[Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 27 août 2023, 11:38

suite de ce post du 8 juillet 2023 viewtopic.php?p=2373072#p2373072

Urenco veut augmenter sa production d'Uranium enrichi de son usine du Nouveau Mexique.
The race to ditch Russian uranium starts in New Mexico’s desert

Bloomberg News | August 22, 2023

Urenco’s facility began producing enriched uranium in June 2010. Credit: Urenco

The plant supplies about one-third of US demand for enriched uranium and is in the process of boosting output by 15%. It’s the centerpiece of a transatlantic project to rejuvenate production of the fuel to feed the West’s fleet of nuclear reactors, a linchpin of energy security and efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Urenco Ltd. is the only commercial supplier of enriched uranium in North America. Currently, about half of the global supply comes from Russia, an uncomfortable reality for leaders in the US and Europe in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.
https://www.mining.com/web/the-race-to- ... os-desert/

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 27 août 2023, 11:48

J' ai regardé cette usine sur Googlemaps. C'est même pas flouté. A droite dans la capture d 'écran. 500 m plus à droite c'est la limite entre le Nouveau Mexique et le Texas.


A gauche la ville d' Eunice (environ 3000 habitants) est complétement entourée de puits de pétrole (shale oil) tous les 250 m environ.

il y a des maisons à 200-300 m des puits !

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 02 sept. 2023, 12:25

Peninsula unveils revised strategy for Lance
01 September 2023

Peninsula Energy says it expects to commence uranium production at its flagship uranium project in Wyoming at the end of 2024 under a newly released revised Life-of-Mine (LOM) plan which features a new on-site recovery plant.

The new recovery plant will be capable of producing up to 2 million pounds U3O8 (769 tU) per year. Production is anticipated to begin in December 2024 and is projected to reach around 1.1 million pounds in calendar year 2025, ramping up to between 1.6 and 1.8 million pounds per year by 2029. The project is forecast to achieve positive cash flow during first full year of production, in 2025.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... -for-Lance

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 15 oct. 2023, 15:30

Westinghouse dévoile l’AP300 : un grand pas vers l’hydrogène

23 mai 2023 enerzine


Westinghouse Electric Company, figure de proue dans le domaine de la technologie nucléaire, a annoncé récemment le lancement de sa dernière innovation : le petit réacteur modulaire (PRM) AP300™.

Ce réacteur à eau pressurisée monoboucle de 300 MWe est une version à échelle réduite du réacteur avancé AP1000®, dont il est le seul véritable dérivé.

L’AP300 PRM, compact et modulaire, tire parti de l’innovation et du savoir-faire opérationnel acquis au sein du parc d’AP1000. Il utilisera la même technologie que l’AP1000, incluant les principaux équipements, composants structuraux, sécurité passive, carburant éprouvé et systèmes I&C.

Le système de sécurité passive avancé développé par Westinghouse permet une mise à l’arrêt sûre et automatique sans intervention de l’opérateur et élimine le besoin d’une alimentation et d’un refroidissement de secours. Cela se traduit directement par une conception simplifiée, une dépenses en capital (CAPEX) réduite et une empreinte plus petite. Comme l’AP1000, l’AP300 est conçu pour une durée de vie de plus de 80 ans.

Lors de la conférence de presse qui a suivi l’annonce, Westinghouse a également indiqué que l’empreinte de l’AP300 correspondrait à environ 25 % de la surface d’un terrain de football, avec un coût unitaire cible de 1 milliard de dollars.

Westinghouse s’attend à ce que la certification du design soit obtenue d’ici 2027, suivie de l’obtention de licences spécifiques au site et de la construction de la première unité en fin de décennie.
https://www.enerzine.com/westinghouse-d ... 03-2023-05

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 27 oct. 2023, 09:21

Le premier réacteur autorisé à utiliser du combustible enrichi à 6 %

Publié le 26 octobre 2023 SFEN

La compagnie américaine Southern Nuclear a annoncé avoir reçu l’autorisation de la Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) d’utiliser du combustible nucléaire enrichi jusqu’à 6 % d’uranium 235. Cela concerne l’unité 2 de la centrale de Vogtle en Georgie. C’est la première fois qu’un réacteur commercial américain est autorisé à utiliser du combustible enrichi à plus de 5 %.

