Le gaz en Chine

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 08 juil. 2023, 15:11

Le nouvel appétit de la Chine pour le gaz, au cœur du dynamisme du marché à long terme

Agence Ecofin 3 juillet 2023

Les efforts de la Chine pour obtenir des contrats à long terme ont commencé en 2021, sous l’impulsion de l’amélioration des relations avec les États-Unis et de la nécessité de diversifier les importations face aux perturbations géopolitiques.

Malgré l’atténuation de la crise énergétique mondiale, la Chine s’approvisionne en gaz, à un rythme jamais enregistré. Pékin aide en effet les acheteurs publics à conclure des contrats à long terme et à investir dans des terminaux d’importation, partout dans le pays. D’ailleurs, le pays est en passe de devenir le premier importateur mondial de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) en 2023.

D’après le cabinet d’analyses norvégien Rystad Energy, les importations chinoises de GNL pourraient doubler pour atteindre 138 millions de tonnes d’ici 2033. Il faut remarquer que les entreprises chinoises signent actuellement plus de contrats à long terme que n’importe quel autre pays dans le monde.

Cette année, la Chine a représenté 33 % des volumes mondiaux de GNL à long terme signés. Ces contrats offrent plus de stabilité des prix par rapport au marché spot volatile, ce qui les rend plus intéressants pour la sécurité énergétique et les objectifs de croissance économique de la Chine.

Pour expliquer ce nouvel appétit, les autorités du ministère de l’Énergie ont indiqué que le pays cherche à éviter les pénuries d’énergie en diversifiant ses sources d’approvisionnement. Elles ont ajouté que le pays pourrait revendre les cargaisons contractées à d’autres acheteurs pendant les périodes de faible demande intérieure.

Tout ceci arrive dans un contexte où la Chine stimule sa production nationale de gaz et explore la possibilité d’acheminer du gaz russe par voie terrestre, grâce à de nouveaux gazoducs. Le gouvernement chinois encourage les géants de l’énergie à augmenter la production nationale de gaz, à réduire les coûts de forage et à renforcer l’autosuffisance.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/gaz/0307-1 ... long-terme

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 28 oct. 2023, 11:59

CNOOC Limited Discovers in China Deep Coalbed Methane Field with Proved Gas In-place of over 100 Billion Cubic Meters

le 23/10/2023 europetrole

CNOOC Limited announces that it has discovered the Shenfu deep coalbed methane (CBM) field in China, adding proved gas in-place of over 100 billion cubic meters.

The Shenfu deep CBM field is located in Yulin, Shaanxi Province at the eastern edge of Ordos Basin. With continued research and exploration, the Company has advanced its understanding of deep coalbed methane formation mechanism, reservoir transformation and differentiated drainage technology, which have led to the successful discovery of the Shenfu deep CBM field. The discovery well SM2-33-CH1 encounters 16.5 meters of coal seam at a burial depth of approximately 2,011 meters, which is tested to produce approximately 19,000 cubic meters per day after fracturing operations. The Chinese governmental authorities have evaluated and approved the proved gas in-place of over 110 billion cubic meters, making it China's first large deep CBM field of the scale. It is another major onshore discovery by CNOOC Limited after the discovery made in Linxing, Shanxi Province, with similar proved gas in-place volumes.
https://www.euro-petrole.com/cnooc-limi ... -n-i-26203

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 13 juil. 2024, 10:02

China's Natural Gas Imports Rose by 14% in First Half of 2024

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jul 12, 2024

China’s imports of natural gas, including via pipeline and LNG cargoes, increased by 14.3% in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period of last year.

China imported 64.65 million tons of natural gas in the first six months of 2024, LNG Prime reported on Friday, citing data from China’s General Administration of Customs.
The Chinese import bill for the first half fell by 0.8% to $31.7 billion, the data showed, as LNG prices were lower than year-ago levels early this year.

Chinese imports of natural gas inched up by just 0.4% in June 2024 compared to the same month last year.

China boosted its natural gas imports in the period January to April, as it looked to stockpile fuel for the power plants ahead of the summer amid international prices that were half last year’s levels in the first four months of 2024. Chinese imports of natural gas were estimated to have jumped by 21% between January and April compared to a year earlier.

