Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 26 sept. 2009, 12:03

l'info arrive seulement sur Boursorama. :roll: ... 5f6ee19f26

on y apprend rien de neuf sinon cette info sur le développement de Sincor en co developpement avec TOTAL.
Le delta de l’Orénoque se trouve au sud et à l’ouest de la zone développée par le projet Sincor, au travers duquel Total est présent au Venezuela. Sincor, entré en production en 2000, avait, début 2008, une capacité de production et de transformation de plus de 200 000 barils par jour de brut extra-lourd en brut synthétique léger de haute qualité et à faible teneur en soufre, peut-on lire sur le site Internet du groupe français, qui se place dans le peloton de tête des investisseurs étrangers au Venezuela.

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 29 sept. 2009, 12:08

La compagnie nationale PVDSA du Venezuela est en co entreprise avec une compagnie du Vietnam (PetroVietnam possédant 40%) pour de l' exploitation de pétrole lours de l' Orénoque, dans le bloc de Junin 2. (Total c' est dans Junin 10)
Ils espérent 200000 barils / j dans 18 mois.
Venezuela, Vietnam expect Orinoco oil in 18 months

Tue Sep 29, 2009 CARACAS, Sept 28 (Reuters)

The state-run oil companies of Venezuela and Vietnam expect to begin extracting heavy crude from the South American country's Orinoco region in 18 months, a Venezuelan official said on Monday.

Petrovietnam holds a 40 percent stake in a joint venture with PDVSA for crude exploration and production in the Junin 2 block of the Orinoco oil belt, which Venezuelan officials say holds some of the world's largest hydrocarbon reserves.

The project between the two firms has a heavy crude production potential of 200,000 barrels a day, with half expected to be destined to a refinery Petrovietnam is building in Vietnam.

"The company is up and running and we expect to begin the process of crude production in 18 months," PDVSA Vice President Eulogio Del Pino said in a statement after meeting with the head of Petrovietnam in Caracas. ... 5520090929

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 07 oct. 2009, 20:45

Finalement l' accord avec les Russes (voir le post du 17 Sept dans la page précedente de ce fil) porte sur un montant inférieur aux chiffres annoncés initialement.
Ca parle maintenant de 600 millions de $ au lieu de 1 milliard de $.
Russians to Pay $600MM, Not $1B, to Start Venezuela Oil Drilling

Russian oil consortium will only have to pay $600 million, not the $1 billion Venezuela previously said, as a down payment for its participation in exploiting Venezuela's Orinoco oil fields, a top lawmaker indicated Tuesday.

A group of five Russian firms -- OAO Rosneft (ROSN.RS), Lukoil (LKOH.RS), OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS), TNK-BP and OAO Surgutneftegaz (SNGS.RS) -- are planning a joint venture with state energy firm Petroleos de Venezuela to develop the Junin 6 block in eastern Venezuela.

President Hugo Chavez and other administration officials said last month the Russian firms already paid a $1 billion bond to have access to the oil block, which officials say has huge proven reserves and could produce 450,000 barrels of crude a day.

But in a statement Tuesday, Angel Rodriguez, a senior Venezuelan lawmaker and head of the congressional energy commission, said the $1 billion bond will be paid 10 days after the joint venture is finalized. He also said Venezuela would shoulder $400 million of that, with the Russians paying the other $600 million.

Officials have estimated an overall investment of anywhere between $14 billion and $26 billion will be needed to develop the Junin 6 block.

Rodriguez did not indicate when the joint venture deal would be finalized. The $1 billion would go toward the building of highways, schools, housing and other social or infrastructure projects, he said.

PdVSA would control 60% of the joint venture, with the Russians owning the other 40%.

The Chavez-led government has talked about plans for nearly $70 billion in oil investments over the coming years as this oil-rich nation seeks to ramp up dwindling production numbers and boost its sagging economy.

But so far, nearly all those plans are based only on memorandums of understanding, with no solid investment commitments from foreign oil companies.

Lower global oil prices amid a weak worldwide economy may be one reason for less-enthusiastic foreign oil investment in Venezuela. An uncertain regulatory environment in this Socialist-leaning country is seen as another cause.
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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 07 oct. 2009, 20:46

et cette méme source :
donne une carte de l' Orinoco Belt trés interessante :


Je supose que l' Orenoque est le fleuve en bleu qui délimite au Sud.