L’utilisation de combustible plus enrichi en uranium 235 doit permettre d’accroitre les performances du parc de réacteurs à eau pressurisée américain. Une opération qui demande bien sûr l’autorisation de l’autorité de sûreté américaine, la Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). C’est désormais chose faite, le réacteur Vogtle 2 est autorisé à utiliser du combustible enrichi à 6 %. L’exploitant de Vogtle, Southern Nuclear, envisage de charger le combustible dans le réacteur en 2025.

La première étape sera de fabriquer quatre assemblages d’essai du combustible (lead test assemblies – LTA), tolérant aux accidents (ATF), issus de l’initiative High Energy Fuel de Westinghouse, avec lequel Soutern Nuclear a signé un accord en 2022, et du programme EnCore Fuel. Les assemblages regroupent en réalité un ensemble de technologies : des pastilles de dioxyde d’uranium Adopt, des gaines de barres de combustible Axiom et des gaines enrobées de chrome de Westinghouse, combinées à la conception avancée de l’assemblage de combustible Prime.

Les ATF améliorent la tolérance du combustible des réacteurs à eau légère aux conditions d’accident grave, mais ils permettent également d’améliorer les performances et la compétitivité des réacteurs en fonctionnement normal, ainsi que dans des conditions transitoires et des scénarios d’accident. Le combustible plus enrichi dure plus longtemps, ce qui permet d’espacer les arrêts pour rechargement et de réduire potentiellement les coûts du combustible, car il faut moins d’assemblages de combustible. Framatome est également très avancé dans le domaine des ATF, sur le marché américain et pour le parc nucléaire français.

Un élan fédéral

Les États-Unis sont très engagés l’octroi de licences pour ces nouveaux combustibles. Southern Nuclear – qui exploite un total de sept réacteurs – a déclaré qu’il travaillait avec le Department of Energy (DoE), les fournisseurs de combustibles et d’autres services publics dans un « effort coordonné, global et pluriannuel » au sein du groupe de travail ATF de l’US Nuclear Energy Institute pour « élargir le paradigme réglementaire ».

Les essais sont engagés depuis déjà plusieurs années. Southern Nuclear a installé des technologies de gainage de combustible ATF GE-Hitachi en 2018 dans l’unité 1 de la centrale de Hatch. Les échantillons étant ensuite déchargés et expédiés à l’Oak Ridge National Laboratory pour des tests supplémentaires en 2020. En 2019, quatre assemblages de combustible en plomb Gaia – développés par Framatome -, contenant des caractéristiques améliorées de tolérance aux accidents appliquées aux barres de combustible, ont été testés à Vogtle 2. ■
https://www.sfen.org/rgn/le-premier-rea ... %20Georgie.

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 29 oct. 2023, 11:03

Peninsula establishes new US uranium project
Uranium developer Peninsula Energy has established a new uranium development project, the Dagger project, which boasts an initial mineral resource estimate of 6.9-million pounds of uranium oxide.

23rd October 2023

The Dagger project is about 20 km northeast of the company’s flagship Lance facilities in Wyoming, US.

MD and CEO Wayne Heili said on Monday that Dagger provided Peninsula with an exciting opportunity to further increase the size and scale of its already sizeable mineral resource inventory.

“Dagger perfectly complements the Lance projects, which once in production, will be one of the largest uranium in-situ recovery operations in the United States. The establishment of the highly prospective Dagger Project adds greater depth and expansion optionality to our growing company.”

“This strategic development comes at an opportune time with the United States government looking to take meaningful action to reinvigorate its domestic uranium production and nuclear fuel cycle capacity, whilst the company continues preparing for the resumption of commercial production at our US-based Lance projects by late 2024," said Heili.