The Asian benchmark LNG prices averaged a little over $9 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) in the first quarter of 2024, compared to an average LNG price for delivery into north Asia of $18 per MMBtu in the first quarter of last year, per Bloomberg’s estimates.

However, spot LNG prices for delivery to North Asia increased in the late spring and early summer and have topped $12/MMBtu in recent weeks, which resulted in a decline in Chinese spot demand, analysts told Reuters last week.
China could beat its 2021 all-time high of LNG imports this year, as industrial and commercial sectors are set to drive demand for the super-chilled fuel, an official at state-held energy giant PetroChina said in May.

Chinese LNG imports hit a record high of 78.8 million metric tons in 2021. The following year saw the first decline in LNG imports as prices soared in the energy crisis after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Last year, China imported around 71.2 million metric tons of LNG.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... -2024.html

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 27 juil. 2024, 20:57

China Natural Gas Consumption Expected to Rise by Up to 7.7% This Year

By Irina Slav - Jul 24, 2024

China’s natural gas consumption is this year expected to be between 6.5% and 7.7% higher than last year’s, potentially reaching 425 billion cubic meters, Xinhua reported, citing data from the National Energy Administration.

Domestic production could supply around half of that, as it is seen reaching 246 billion cubic meters, up 10 billion cubic meters on 2023, the regulator also said.
Last year, China consumed 394.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which was 7.6% higher than 2022 consumption. Domestic production hit 230 billion cubic meters last year, which was a record, set to be broken this year.

Production continued to grow strongly this year as well. Over the first half, it increased by 6% as state companies are boosting domestic output with new field start-ups. Total production stood at 123.6 billion cubic meters in January to June. In June alone, China’s natural gas production jumped by 9.6% compared to the same month of 2023, according to the official statistics data.

At the same time, imports went up as well, as the country’s total consumption rose. Over the first half of the year, imports, including pipeline and LNG, added 14.3% to 64.65 million tons, not least because gas prices declined, making the commodity more affordable for Chinese buyers.

The Asian benchmark LNG prices averaged a little over $9 per million British thermal units in the first quarter of 2024, compared to an average LNG price for delivery into north Asia of $18 per MMBtu in the first quarter of last year, per Bloomberg estimates.
China has been working hard to boost its domestic production of energy commodities to reduce its reliance on imports. Earlier this month, the government in Beijing set up a new umbrella company to that end, including oil giants CNPC and Sinopec as well as companies from other industries, such as China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp and steelmaker Baowu, as well as equipment manufacturer Sinomach and Dongfang Electric Group, a maker of power generators.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... -Year.html

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 07 août 2024, 23:46

CNOOC Adds Massive Gas Reserves in South China Sea Discovery

By Charles Kennedy - Aug 07, 2024,

China’s authorities have approved the proved gas in-place volumes of over 100 billion cubic meters in a new discovery in the western part of the South China Sea, which is the world’s first large ultra-shallow gas play in ultra-deepwater, state oil and gas giant CNOOC said on Wednesday.

The proved gas in place at the Lingshui 36-1 gas field, which stands at over 100 billion cubic meters, is now made official after the Chinese governmental authorities approved it, two months after the company announced the major exploration breakthrough in ultra-shallow gas play in ultra-deepwater South China Sea.
The Lingshui 36-1 gas field is located in the western South China Sea, with an average water depth of approximately 1,500 meters (4,921 ft). The main gas-bearing play is the Ledong Formation of Quaternary, with an average burial depth of 210 meters (689 ft). The field has been tested to produce over 10 million cubic meters per day of open-flow natural gas, CNOOC says.

“Ultra-shallow gas reservoirs are important sources of hydrocarbon in deep waters,” CNOOC’s Chief Geologist Xu Changgui said.

Zhou Xinhuai, CEO and President of the Chinese giant, commented,

“The newly discovered ultra-deep-water ultra-shallow gas field is an important composition of the trillion-cubic-meters gas region in the South China Sea.”
CNOOC and other Chinese state-owned energy giants are boosting domestic oil and gas exploration and production to keep up with government guidance for increased production to enhance China’s domestic energy supply and energy security.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... overy.html
