Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 04 déc. 2022, 22:45

suite de ce post du 31 oct 2022 viewtopic.php?p=2356728#p2356728

Mise en route du plus grand parc solaire à concentration du monde. Plus grande tour solaire du monde aussi.
Dubai’s concentrated solar power project starts supplying electricity to the grid
November 30, 2022 evwind
It is the largest concentrated solar power project in the world in terms of installed capacity, investment size, and molten salt reserve heat.


On November 29 (Dubai Time), the Trough Unit No. 1 facility of Shanghai Electric’s 700MW solar thermal and 250MW photovoltaic solar power plant in Dubai has successfully achieved grid-connected electricity generation, marking a significant milestone along the path of the firm’s entry into the renewable energy sector. The facility is already delivering top-notch technical parameters and reliable operation of both the primary and auxiliary equipment, supplying environmentally friendly solar thermal energy to local communities for the first time.

The project, for which Shanghai Electric Group is the contractor, is the fourth phase of the solar thermal and PV power plant developed by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority in Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (MBR) Solar Park. Connection of the facility to the grid marks the completion of a key goal in Shanghai Electric’s globalization roadmap. Built on the world-leading tower and leveraging trough solar thermal power generation technologies, the project overcomes the limitation that conventional PV power stations cannot generate electricity at night, making it a demonstration model for the Chinese government’s Belt and Road initiative and efforts to achieve global carbon neutrality.

The 250MW PV modules are dispersed in unused locations to maximize site use, while the 700MW solar thermal facility consists of three 200MW trough units and a 100MW tower unit. It is the largest standalone solar PV project in the world, with an area of 44 square kilometers (approx. 17 sq. miles), the equivalent of just over 6,000 standard soccer fields or 100 Tiananmen Squares. The project utilizes roughly 560,000 tons of molten salt and 70,000 heliostats each measuring roughly 25 square meters. The earthwork required for site leveling in the desert amounted to some 40 million cubic meters, which is equal in volume to 41 ‘Water Cubes’ (the well-known aquatics center at the Olympic Green in Beijing) or to the amount of sand and gravel used to construct two of the artificial islands supporting the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge. The facility, which rises to a height of 262 meters (approx. 860 feet), is the tallest tower solar thermal project in the world. Additionally, it provides the world’s biggest commercially operating slot opening technology with an opening distance of 8.2 meters. Operation of the facility replaces the burning of 2 million tons of standard coal annually. All of these factors combine to make it the largest solar thermal project in the world in terms of installed capacity, investment size, and molten salt reserve heat.

Its location in the middle of the desert, where daytime temperatures can soar to close to 50°C (122°F), combined with the impact of the pandemic, among other factors, led to the project encountering several difficulties during construction, including rising costs across-the-board (of which costs for raw materials witnessed the steepest increases), delays in shipping, supply chain challenges to the fabrication of equipment and a severe staffing shortage. By adopting creative solutions and being meticulous in advance preparation, the project department overcame several technical issues to achieve this milestone.

The energy stored in the trough units and the tower unit, once all units are operational, can generate power continuously for a maximum of 13.5 hours at night and 15 hours during periods of inclement weather. ... grid/89005

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 22 janv. 2023, 21:32

Appel d' offre pour une centrale solaire PV de 1.5 GW aux émirats :
UAE utility opens bidding for 1.5 GW of solar
Emirates Water and Electricity Co. (EWEC) has started accepting expressions of interest from pre-qualified developers to develop a 1.5 GW solar project in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.


EWEC has opened a call for proposals for the 1.5 GW Al-Ajban solar project from companies shortlisted in a request-for-qualification process in May 2022.

“There has been a strong level of interest expressed in this key project so far, and we look forward to seeing proposals from pre-qualified companies and moving to the next stage of development,” said EWEC CEO Othman Al Ali.

The Emirates’ News Agency reported that 43 companies and groups submitted expressions of interest in May, with 19 companies qualifying for the current tender phase. The project will involve the development, financing, construction, operation, maintenance, and ownership of the plant, as well as associated infrastructure.

EWEC said the installation will be “fundamentally important” to Abu Dhabi’s energy transition. Following the start of commercial operations, the Al-Ajban solar park is expected to slash Abu Dhabi’s carbon emissions by more than 2.4 million metric tons per year, according to EWEC.