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 17 nov. 2009, 16:11

Un upgrader du pétrole lourd de l' Orinocco belt tombe en panne et impacte coupe 44000 baril/j de production.
Venezuela Orinoco oil upgrader failure lowers output

CARACAS, Nov 16 (Reuters) - Venezuela's Petroanzoategui oil upgrader is down 44,000 barrels a day of production since Friday because of problems with a boiler, causing storage issues for the field's extra-heavy crude, sources said.

The Petroanzoategui field and upgrader in the vast Orinoco belt of tar-like crude was controlled by ConocoPhillips (COP.N) until being nationalized in 2007.

A source at state oil company PDVSA said on Monday that repair teams had been trying unsuccessfully to fix the boiler since Friday. The feeding capacity of Petroanzoategui is 130,000 bpd.

A statement from PDVSA later on Monday confirmed a water-leak at a boiler, and said the upgrade should be back to full capacity at some point this week.


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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 22 janv. 2010, 19:21

il va falloir que je change le titre du fil !

"Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?"

l 'USGS Etats-Unienne dit qu' il faut maintenant réviser le chiffre à beaucoup plus (plus de 2 fois plus).

Je reste sur ma faim, car l' article n' explique pas pourquoi l' USGS arrive à ces nouvelles conclusions. Quels sont les élements nouveaux ?
Attendons un peu, l' info arrivera peut étre plus tard.
Orinoco Oil Reserves Total 513 bilion Barrels

The U.S. Geological Service said Friday that Venezuela's oil-rich Orinoco Belt holds 513 billion barrels of recoverable oil -- far more reserves than originally estimated.

The assessment, the U.S. government agency says, is the first to identify how much oil is technically recoverable using currently available technologies and methods. Previous projections estimated the quantity of available reserves in the area, located in eastern Venezuela, at between 230 billion to 300 billion barrels of heavy oil.

The area contains "the largest accumulation ever assessed" by the U.S. Geologic Service, the agency said.

The news enhances the profile of Venezuela's oilpatch at a time when large, easy-to-access oil deposits are becoming scarce and big oil producing companies are scrambling to replace their dwindling output and reserves.

The Orinoco Belt is key to Venezuela's energy policy. It is at the center both of ambitious oil projects and legal disputes between the Venezuelan state oil company and former partners.

Oil companies from around the globe are lining up to participate in the Carabobo oil drilling project, which seeks to open-up untapped fields of tar-like crude in the eastern Orinoco region. This is the most touted drilling project in the region since the 1990s, when oil companies such as ConocoPhillips (COP), Total S.A. (TOT), Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) and Chevron Corp. (CVX) built massive extraction and upgrading projects in the area.

The initial opening of the Orinoco oil belt resulted in a major production boost in the region, but ended in legal controversy, when state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. took over control of the projects in 2007 under a new hydrocarbons law. ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips left, starting arbitration proceedings against the country. Chevron, Total and other international companies stayed.

Companies that in recent months have shown interest in making a bid for the Carabobo project include China National Petroleum Corp., or CNPC, Total, Spain's Repsol YPF SA (REP, REP.MC), Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSA, RDSA.LN) and India's Oil & Natural Gas Corp., or ONGC (500312.BY).

Analysts say many foreign oil firms are willing to overlook the many political or operational risks related to dealing with Chavez' socialist government because the geological risk in the country is virtually nil.
dans rigzone :

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 22 janv. 2010, 19:32

concernant la news ci dessus, c' est bien evidemment suite à un press release de l' USGS (un communiqué de presse) qui vient d' étre publié. Le 22 Janvier 2010 donc.

voici sur le site de l' USGS :

la voici :
New Research on How Much is Currently Recoverable
An estimated 513 billion barrels of technically recoverable heavy oil are in Venezuela’s Orinoco Oil Belt.

This area contains one of the world's largest recoverable oil accumulations, and this assessment is the first to identify how much is technically recoverable (producible using currently available technology and industry practices).

Worldwide consumption of petroleum was 85.4 million barrels per day in 2008. The three largest consuming countries were United States with 19.5 million barrels per day, China with 7.9 million barrels per day, and Japan with 4.8 million barrels per day.

“Knowing the potential for extractable resources from this tremendous oil accumulation, and others like it, is critical to our understanding of the global petroleum potential and informing policy and decision makers,” said USGS Energy Resources Program Coordinator Brenda Pierce. “Accumulations like this one were previously very difficult to produce, but advances in technology and new understandings in geology allow us to assess how much is now technically recoverable."

“Heavy oil is a type of oil that is very thick and therefore does not flow very easily,” said USGS scientist Christopher Schenk. “As a result, specialized production and refining processes are needed to generate petroleum products, but it is still oil and can generate many of the same products as other types of oil.”