Dagger provides the opportunity to develop a satellite production operation near Lance.
https://www.miningweekly.com/article/pe ... 2023-10-23

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 11 nov. 2023, 12:23

suite de ce post du 17 juin 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 6#p2371696

La nouvelle usine de centrifugation de Piketon livre sa première quantité d' Uranium enrichi nommé HALEU. 20 kg doivent êtres fournis au terme d'une première phase de contrat, à la fin de l' année.
Centrus makes first HALEU delivery

09 November 2023

The first delivery of high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU) produced at the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio, to the US Department of Energy (DOE) marks the end of the first phase of a cost-share contract signed in 2022.

The plant is the first new US-owned uranium enrichment plant using US technology to begin production since 1954, according to the company. Enrichment operations began at the plant in October.

HALEU - uranium enriched to between 5% and 20% uranium-235 - will be used in the advanced nuclear fuel required for most of the next-generation reactor designs currently under development. The DOE has been supporting measures to ensure the availability of the material for those reactors when needed, and also to build a domestic HALEU supply chain.

"Centrus is proud to be pioneering American HALEU production, with our first delivery of the fuel that is urgently needed to support the demonstration and commercialisation of advanced reactors," said Centrus President and CEO Daniel Poneman. "This critical milestone is essential to meeting the Department's near-term HALEU needs, while laying the groundwork for the full restoration of America's lost domestic uranium enrichment capacity."

Construction of the 16-centrifuge demonstration cascade plant began in 2019, under contract with the DOE. The two-phase contract awarded to Centrus last year included cost-shared funding to finish the cascade, complete final regulatory steps, begin operating the cascade, and produce up to 20 kg of HALEU by the end of this year. The first phase of the contract saw Centrus and the DOE each contributing about USD30 million of the USD60 million overall cost.

The delivery by Centrus of more than 20 kilograms of HALEU to the DOE means that phase one of the contract has now been completed and Centrus can move ahead with the second phase: a full year of HALEU production at the 900 kilograms per year plant. In this phase of the contract, the DOE will pay Centrus on a cost-plus incentive fee basis for the HALEU the company produces. The HALEU which DOE has taken delivery of will remain on site in Piketon in a specially constructed a storage facility until it is needed.

Centrus says that with sufficient funding and offtake commitments, it could significantly expand production: a full-scale cascade of 120 centrifuge machines able to produce some 6,000 kilograms of HALEU per year could be brought into production within 42 months of funding being secured, and more cascades could be added after that. Building and operating such a plant would support thousands of direct and indirect jobs across a nationwide manufacturing supply chain, Centrus said.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... U-delivery

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 26 nov. 2023, 11:31

suite de ce post du 29 oct 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 3#p2379133
Peninsula raises A$60m to fund US uranium mine restart

20th November 2023

Australia-listed Peninsula Energy on Monday announced a A$60-million equity raise to fund the restart of production at the Lance mine, in Wyoming – one of the biggest near-term uranium development projects in the US.

The placement would enable the company to progress preproduction construction works at Lance to achieve a production restart by late next year, the company said in a statement.

Peninsula will raise A$50-million through the issue of about 666.7-million placement shares at A$0.075 a share, and an additional A$10-million through a security purchase plan at the same price.

“Following the successful completion of the equity raising, Peninsula will be well capitalised to continue works at the Lance project and deliver on the timeline to production restart,” commented MD and CEO Wayne Heili.

He stressed that Lance would come online at an “opportune time”, well positioned to deliver into a growing, supply-constrained market.

Peninsula in August unveiled a new life-of-mine (LoM) plan for the Ross and Kendrick production areas at the Lance uranium project, having earlier flagged a significant delay in the restart of production.

The LoM features a 5 000 gallons per minute uranium in-situ recovery plant to produce two-million pounds a year of dry yellowcake product over an estimated production life of ten years, and a yellowcake LoM production of 14.8-million pounds.

Production in the first two years is planned to be solely from the Ross production area, with production from Kendrick planned to start in 2027.

The new LoM has estimated a capital cost of $285.8-million, with the remaining capital to first production estimated at $53.4-million. The updated financials estimate an LoM operating cash flow of $258.2-million before tax, and a net present value of $116.2-million with an internal rate of return of 26%.