The utility said it will sign a long-term power purchase agreement with the selected developer. The PPA will be structured as an energy purchase agreement, under which EWEC will only pay for the net electrical energy supplied by the solar plant. It did not reveal a deadline for proposals on its channels. ... -of-solar/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 31 janv. 2023, 18:14

suite de ce post du 27 juillet 2020 viewtopic.php?p=2307165#p2307165
Les Émirats arabes unis s'apprêtent à démarrer l'une des plus grandes centrales solaires au monde

AFP le 31 janv. 2023

L'une des plus grandes centrales solaires au monde va entrer en service aux Emirats arabes unis d'ici quelques mois, a affirmé mardi la compagnie française EDF Renouvelables, partenaire du projet.

La centrale Al Dhafra "a commencé à produire ses premiers kilowattheures en fin d'année dernière et devrait être mise en service avant l'été", a affirmé à l'AFP Olivier Bordes, à la tête de l'entreprise pour le Moyen-Orient.

Situé en plein désert, à 35 kilomètres au sud d'Abou Dhabi, le projet présenté comme "la plus grande centrale solaire à site unique au monde" est détenu à 60% par les compagnies publiques émiraties, TAQA et Masdar, le chinois Jinko Power Technologie et le français EDF se partageant les 40% restant.

Les panneaux photovoltaïques, installés sur une surface totale de 20 kilomètres carrés --soit un cinquième de la superficie de Paris-- auront à terme la capacité de produire 2,1 gigawatts (GW) et pourront "proposer de l'énergie décarbonée à 160.000" foyers, a affirmé à l'AFP Olivier Bordes.

En visite mardi sur le site, le ministre français de l'Economie, Bruno Le Maire s'est félicité de la "coopération extrêmement étroite" entre la France et les Emirats arabes unis dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables.

Le pays du Golfe, qui est l'un des plus grands exportateurs de pétrole au monde, accueillera fin novembre une conférence de l'ONU sur le climat, d'ores et déjà controversée.

Le président de sa compagnie pétrolière nationale, désigné président de la COP28, Sultan Al Jaber, ne manque pas une occasion de souligner l'importance des hydrocarbures pour l'économie mondiale.

Mais les Emirats investissent aussi massivement dans les énergies propres, avec l'ambition d'atteindre la neutralité carbone d'ici 2050.

Selon un communiqué publié mardi par Masdar, l'entreprise émiratie d'énergies renouvelables, les projets franco-émiratis ont permis d'installer plus de 6,2 GW de capacité de production d'énergies propres aux Emirats et ailleurs dans le monde, pour un montant de plus de 6 milliards de dollars (5,5 milliards d'euros).

Bruno Le Maire, qui s'est rendu aussi en Arabie saoudite et au Qatar, a dit vouloir "accompagner" les pays pétroliers de la région dans la voie de la "décarbonation", en développant des projets dans les énergies renouvelables, le nucléaire, notamment en Arabie saoudite, et l'hydrogène vert. ... nde-230131

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 23 févr. 2023, 19:30

A Dubaï, l'immobilier flambe, les locataires trinquent


Eldorado des expatriés, Dubaï connaît ces derniers mois une flambée de l'immobilier alimentée par l'afflux de riches investisseurs, russes en particulier, prenant de court les résidents qui voient les loyers exploser.
La neutralité affichée par les Emirats arabes unis vis-à-vis de la guerre en Ukraine a permis à Dubaï d'attirer, depuis l'année dernière, de nombreux Russes fortunés, fuyant les sanctions occidentales dans leur pays.

Si les autorités ne divulguent pas les nationalités des investisseurs, Betterhomes, l'une des principales agences immobilières de Dubaï, estime que les Russes étaient en tête des acheteurs internationaux l'année dernière.
lire ... 45083f4205

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 25 févr. 2023, 01:03

L'aéroport international de Dubaï devient le plus fréquenté au monde

Article de RFI 23 fev 2023

Le trafic de l'aéroport international de Dubaï a plus que doublé en 2022. La hausse importante des voyageurs russe a fortement contribué à l'augmentation du nombre de passagers.

Le trafic a dépassé les 66 millions de voyageurs l’an dernier à l’aéroport de Dubaï soit une croissance de 127%. Il devient ainsi l'aéroport le plus fréquenté au monde. En 2021, environ 29,1 millions de passagers sont passés par Dubaï et les autorités en espéraient 57 millions en 2022.

