Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 04 juin 2022, 14:51

ADNOC annonce encore l'acquisition de 3 méthaniers neufs (de 175 000 m3) qui viennent s'ajouter aux 2 précédemment annoncés.
ADNOC L&S Acquires 3 Additional New-Build Vessels to Meet Growing Global Demand for LNG


- Acquisition is part of company plans to overhaul LNG fleet & supports ADNOC’s current LNG business and future growth plans
- Announcement follows recent news that ADNOC L&S will acquire two new-build LNG vessels, bringing the total number of new-build LNG vessels to 5
- State-of-the-art vessels will feature cutting edge technology that will drive efficiency and reduce emissions, with delivery scheduled for 2025 and 2026

The new-build LNG vessels, each with a capacity of 175,000m3, are significantly larger than the current ADNOC L&S fleet which have a capacity of 137,000m3 each. ADNOC L&S previously announced in April 2022 that it will acquire two LNG vessels which brings the total number of new-build LNG vessels ordered to five, with the vessels scheduled for delivery in 2025 and 2026. ... -n-i-23987

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 28 juin 2022, 23:56

Pétrole : la production des Émirats arabes unis « proche » du plafond prévu par l'OPEP+

AFP le 28 juin 2022

La production de pétrole des Emirats arabes unis est "proche" du plafond décidé par l'Opep+, a annoncé mardi ce pays du Golfe, à deux semaines de la première visite au Moyen-Orient du président américain Joe Biden.

A l'issue de leur dernière réunion début juin, les treize membres de l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (Opep), menés par l'Arabie saoudite, et leur dix alliés, dont la Russie (Opep+), ont accepté d'augmenter légèrement leur production pour répondre aux appels des Occidentaux.

Ces 23 pays, qui produisent environ la moitié du pétrole mondial, sont pressés par les Occidentaux d'augmenter leur production pour freiner l'envolée des prix du brut liée à la guerre en Ukraine, sans contrarier Moscou.

"La production des Emirats est à un niveau proche de la capacité maximale prévue actuellement dans le cadre de l'Opep+, soit 3.168 millions de barils par jour", a déclaré le ministre de l'Energie et des Infrastructures, Souhail ben Mohammed Al-Mazrouei, dans un communiqué publié par l'agence officielle émiratie WAM.

Le pays s'est "engagé à respecter (ce plafond) jusqu'au terme de l'accord", a-t-il ajouté.

Mais les Occidentaux souhaitent que les pays du Golfe, notamment l'Arabie saoudite et les Emirats, dopent encore davantage leur production pour calmer les marchés.

Le sujet est au menu de la visite du président américain Joe Biden en Arabie saoudite le mois prochain. Il doit aussi se rendre en Cisjordanie et en Israël lors de cette tournée prévue du 13 au 16 juillet.

Au sommet des dirigeants du G7 à Elmau, en Allemagne, le président français Emmanuel Macron s'est dit lundi dans un communiqué "en contact" avec le prince héritier saoudien, Mohammed ben Salmane, ainsi qu'avec le président émirati, Mohammed ben Zayed.

Le président français a rapporté à M. Biden, selon un échange capté par les caméras à Elmau, que le président émirati lui avait assuré que la production de barils du pays était "au maximum".

Selon M. Macron, M. ben Zayed a aussi déclaré que les "Saoudiens pouvaient augmenter de 150 (milliers de barils par jour), peut-être un peu plus, mais qu'ils n'avaient pas d'énormes capacités avant six mois".

Lors de la prochaine réunion de l'Opep+ prévue jeudi, le marché s'attend à un nouveau relèvement de 648.000 barils par jour en août, identique à celui décrété pour juillet. ... pep-220628

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 04 juil. 2022, 08:11

Les Emirats arabes unis se lancent dans la production de silicium-métal et de polysilicium
Le producteur émirati Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) a annoncé un projet de production de silicium destiné à sa consommation et qui pourrait participer à la création d’une chaîne d’approvisionnement pour l’industrie photovoltaïque aux Émirats arabes unis.


Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) a dévoilé un projet de production de silicium métallique sur un site non spécifié aux Émirats arabes unis.

« Les Émirats arabes unis ne disposent actuellement d’aucune capacité nationale de fabrication de silicium métallique, et EGA est de loin le plus grand importateur de ce matériau, avec une demande annuelle d’environ 60 000 tonnes », a déclaré le fabricant. « Environ 70 % de la capacité mondiale de fabrication de silicium métallique est située en Chine, avec une industrie fortement consommatrice d’électricité fonctionnant en grande partie au charbon. »

Le plan prévoit notamment une possibilité de fabrication de silicium de qualité solaire pour les industries du photovoltaïque et des semi-conducteurs. « L’approvisionnement national en silicium métallique pourrait créer une opportunité pour développer une chaîne de valeur locale de fabrication de produits solaires photovoltaïques », a déclaré EGA.

Le PDG Abdulnasser Bin Kalban a indiqué que le développement d’une usine de fabrication de silicium métallique permettrait de sécuriser l’approvisionnement en une matière première stratégique.

« Une fois notre propre demande satisfaite, nous pourrions étendre davantage nos activités, et créer une nouvelle opportunité de croissance pour notre entreprise tout en soutenant le développement de nouvelles industries locales, en accord avec les objectifs de l’opération 300 milliards et de Make it in the Emirates, ainsi que ceux liés à la transition énergétique mondiale », a-t-il déclaré. « Nous pourrions commencer la construction d’une usine de silicium métallique dès l’année prochaine ».

L’entreprise n’a pas donné plus de détails sur la capacité de production ou les technologies de fabrication privilégiées. ... ysilicium/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 14 juil. 2022, 14:50

Les Emirats promettent d'être un fournisseur d'énergie "fiable" (président)

AFP le 13 juill. 2022

Le président des Emirats arabes unis, Mohammed ben Zayed al-Nahyane, a déclaré mercredi dans son premier discours en tant que chef de l'Etat, que son pays restera un fournisseur "fiable" d'énergie, au moment où le marché du pétrole reste tendu.

La première allocution télévisée de Mohammed ben Zayed intervient alors que le président américain Joe Biden a débuté mercredi en Israël une tournée au Moyen-Orient, avec une visite attendue en Arabie saoudite. Il devrait y plaider pour obtenir du royaume pétrolier qu'il ouvre les vannes afin de calmer l'envolée des cours de brut et l'inflation.

"Nous continuons à consolider la position du pays en tant que fournisseur d'énergie fiable et soutenant la sécurité énergétique mondiale", a déclaré Mohammed ben Zayed, dont le pays est l'un des principaux exportateurs de pétrole au monde, derrière l'Arabie saoudite.

Le président émirati a qualifié les énergies de "colonne vertébrale de la croissance et du développement économiques".

Les cours du brut se sont envolés en raison de la guerre en Ukraine menée depuis février par la Russie, alimentant une inflation galopante à travers le monde.

L'alliance entre l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (Opep) et d'autres partenaires, dont les Emirats arabes unis sont membres, a lancé en mai 2022 une stratégie d'augmentation graduelle de son volume total de production, resté volontairement bas au plus fort de la pandémie de coronavirus.

Les Européens et les Américains cherchent à obtenir des pays du Golfe, Arabie saoudite et Emirats arabes unis en tête, qu'ils produisent davantage alors que la hausse des cours du brut a stimulé les économies de la région.