This is the largest accumulation ever assessed by the USGS. The estimated petroleum resources in the Orinoco Oil Belt range from 380 to 652 billion barrels of oil (at a 95 and 5 percent chance of occurrence, respectively). The Orinoco Oil Belt is located in the East Venezuela Basin Province.

The USGS conducted this assessment as part of a program directed at estimating the technically recoverable oil and gas resources of priority petroleum basins worldwide. To learn more about this assessment, read the fact sheet, "An Estimate of Recoverable Heavy Oil Resources of the Orinoco Oil Belt, Venezuela" and visit the USGS Energy Resources Program web site.
bon, j' en sais pas beaucoup plus. :-k
ca dit textuellement : ... les progrés dans la technologie et la nouvelle compréhension de la géologie nous permet de déterminer combien il est maintenant techniquement possible d' en recouvrir.
"...advances in technology and new understandings in geology allow us to assess how much is now technically recoverable"

Et puis, est ce que H. Chavez laisse des spécialistes de l' USGS trainer par la bas ?
Ou bien est ce techniques d' extraction améliorées, ou simplement le fait que le baril actuellement à 75-80$ le baril qui permet de penser qu' il est possble d' aller exploiter ca ?

Et d' ailleurs, H.Chavez, il laissera qui y aller exploiter massivement ?
on avait dit les Russes, et les Chinois , et Total un peu plus haut en Septembre 2009.

Suite à ce communiqué de presse l' info va se propager comme une trainée de poudre.
C' est déjà dans rigzone ou je l' ai vu en 1er, c' est maintenant dans Oil & Gas journal, dans the wall street journal .... ... Em2kJvMbtM

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 23 janv. 2010, 19:05

cette affaire est encore assez floue en fait. envoie sur cet article : ... e91720.ece

et le chiffre de 515 milliard de baril vient de :
The USGS team came up with a range of “technically recoverable” oil estimates in the Orinoco belt from 380 billion to 652 billion barrels - and determined a mean estimate of 513 billion barrels.
et question cout :
“We’re saying they’re technically recoverable but not necessarily economically recoverable today,” Mr. Schenk said in a telephone interview from Denver.
President Hugo Chavez has made it a priority to gradually increase Venezuela’s proven reserves, particularly in the Orinoco Oil Belt, or “Faja,” as is it called in Spanish.

The heavy crude is costlier to upgrade than benchmark light, sweet crude, but is still attractive to major oil companies that have been working with Venezuela to explore for oil in the Orinoco region.

Foreign companies operating in Venezuela include U.S.—based Chevron Corp., France’s Total, Britain’s BP PLC and others including State oil companies from allies China, Russia and Iran.
Je pense que la mise en production ........ va prendre un certain temps. :idea:

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 29 janv. 2010, 19:00

Aprés le dream sur les 515 milliard de barils, revenont les pieds sur terre.

TOTAL dit que les conditions de taxations ne rendent pas attractif les appels d' offre sur le pétrole de l' Orénoque dans la zone de Carabobo.
Total Says Venezuela Taxes Make Orinoco Oil Auction ‘Difficult

Jan. 28 (Bloomberg)

Total SA, France’s biggest oil company, said Venezuela’s auction of oilfields containing about 15 billion barrels in the Orinoco Belt aren’t attractive because of taxes.

“It’s a zone that interests us a lot but the terms are difficult,” Jean-Jacques Mosconi, head of strategy and economic intelligence at Total, said today in an interview in Paris. “Our potential on Carabobo is limited,” he said. “Conditions are not there to create an attractive project for Total.”

Venezuela’s oil ministry is accepting offers today from companies that paid $2 million apiece to bid for the minority stakes in three new projects that will pump and refine oil from the Carabobo areas of the Orinoco Belt. Norway’s Statoil ASA said today it wouldn’t bid, without giving a reason. The winners will get a 40 percent stake in the projects.

Total is concerned with a tax on windfall oil profits, Mosconi said. “Windfall profits are not stabilized,” he said.

Baldo Sanso, an oil ministry consultant who is coordinating the bid round, said yesterday it was his opinion that the country’s tax should be changed. There was no guarantee it would happen, he said. ... HK0243Itb4

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 30 janv. 2010, 11:41

encore sur Carabobo. Les Indiens de la compagnie nationale ONGC soumissionnent pour Carabobo.
( voir ONGC dans Wikipedia : ... orporation ) .
D' autres compagnies on soumissionnés comme Chevron, Shell ...... pour 3 blocs.