Si l'Inde, l'Arabie saoudite et le Royaume-Uni sont les principaux pourvoyeurs de passagers, les voyageurs russes sont également en forte croissance, indiquent les autorités de l’aéroport. En 2022, 1,9 million de Russes sont passés par Dubaï, c’est plus du double de l'année précédente.

Le conflit en Ukraine augmente la fréquentation

En raison du conflit en Ukraine et des sanctions occidentales contre Moscou, beaucoup de Russes se sont installés dans cette riche ville du golf connue pour ses îles artificielles, ses gratte-ciels, ses restaurants et magasins de luxe. Dubaï, qui était déjà une destination touristique privilégiée pour les Russes, fait partie de la fédération des Émirats arabes unis, riche État pétrolier proche des Occidentaux tout en ayant maintenu d'excellentes relations avec Moscou.

Un événement a aussi contribué à cette dynamique : la Coupe du monde organisée en novembre 2022 a généré une hausse du trafic dans toute la région.

Le secteur aérien est une source importante de revenus pour Dubaï. Son aéroport et sa compagnie, Emirates, génèrent d'importants revenus pour l'économie du pays pauvre en pétrole, contrairement à ses voisins du Golfe. ... b21&ei=188

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 23 avr. 2023, 10:46

ADNOC ajoute à sa flotte 5 cargos transporteur de gaz de pétrole liquéfié.
ADNOC L&S Expands its Shipping Fleet with Deployment of Five Very Large Gas Carriers

17/04/2023 -
ADNOC L&S Expands its Shipping Fleet with Deployment of Five Very Large Gas Carriers
- Company in major growth phase across its shipping and integrated logistics business, providing a broader service to its customers and expanding its revenue streams
- New-build VLGCs delivered to AW Shipping, an ADNOC L&S joint venture with Wanhua, will help meet growing demand for natural gas
- Vessels powered by LPG dual-fuel engines, making them among the lowest-emission vessels in the VLGC category

ADNOC Logistics & Services (ADNOC L&S), the shipping and maritime logistics arm of ADNOC, announced the deployment of five new-build Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGC). The gas carriers were built at Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai, China, and will be owned and operated by AW Shipping, an ADNOC L&S joint venture with Wanhua Chemical Group (Wanhua).

As natural gas plays a critical role as a lower carbon-intensity fuel for the energy transition, the VLGCs, which transport liquified petroleum gas (LPG), will provide ADNOC L&S greater flexibility to meet growing global gas demand.

The five VLGCs (Al Ain, Zakher, Rabdan, Al Salam and Baynounah), each with a capacity of 86,000 cubic meters, have dual-fuel engine technology and use LPG as their primary fuel source, making them among the lowest-emission vessels of this type. ... -n-i-25426

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 14 mai 2023, 23:09

United Arab Emirates’ solar market
The UAE is expected to generate 25% of its electricity from solar energy and have a total installed solar capacity of 44 GW by 2050. The Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA) describes the challenges the country has to address to make this target achievable.

MAY 5, 2023

A 2 MW solar carport installed across the headquarters of DEWA and the buildings of Dubai's government.Image: DEWA

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made significant progress toward increasing its dependence on renewable energy in recent years, with the goal of increasing the share of clean energy in its total power mix to 50% by 2050. Currently, the UAE is one of the fastest-growing utility-scale markets in the Middle East and North Africa region, with approximately 2,000 MW of renewable energy being installed annually. However, there are still several challenges the country is facing to achieve its goals.

Romain Riche, international development director at the Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA), commented, “Over the last two years, due to the surge in PV module prices, major solar developers experienced delays for module delivery from China, slightly delaying flagship projects in the region. Due to those challenges, the country's cumulative installed capacity remains valued at around 3.5 GW by end 2022, but shall soon reach 6 GW capacity with the completion of the current mega-projects in Abu Dhabi (Al Dhafrah 1,500 MW) and Dubai (MBR Solar Park Phases 4 and 5, respectively 950 and 900 MW).”

With the implementation of programs like the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050, which aims to provide 75% of Dubai’s total power capacity from clean energy sources, and the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030, the nation has established lofty targets for the advancement of solar PV technology. “At the dawn of COP28 to be held in the country, new developments are likely to be announced. This year, EWEC will close the tendering of Al Aljban to add 1,500 MW of solar in Abu Dhabi. Dubai, meanwhile, is already getting 14% of its electricity from clean-energy sources and DEWA has now launched the tender of the sixth phase of its mega-solar cluster to add an additional 1,800 MW,” Rich added.

