AMBRI : la batterie haute température Calcium Antimoine liquide

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AMBRI : la batterie haute température Calcium Antimoine liquide

Message par energy_isere » 22 déc. 2018, 16:48

J'ai découvert ça grâce à un vidéo postée sur forum bulle immo. ... 3#p2312153
moinsdewatt a écrit :
22 déc. 2018, 11:27
La seconde vidéo parle quand même de la start up qui s'est montée sur cette affaire.
Le site

Faut que je regarde ça.
Il y a tout juste deux ans Ambri à levé 50 millions de dollars, et Bill Gates et Total ont amené des ronds. ... gs.R5vlsYg

Le gars qui porte ça s'appelle Donald Sadoway

Feb 2017 ......
But it’s also a bizarrely simple concept, at least to an electrochemist. It turns out assembling a cell of a liquid metal battery cell is as easy as dropping a plug of metal, made up of two alloys of different densities, into a vessel and pouring some salt on top. When the cell is powered up, the two metals melt and divide into two layers automatically, like salad oil floating on vinegar. The molten salt forms a layer between them, conducting electrons back and forth.
The molten metal battery has long since moved out of the basement lab. In 2010, Sadoway started the battery company Ambri with several of his former students, then moved HQ into a manufacturing facility 30 miles west of Cambridge to the town of Marlborough. Now, Ambri employs about 40 people and is busy building prototype battery packs out of hundreds of the molten metal cells.

Sadoway says Ambri is less than a year away from deploying its first commercial models. All signs have been hopeful so far, he says. At the manufacturing facility, some test cells have been up and running for almost four years without showing any signs of wear and tear. Getting the assembled battery packs, each consisting of 432 individual cells, to work was trickier. But after ironing out some pesky issues with the heat seals, the battery packs can reach a self-sustaining operating temperature, hot enough to charge and discharge without any extra energy input. Now Ambri is in the middle of raising another round of funding, enough to reach market-ready production mode.
........ ... ry-future/

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Lithium Bismuth liquide

Message par energy_isere » 22 déc. 2018, 16:49

Et voilà deux articles qui tiennent la route sur la technologie. :) ... en-battery

L'intérieur de la batterie est à 900 degré Fahrenheit, soit 482 degré Celcius.
Chaud devant.

80 % de rendement.
Inside the box it's 900 degrees but outside it's cool to the touch. The system is about 80 percent efficient, but Giudice says very little energy is wasted.

"The inefficiency, that 20 percent of inefficiency, is actually given off as heat," Giudice says, "and that heat is held within the insulated box that holds the cells and that's sufficient to keep it at operating temperature, and you just charge and discharge to keep it at that state."
Et dans article plus récent de juillet 2018 ... 8106259066
Sadoway’s battery is liquid-based and remains in that state as it operates at temperatures ranging from 400°C to 700°C. The essential components include a high-density liquid metal (bismuth today) at the bottom of the cell, a molten salt atop that, and a low-density liquid metal (lithium) above the salt. The two liquid metal layers serve as electrodes, while the molten salt acts as an electrolyte. The difference between the metals gives rise to the battery’s voltage.

The 1,000-cubic-foot version of the battery can store about 1 MWh of energy—about 250 kW with a four-hour drain time in many cells that are each about the size of a pizza box. Sadoway says a smaller version of the battery, roughly the size of a refrigerator, could eventually be marketed for energy storage in single-family homes
Les investisseurs :
........ During the first few years, Sadoway funded his basic research effort with backing from France-based Total Group and the US DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy. Eventually, however, he launched a private company, Ambri, Inc., using funding from a variety of private sources, including Total Group, Bill Gates, Khosla Ventures, and the Pritzker family.

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Lithium Bismuth liquide

Message par energy_isere » 22 déc. 2018, 16:50

Sujet à suivre pour voir comment ils arrivent (ou pas) à industrialiser.

Le Bismuth fond à 271 Degré celcius
Le Lithium à 180 Degré

C'est une techno impeccable pour le stockage stationnaire.

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Lithium Bismuth liquide

Message par energy_isere » 22 déc. 2018, 16:59

Le Bismuth ça vaut quand même 10 000 dollar la tonne. ... urces.html

La fiche USGS sur le Bismuth donne une production mondiale de 14 000 tonnes, dont 11 000 viennent de Chine et 2000 du Laos.
Presque rien ailleurs.

