets to achieve first shipment of high grade copper-gold-silver concentrate from the mine in November 2021.

MVV & Appian Brazil CEO Paulo Castellari said: “This is a fantastic achievement for MVV, underlining the technical, operational and financing expertise of our talented team.

“Concluding construction in line with schedule and below budget once again demonstrates the success of Appian’s business model, and I am particularly proud of our leading safety record and ability to exceed expectations despite the pandemic.”

Following the completion of the mine construction, MVV will now focus on the transition to steady state operations and the ramp-up over the second half of 2021.

Headquartered in Belo Horizonte, MVV is the owner and operator of Serrote, an advanced stage open-pit copper-gold asset. In February, the company secured a $140m debt financing for the development of the Serrote copper-gold project.

After Appian acquired the asset in mid-2018, an updated definitive feasibility study (DFS) was completed for the mine.

The DFS outlined a 14-year initial mine life with production of approximately 24 thousand tonnes of copper equivalent per annum in a premium, high grade concentrate.

Castellari said: “In Serrote we have a high quality asset with low production costs, a long mine-life and significant upside from potential further expansion. Copper remains an incredibly attractive commodity and MVV is ideally placed to benefit from the growing global focus on electrification and decarbonisation.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/m ... ne-brazil/

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 06 juin 2021, 11:41

suite de ce post du 17 nov 2020 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 7#p2312137

Au Botswana la mine de Khoemacau va entrer en service à fin Juin.
Botswana’s Khoemacau copper mine aims to start production this month

Reuters | June 2, 2021

Credit: Khoemacau Copper Mining

Botswana’s new copper mine Khoemacau aims to start production at the end of this month with first sales expected in the third quarter of the year, its chief executive said on Wednesday.

Situated in the Kalahari Copper Belt, which stretches from northeast Botswana to western Namibia, the Khoemacau mine will be the only operational one in the diamond-rich country after two other copper mines were placed under liquidation.


“The first concentrate will be produced after completing the commissioning work and introduction of ore into the processing facility … which is planned to be completed towards the end of June,” Chief Executive Johan Ferreira told Reuters in an emailed response.

The company, which is owned by U.S. private equity firm Cupric Canyon, plans to produce between 25,000 to 28,000 tonnes of copper metal and between 790,000 to 810,000 ounces of silver metal in 2021.

Later on, it plans to ramp up output to annual full capacity of 60,000 tonnes of copper and 2 million ounces of silver.

Most of Khoemacau’s production will be destined for export, with off-take agreements having been mostly agreed and first shipments of concentrate expected early in the third quarter of the year, Ferreira said.

Ferreira said despite current high copper prices Khoemacau had no immediate plans to increase production beyond the current installed capacity as its priority is to sustainably produce concentrate of the right quality and volumes while ramping up to full capacity.

Prevailing high international copper prices will be a boon for Botswana as preferred bidders have been identified for the closed two copper mines, while Australian Sandfire Resources has already set aside $259 million to fund the construction of another new mine in the Kalahari Copper Belt.
https://www.mining.com/web/botswanas-kh ... his-month/

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 06 juin 2021, 11:52

CODELCO va devoir investir 35 milliards de dollars d'ici 2030 dans ses mines de Cuivres pour juste maintenir la production constante.
Codelco’s tough copper supply task

MINING.COM Staff Writer | May 28, 2021 |

The current deficit in the copper market is expected to deepen over the next several years boosted by demand from the power and construction sectors, and as vehicle electrification accelerates.

“Beyond 2020, we forecast that consumption will outstrip production over the period to 2024, resulting in a growing refined market deficit and increasing copper prices,” said S&P Global Market Intelligence commodity analyst Thomas Rutland, in a news release.

A report by Roskill forecasts total copper consumption will exceed 43 million tonnes by 2035, driven by population and GDP growth, urbanization, and electricity demand. Total world mine production in 2020 was 20 million tonnes.

Demand in 2021 is expected to outstrip supply leading to a potential deficit of at least 200,000 tonnes.

Fitch Solutions expects a shortfall of 489,000 tonnes in 2024 to rise to 510,000 tonnes in 2027.

“The world continues to get conned. Every year so-called “experts” predict a surplus; instead what happens? Deficit after supply deficit,” said Ahead of the Herd Rick Mills in his last article.

