Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Discussions traitant des diverses sources d'énergie ainsi que de leur efficacité.

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 20 avr. 2021, 09:40

Au Texas, Bobby remplace ses puits de pétrole par des éoliennes

AFP parue le 20 avr. 2021

Si JR et Bobby Ewing -- les héros de la série Dallas -- vivaient aujourd'hui, reboucheraient-ils leurs puits de pétrole pour les remplacer par des éoliennes? C'est ce qu'a fait un autre Bobby texan près de San Angelo, à quatre heures de voiture à l'ouest de Dallas.

En ce jour d'avril 2021, Bobby Helmers, 79 ans, écoute le murmure des pales qui fendent l'air en formant un cercle de 120 mètres de diamètre. Il n'en revient toujours pas du peu de bruit qu'elles émettent.

Il y a trois ans, des ouvriers rebouchaient ses neuf puits de pétrole aux pompes grinçantes et croisaient chaque matin les hommes venus ériger les six immenses éoliennes qui dominent à présent la propriété.

Le ranch du cow-boy appartient depuis trois générations à la famille de son épouse Sandra. "Les Stetson et les chevaux ont été remplacés par des casquettes et des pick-up", plaisante-il, en référence au fameux chapeau à large bord.

Les vaches, elles, demeurent. Avec un employé, le couple élève à des fins de reproduction 125 brangus, une race hybride, croisement entre angus (une espèce connue pour sa chair tendre) et brahman (célèbre pour sa résistance à la chaleur).

Mais, aujourd'hui, la moitié du chiffre d'affaires de l'exploitation provient des éoliennes.

A quelques kilomètres de là, dans un petit bâtiment posé au milieu des genévriers et des cactus, Kevin DeFoor, 48 ans, gère la petite dizaine d'ouvriers en charge d'entretenir le parc de 76 éoliennes dont fait partie le ranch de Bobby et Sandra Helmers.

- Texas champion de l'éolien -

"La région s'est développée grâce à l'agriculture, l'élevage et le pétrole", explique l'employé du géant énergétique français Engie, exploitant du parc. Ancien gardien de prison, c'est sur le tard que cet enfant du pays a découvert que les richesses locales ne se trouvaient pas que dans les sols.

En 2007, il décide de travailler dans le secteur éolien, une première dans sa famille. Depuis, il ne tarit pas d'éloges sur la constance du vent local. "Nos turbines tournent 50% du temps, c'est une belle performance dans le secteur!"

Les annonces de Joe Biden en faveur d'une transition vers des énergies propres ont un écho particulier au Texas. L'État est connu pour ses énergies fossiles mais il a massivement investi au début des années 2000 pour devenir aujourd'hui le premier producteur national dans l'éolien et le deuxième dans le solaire.

"Contrairement aux idées reçues, le gouverneur George W. Bush (1995-2000) et son successeur Rick Perry (2000-2015) ne voulaient pas que le Texas soit exclusivement l'Etat du pétrole. Ils voulaient qu'il soit celui de toutes les énergies", explique Joshua Long, professeur spécialiste de l'environnement à l'université Southwestern, près d'Austin.

Cela fait donc longtemps qu'énergies fossiles et renouvelables cohabitent au Texas et ce n'est pas par conviction écologiste que Bobby Helmers est passé du pétrole à l'éolien.

Installées au début des années 1990, ses pompes à pétrole ne remontaient plus grand-chose depuis un moment et leur exploitant a fini par jeter l'éponge.

- Revenus stables -

Coup de chance, quelques années auparavant, le groupe Infinity Renewables avait donné rendez-vous à Bobby Helmers et ses voisins dans un restaurant du hameau non loin. Les royalties potentielles l'ont tout de suite convaincu.

Le pétrole n'étant pas illimité, "le rendement des puits diminue forcément d'année en année", rappelle-t-il. "Dans l'éolien, la production est constante. Quant au pourcentage perçu, il est augmenté au bout de 5, puis 10 ans, quand les investissements sont mieux amortis."

De négociations en mesures des vents, une décennie passe entre cette réunion et la construction de la première éolienne. "Entre temps, Engie a racheté Infinity Renewables et la technologie a évolué. Les turbines devaient faire 1,5 mégawatt-heure (MWh) et elles en font 2,625", augmentant son chiffre d'affaires, se félicite le cow-boy depuis son salon où trônent quelques trophées de chasse.