Le Bismuth ne se trouve pas (tres rarement) sous forme de minerai, mais est plutôt co-produit avec le plomb et le Tungstène.
Les réserves de Bismuth...... Ne sont même pas chiffrées par l' USGS.

Un autre lien Bismuth resources, reserves and production
Occurrence in nature ... tion.shtml

La Chine posséderait 75 % des réserves mondiales avec 240 000 tonnes.

Major countries in bismuth mine production from 2012 to 2017 (in metric tons) ... f-bismuth/

Est ce que le Bismuth est vraiment un bon candidat ? C'est à se demander.

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Lithium Bismuth liquide

Message par Glycogène » 22 déc. 2018, 19:39

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il n'utilise pas du plomb à la place du bismuth. On a du plomb à ne plus savoir qu'en faire.
Le bismuth est autant toxique que le plomb, et est aussi règlementé, donc ce n'est pas la raison.

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Lithium Bismuth liquide

Message par energy_isere » 22 déc. 2018, 20:39

Glycogène a écrit :
22 déc. 2018, 19:39
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il n'utilise pas du plomb à la place du bismuth. On a du plomb à ne plus savoir qu'en faire.
Le bismuth est autant toxique que le plomb, et est aussi règlementé, donc ce n'est pas la raison.
A un moment donné ils ont essayé l'Antimoine, puis des alliages de Plomb et Antimoine.

Puis au Bismuth.

J'ai lu une partie de leur histoire ici :
A battery made of molten metals
New battery may offer low-cost, long-lasting storage for the grid.

Nancy Stauffer | MIT Energy Initiative
January 12, 2016

Des essais aussi a l'etain-bismuth ... y-storage/

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Lithium Bismuth liquide

Message par energy_isere » 16 août 2021, 10:18

Maintenant il s'agit de batterie Calcium-Antimoine :
US start-up secures $144 million for liquid metal battery commercialization
Ambri plans to commercialize its calcium-antimony liquid metal battery chemistry and open manufacturing facilities to deliver projects in 2023 and beyond.


Ambri Inc., an MIT-spinoff long-duration battery energy storage system developer, secured $144 million in funding to advance calcium-antimony liquid metal battery chemistry.

The investment round was led by Reliance New Energy Solar Ltd, a unit of Reliance Industries Limited; Paulson & Co. Inc., a group that includes Ambri’s largest shareholder, Bill Gates; and new investors, including Fortistar, Goehring & Rozencwajg Associates, Japan Energy Fund, and others.

The company plans to use proceeds to commercialize and grow its long-duration system technology and to build manufacturing facilities, both in the U.S. and internationally.

Ambri also entered into a long-term antimony supply agreement with Perpetua Resources. The agreement helps secure a domestic source of antimony for its supply chain. ... alization/

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Inscription : 13 nov. 2005, 09:58

Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Lithium Bismuth liquide

Message par alain2908 » 16 août 2021, 11:12

j'ai pas lu tous les articles mais je suis étonné qu'on arrive à un bon rendement si on doit maintenir la température interne à plus de 400 degrés.

Gaz naturel
Gaz naturel
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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Lithium Bismuth liquide

Message par alga » 16 août 2021, 13:02

alain2908 a écrit :
16 août 2021, 11:12
j'ai pas lu tous les articles mais je suis étonné qu'on arrive à un bon rendement si on doit maintenir la température interne à plus de 400 degrés.
Ils ont inventé la première batterie qui fonctionne bien sur Vénus #-o

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Calcium Antimoine liquide

Message par energy_isere » 17 août 2021, 10:25

ici ... de-dollars ils disent :
Basée dans le Massachusetts, Ambri développe des batteries à longue durée de vie, basées sur une anode brevetée en alliage de calcium liquide, un électrolyte de sel fondu et une cathode composée de particules solides d'antimoine. La société envisage de produire ses batteries avec des usines aux Etats Unis et en Inde.

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Calcium Antimoine liquide

Message par energy_isere » 02 juil. 2022, 11:42

Gros succés pour Ambri, ils signent pour un systéme 300 MW 1200 MWh en Afrique du Sud.

Le communiqué de presse de la boite : ... 73611.html
MARLBOROUGH, Mass. , June 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ambri, provider of long-duration energy storage, today announced that Earth & Wire, South Africa's independent renewable energy retail brand, placed an order for Ambri's Liquid Metal™ battery system to serve a 300-MW, 1,200-MWh combined wind- and solar-powered generation site in the Eastern Cape. To date, this is the largest battery energy storage system to be deployed in South Africa.