Chaque bloc demanderais pas moins de 30 milliards de $ pour étre développé !
ONGC bids for Venezuela oil block

NEW DELHI: 29 Jan 2010

Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) has bid for Venezuela's Carabobo oil auction along with Spain's Repsol YPF SA and Petroliam Nasional Bhd of Malaysia.
Other members of the consortium pieced together by ONGC Videsh - the overseas arm of state-owned firm, include Indian Oil Corp and Oil India Ltd, sources in the know said.

The consortium is believed to have bid for Carabobo Norte I, one of the three blocks that were on offer, they said.

Bidding for Carobobo round closed yesterday that also saw a consortium made up of the US energy major Chevron, Venezuela's Suelopetrol and Japanese firms Mitsubishi, Jogmec and Inpex putting a bid.

Royal Dutch Shell Plc too submitted an offer but UK's BP Plc did not make a bid. It wasn't immediately clear if Italy's Eni SpA - the other qualified company for the auction -had bid.

The Carabobo bidding is for three areas spread over seven promising blocks in the heavy and extra-heavy Orinoco oil belt in eastern Venezuela. Results will be known by February 10.

Each of the three blocks would require an investment of up to USD 30 billion and each winning bidder would form a joint venture with state oil producer Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PdVSA). PdVSA would have a 60 per cent stake, while the winning companies would have a 40 per cent stake. ... 513453.cms

Brut lourd
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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par geopolis » 11 févr. 2010, 14:07

Des nouvelles concernant les blocs de Corabobo.
Le Venezuela annonce des investissements étrangers majeurs dans le pétrole

11 février 2010 AFP

L'Américaine Chevron et l'Espagnole Repsol font partie des compagnies retenues mercredi pour exploiter des blocs pétroliers dans le bassin de l'Orénoque au Venezuela, l'un des plus grands investissements dans ce domaine depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir de Hugo Chavez il y a 11 ans.
Avec différents partenaires, Chevron et Repsol se sont vus respectivement confier les blocs Carabobo 3 et 1, tandis que le numéro 2 n'a pas été attribué.
Chaque bloc devrait produire de 400.000 à 480.000 barils par jour (bp/j) et l'exploitation de l'ensemble du domaine nécessitera 30 milliards de dollars (22 milliards d'euros) d'investissement, selon le pétrolier public PDVSA, qui assure 90% des rentrées de devises du Venezuela.
Cet appel d'offres est l'un des plus importants lancés par l'Etat depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir en 1999 de M. Chavez, qui a entamé en 2007 une nationalisation de plusieurs secteurs stratégiques, dont celui des hydrocarbures, dans le cadre de sa révolution socialiste.
A ce titre, PDVSA contrôle 60% de tous les projets pétroliers développés dans le bassin de l'Orénoque, riche réserve pétrolifère de 55.314 km2, qui renfermerait 235 milliards de barils de brut selon des estimations locales.
Les réserves prouvées du Venezuela, premier exportateur de brut d'Amérique latine, s'élèvent à 142,31 milliards de barils.
"Nous sommes en train d'écrire une page de notre nouvelle histoire", s'est félicité M. Chavez.
"Nous remercions chaleureusement cet investissement international qui est absolument nécessaire. Nous ne pouvions développer seuls la réserve de l'Orénoque", qui renferme essentiellement du pétrole lourd ou extra-lourd beaucoup plus cher et difficile à traiter.
Repsol, associée à la malaisienne Petronas et à trois compagnies indiennes, ONGC, Indian Oil et Oil India, devra effacer une dette de 1,050 milliard de dollars et prêter la même somme à PDVSA pour exploiter Carabobo 1, comme le prévoyait l'appel d'offres, a précisé Rafael Ramirez, ministre de l'Energie et président de PDVSA.
Repsol, Petronas et OMGC participeront à hauteur de 11%, Indian Oil et Oil India se partageant 7%.
Chevron contrôlera 34% du bloc Carabobo 3, qu'elle exploitera avec les japonaises Impex et Mitsubishi (5%), ainsi que la vénézuélienne Suelopetrol (1%), a indiqué Rafael Ramirez.