Le 14 mai, Mohammed ben Zayed, qui dirigeait déjà de facto son pays depuis une décennie, en est devenu officiellement le président, succédant à son demi-frère malade cheikh Khalifa, décédé la veille. ... ent-220713

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 17 juil. 2022, 16:07

La France va acheter en quantité du diesel aux Emirats Arabes Unis
Un accord bilatéral en cours de finalisation pour la fourniture de diesel par les Emirats Arabes Unis à la France sera annoncé lundi. Parallèlement, les deux pays, très proches alliés, vont signer un accord cadre sur un partenariat énergétique stratégique, qui englobera un volet énergétique et un autre sur les énergies renouvelables.

Michel Cabirol 16 Juill 2022,
lire ... 25922.html

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 30 juil. 2022, 16:18

ADNOC Announces Second Gas Discovery from Offshore Block 2 Exploration Concession in Abu Dhabi

édité le 29/07/2022

ADNOC Announces Second Gas Discovery from Offshore Block 2 Exploration Concession in Abu Dhabi
- Second find in 2022 from first exploration well in Abu Dhabi’s Offshore Block 2 Exploration Concession almost doubling the discovered field volume
- Operated by Eni, discovery indicates a further 1 – 1.5 TSCF of natural gas in place, from a deeper zone while unlocking a new reservoir
- Discovery highlights success of ADNOC’s accelerated exploration and development program and its expanded approach to strategic partnerships
- Find was enabled by new insights, informed by the world’s largest combined onshore and offshore three-dimensional (3D) mega seismic survey

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) announced today a second discovery of natural gas resources in the first exploration well in Abu Dhabi’s Offshore Block 2 Exploration Concession, operated by Eni. The discovery from a new deeper reservoir indicates between 1 – 1.5 trillion standard cubic feet (TSCF) of raw gas in place.

This significant find builds on the initial finding in February 2022 from a shallower target, taking the total amount of gas in place from this single well to 2.5 - 3.5 TSCF.

A consortium, led by Eni and PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), was awarded the exploration rights for Offshore Block 2 in 2019 as part of ADNOC’s debut competitive block bid round.
.................... ... -n-i-24247

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 31 juil. 2022, 23:48

Enormes contrats dans le drilling et développement du gaz du champs gazier de Ghasha :
ADNOC Drilling wins $2bn worth contracts for Ghasha mega-project

By NS Energy Staff Writer 28 Jul 2022

The company will provide integrated drilling services and fluids under a $1.3bn worth contract apart from providing four island drilling units under a second contract worth $711m for the offshore sour gas development project in the UAE

ADNOC Drilling has bagged two contracts with a combined value of AED7.49bn ($2bn) pertaining to the offshore Hail and Ghasha development project (Ghasha mega-project) in the UAE from Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).

The first contract, which is worth $1.3bn is for providing integrated drilling services and fluids.

Under the second contract, worth $711m, ADNOC Drilling will be responsible for providing four island drilling units.

ADNOC Drilling CEO Abdulrahman Abdullah Al Seiari said: “This world-class award is testament to ADNOC Drilling’s position as the Middle East’s largest regional drilling company and the regional leader in Oilfield Services. It will ensure we continuously deliver strong and sustained growth while further driving shareholder value.”

ADNOC also announced a $681m contract, which has been awarded to ADNOC Logistics & Services for offshore logistics and marine support services.

According to the energy major, all three contracts will cover the drilling campaign of the Hail and Ghasha development project for up to 10 years.

UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and ADNOC managing director and group CEO Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber said: “These substantial awards mark another important milestone in the delivery of the Ghasha mega-project.

“They also demonstrate the deep expertise and experience within ADNOC Drilling and the wider group to efficiently deliver complex projects that enable gas expansion, while generating substantial in-country value to drive economic growth and diversification.

“ADNOC is committed to unlocking the UAE’s abundant natural gas reserves to enable domestic gas self-sufficiency, industrial growth and diversification, as well as to meet growing global gas demand, in line with the UAE Leadership’s wise directives.

The multi-billion-dollar Ghasha mega-project is said to be among the largest offshore sour gas developments in the world.