Alors que sa rente pétrolière fluctuait au gré des cours volatils du marché, Bobby Helmers apprécie dorénavant la stabilité de ses nouveaux revenus dont il ne dévoilera pas le montant.

Il a malgré tout connu sa première déception il y a quelques mois lorsque ses turbines ont arrêté de tourner pendant 10 jours lors du froid historique qui s'est abattu sur la région. Quel univers impitoyable!
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... nes-210420

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 20 avr. 2021, 22:08

Washington présente son plan cybersécurité pour son réseau électrique


L'administration américaine a dévoilé mardi un plan pour améliorer la cybersécurité de son réseau électrique sur fond d'inquiétudes croissantes d'un piratage de grande ampleur.
lire : https://www.boursorama.com/actualite-ec ... e62cdf183f

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 13 mai 2021, 16:07

Projet d'une liaison électrique de 544 km entre le Quebec et la ville de New York :
Hydro-Québec proposes to supply clean power to NYC via CHPE project

By NS Energy Staff Writer 13 May 2021
The proposed 544km long transmission line will bring 1.25GW of clean power sourced from Upstate New York and from Canada

Hydro-Québec and Transmission Developers have proposed to supply up to 1.25GW of renewable power to New York City (NYC) through the new Champlain Hudson Power Express project (CHPE project).

The proposed 544km long transmission line will bring clean power sourced from Upstate New York and from Canada to meet the electricity demand of more than 1.2 million homes in New York City.

It would link the existing hydropower facilities of Hydro-Québec and also upstate renewable generation to New York City.

Hydro-Québec said that it has submitted proposals as part of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s (NYSERDA) Tier 4 renewable energy procurement process.

One of the proposals is 100% clean hydropower deliveries from Québec through the CHPE project. The other proposal is to offer a mix of New York renewable energy and clean hydroelectricity from Québec through an additional converter station, or on-ramp, to be built in New Scotland, New York.

Hydro-Québec president and CEO Sophie Brochu said: “Hydro-Québec has supplied New York State with clean, always-on, affordable hydropower for decades.

“The CHPE proposal can expand this relationship to help the state and city meet their world-leading climate goals, all the while supporting the coordinated US-Canada approach to encourage the development of cross-border clean electricity transmission.”

According to Hydro-Québec, the permitted CHPE project is adequately advanced to start construction this year. The transmission line, which is entirely underground or underwater, is projected to begin operations by 2025.

It will start from southern Québec, travel under Lake Champlain and the Hudson and Harlem rivers, and reach a substation in Astoria, Queens in New York.

The CHPE project is estimated to support more than 1,400 new construction roles.

Transmission Developers CEO Don Jessome said: “Our permitted, fully buried, construction-ready transmission project is certainly the most viable option for New York.

“CHPE provides a vital link to unleash low-carbon, cost-effective electricity from the Québec system and Upstate to decarbonize New York City.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/h ... york-city/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 04 juin 2021, 07:49

Fermeture d'une centrale thermique au charbon de 400 MW.

sur 2021 c'est 3.2 GW de centrales au charbon qui sera retiré aux USA
US coal-fired power output decline continues with last PSEG coal plant retirement

june 1 2021

Public Service Enterprise Group said June 1 that it had retired its last remaining coal-fired power plant, the 400-MW Bridgeport Harbor Station Unit 3 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, which operated since 1968, and is part of a continued US trend toward coal plant retirements.


US coal-fired power generation capacity has been steadily declining in recent years as utilities and plant owners retire coal-fired units in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and due to economic competition from gas and renewable energy resources.

About 9.2 GW of coal-fired generation retired in 2020, down from 2019's 14.2 GW, and another 3.2 GW is expected to retire in 2021, followed by 4.9 GW in 2022, S&P Global Market Intelligence data shows.

Looking further ahead, S&P Global Platts Analytics' North American Electricity Five-year Forecast indicates that US lower 48 coal-fired generation is forecast to average 103 GW in 2021, declining steadily each year in the forecast period, supplying approximately 23% of generation in 2021 to between 15% to 16% by 2026.
https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/mark ... retirement

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 08 juil. 2021, 07:58

J'avais raté ça en début d'année, la nouvelle secrétaires à l'énergie :
Senate confirms Jennifer Granholm as Biden's energy secretary
Granholm will be the second woman to lead the Department of Energy

25 february 2021
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/senate ... -secretary


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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 08 juil. 2021, 08:05

Le Department of Energy annonce 52.5 millions de dollars pour accélerer sur l' hydrogéne propre.
DOE Announces $52.5 Million to Accelerate Progress in Clean Hydrogen
Projects Support DOE’s Recently Announced Hydrogen Energy Earthshot to Lower Cost, Advance Breakthroughs for Clean Hydrogen Technology


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $52.5 million to fund 31 projects to advance next-generation clean hydrogen technologies and support DOE’s recently announced Hydrogen Energy Earthshot initiative to reduce the cost and accelerate breakthroughs in the clean hydrogen sector. Clean hydrogen is a form of renewable energy that—if made cheaper and easier to produce—can have a major role in supporting President Biden’s commitment to tackling the climate crisis.

