Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Toute l'acualité, discutée à la lumière de la déplétion des réserves d'hydrocarbures.

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 21 sept. 2021, 00:22

Goldman: Oil Could Hit $85 In The Fourth Quarter

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Sep 20, 2021

A colder winter and soaring natural gas prices globally could lead to higher-than-expected oil prices at the end of this year, with the potential for oil hitting $85 per barrel in the fourth quarter, Goldman Sachs says.

Goldman, which has a price forecast of $80 a barrel oil for the last quarter of 2021, believes that the natural gas crunch combined with a colder-than-usual winter in Europe and Asia could pose an upside risk of $5 a barrel to its Q4 price projection, the bank’s analysts said in a note on Sunday carried by Reuters.

“The tightness in global gas supplies creates a clear and potentially meaningful bullish catalyst for the oil market this winter, larger than the downside risk to global oil demand from another Delta-like COVID wave,” the analysts at Goldman Sachs wrote.

According to the investment bank, oil demand could jump by 900,000 barrels per day (bpd) if the coming winter is colder than usual in the northern hemisphere.

Europe’s tight gas market, low wind speeds, abnormally low gas inventories, and record carbon prices have combined in recent weeks to send benchmark gas prices on the continent and power prices in the largest economies to record highs. Record European natural gas prices are sending Asian spot prices of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to record levels for this time of the year, too.

Last week, Bank of America Global Research said that oil prices could hit $100 per barrel over the next six months if we have a colder-than-usual winter, which could be the most important driver of global energy markets in the coming months. BofA sees upside for oil prices amid modest market deficits in the next few months. It also sees potential for oil to hit $100 a barrel earlier than its mid-2022 call from June if the winter is colder than normal.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Oil-Prices/ ... arter.html

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 25 sept. 2021, 11:50

Pour Vitol, la pénurie d’énergie pourrait faire bondir le Brent à plus de 80 dollars baril cet hiver

Agence Ecofin 24 sept 2021

Alors que l’OPEP cherche à stabiliser le prix du Brent sur le marché dans la fourchette de 65 à 75 dollars le baril, certains spécialistes pensent que le Brent pourrait monter à plus de 80 dollars le baril cet hiver, en raison de la pénurie actuelle de gaz en Europe.

D’après le négociant de pétrole Vitol, le prix du brut pourrait dépasser 80 dollars le baril cet hiver. A en croire les précisions apportées le 23 septembre par Russell Hardy, directeur général de Vitol, il est fort probable que la demande mondiale de Brent augmente d’un demi-million de barils supplémentaires par jour.

Une anticipation qui va de pair avec les dernières prévisions de croissance de la demande publiées par l’AIE, il y a une semaine. Selon Hardy, cette augmentation serait due à la pénurie d’énergie actuellement en Europe et la hausse consécutive du prix du gaz qui a entraîné une ruée vers d’autres combustibles tels que le gaz de pétrole liquéfié ou le naphte.

En outre, la situation pourrait, d’après son analyse, pousser les producteurs de l’OPEP+ à augmenter l’offre sur le marché même si ceux-ci envisagent de rester fidèles à l’augmentation de l’offre de 400 000 b/j jusqu’en décembre.

Il faut préciser que l’opinion de Hardy est partagée par Goldman Sachs qui prévoit une hausse des prix du brut. Selon le groupe, cette hausse serait certaine si les mois d’hiver sont encore plus froids que d’habitude.

Goldman Sachs a par ailleurs évalué l’impact probable d’un resserrement du marché du gaz naturel sur l’ensemble de la chaine de valeur énergétique au cours de l’hiver prochain. Selon ses prévisions, les stocks de gaz européens se situeront en octobre à environ 78 % de leur niveau normal. C’est le signe que le gaz restera cher pendant les mois les plus froids, lorsque la demande augmentera.

En Europe, le gaz a déjà triplé son prix en glissement annuel, notamment en raison des politiques publiques de faible investissement dans de nouvelles sources d’approvisionnement, de limitation des capitaux de la part des producteurs et une réorientation vers l’allocation de capitaux aux énergies renouvelables. Selon les experts, le recours au pétrole est moins onéreux actuellement dans ces pays.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/trade/2409 ... -cet-hiver

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 29 oct. 2021, 23:35

Il y a des risques que le baril de Brent passe au-dessus de 90 $ en fin d’année (Goldman Sachs)

Agence Ecofin 27 oct 2021 Le maintien du resserrement de l’offre pétrolière conjugué à une demande sans cesse croissante est de nature à affecter les scénarios de prix imaginés par certains analystes du marché.