The project’s all-in sustaining cost has been estimated at $42.46/lb.
https://www.miningweekly.com/article/pe ... 2023-11-20

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 02 déc. 2023, 15:17

Texas uranium operation returns to production

01 December 2023

Uranium production has begun at enCore Energy Corp's South Texas Rosita Central Processing Plant (CPP). The restart of the plant which last produced yellowcake in 2008 is the first step in enCore's South Texas in-situ leach uranium production pipeline strategy.

In-situ leach, or ISL, recovers minerals from porous orebodies by chemical leaching in wellfields, and is also known as in-situ recovery. The wellfield production patterns are now operating at Rosita, enCore said, with oxygenated water circulating through the satellite ion exchange (IX) facility and being injected back into the uranium ore body. Uranium concentrations in the production wells are "meeting expectations", and the company said it expects to make its first shipment of yellowcake "over the course of the next 45 to 60 days".

Rosita has undergone refurbishment since enCore acquired it from Westwater Resources - formerly Uranium Resources Inc (URI) in 2021.

"It is with great satisfaction that in less than 20 months' time, the enCore team completed the refurbishment and upgrading of the Rosita CPP from long-term cold standby to monitor well ring installation, wellfield pattern and infrastructure installation, and construction of a new satellite IX facility," enCore CEO Paul Goranson said. "Our team has aggressively worked through supply chain disruptions and a significant expansion of our operating workforce to meet our targeted production schedule. We are very pleased to have our first uranium production under way at enCore, and we are honoured to be both the first uranium producer in Texas in 10 years and the newest uranium producer in the United States. With these monumental achievements at hand, we continue to push for our second uranium processing plant, the Alta Mesa CPP, to commence production in early 2024."

The Rosita CPP, about 60 miles from Corpus Christi, Texas, has a capacity of 800,000 pounds U3O8 (308 tU) per year and is designed to process uranium feed from multiple satellite operations in the South Texas area.

The plant produced some 2.64 million pounds U3O8 between 1990 and 1999, when production was halted due to low uranium prices. Production restarted for a few months in 2008, but technical difficulties, coupled with a sharp decline in uranium prices, led to the decision by then-owner Uranium Resources Inc (URI) to suspend production activities that October. Several years later - in 2015 - the company was considering dismantling the Rosita plant and shipping it to Turkey for use at the Temrezli uranium deposit, but the Turkish government later revoked its exploration and mining permits for the deposit.

URI, by now renamed Westwater Resources, sold its US uranium assets including Rosita to enCore in 2021.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... production

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 17 déc. 2023, 13:45

US House approves Russian uranium import ban

Bloomberg News | December 11, 2023 |

The US House voted Monday to approve legislation that would bar the importation of enriched Russian uranium, sending the measure to the Senate where it has support but limited time for passage this year.

The Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act, which was approved by voice vote, would bar Russian uranium imports 90 days after enactment while allowing a temporary waiver until January 2028.

Russia provided almost a quarter of the enriched uranium used to fuel America’s fleet of more than 90 commercial reactors, making it the No. 1 foreign supplier to the US last year, according to Energy Department data. Russia is also the only commercially available source of special highly enriched reactor fuel known as Haleu that is needed for a new breed of advanced nuclear reactors that are under development, according to Chris Gadomski, head nuclear analyst for BloombergNEF.


Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and John Barrasso of Wyoming, the top Democrat and Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, have both said they believe the legislation will clear the Senate.

“The United States must ban the sale of Russian uranium in America,” Barrasso, the author of the Senate’s version of the measure, said in an statement following the House vote. “Vladimir Putin has used Russia’s nuclear industry to fund his brutal invasion of Ukraine.”

The US spends an estimated $1 billion per year on nuclear fuel from Russia, according to Barrasso.

Still, the bill faces a tight deadline for passage as Congress completes remaining business for the year, including assistance for Ukraine as it continues to combat the Russian invasion, before leaving for winter recess.