“Part of our path to a net-zero carbon future means investing in innovation to make clean energy sources like hydrogen more affordable and widely adopted so we can reach our goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050,” said Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “These projects will put us one step closer to unlocking the scientific advancements needed to create a strong domestic supply chain and good-paying jobs in the emerging clean hydrogen industry.”


DOE funding includes $36 million from the Department’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and $16.5 million from the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM).

EERE-supported efforts under this announcement include 19 projects on the following topics:

Electrolysis, a process to produce hydrogen using electricity and water, with improved manufacturing methods and streamlined assembly to reduce cost.
Clean hydrogen production, including biological and electrochemical approaches.
Fuel cell subsystems and components that are more efficient, durable, and designed for heavy-duty applications.
Domestic hydrogen supply chain components and refueling technologies.
Analyses to assess the cost and performance of fuel cell systems, hydrogen production pathways, and hydrogen storage technologies.

FECM-supported efforts under this announcement include 12 projects on the following topics:

Degradation mechanisms and pathways in high temperature reversible solid oxide cells (SOC) materials that helps assess metrics about cost, performance, durability.
Performance, reliability, and durability for hydrogen production using reversible solid oxide cells (R-SOC) systems.
Cost reductions via improvements in materials, manufacturing and microstructure improvements in R-SOC technologies for hydrogen production.
Initial engineering design of a commercial-scale advanced carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) system from steam methane reforming plants.
Initial engineering design of a commercial-scale advanced CCUS system from autothermal methane reforming plants
Development of a gas turbine combustion system for 100 percent hydrogen fired and mixtures of hydrogen and natural gas.
https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-ann ... n-hydrogen

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 24 juil. 2021, 00:43

Approbation d'un vaste chantier de modernisation de la centrale hydroélectrique du Niagara qui va durer 15 ans et couter 1.1 milliards de dollars.
NYPA approves 15-year construction services contract to modernise the Niagara power project

Work is part of $1.1bn, 15-year ‘Next Generation Niagara’ Project to extend the operating life of state’s largest hydropower plant

By NS Energy Staff Writer 19 Jul 2021

NYPA approves 15-year construction services contract to modernise the Niagara power project. (Credit: Busfahrer/Wikipedia.org)

The New York Power Authority (NYPA) Board of Trustees has approved the award of a competitively-bid contract, valued up to $275 million to Voith Hydro Inc., located in York, Pennsylvania, for mechanical and electrical upgrades related to the Power Authority’s 15-year modernization and digitization program titled Next Generation Niagara (NGN). Next Generation Niagara will extend the operating life of NYPA’s Niagara Power Project in Lewiston, the largest source of clean electricity in New York State and one of the country’s largest hydroelectric projects. Next Generation Niagara focuses primarily on the 13 power generating units in the project’s Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant.

“The Next Generation Niagara mechanical upgrades represent a foundational part of our multi-year effort to modernize our flagship plant,” said Gil C. Quiniones, NYPA president and CEO. “The digitization and upgrade work will progress turbine by turbine and include replacement of mechanical equipment, some of which dates back to the plant’s construction, and will also involve the addition of sensors and new technology to help the project meet NYPA’s bold digitization goals.”

Launched in July 2019, the NGN Program improvements will include replacing aging equipment with the latest machinery that reflects advanced digital technologies for optimizing the hydroelectric project’s performance. The initiative encompasses four major phases: 1) Design and implementation of an inspection platform to conduct comprehensive inspections of the Robert Moses Plant’s penstocks—the 485 foot conduits that are 26 feet in diameter along the face of the project that carry water from the forebay to the turbine generators; 2) Replacement of the 630-ton gantry crane that enables disassembly and reassembly of the generating units; 3) Upgrading and digitizing control systems and building a new back-up control room, and 4) Overhaul and/or replacement of mechanical components that have reached the end of their operating life.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/n ... r-project/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 25 août 2021, 00:40

U.S. Coal Consumption Hit 60-Year Low In 2020

By Robert Rapier - Aug 24, 2021

The coal industry in the U.S. continues to decline at a rapid pace. In 2020, U.S. coal consumption and production were at the lowest levels since the Review started tabulating records in 1965.