ADNOC expects to begin production from the Ghasha Concession around 2025. The project will be ramped up to produce over 1.5 billion standard cubic feet per day (scfd) of natural gas by the end of 2030.

The UAE state-owned energy company said that four artificial islands have already been built and development drilling is going on at the concession. In 2019, ADNOC awarded a $1.42bn contract to National Marine Dredging Company (NMDC) for constructing the Ghasha Concession artificial islands. ... a-project/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 05 août 2022, 08:06

Eni Makes Significant Gas Discovery In UAE

by Eldina Jahic|Rigzone Staff|Monday, August 01, 2022

Italian oil major Eni has made another significant gas discovery of 1-1.5 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of raw gas in place, in a deeper zone, in its first exploration well drilled in Offshore Block 2 near Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Eni said that the discovery follows the initial finding in a shallower zone of the same well, aggregating to a total gas in place of 2.5 – 3.5 tcf. The gas-bearing reservoirs were tested with excellent flow rates and fast-track development options are currently under evaluation.
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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 03 sept. 2022, 09:32

ADNOC passe encore d'énormes contrats dans le drilling
ADNOC Awards $1.83 Bn In Deals For Drilling-related Services

by Bojan Lepic|Rigzone Staff|

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) continues pouring down billions in contracts in an attempt to expand the production capacity of its low-carbon oil and gas resources to help meet the world’s growing demand for energy.

ADNOC said that it awarded five framework agreements valued at $1.83 billion for Directional Drilling and Logging While Drilling (LWD).

Directional drilling and logging while drilling entails controlling the direction and deviation of a wellbore while drilling to access oil and gas resources and measuring formation properties to enhance production.

The framework agreements are the largest of such awards in the oil and gas industry and were awarded to Al Ghaith Oilfield Supplies and Services Company, Al Mansoori Directional Drilling Services, Schlumberger, Haliburton, and Weatherford, following a competitive tender process.

The awards cover ADNOC’s onshore and offshore fields and will run for five years with an option for a further two years. Over 75 percent of the award value could flow back into the United Arab Emirates economy under ADNOC’s In-Country Value program throughout the agreements.
.................. ... 8-article/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 06 sept. 2022, 23:27

ADNOC investi 548 millions de dollars pour augmenter la production de gas de Lower Zakum de 430 à 700 millions de m3 par jour .
ADNOC Investing $548 Million In Lower Zakum Production Increase

by Bojan Lepic|Rigzone Staff|Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has awarded a $548 million contract to build a new main gas line at its Lower Zakum field offshore of Abu Dhabi.

The award will increase the Lower Zakum field’s gas production capacity from 430 million to 700 million standard cubic feet per day, supporting ADNOC’s plans to enable gas self-sufficiency for the United Arab Emirates and cater to increasing global energy demand.

The Engineering, Procurement, and Construction contract was awarded by ADNOC Offshore to National Petroleum Construction Company after a competitive tender process. Over 75 percent of the award value will flow back into the UAE economy under ADNOC's In-Country Value program and job opportunities will be created for UAE Nationals by the contractor, providing them practical exposure to executing EPC contracts.

The new pipeline will cater to the increased volume of associated gas produced by the Lower Zakum field as the field’s oil production capacity increases to 450,000 barrels of oil per day by 2025.

“This contract award will enable us to produce more gas as we increase production capacity from the Lower Zakum field. This will support our integrated gas masterplan which is driving competitive gas recovery to enable gas self-sufficiency for the UAE and industrial growth, while also helping to meet the increasing global demand for energy. With over 75 percent in-country value resulting from the award, the project will further stimulate economic growth and create opportunities for the private sector, in line with the UAE Leadership’s wise directives,” Yaser Saeed Almazrouei, ADNOC Upstream Executive Director, said.

The project will be completed in 2025 and it will see the construction of a new subsea pipeline that will run 85 kilometers from Zakum West Super Complex to Das Island. It also includes provisions to construct, install and test a new platform at the super complex as well as a new gas receiving facility at Das Island.