Better prospects next year
One option, according to a Senate aide, is attempting to move the House-passed measure by unanimous consent this month — a procedure that would require no objection from any of the Senate’s 100 members. That might prove difficult, however, and an alternative is moving the bill by traditional means next year, said the aide, who wasn’t authorized to speak about the legislation.

“We think there is sufficient support for the bill in the Senate, but the hurdles have to do more with timing and process,” Timothy Fox, a vice president at research firm ClearView Energy Partners, said in an interview. “We think prospects for passage increase next year.”

The House legislation, which expires at the end of 2040, does permit the Department of Energy to issue waivers authorizing the entire volume of Russian uranium imports allowed under export limits set in an anti-dumping agreement between the Department of Commerce and Russia through 2027. The Energy Department can issue the waivers if no alternative source of reactor fuel is found or if allowing enriched uranium imports from Russia is determined to be in the national interest, according to text of the bill.

Record-high costs possible
“I think they could make the determination there is no alternative,” said Jonathan Hinze, president of nuclear fuel market research firm UxC LLC. “I’m not aware of much enriched uranium conversion to cover these significant quantities.”

In addition, Hinze said there is a “real threat” that Russia retaliates with a unilateral export ban if the US bars imports, which could end deliveries of enriched uranium from the country immediately and render the waiver allowances moot.

While the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated a ban on Russian uranium imports could increase nuclear-fuel costs in the US by 13%, Hinze said without waivers prices would likely be much higher, adding that a 20% jump from the current enrichment spot price of $152 per separative work unit to a record high $180 per SWU was “not out of the question.”

Enriched uranium is measured in separative work units, or SWU, which account for the volume and enrichment density of the radioactive metal.

“It could be a much more significant price impact at least in the near term,” Hinze said. “Markets tend to react violently to supply disruptions.”
https://www.mining.com/web/us-house-app ... mport-ban/

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 24 déc. 2023, 23:20

Energy Fuels starts production at three uranium mines as metal prices rise

Reuters | December 21, 2023

US-based Energy Fuels said on Thursday it had started production at three of its permitted and developed uranium mines in Arizona and Utah, encouraged by higher prices of the heavy metal.

Shares of the company rose 2% to $7.10 in premarket trading.

The company is also preparing two more mines in Colorado and Wyoming for expected production within a year and advancing permitting on several other large-scale US mine projects to increase uranium production in the coming years.

“Due to the substantial increase in uranium prices, US government support for nuclear energy and nuclear fuel, and a global focus on reducing carbon-emissions, Energy Fuels is resuming large-scale uranium production,” CEO Mark Chalmers said in a statement.

Uranium spot prices are currently near $90 per pound – the highest level seen since 2007, when it reached $135 per pound, or over $200 per pound on an inflation-adjusted basis, Chalmers added.

Earlier this month, the US House of Representatives passed a ban on imports of Russian uranium as lawmakers seek to add pressure on Moscow for its war on Ukraine, although the measure has waivers in case of supply concerns for domestic reactors.

Energy Fuels said it expects to be producing uranium at a run-rate of 1.1 million to 1.4 million pounds per year, once production is fully ramped up at the three mines – Pinyon Plain, La Sal and Pandora – by mid- to late-2024.
https://www.mining.com/web/energy-fuels ... ices-rise/

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 25 déc. 2023, 22:25

suite de ce post du 4 mars 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 0#p2364020
Regulator accepts Diablo Canyon licence renewal application

20 December 2023

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) can operate the two-unit Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in California beyond the expiry of their current licences (2024 and 2025, respectively) following the acceptance of PG&E's licence renewal application by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

PG&E filed the application on 7 November, seeking to extend the plant's operating licences by an additional 20 years.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... renewal-ap

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 07 janv. 2024, 14:12

Prospect d' Uranium en Utah :
Kraken Energy secures permit for uranium drilling at Harts Point
The exploration permit revision allows for drilling from two pad locations.

January 2, 2024

US-based company Kraken Energy has secured a permit to resume the Phase I drilling programme at the Harts Point Uranium Property in southern Utah.