Dans une analyse publiée le 24 octobre dernier, la banque d’investissement américaine Goldman Sachs a indiqué que le fort rebond de la demande actuelle de pétrole pourrait faire passer le baril de Brent au-delà de sa prévision de fin d’année qui est de 90 dollars.

Elle met en exergue le recours de plus en plus important au pétrole en Chine, pour alimenter la reprise économique et le passage du gaz au pétrole, qui, à lui seul, devrait contribuer à la demande, à hauteur de plus d’un million de barils par jour.

« Bien qu’il ne s’agisse pas de notre scénario de base, une telle persistance de la demande représenterait un risque à la hausse pour notre prévision de prix du Brent de 90 $/b en fin d’année », explique la banque. L’institution dit s’attendre à ce que la demande d’ici la fin de l’année atteigne les niveaux d’avant la pandémie, soit près de 100 millions de barils par jour.

Elle explique que la Chine qui portera la plus grande part de cette embellie, connait déjà un besoin soutenu en diesel, en raison d’un passage massif à des générateurs alimentés au diesel, dans un contexte de prix trop élevés du gaz actuellement. On remarque également que les camions alimentés au GNL y sont de moins en moins sollicités pour le transport de marchandises.

Le 27 octobre, à l’ouverture des marchés en Asie, le Brent s’échangeait contre 85,70 dollars le baril et devrait continuer à progresser si l’OPEP maintient sa politique de ne pas augmenter son offre jusqu’à fin décembre.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/trade/2710 ... dman-sachs

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 02 nov. 2021, 08:51

Bank Of America Sees $120 Oil By June 2022

By Julianne Geiger - Nov 01, 2021

The Brent crude benchmark will hit $120 per barrel by the end of June 2022, Bank of America said in a research note this week, cited by Bloomberg.

The catalyst for BofA’s increased price forecast is the current global energy crisis that has seen prices for crude oil, coal, natural gas, and LNG skyrocket as the market tightens.

Just a month ago, BofA had forecast that oil could reach $100 over the next six months—and that was if we had a winter that was colder than usual. At the time, this was expected to be the most important driver of the global energy markets.

BofA feels even more so now that the global oil demand recovery will continue to outpace supply over the next year and a half, resulting in dwindling inventories that set the stage for higher oil prices.

In September, BofA pointed to the grim situation in the European energy markets, which have seen depleting inventories that have triggered vigorous price volatility as a sign of what’s to come.

Now, BofA sees rebounding diesel, jet fuel, and gasoline—along with refining capacity restraints—accelerating this price rally into next year.

OPEC+ production will be reevaluated on Thursday this week, although it is widely expected that the group will stick to its plan to add back in another 400,000 barrels per day. The issue with this plan for added production is that OPEC+ has failed to add back the barrels under its plan so far.

Other traders and banks feel oil is heading for $100, with Goldman Sachs estimating that oil demand is nearing 100 million bpd—a pre-Covid figure—and demand is only set to strengthen as the winter heating season approaches and on calls for increasing jet fuel demand early next year.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... -2022.html

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 25 nov. 2021, 01:19

Barclays Lifts Brent Oil Price Forecast To $80 In 2022

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Nov 24, 2021

Brent Crude prices are set to average $80 a barrel in 2022, Barclays said on Tuesday, raising its forecast by $3 as it expects slower supply growth next year and faster inventory drawdown by the end of this year.

In a note on Tuesday carried by Reuters, Barclays also revised up its projection for average WTI Crude prices in 2022, also by $3 to $77 per barrel, as it doesn’t expect OPEC+ to rush to restore all production as planned if the market becomes oversupplied early next year.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... -2022.html

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 09 déc. 2021, 20:13

scénario de fin de pandémie de Covid et de pétrole cher en 2022 pour JP Morgan :
JP Morgan Predicts The End Of Covid, A Strong Economy, And $125 Oil

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Dec 08, 2021

JP Morgan believes that things are looking up for the global economy next year and consumption will remain strong for years to come
The bank highlights inflation, the Chinese economy, and the transition from a pandemic to an endemic disease as the three economic factors to watch moving forward
This prediction for a vibrant economy supports the banks earlier claim that oil prices could hit $125 per barrel next year

https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-Gene ... 5-Oil.html

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 18 janv. 2022, 22:40

Goldman Sachs Sees $105 Oil In 2023

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jan 18, 2022

Oil prices could hit $100 this year and rise to $105 per barrel in 2023, on the back of a “surprisingly large deficit” on the oil market now due to the much milder and potentially briefer impact of Omicron on oil demand, Goldman Sachs says.