When it comes to the distributed solar segment, while it has been popular in Dubai with its net metering policy, overall its development remains limited. In order to reach the ambitious target of the UAE Energy Strategy 2050, with a clean energy share of 44% by 2050, accelerated development and updated policies are required.

The growth of solar energy in the UAE is also hampered by a number of factors, including legal and legislative concerns, funding constraints, and grid integration limitations. One such challenge is the lack of regulation for the distributed generation (DG) market in the UAE outside the Dubal emirate. However, in November 2021, the UAE announced its intention to adopt a federal law regulating the connection of distributed renewable energy production units to the electrical grid in all seven emirates. This is expected to greatly revitalise the DG market over the next few years, with an estimated annual increase of 400 to 500 MW annually once regulations are in place, compared to the current rate of around 60 to 100 MW annually. This will represent a significant leap for the DG market in the UAE.

In the utility-scale sector, the projects are primarily focused in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The consolidation of these utility-scale projects makes it very hard for local developers and EPCs to grow in the local utility-scale sector. ... ar-market/

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par phyvette » 24 mai 2023, 22:25

A Dubaï, l’afflux des Russes provoque une flambée de l’immobilier.

L’installation dans l’émirat de milliers de professionnels de la finance et de la tech, cherchant à échapper à un enrôlement forcé, a dopé le marché de la location et de la vente.

En 2022, les Russes ont été les plus grands acheteurs internationaux de biens immobiliers à Dubaï, selon le courtier immobilier Betterhomes. « Certains Russes achètent des biens immobiliers aux Emirats pour mettre à l’abri leur argent. Les autres s’y installent pour de vrai ». ... _3210.html
Image Quand on a un javelin dans la main, tous les problèmes ressemblent à un T-72.

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 24 juin 2023, 16:30

ADNOC Drilling Secures $2 Billion Offshore Jack-up Contracts

édité le 23/06/2023 - europetrole

- Contracts to provide five high-spec offshore jack-up rigs in direct support of ADNOC’s accelerated production capacity growth
- Substantial revenue expected in 2024 with first full year revenue contribution from 2025
- Contracts provide accretive day rates while maintaining long-term cash flow and earnings visibility

ADNOC Drilling Company PJSC (ADNOC Drilling) confirmed the award of five 10-year contracts, totaling approximately $2 billion, in support of ADNOC Offshore’s growing drilling operations.
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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 22 juil. 2023, 23:24

ADNOC Gas Announces a $7-9 Billion,14-year LNG Supply Agreement with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.


- ADNOC Gas Announces a $7-9 Billion,14-year LNG Supply Agreement with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
- ADNOC Gas to supply up to 1.2 million metric tonnes of LNG per annum to India
- Agreement underscores ADNOC Gas’ position as a reliable global supplier of LNG, and paves the way for potential further supplies

ADNOC Gas plc (ADNOC), a world-class integrated gas processing company, announced a 14-year supply agreement with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) for the export of up to 1.2 million metric tonnes per annum (mmtpa) of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to India’s largest integrated and diversified energy company. The agreement, valued in the range of $7 billion to $9 billion (AED25.7 to AED33 billion) over its 14-year term, signifies a major step forward in the partnership between the two industry leaders.

The landmark deal marks another significant milestone for ADNOC Gas as it expands its global reach, reinforcing its position as a global LNG export partner of choice, and reaffirming IOCL as its key strategic partner in the LNG market.
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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 09 août 2023, 18:17

Les Emirats annoncent un important contrat gazier à l'approche de la COP28

AFP le 09 août 2023

Le géant des hydrocarbures des Emirats arabes unis, ADNOC, a annoncé mercredi un contrat de 3,6 milliards de dollars pour l'expansion de son infrastructure de traitement du gaz, attribué à une coentreprise entre une société locale et un groupe espagnol.

Cette annonce intervient alors que le riche Etat pétrolier du Golfe s'apprête à accueillir fin novembre la conférence de l'ONU sur le climat, la COP28, sur fonds de critiques des défenseurs de l'environnement qui dénoncent l'impact des énergies fossiles sur le réchauffement climatique.

"ADNOC Gas a annoncé aujourd'hui l'attribution d'un contrat de 3,6 milliards de dollars pour l'extension de son infrastructure de traitement du gaz au Emirats arabes unis", a rapporté l'agence de presse officielle du pays, WAM.