The dramatic decline in U.S. coal consumption is the primary reason U.S. CO2 emissions have fallen sharply in the past decade. Coal consumption in power plants was displaced by cheaper natural gas and renewables, both of which have a much lower carbon footprint.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Coal/US-Coa ... -2020.html

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 24 sept. 2021, 12:43

Les ambitions new-yorkaises de décarbonation passent par le Québec…

23 sept 2021

L’État de New York a conclu le 20 septembre un contrat de fourniture d’électricité de 25 ans avec la société Hydro-Québec. Il s’agit du plus gros contrat d’exportation de l’histoire de l’électricien canadien et un moyen de décarboner l’approvisionnement électrique des New-Yorkais.

La consommation électrique de « plus d’un million de foyers » new-yorkais

Dans le cadre de son projet baptisé « Champlain Hudson Power Express » (CHPE), Hydro-Québec va construire une nouvelle ligne électrique enterrée de 1 250 MW de capacité, parcourant 545 km entre la frontière canado-américaine et la ville de New York(1) (et près de 60 km au Québec). La mise en service de cette nouvelle ligne électrique pourra permettre de satisfaire les besoins électriques de « plus d’un million de foyers » américains selon la société d’État québécoise(2).

Concrètement, Hydro-Québec devrait livrer annuellement près de 10,4 TWh d’électricité durant une période de 25 ans. Le Premier ministre du Québec François Legault a évoqué à ce sujet une « entente de principe de plus de 20 milliards de dollars sur 25 ans » (Hydro-Québec n’a pour sa part pas rendu publiques les conditions financières de cet accord).

Hydro-Québec « échange déjà au quotidien de l’énergie électrique avec New York depuis plus de 100 ans, que ce soit via des contrats à long terme ou des transactions à court terme », précise Yvan Cliche, spécialiste des questions énergétiques au sein du Centre d’études et de recherches internationales de l’Université de Montréal (CÉRIUM)(3). Mais le projet CHPE permettra de changer d’échelle.

Pourquoi Hydro-Québec ?

Les énergies fossiles comptent actuellement pour près de 85% des approvisionnements en électricité de l’État de New York. Or, cet État s’est fixé pour objectif de porter à 70% la part des énergies renouvelables dans l’ensemble de sa consommation d’énergie d’ici à 2030 et de disposer d’un secteur électrique « neutre en carbone » d’ici à 2040(4).

Le projet CHPE fournira l’État de New York « un approvisionnement responsable en électricité d’ici 2025 avec des ressources propres et renouvelables comme l’éolien ou l’hydroélectricité du Canada », s’est félicitée la présidente de la NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority), Doreen M. Harris(5).

Hydro-Québec est en effet le premier producteur d’énergie renouvelable d’Amérique du Nord : près de 99% de sa production électrique provient de ses centrales hydrauliques. Au total, le projet CHPE pourrait « contribuer à 28% de l’atteinte des objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de la ville de New York d’ici à 2030 » selon Hydro-Québec. En d’autres termes, ce projet équivaudrait à « retirer 44% des voitures circulant dans la ville »(6).

Plus globalement, la réalisation de ce projet « accélérera l’intégration du réseau de transport d’électricité nord-américain », explique Yvan Cliche : « cette entente entre Hydro-Québec et l’État de New York préfigure ainsi la relation de plus en plus étroite qui devra se réaliser sur le plan électrique entre le Canada et son voisin américain ».
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... bec-210923

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 26 sept. 2021, 15:25

Projet d'une grosse centrale STEP de 2650 MW dans l' état de Washington
FERC Issues Preliminary Permit for Daybreak Power’s Proposed Pumped Storage Project

03 Aug 2021 by waterpowermagazine.com

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued a preliminary permit for Daybreak Power Inc’s proposed 2650MW Halverson Canyon Pumped Storage project near Creston, Washington, marking an important early milestone for this estimated $4.9 billion project.

The Halverson Canyon project is a pumped storage hydropower facility that would use water from Lake Roosevelt and a new reservoir in an upland area above the lake. In June, the US Bureau of Reclamation selected the Halverson Canyon project through a competitive process to receive a preliminary Lease of Power Privilege. Reclamation has determined the project offers the most cost-effective alternative for pumped storage at Lake Roosevelt.