“Importantly, we are not forecasting Brent trading above $100/bbl on an argument of running out of oil as the shale resources is still large and elastic,” Goldman Sachs strategists including Damien Courvalin and Jeff Currie wrote in a note to clients dated Monday, as carried by ZeroHedge.

Due to gas-to-oil substitution, supply disappointments, and stronger-than-expected demand in Q4 2021, OECD inventories are set to dip by the summer to their lowest levels since 2000, Goldman’s analysts note. Moreover, OPEC+ spare capacity is also set to decline to historically low levels of around 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd).

“At $85/bbl, the market would remain at such critical levels, insufficient buffers relative to demand and supply volatilities, through 2023,” Goldman Sachs said.

As a result of these fundamentals, the bank’s Brent spot forecast is for $105 in 2023 and $96 a barrel in 2022.

Goldman Sachs sees Brent Crude prices at $90 a barrel this quarter, $95 in the second quarter, and $100 a barrel in the third and fourth quarters this year.

On Tuesday, Brent Crude prices hit their highest level since October 2014, trading at over $87.90 at one point early in the day, as the geopolitical risk premium rose with the Houthi attacks on the UAE and the Russia-Ukraine issue, all this amid a tight physical market for crude.

Last month, Goldman Sachs predicted that oil prices could hit $100 in 2023 as demand growth outpaces supply growth.

Earlier this month, Jeff Currie, global head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs, said that commodities overall were set for a supercycle that could potentially last a decade. Goldman’s head of commodities is also very bullish on oil due to low investment in the sector and the fact that only two oil producers in the world—Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates—currently have the capacity and the means to pump more oil than they did in January 2020, just before COVID. Everyone else is struggling, Currie said.

“This market has the potential to get very tight going over the course of next 3-6 months,” he told Bloomberg Television in an interview early this month.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Oil-Prices/ ... -2023.html

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 22 janv. 2022, 19:39

Morgan Stanley Jumps On The $100 Oil Bandwagon

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jan 21, 2022

Morgan Stanley expects oil prices to hit $100 per barrel in the second half of the year, becoming the latest major Wall Street bank to expect triple-digit oil prices by the end of 2022.

The oil market is headed to a “triple deficit” of low inventories, low spare production capacity, and low investment, Morgan Stanley said in a note carried by Reuters.

The bank now expects oil at $100 in the third and fourth quarters of this year, lifting its previous Q3 and Q4 forecasts from $90 and $87.50 a barrel, respectively.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... wagon.html

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 08 juin 2022, 09:20

Goldman Now Sees Oil Hitting $140 This Summer
By Irina Slav - Jun 07, 2022, oilprice

> Goldman Sachs raised its short-term target for Brent crude from $125 to $140.

> Recovery in Chinese demand and a potential drop in Russian production may further lift prices.

> Goldman: the global oil market remains in a structural deficit and would need much higher prices to regain its balance.

https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-Gene ... ummer.html

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 09 juil. 2022, 10:56

Etonnant :
Le prix du pétrole continue son yoyo, Citigroup prévoit un baril à 65 $ d’ici fin 2022

Agence Ecofin 6 juillet 2022

La hausse puis la baisse, et à nouveau la hausse. Les prix du pétrole poursuivent leurs fluctuations sur un marché très tendu, et les projections vont dans tous les sens.
lire https://www.agenceecofin.com/energie/06 ... i-fin-2022

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par phyvette » 09 juil. 2022, 22:28

energy_isere a écrit :
09 juil. 2022, 10:56
Citigroup prévoit un baril à 65 $ d’ici fin 2022
Image Quand on a un javelin dans la main, tous les problèmes ressemblent à un T-72.

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 29 juil. 2022, 09:34

Shell And TotalEnergies See Risk Of Higher Oil Prices

By Julianne Geiger - Jul 28, 2022,

As oil companies begin to report their impressive Q2 results on the back of high oil prices, they are also offering premonitions of even higher oil prices on the back of the tight supply situation.

Shell’s Chief Executive Officer Ben van Beurden told Bloomberg TV on Thursday that there is more upside than downside for crude oil prices. “Demand hasn’t fully recovered yet and supply is definitely tight.”

Van Beurden added that he sees little room for more oil production from OPEC or U.S. shale producers—and the world oil supply could be even further curtailed as the full impact of Russia sanctions goes into effect later this year.

When asked about how retail prices for oil and gas could be lowered, van Beurden responded, “We cannot perform miracles.”

“Energy markets are tight,” van Beurden said, adding that supply would be constrained and markets tight for the rest of this year and well into next.

The same general sentiment was touted by TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Pouyanne, who said he saw room for oil demand to go higher, but not a lot of room for oil production to go higher.