Meanwhile, concerns over mining investment in South America linger as the leading presidential candidate in Peru wants to impose a similar royalty tax on copper sales proposed in Chile.

Copper price jumped on Thursday after a union of remote workers for BHP’s Escondida and Spence copper mines in Chile walked off the job, fueling uncertainty over the global supply of the red metal.

Task just to keep output

Chile’s state-owned copper miner Codelco issued in January $ 2 billion in dollar-denominated bonds to secure funding for its multibillion-dollar upgrade projects and to refinance debt.

The world’s no.1 copper producer accounts for 10% of the world’s known proven and probable reserves and about 11% of the global annual copper output.

Codelco executive president Octario Araneda said during the 2021 CRU World Copper Conference that the company aims to generate an additional $1 billion per year in profits through efficiency and productivity improvements to ensure it has the resource available to execute $35 billion in structural investments over the next decade.

“Forget raising copper production look at the task Codelco faces just to keep output flat. $35bn of spending between now and 2030,” tweeted Financial Times Natural Resources Editor Neil Hume.


Back in January, Codelco approved a $1.383 billion underground expansion of its Salvador mine, which will extend the productive life of the aging operation by 40 years and increase output by 30%.

The expansion will convert Salvador, in operation since 1959, from an underground mine to an open-pit one. It is one of six major projects the Chilean miner is advancing to boost production at its depleting mines.
https://www.mining.com/codelcos-tough-c ... pply-task/

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 06 juin 2021, 16:20

Vu les prix très élevés du Cuivre la société Suédoise Copperstone Resources veut évaluer la reprise de production à la mine de Viscaria dans le nord du pays qui avait été fermée en 1996.
Meanwhile, Sweden-based Copperstone Resources said Friday it had this week opened up and entered the Viscaria copper mine for the first time since it was shuttered in 1996.

Historically, the Viscaria mine produced 12.5 million tonnes of ore grading at 2.3% copper. The company believes it has “excellent potential” to become a producing mine again.

For a quarter of a century, a 50-meter long and 6-meter-thick moraine layer had covered the entrance to the mine. Still, the company believes the time had come to inspect the status of groundwater, rock mechanics and geology in greater detail.

The company hopes to receive confirmation that previous remediation has been successful and that the main infrastructure is in good condition as it works to restart production of the high-grade operation.

Despite the work being part of a feasibility study, CEO Anna Tyni said, “it feels like a historic day for us who grew up with the mines in Kiruna.”

“The test drilling and environmental investigations we have been able to do above ground have met our expectations and now we are taking the next step and investing in further studies inside the old mine,” said Tyni.

More thorough studies of groundwater quality and level are necessary for the environmental permit application, which the company expects to submit to the Land and Environment Court by year-end.

Viscaria hosts several mineralised domains, including the D Zone, which has considerable volumes of iron ore too. Given the recent record iron ore price, it incentivises the company to get the operation active as soon as possible.

A 2020 resource statement estimates the project to holds 58.97 million tonnes for 699,400 tonnes of copper grading 1.2%. The project also has five million tonnes of iron ore at an average grade of 28.44%.

The Viscaria project area is about five kilometres west of the town of Kiruna. It is close to major infrastructure, including the E10 highway, the Luleå-Kiruna-Narvik railway, and the established hydro-power grid.
https://www.mining.com/copper-price-rev ... -deposits/

Sur le site du minier :

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Inscription : 13 nov. 2005, 09:58

Re: Le Cuivre

Message par alain2908 » 06 juin 2021, 16:42

impressionnant le poids du chili sur la production.
je regardais les cours, ça a pris un bon shoot.
+ 30 % depuis le début de l'année et + 100 % sur 5 ans.
https://www.boursorama.com/bourse/matie ... s/7xCAUSD/

avec du coup les effets induits habituels
Le cours du précieux métal rouge a atteint des niveaux historiquement haut ces derniers mois. De quoi aiguiser un peu plus l’appétit des voleurs de câbles. Chez Orange, on se dit «inquiets pour les mois à venir».
https://www.leparisien.fr/oise-60/avec- ... OZ6Z24.php

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 12 juin 2021, 10:05

RDC : toute la production de cuivre pour la première phase de Kamoa-Kakula trouve preneurs