“Lower Zakum is a strategic asset for ADNOC and the UAE and working with our international partners, we will continue to responsibly unlock and maximize value from the field in line with ADNOC’s 2030 smart growth strategy. This award is an important part of the long-term development plan for the field and will help strengthen ADNOC’s position as a leading low-cost and low-carbon provider of energy for customers around the world,” Ahmad Saqer Al Suwaidi, ADNOC Offshore CEO, said.

ADNOC’s gas masterplan links every part of the gas value chain to further unlock Abu Dhabi’s abundant gas reserves enabling domestic gas self-sufficiency, industrial growth, and diversification, as well as meeting growing global gas demand. Natural gas is playing an increasingly important role in the energy transition as both a feedstock and a fuel as it burns with significantly lower-carbon intensity than coal.

With this award, ADNOC Offshore and its strategic international partners have invested more than $5 billion in recent weeks in the long-term development of Abu Dhabi's offshore operations. The awards included contracts worth more than $3.4 billion awarded to ADNOC Drilling to accelerate offshore growth activities and a $1.1 billion contract awarded to ADNOC Logistics and Services to enhance offshore operations. ... 2-article/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 21 sept. 2022, 00:59

Dubai launches tender for 900 MW solar project
The PV plant is the sixth phase of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park.


The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has launched a tender for the construction of a 900 MW solar facility about 50km south of the city of Dubai.

The solar park is the sixth phase of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. The huge project is intended to have 5 GW of solar and concentrating solar power (CSP) capacity upon completion in 2030.

The utility said the selected developer will build and operate the plant on an independent power project (IPP) basis. The deadline to submit project proposals is October 10.

According to DEWA, the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park has currently 1,627 MW of operational generation capacity – including the 13 MW first phase, the 200 MW second stage, and the 800 MW third phase, plus sections of the fourth and fifth slices of the project, which are still under development.

On the latter two project sections, DEWA said a further 1,233 MW of generation capacity is on the way, including 700 MW of delayed CSP. That would leave 2,140 MW of generation capacity to be added by 2030, of which 900 MW will form part of phase six. ... r-project/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 22 oct. 2022, 15:08

Forage le plus long du monde (j'ai pas dis le plus profond) au champs pétrolier offshore de Upper Zakum par ADNOC.
ADNOC Breaks World Record For Longest Well

by Eldina Jahic|Rigzone Staff|Friday, October 21, 2022

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has broken a world record for the longest oil and gas well at its Upper Zakum Concession.

Stretching 50,000 feet, the well is around 800 feet longer than the previous world record set in 2017 and supports ADNOC’s efforts to expand the production capacity of its lower-carbon oil and gas resources to help meet the world’s growing demand for energy.

The company stated that ADNOC Drilling drilled the oil and gas well from Umm Al Anbar, one of ADNOC Offshore’s artificial islands.

This feat of engineering is part of an extended reach well project designed and led by ADNOC Offshore, in collaboration with its Upper Zakum strategic international partners ExxonMobil and Inpex/Jodco.

The extended-reach wells will tap into an undeveloped part of the giant Upper Zakum reservoir with the potential to increase the field’s production capacity by 15,000 barrels of oil per day, without the need to expand or build any new infrastructure.

“This incredible achievement is in line with ADNOC Drilling’s quest to deliver increased efficiency for our customers as we continue to create greater value for our shareholders. The delivery of this record-breaking well also demonstrates our commitment to lower operational costs, while enabling ADNOC to reach its oil and gas production capacity targets. This historic milestone is a credit to the hard work and dedication of our staff who have collectively demonstrated how, as a responsible operator, we are successfully maximizing the use of advanced extended reach, horizontal and directional drilling methods,” Abdulrahman Abdullah Al Seiari, ADNOC Drilling CEO, said.