The company has obtained approvals to proceed with drilling over a 5km strike length targeting the uranium-rich Chinle Formation host rock where three historical oil and gas wells returned “off-scale” radioactivity.

The exploration permit revision allows for drilling from two pad locations, aiming to confirm the presence of uranium within the host rock.

Historical data from three oil and gas wells in the area indicated “off-scale” radioactivity, suggesting a significant potential for uranium deposits.

Once the company achieves favourable results, Kraken Energy intends to continue the drill programme to further evaluate the mineralised trend.

The Harts Point property is strategically located in the Colorado Plateau, which has historically produced more than 328m pounds of U₃O₈.

The property is spread over 2,622 hectares, includes 324 lode mining claims and is situated near past-producing mines with similar geological characteristics.

Kraken Energy’s management also plans to shift resources from the Apex Uranium Property to Harts Point due to the latter’s promising geological features.

The Harts Point Anticline is analogous to the Lisbon Valley Anticline, known for its uranium production.

Its proximity to the White Mesa uranium processing facility, around 64km away, provides Kraken Energy with infrastructure support for its operations.

White Mesa is the US’ only completely licensed as well as operating conventional uranium mill.

Kraken Energy CEO Matthew Schwab said: “We are excited to be resuming our Phase I drilling programme at Harts Point in Utah and we believe the site to be extremely promising in the short term.

“Regarding Apex, we anticipate resuming drilling there once the property is fully permitted, including the US Forest Service portions.

“While we are encouraged by the continued exploration at Apex, we believe that we can run our drill programme more effectively and efficiently once we have the property fully permitted. As such, Harts Point will be our immediate focus moving into 2024.”
https://www.mining-technology.com/news/ ... t/?cf-view

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 14 janv. 2024, 11:31

suite de ce post du 11 novembre 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 5#p2379945
DOE Announces Next Steps to Build Domestic Uranium Supply for Advanced Nuclear Reactors As Part of President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
New Request for Proposals to Establish Domestic Supply Chain of High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium Required for Smaller, More Versatile Reactors Will Increase Energy Security and Strengthen U.S. Competitiveness

By NS Energy Staff Writer 11 Jan 2024

In support of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, today the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued a request for proposals (RFP) for uranium enrichment services to help establish a reliable domestic supply of fuels using high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU)—a crucial material needed to deploy advanced nuclear reactors, which will help reach President Biden’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, increase energy security, create good-paying jobs, and strengthen U.S. economic competitiveness. Currently, HALEU is not commercially available from U.S.-based suppliers, and boosting domestic supply could spur the development and deployment of advanced reactors in the United States.

“Nuclear energy currently provides almost half of the nation’s carbon-free power, and it will continue to play a significant part in transitioning to a clean energy future,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “President Biden’s Investing in America is strengthening our national and energy security through the domestic buildup of a robust HALEU supply chain, helping bring advanced reactors online in time to combat the climate crisis.”

“The Biden-Harris Administration knows that nuclear energy is essential to accelerating America’s clean energy future,” said Assistant to the President and National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi. “Boosting our domestic uranium supply won’t just advance President Biden’s historic climate agenda, but also increase America’s energy security, create good-paying union jobs, and strengthen our economic competitiveness. The path to greater energy security and more climate solutions runs through investments like these, being made at historic scale by President Biden. It’s good news for our economy, for America’s union workforce, and for our planet.”

In total, President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act will provide up to $500 million for HALEU enrichment contracts selected through this RFP

and a separate one, released in November, for services to deconvert the uranium enriched through this RFP into metal, oxide, and other forms to be used as fuel for advanced reactors.

Nuclear power is America’s largest source of clean energy and provides firm, reliable, and safe power. Advanced nuclear power designs using HALEU fuels represent a critical set of technologies that can help to reach U.S. emissions targets and contribute to America’s recent pledge with 21 other countries to triple nuclear power globally by 2050.

The existing U.S. fleet of reactors runs on uranium fuel that is enriched up to five percent with uranium-235—the main fissile isotope that produces energy during a chain reaction. However, most U.S. advanced reactors require HALEU, which is enriched between 5% to 20%, to achieve smaller and more versatile designs with the highest standards of safety, security, and nonproliferation. HALEU will also allow developers to optimize their systems for longer life cores, increased efficiencies and better fuel utilization.

DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy plans to award one or more contracts to produce HALEU from domestic uranium enrichment capabilities. Once enriched, the HALEU material will be stored on site until there is a need to ship it to deconverters.

Under the HALEU enrichment contracts, which have a maximum duration of 10 years, the government assures each contractor a minimum order value of $2 million, to be fulfilled over the term of the contract. Enrichment and storage activities must occur in the continental United States and comply with the National Environmental Policy Act. Proposals are due by 5 p.m. MST on March 8. This RFP incorporated industry feedback received on a draft version issued in June.

DOE is supporting several activities to expand the HALEU supply chain for advanced commercial reactors, including recycling spent nuclear fuel from government-owned research reactors. In November, DOE reached a key milestone under its HALEU Demonstration project when a company produced the nation’s first 20 kilograms of HALEU, providing a first of its kind production in the United States in more than 70 years. DOE is also working with like-minded countries to catalyze public and private sector investments that will expand global uranium enrichment and conversion capacity over the next three years and establish a resilient uranium supply market that is free from Russian influence. Together, the United States, Canada, France, Japan, and the United Kingdom have announced collective plans to mobilize $4.2 billion in government-led spending to develop safe and secure nuclear energy supply chains.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/d ... ca-agenda/

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 14 janv. 2024, 12:16

Laramide Resources Ltd. annonce les résultats positifs d'une évaluation économique préliminaire indépendante pour le projet d'uranium in situ Churchrock, qu'elle détient à 100 %, au Nouveau-Mexique (É.-U.)

Le 11 janvier 2024

Laramide Resources Ltd. a annoncé les résultats positifs d'une évaluation économique préliminaire indépendante pour le projet d'uranium in situ Churchrock, qu'elle détient à 100 % et qui est situé au Nouveau-Mexique (États-Unis). L'évaluation économique préliminaire a été préparée par SLR International Corporation, conformément aux exigences de l'instrument national 43-101. Le projet Churchrock se compose de deux groupes de parcelles de propriété, Churchrock et Crownpoint, séparées par une distance d'environ 22 miles. Une seule licence de la Commission américaine de réglementation nucléaire (US NRC) (SUA-1580) couvre certaines parties de Churchrock et de Crownpoint et est en cours de renouvellement.

D'autres renouvellements de la licence de la NRC et d'autres permis, notamment un permis d'injection dans l'aquifère de l'État du Nouveau-Mexique, seront nécessaires avant que les activités de production puissent commencer. Cette EEP évalue la récupération du minerai d'uranium par des méthodes ISR sur le site de Churchrock et le traitement dans une nouvelle installation proposée sur le site voisin de Crownpoint, où une infrastructure de projet importante existe déjà. L'objectif de cette EEP est d'évaluer les critères d'ingénierie, de développement et de conception opérationnelle, ainsi que les mérites économiques et techniques globaux des opérations de récupération minérale ISR proposées à Churchrock.

Le tableau 1 résume l'estimation des ressources minérales du projet (par section) préparée par SLR, sur la base des données des trous de forage disponibles au 30 septembre 2017, avec une date d'entrée en vigueur au 16 mai 2023. Des ressources minérales totalisant 33,9 millions de tonnes à une teneur moyenne de 0,075 % eU3O8 contenant 50,8 millions de livres U3O8 (présumées) ont été déclarées en 2017. L'estimation des ressources minérales de Churchrock a été basée sur les résultats de plusieurs campagnes historiques de forage rotatif de surface entre 1957 et 1991 et réalisée en utilisant la méthode des contours GT, une norme industrielle pour l'estimation des gisements d'uranium de type roll-front hébergés dans des grès saturés d'eau souterraine.

Il a été démontré précédemment que la minéralisation du projet se prêtait aux techniques ISR. Aucune réserve minérale n'a été estimée pour le projet.
https://www.zonebourse.com/cours/action ... -45723644/