Agence Ecofin 10 juin 2021

La mine de Kamoa-Kakula est entrée en production le 25 mai dernier. Si Ivanhoe Mines veut en faire d’ici quelques années la deuxième plus grande mine de cuivre au monde avec 750 000 tonnes par an, la production annuelle pour la première phase devrait plutôt atteindre 200 000 tonnes

Kamoa Copper, filiale congolaise appartenant à Ivanhoe Mines et Zijin Mining, a conclu un accord avec les sociétés Citic Metal et Gold Mountains pour fournir à chacune 50 % de toute la production de cuivre de la phase 1 de Kamoa-Kakula. C’est l’annonce faite le 9 juin 2020 par les deux partenaires de coentreprise qui précisent que l’accord porte aussi bien sur les concentrés que sur le cuivre blister qui seront produits par la fonderie de Lualaba.

Selon les termes de l’accord, Zijin, maison mère de Gold Mountains, et Citic Metal, fournira à chacune une facilité allant jusqu’à 150 millions $, que Kamoa Copper pourra utiliser du 10 juin 2023 au 31 mai 2023. Cette facilité, considérée comme un paiement anticipé du cuivre vendu, sera adossée, apprend-on, à un taux d’intérêt annuel de 8 %.

« Ces accords reflètent l’excellent partenariat que nous entretenons avec CITIC Metal et Zijin, et les facilités de paiement anticipé réduisent considérablement les besoins en fonds de roulement de la mine à mesure que la production de la phase 1 augmente », a commenté Marna Cloete, présidente d’Ivanhoe Mines.

Notons que Kamoa Copper a déjà obtenu les dérogations nécessaires pour commencer les exportations de concentrés de cuivre. La mine Kamoa-Kakula, entrée en production le 25 mai dernier, devrait produire annuellement jusqu’à 200 000 tonnes de cuivre dans sa première phase.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/cuivre/100 ... e-preneurs

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Re: Le Cuivre

Message par energy_isere » 13 juin 2021, 11:09

7 posts au dessus je parlais de Jetti Ressources, il ont mis en œuvre leur procédé catalytique d'extraction à la mine de Punto Valley en Arizona

autre article à ce sujet : https://www.mining.com/mitsubishi-ups-s ... echnology/

et bien la mine de Cuivre de Punto Valley appartient à la société Capstone Mining
https://capstonemining.com/operations/p ... fault.aspx

ils parlent de ce procédé dans ce document https://s25.q4cdn.com/701614211/files/d ... pup-NR.pdf
July 27, 2020
Capstone to Expand Leaching at Pinto Valley; 300 to 350 MIbs of Low-Cost,Copper Cathode Production Potentia

During the first year of Capstone’s partnership with Jetti, cathode production per area irrigated has doubled (see
Figure 3). A plan to increase activity is being implemented with the goal of generating strong cash flow from Pinto
Valley’s underutilized 25 million pound per year solvent extraction and electrowinning (“SX-EW”) plant, which is
currently operating at only 20% of capacity. The plan is to increase cathode production to 300-350 million pounds
from residual and high-grade waste over the next two decades (see Figure 1), creating 30 new jobs at Pinto Valley.

Darren Pylot, Capstone’s President and CEO said, “The mining industry has long been pursuing a viable
technology to leach low-grade chalcopyrite ores. The results after year one of our partnership with Jetti Resources
are exciting because it means we can generate high margin from material that would have been waste. This project
represents an opportunity to position Pinto Valley more competitively, which will create and sustain jobs, and
economic benefits in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.”

Jetti’s patented technology makes it possible to extract copper from low-grade primary sulfides, such as
chalcopyrite, the world’s most abundant copper mineral ore. Jetti has developed and commercially deployed a
catalytic technology that allows for the efficient and effective heap and stockpile leach extraction of copper trapped
in these challenging mineral ores. Jetti’s catalysts enable the disruption of the sulfur metal bond of the mineral,
allowing copper extraction to take place unimpeded. As a result, Jetti is now increasing profitability at operations
and extending project life, while also converting uneconomic waste rock into valuable assets

Le minerai de Pinto Valley est de 0.2 à 0.34 % de Cuivre seulement.

Et il y a des dizaines de millions de tonnes de rebuts historiques à reprocesser avec cette technique.