Ambri will begin shipping batteries for this project in 2024 with installation completed in 2026. This announcement represents the largest commercial deployment in the company's history to date and another step in Ambri's progress toward commercialization.

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Calcium Antimoine liquide

Message par energy_isere » 02 juil. 2022, 11:47

Ambri s'était musclé en capacité de production le mois de juin 2022 :
Ambri Announces Its Innovation Hub - Expanding Manufacturing Capacity with New Facility in Massachusetts, a Major Milestone in Its Commercialization

Ambri Inc. Jun 02, 2022,

MARLBOROUGH, Mass., June 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ambri, provider of long-duration Liquid Metal™ battery energy storage systems, announced the expansion of its manufacturing capacity at a new facility in Milford, Massachusetts, marking the most recent step in commercializing its products. The new facility, Ambri's Innovation Hub, enables the company to significantly broaden its manufacturing operations as it continues to grow in size and scope and makes measurable progress in bringing its battery systems to commercial markets. The facility will also be home to an expanded R&D lab and host an on-site Ambri pilot system.

"This exciting next step in commercialization marks a major moment for our company and its future," said Adam Briggs, Chief Commercial Officer at Ambri. "Expanding our operations makes it possible for us to continue to innovate and produce with the speed and the scale needed to deliver quality, cutting-edge products that meet the growing demands for safe and affordable long-duration energy storage. It also further establishes the U.S. — and Massachusetts more specifically — as the hub of our operations and innovation. That means creating American jobs, supporting local economies, and strengthening domestic supply chains — all things that will be critically important as the industry matures."

Ambri's new facility, measuring 140,000 square feet, will more than triple the size of Ambri's current manufacturing footprint and allow for a production capacity of 200,000 battery cells per year that will be installed into systems for customers starting in 2023. The new facility is expected to support up to 200 jobs and is estimated to be at full volume production in 2024. ... 60038.html

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Calcium Antimoine liquide

Message par energy_isere » 29 août 2022, 08:40

Application pour un parc solaire PV
US utility to demonstrate liquid metal long-duration storage at solar test site
US utility Xcel Energy will test the use of Ambri’s energy storage technology at the Solar Technology Acceleration Center.


Ambri, a developer of liquid-metal long-duration energy storage systems, has revealed plans to partner with Colorado electric utility Xcel Energy on a demonstration project. The project will demonstrate the ability of Ambri’s calcium-antimony liquid metal batteries to interact with renewable energy.

MRI Global’s Solar Technology Acceleration Center (SolarTAC) will be the host site for the demonstration project. The SolarTAC was established to test renewable energy technologies in real-world, grid-connected environments.

Ambri’s chemistry is being developed to meet the demands of large industrial energy customers, such as data centers. The company’s large-scale battery unit has 250 kW/1,000 kWh of capacity, DC efficiency of more than 80% under a wide set of use cases, a response time of less than 500 milliseconds, and voltages between 550 V to 1,150 V.

It is housed in a 10-foot shipping container. The system holds shelves of cells, thermal management systems, a weatherproof outer enclosure, and a battery management system for applications that require high energy capacity, frequent cycling, long lifetimes, and high efficiency.

Xcel Energy is the first utility in the United States to set a long-term goal of providing its customers with zero-carbon electricity. It aims to be net-zero across electricity, heating, and transportation by 2050. Ambri’s technology is designed to perform in a wide range of environments, potentially making it the right fit for Xcel to effectively store and dispatch power in harsh Colorado weather conditions.

The SolarTAC has been owned and operated by MRI Global since 2011. It will test Ambri’s technology for one year. In addition to solar and energy storage, the site is used to test microgrid capabilities at the edge of the electric distribution system.

In 2020, Ambri signed a deal with TerraScale, a clean infrastructure development company, to deliver 250 MWh of Ambri systems to TerraScale’s Energos Reno data center project. The site’s battery will be bolstered by a reported 500 MW of on-site renewable generation. ... test-site/

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Re: AMBRI : la batterie haute température Calcium Antimoine liquide

Message par energy_isere » 02 sept. 2022, 00:06

L'équipe qui a mis au point la batterie Calcium Antimoine liquide annonce maintenant en plus une batterie Aluminium Soufre à électrolyte NaCl-KCl-AlCl3.

lire cet article : ... -couteuse/