“Study after study shows we’re going to need massive amounts of storage to integrate high levels of wind and solar, and we need to do it smart,” said Daybreak CEO Jim Day. “The Halverson Canyon project does that. This project marks a turning point for the Pacific Northwest to transition off fossil resources and onto carbon-free renewables at a scale never seen before.”

The Halverson Canyon facility is Daybreak’s third and largest energy storage proposal, following its proposed 1540MW Next Generation Pumped Storage facility near Hoover Dam and 2210MW Navajo Energy Storage Station near Lake Powell.

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 30 oct. 2021, 22:32

Le propane au plus haut de 10 ans aux USA.

5% des habitations sont principalement chauffées au propane aux USA.
U.S. Propane Prices Start Winter Heating Season At 10-Year High

By Charles Kennedy - Oct 29, 2021

U.S. residential propane prices stood at their highest level since 2011 at the start of the winter heating season, as global demand grows and supply tightens, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Friday.

During the first week of the winter heating season, residential propane prices hit $2.59 per gallon as of October 4, 2021, which was the highest start-of-winter price since 2011. Propane prices during the first four weeks of the current winter heating season were 49 percent higher than the same time last winter, EIA’s Heating Oil and Propane Update (HOPU) showed.

Propane inventories in the United States are tight and started this winter season well below the averages in recent years. Weekly U.S. inventories are averaging 28 percent lower than the same time last year and 21 percent lower than their recent five-year (2015–2020) average, the EIA said.

Propane is the primary heating fuel of 5 percent of U.S. homes, more common in the Northeast and Midwest. At least 14 percent of homes in Vermont, New Hampshire, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana use propane as the primary heating fuel.

Users of propane will see the steepest increase in prices in their winter bills compared to last year’s winter.

High U.S. retail energy prices, many of which are already at multi-year highs, will result in much higher residential energy bills for Americans this winter, the EIA said in its Winter Fuels Outlook earlier this month.

Compared with last winter’s heating costs, EIA expects U.S. households will spend 54 percent more for propane, 43 percent more for heating oil, 30 percent more for natural gas, and 6 percent more for electric heating. If winter temperatures are colder than expected, U.S. households will spend even more on heating bills.

For the 5 percent of U.S. households that heat primarily with propane, the average spending will soar by 94 percent in a colder-than-expected winter, the EIA said.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas ... -High.html

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 11 nov. 2021, 11:16

chiffres pour la production electrique US dans le dernier STEO de l' agence US EIA :
The share of electricity generation produced by natural gas in the United States averages 36% in 2021 and 35% in 2022 in our forecast, down from 39% in 2020. In 2021, our forecast share for natural gas as a generation fuel declines in response to our expectation of a higher delivered natural gas price for electricity generators, which we forecast will average $5.12/MMBtu compared with $2.39/MMBtu in 2020.

As a result of the higher expected natural gas prices, the forecast share of electricity generation from coal rises from 20% in 2020 to about 23% in 2021 and 22% in 2022.

For renewable energy sources, new additions of solar and wind generating capacity are offset somewhat by reduced generation from hydropower this year, resulting in the forecast share of all renewables in U.S. electricity generation to average 20% in 2021, about the same as last year, before rising to 22% in 2022.

The nuclear share of U.S. electricity generation declines from 21% in 2020 to 20% in 2021 and 2022.

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 05 déc. 2021, 16:06

Projet d'une centrale STEP en Californie.
Construction d'un réservoir supérieur au lac de San Vicente. 4 turbines de 150 MW. réserves de 500 MW pendant 8 h soit 4000 MWh.
Private partner sought to develop 500 MW San Vicente pumped storage project in California, USA

Hydropower & Dams October 7, 2021

The project, which is planned jointly by the water authority and the City of San Diego, aims to maximize the value of the existing San Vicente reservoir for on-demand energy generation to support the state’s clean energy goals.

Proposals are due by 3 November for a full-service, multidisciplinary team capable of delivering and operating the project. The scope of work is divided into two phases with preliminary work in a first phase and implementation work in a second phase. The RFP details the scope of work required for development of the project, including a financial plan.

In July 2021, the San Vicente Energy Storage Facility received US$ 18 million in the state budget, enough to advance it through initial design, environmental reviews and the federal licensing process. The water authority and the city are preparing to launch federal and state environmental reviews and seek a project license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Those components are expected to take at least four years, with construction completion forecast for 2030.