Both Shell and Total announced plans on Thursday to extend share buybacks on impressive results that doubled and nearly tripled Q2 2021 earnings, respectively.

Shell reported that second-quarter earnings hit a new record of $11.472 billion, while Total reported a net income of $5.7 billion.

The tight physical market has kept a floor under oil prices even in the face of a recession that could dent demand.

That tight physical market is precisely what has emboldened TotalEnergies to forge ahead with some riskier projects in Mozambique and Uganda.

The price of Brent crude oil has climbed to $107 per barrel—up $29 per barrel since the start of the year. The oil majors’ projections that oil prices could go still higher will not come as welcomed news to retail gasoline buyers or the Biden Administration, which has battled high gasoline prices since taking office.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/S ... rices.html

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 12 août 2022, 18:14

Le prix du pétrole risque d’exploser d’ici fin 2022, alerte Goldman Sachs

Nicolas GALLANT capital.fr 12 aout 2022

Le cours du pétrole est à la peine. Depuis deux mois, les prix des barils de référence WTI et Brent ont fondu de plus de 20%, à 93 et 98 dollars respectivement. Une chute rapide liée aux craintes relatives à l’impact d’une récession sur la demande d’or noir, alors qu’en face, l’offre est attendue relativement abondante. Pour autant, l'approvisionnement en pétrole en provenance de Russie est soumis à des aléas, comme l’ont montré cette semaine les perturbations sur les livraisons d’hydrocarbures russes dans quelques pays européens.

"Compte tenu de l'invasion prolongée de l'Ukraine, des sanctions imminentes de l'Union européenne sur les ventes de pétrole russe et de la militarisation des exportations de gaz naturel, il semble prématuré de parier sur une baisse continue des prix de l'énergie", avertit PVM Energy. Goldman Sachs va même plus loin, en anticipant que le prix du pétrole va complètement inverser la vapeur, pour reprendre plus de 30% d’ici fin décembre, avec un baril de référence Brent attendu à 130 dollars à cet horizon. En dépit de l’impact du ralentissement de la croissance économique sur la demande d’or noir, celle-ci devrait tout de même ressortir plus forte que prévu, selon le bureau d’études de la banque américaine, qui s’attend parallèlement à ce que l’offre reste à la peine et à une diminution des stocks.
https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/finance/other ... 8e130fca5a

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 26 août 2022, 08:11

UBS Sees $125 Oil In The ’Coming Months

By Charles Kennedy - Aug 25, 2022

Swiss UBS strategists predict that oil will rebound to $125 in the coming months as fundamentals point to higher prices, spare capacity is ebbing and inventories are at multi-year lows.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... onths.html

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Re: Le futur prix du baril dans la boule de cristal

Message par energy_isere » 06 oct. 2022, 21:28

Morgan Stanley: Oil Prices Will Hit $100 Next Quarter

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Oct 06, 2022

Oil prices will rise again to $100 per barrel faster than previously estimated, Morgan Stanley said on Thursday, lifting its price forecast for the first quarter of 2023 to $100 from $95 per barrel.

“Brent will find its way to $100 per barrel quicker than we estimated before,” the investment bank said in a note carried by Reuters after OPEC+ decided on Wednesday to make the largest nominal cut to its oil production quota since 2020.

OPEC+ agreed on a 2-million-bpd cut from November, but the actual reduction in supply from the alliance is estimated at around 1 million bpd-1.1 million bpd, considering that many producers haven’t pumped to quotas for months because of a lack of capacity and/or investment, or – in Russia’s case – because of sanctions. Most of the actual cuts will come from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf producers.

Morgan Stanley sees the deficit on the oil market swelling to 900,000 bpd next year, up from the 200,000 bpd deficit previously expected.

“Those forecasts assume that Russia’s oil production will fall by 1-1.5 million bpd after the EU oil import embargo comes into force,” Morgan Stanley’s strategists said.

Other banks also reacted to the OPEC+ cut with increased oil price forecasts. Goldman Sachs, for example, raised its Brent Crude forecast for this quarter by $10 to $110 per barrel.

“All the developments we have seen on the supply side at this point very much sets the stage for what we believe will be higher prices into the end of this year,” Damien Courvalin, head of energy research at Goldman Sachs, told Bloomberg TV.

“Given the large supply cut recently announced by OPEC+, the global market will likely be in deficit through the whole of 2023, suggesting that there is upside to our current forecasts,” Warren Patterson, Head of Commodities Strategy at ING, said on Thursday. The bank currently sees Brent trading largely within the $90 area for the remainder of this year and into the first half of 2023 before strengthening over the second half of 2023.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... arter.html