“ADNOC’s pioneering and innovative use of artificial islands, coupled with its world-leading drilling expertise, is enabling us to drive growth, maximize value and minimize the environmental footprint of our operations. Working with our strategic international partners, we will continue to push the boundaries of engineering for the benefit of the UAE, our partners, and customers around the world,” Ahmad Saqer Al Suwaidi, ADNOC Offshore CEO, added.

The Zakum field, which consists of Upper Zakum and Lower Zakum reservoirs, is located 84 kilometers northwest of Abu Dhabi. The field is considered the largest offshore oil field in the world. Since June 2021, five of the top ten longest wells in the world have been drilled from the Upper Zakum’s artificial islands.

Umm Al Anbar is one of Upper Zakum’s four artificial islands, serving as a hub for offshore drilling and operations. ADNOC Offshore perfected the artificial island concept, resulting in significant cost savings and environmental benefits compared to conventional approaches that traditionally require more offshore installations and infrastructure. ... 5-article/


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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 31 oct. 2022, 12:46

Dubai solar park hits 1.8 GW of generating capacity
The Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA) has installed 270 MW of PV panels at the massive Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum project since August, bringing its operational capacity to 1.83 GW.


The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park

DEWA has issued another update on the progress of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, which has been described as the world's largest single-site solar plant. The utility said this week that it has added 270 MW of solar capacity since August, to bring to 300 MW the volume added this year as part of the fifth phase of what is planned to be a 5 GW site, operational in 2030.

The AED 2.06 billion ($561 million) fifth phase of the site, near Dubai, will be 60% owned by DEWA. ACWA Power will take 20%, while Gulf Investment Corp. – owned by the governments of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates – will hold the balance. With 600 MW of solar panels generating at the site, the remaining 300 MW of the fifth phase of the project are due online next year, according to DEWA.

The hybrid solar panel-plus-concentrating-solar fourth phase of the project is also incomplete and DEWA offered an update on progress there, too. Some 217 MW of the planned 250 MW of phase-four capacity is now operational, the utility said. To complete the AED 15.8 billion fourth phase of the project, three 200 MW parabolic basins and a 100 MW solar tower will offer 15 hours of thermal storage capacity.

The concentrating solar part of of the fourth phase – which will be owned by DEWA and ACWA Power, plus a 24% stake for the China Silk Road Fund – was originally due to be operational last year. DEWA has not given a date for completion of that stage of the project.

Earlier in October, the utility extended the deadline for bidders competing to develop the next stage. An Oct. 10 deadline for bids for the 900 MW sixth phase of the site has been extended to Nov. 1.

DEWA said the next phase will start generating from the third quarter of 2025 and will be complete in 2027. It has now announced total investments of AED 50 billion for the project. This week it said the 1.83 GW of operational solar capacity at the site is already supplying 12.1% of Dubai's energy needs and that figure is expected to rise to 14% this year. ... -capacity/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 31 oct. 2022, 20:51

Etonnant, un projet en construction de barrage STEP à Dubaï !
DEWA says 52.61% of the work progress at Hatta hydroelectric power plant is complete with 100% completion of main dam wall

By NS Energy Staff Writer 26 Oct 2022


Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has announced that the work progress of the pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant being built by DEWA in Hatta, has reached 52.61%. DEWA also announced the completion of the construction of the 72-metre main Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) wall of the upper dam. DEWA has also completed the construction of the 37-metre-high RCC side wall at the project’s upper dam. The hydroelectric power plant will use the stored water in Hatta Dam, and the upper dam that is built in the mountain to produce electricity. The plant will have a production capacity of 250 megawatts (MW), a storage capacity of 1,500 megawatt-hours and a life span of up to 80 years. This is the first station of its kind in the GCC, with investments up to AED 1.421 billion. The project is planned for completion by the fourth quarter of 2024.

HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of DEWA, said that the pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant in Hatta is part of DEWA’s efforts to achieve the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to achieve the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 and the Dubai Net Zero Carbon Emissions Strategy 2050 to provide 100% of Dubai’s total power production capacity from clean energy sources by 2050. The project supports the comprehensive plan to develop Hatta and meet its social, economic, developmental and environmental needs, in addition to providing job opportunities for citizens in Hatta.

Al Tayer noted that the hydroelectric power plant in Hatta is part of the projects and initiatives launched by DEWA to diversify energy production from renewable and clean sources in Dubai. These include different technologies such as solar photovoltaic panels, concentrated solar power, and green hydrogen production using renewable energy.

The Hydroelectric power plant will be an energy storage facility with a turnaround efficiency of 78.9% that utilises the water stored in the upper dam, which is converted to kinetic energy during the flow of water through the 1.2-kilometre subterranean tunnel. This kinetic energy rotates the turbines and converts mechanical energy to electrical energy which is sent to DEWA’s grid within 90 seconds in response to demand. To store energy, clean energy generated at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park will be used to pump the water through this tunnel back to the upper dam by converting the electrical power to kinetic energy making the whole project 100% renewable. ... -dam-wall/

Le Hatta dam est effectivement visible dans Google maps, demander Hatta Dubaï.
C'est dans un massif montagneux à 3 km de la frontière avec OMAN.

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 01 nov. 2022, 19:13

Accord à 100 mds USD de Washington avec les Emirats arabes unis pour la transition énergétique

AFP le 01 nov. 2022

Washington a annoncé mardi un accord portant sur 100 milliards de dollars avec les Emirats arabes unis afin de promouvoir une transition vers des énergies propres, à quelques jours de la conférence climat de l'ONU COP27.

"A travers le Partenariat pour l'accélération de l'énergie propre (PACE), les Etats-Unis et les Emirats arabes unis se concentreront sur le développement progressif de sources d'énergie à faibles émissions, avec pour objectif de déployer 100 gigawatts d'énergie propre dans le monde d'ici à 2035", a déclaré la porte-parole de la Maison Blanche, Karine Jean-Pierre, dans un communiqué.

Le communiqué a souligné que les deux partenaires vont réunir "100 milliards de dollars pour financer l'énergie propre dans les deux pays, soutenir des investissements commerciaux importants et apporter d'autres aides aux pays émergents dont le développement propre est tout à la fois sous-financé et essentiel à l'effort mondial sur le climat".

"Nos pays investiront également dans la gestion des émissions nocives telles que le carbone et le méthane, le développement d'une technologie nucléaire avancée et la décarbonation des secteurs de l'industrie et des transports", a ajouté Mme Jean-Pierre.

Le président américain Joe Biden participera à la conférence climat de l'ONU COP27 qui aura lieu du 6 au 18 novembre à Charm el-Cheikh, en Egypte.

Il avait déclaré vendredi vouloir s'appuyer "sur le travail considérable qu'ont entrepris les Etats-Unis pour faire progresser la lutte contre le changement climatique au niveau mondial".

Les Emirats arabes unis accueilleront en 2023 la prochaine édition de la conférence de l'ONU sur le climat, la COP28.

Cette initiative commune des Etats-Unis et des Emirats arabes unis intervient au moment où les relations sont tendues entre Washington et son partenaire historique au Moyen-Orient, l'Arabie saoudite. Le 5 octobre, l'Opep+ -- les 13 membres de l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (Opep) menés par l'Arabie saoudite et leurs 10 partenaires conduits par la Russie -- a décidé de sabrer ses quotas de production d'or noir, afin de soutenir les prix du brut qui étaient en train de baisser.

Cette décision a suscité la colère du président américain Joe Biden avant des élections de mi-mandat cruciales le 8 novembre, et l'administration américaine a accusé Ryad de faire le jeu de la Russie qui cherche à financer sa guerre contre l'Ukraine. ... que-221101 ... -Pact.html