The San Vicente project would create a small upper reservoir above the existing San Vicente Reservoir in Lakeside, along with a tunnel system to connect the two reservoirs and an underground powerhouse that would contain four 125 MW reversible pump-turbines. The San Vicente project would be a major asset to help avoid rolling blackouts through on-demand energy production while helping to meet state climate goals, according to a press release issued on 14 September.

The San Vicente project would provide long-duration stored energy, which will assist in meeting peak power demand periods throughout southern California and help meet the goals of Senate Bill 100, which requires 60 per cent of renewable energy by 2030 and 100 per cent zero-carbon energy resources in the state by 2045. The pumped storage energy project could store 4000 MWh per day of energy, or provide 500 MW of capacity for eight hours, according to the state water authority. It would as a result help balance the grid and enhance system reliability by supplementing California’s power supply needs during peak demand as well as integrating wind and solar power generation
https://www.hydropower-dams.com/news/pr ... ornia-usa/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 10 janv. 2022, 22:49

U.S. Emissions Jumped In 2021 As Coal Power Generation Surged

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jan 10, 2022 oilprice.com

U.S. economy-wide emissions jumped last year from the low levels in 2020 due to the COVID lockdowns, largely because of soaring coal-fired power generation in America, independent research provider Rhodium Group said in a new report on Monday.

U.S. greenhouse gas emissions surged by 6.2 percent in 2021 compared to 2020, Rhodium Group said in its preliminary estimates, which put the United States further off track to achieve the Biden Administration's climate goals.

Emissions remained 5 percent below pre-pandemic levels, Rhodium Group said, but noted that greenhouse gas emissions rose faster than the growth in U.S. economy last year, largely due to a jump in coal-fired power generation, which increased by 17 percent from 2020, and a rapid rebound in road transportation, primarily freight.

The electric power sector, which accounts for 28 percent of net U.S. emissions, saw the second-largest increase in GHG emissions from 2020 levels. Last year, emissions from the electric power sector rose by 6 percent compared to the previous year, but they were still 4 percent lower than 2019 levels. The sector's increase in emissions was due to a sharp rise in coal generation, which rose for the first time year-over-year since 2014, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Rhodium Group said.

More than doubled natural gas price in 2021 compared to 2020 was the main driver of the jump in coal use for power generation in America last year, the research group added.

"The uptick in GHG emissions in 2021 moves the country even further from meeting its Paris Agreement climate target of reducing emissions 50-52% below 2005 levels by 2030," Rhodium Group said in the report.

"In 2020, due to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, emissions fell to 22.2% below 2005 levels. In 2021, US emissions ticked up to 17.4% below 2005 levels," it added.

"We really need to escalate annual emissions reductions; we can't have any more years of emissions growth," Kate Larsen, a partner at Rhodium Group and a co-author of the report, told CNN.
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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 15 janv. 2022, 21:02

Le département à l' énergie veut investir 20 milliards de dollars dans les réseaux électriques.
US DOE launches US$20bn grid initiative to upgrade country’s transmission infrastructure

BySean Rai-Roche January 14, 2022

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has launched a “Building a Better Grid” initiative to catalyse the development of “new and upgraded high-capacity electric transmission lines” across the US under President Joe Biden’s US$1 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.

The programme seeks to identify national transmission needs and support the buildout of long-distance, high voltage transmission facilities that are critical to reaching the US’ goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035 and reaching net zero by 2050.

Specifically, it will support the development of nationally significant transmission projects and grid upgrades by engaging and collaborating early with key stakeholders, enhancing transmission planning to identify areas most in need, deploying more than US$20 billion in federal financing tools through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, streamlining permitting processes and performing transmission-related research and development.

The DOE said that “independent estimates” indicate that the US needs to expand its transmission systems by 60% by 2030, and may need to triple it by 2050.

Rob Gramlich, founder and president of Grid Strategies LLC who frequently testifies to the US congress on transmission related issues, told PV Tech Premium that the US will need to significantly ramp up its investment in transmission infrastructure to accommodate increasing amounts of renewables, rather than acting reactively in response to a lack of capacity.

More than 70% of the US’ grid transmission lines and power transformers are over 25 years old, creating vulnerability, said the DOE. Meanwhile, interconnection queue waiting times for the number of clean energy generation and storage projects slated to be added on to the grid is growing as roll out of renewable electricity accelerates.
https://www.pv-tech.org/us-doe-launches ... structure/