Le contrat a été attribué à une coentreprise entre deux sociétés spécialisées dans l'ingénierie pétrolière et gazière, la National Petroleum Construction Company des Emirats et le groupe espagnol Tecnicas Reunidas.

"Le contrat comprend la mise en service de nouvelles infrastructures de traitement du gaz qui permettront d'optimiser l'approvisionnement du complexe industriel de Ruwais", dans l'ouest de l'émirat d'Abou Dhabi, a précisé WAM.

Il s'inscrit dans une stratégie "visant à accroître l'extraction du gaz des champs existants et à développer des ressources inexploitées", a ajouté l'agence.

ADNOC Gas, dont les réserves de gaz sont estimées au septième rang mondial, est une filiale du géant énergétique public ADNOC, l'un des principaux exportateurs de pétrole brut au monde.
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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 15 août 2023, 09:54

UAE Is The Biggest Winner Of Saudi Arabia Production Cuts

By Alex Kimani - Aug 13, 2023

Last month, the UAE declared it will not join Saudi Arabia in making voluntary oil production cuts, claiming that the cuts by the Saudis are enough to balance the markets. This is hardly surprising considering that the UAE has long argued that it should be allowed to pump more than its current OPEC quota. But OPEC’s third largest producer was not content to just maintain its current production. The UAE got a huge concession from OPEC in the form of an upward revision of its quota that will take its production up by 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2024 to 3.2 million barrels.

But the UAE does not have to wait till 2024 to reap the rewards of its shrewdness. Oil prices have climbed about 15% since Saudi Arabia started its voluntary cuts of 1 million barrels per day. In effect, Saudi Arabia is doing all the heavy lifting but the UAE is profiting the most.
The UAE has plans to ramp up its crude production capacity to five million barrels per day (bpd) by 2027, well above OPEC’s quota of 3 mb/d.

“Saudi Arabia is cutting massively. At least Russia says it’s cutting. The UAE has cut to the bare minimum. The end result is that Saudi Arabia is doing all the work and the UAE has oil prices 15 percent higher than they were a month ago. By any means, the UAE is the big winner this summer,” Viktor Katona, the head of crude analysis at Kpler, has told Middle East Eye.

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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 18 août 2023, 00:17

India And The UAE Close First Oil Deal In Rupees

By ZeroHedge - Aug 17, 2023,

> This week, India and the UAE closed an oil deal in rupees for the first time ever.
> Indian Oil Corp. bought a million barrels of oil from Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in a dollar-free transaction.
> If the trend of dollarless transactions expands to other countries, the minimization of the dollar in the global oil trade would be bad news for the United States
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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 20 août 2023, 09:43

Projet géothermique àAbu Dhabi :
ADNOC and Tabreed advance first project in region to harness geothermal energy

By NS Energy Staff Writer 16 Aug 2023

ADNOC and the National Central Cooling Company PJSC (Tabreed), today announced a breakthrough in the first project in the gulf region to harness geothermal energy following the conclusion of testing on two geothermal wells at Masdar City in Abu Dhabi.
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Re: Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Émirats Arabes Unis

Message par energy_isere » 22 août 2023, 08:45

Masdar wins Dubai’s tender for 1.8 GW solar farm
Masdar submitted the lowest bid of $0.0162154/kWh in the procurement exercise. The total capacity of the solar energy projects commissioned at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park has reached 2,427MW.


The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) announced that UAE-based renewable energy developer Masdar is the preferred bidder for the tender it launched in September 2022 for the 1,800 MW 6th phase of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park.

Masdar submitted the lowest bid of $0.0162154/kWh and competed with Saudi energy giant ACWA Power in the final phase of the tender. DEWA had selected 23 bidders in the initial phase of the procurement exercise.

“The 1,800 MW 6th phase of the solar park using PV solar panels based on the IPP model will become operational in stages starting from Q4 of 2024,” DEWA said in a statement. “The project documents, Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), and financial close agreements will be signed in due course.”

The 5th phase of the 5 GW Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park has a capacity of 900 MW and is currently under construction.

As of the end of October 2022, the facility reached an operational PV capacity of 1.83 GW – including the 13 MW first phase, the 200 MW second stage, and the 800 MW third phase, plus sections of the fourth and fifth slices of the project, which are still under development.

“The total capacity of the solar energy projects commissioned at the solar park has reached 2,427 MW,” DEWA said. ... olar-farm/