Le consortium dominé par le pétrolier américain a offert 300 millions de dollars plus 1 milliard de dollars de prêt à PDVSA, a-t-il précisé.
En dépit d'un ton souvent critique à l'égard de Washington, le Venezuela continue à vendre l'essentiel de son pétrole aux Etats-Unis.
Le bloc Carabobo 2 sera attribué "lors d'une autre procédure", a encore déclaré le ministre de l'Energie.
L'appel d'offres avait été reporté à la demande des pétroliers qui souhaitaient éclaircir certains points du contrat et le gouvernement vénézuélien avait exceptionnellement proposé des conditions fiscales plus favorables en raison de la crise financière mondiale.
D'autres compagnies comme la française Total, la Britannique BP, la Chinoise National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) ou encore la Brésilienne Petrobras avaient manifesté leur intérêt.
Le Venezuela produit 3,06 millions de bp/j, selon des chiffres officiels, mais l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (OPEP) parle elle seulement de 2,3 millions de bp/j.

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 13 févr. 2010, 12:00

Attribution de 2 blocs dans le bassin de l' Orénoque.
C 'est la premiére fois depuis 11 ans.
Venezuela awards Orinoco Belt blocks

CARACAS, Venezuela, Feb. 12 (UPI) -- Venezuela on Wednesday awarded oil blocks in its massive Orinoco Belt to two groups led by Chevron and Spain's Repsol YPF, signaling a turnaround by President Hugo Chavez, who nationalized the energy sector in 2007.

It was the first oil auction since Chavez took office 11 years ago.

Chevron, Mitsubishi Corp., Inpex Corp. and Suelopetrol CA will take a combined 40 percent stake in the Carabobo 3 area, said Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez.

State-run Petroleos de Venezuela SA will hold 60 percent. Output is to start in 2013 and rise to 400,000 barrels a day in 2016, Ramirez said.

Repsol, Oil & Natural Gas Corp., Petroliam Nasional Bhd., Indian Oil Corp. and Oil India Ltd. will develop the second project called Carabobo 1 with PDVSA to pump 480,000 barrels a day.

The groups led by Chevron and Repsol agreed to pay signing fees of about $500 million and $1 billion, respectively, as part of their bids.

A contract for a third area in the Orinoco Belt was not assigned, reflecting the reluctance of other oil companies to take part in the auction. Royal Dutch/Shell, Brazil's Petrobras and Total of France were among foreign companies that had shown initial interest, The New York Times said.

In a report last month, the U.S. Geological Survey said the Orinoco Belt was the largest petroleum accumulation it had assessed, with an estimated 513 billion barrels of recoverable crude.

"We have put the Orinoco Belt at the world's disposition," said Chavez in the announcement. "Foreign oil investment is absolutely necessary to develop our reserves. We can't do it alone."

Venezuela's economic and energy landscape has shifted since Chavez rose to power 11 years ago. While the country has a stronger dependence on oil, it is experiencing intensifying electricity blackouts. Faced with declining oil revenues since 2008, the president was forced last month to devalue his country's currency.

On top of that, the country is facing an inflation of 27 percent, the highest in Latin America.

"It's not that Chavez is suddenly embracing a market system or respect for property," Roger Tissot, an expert on Venezuela's energy industry at Gas Energy, a Brazilian consulting firm specializing in Latin America told the Times. "He's like a chameleon who can change his stripes when he realizes Venezuela's long-term economic survival is at stake."

But in his speech Wednesday to senior executives involved in the auction, Chavez said, "You have all the guarantees for your investments, your profits, and the capital that you want to repatriate," Oil and Gas Journal reports.

Venezuela, a founding member of OPEC, is the world's fifth-leading oil exporter and the fourth-leading supplier of crude to the United States. ... 266004528/

Brut lourd
Brut lourd
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Inscription : 06 févr. 2010, 17:46

Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par geopolis » 13 févr. 2010, 21:48

Résultats des courses après les attributions.


Feb 12 (Reuters) - Venezuela has launched a massive plan to develop the nation's vast Orinoco heavy crude oil belt, considered one of the largest in the world, that is slated to add 2.1 million barrels per day of new production.
The OPEC nation on Wednesday awarded stakes to private companies in two oil projects in the Carabobo area of the Orinoco belt. It has also granted four projects to partners in the Junin area.
The projects operated by state oil company PDVSA are mostly set to begin producing tar-like Orinoco oil by 2013, with total investment of $80 billion. Upgraders to turn that crude into lighter synthetic oil will be ready several years later.
Venezuela will receive a combined total of almost $6 billion in bonuses and financing from the partner companies.

JUNIN BLOCK 2: PDVSA 60 pct, Petrovietnam 40 pct.

* 200,000 barrels per day heavy oil output by 2011, includes a heavy crude upgrader with unspecified start date.
* Petrovietnam paid a bonus of between $500 million and 600 million.

JUNIN BLOCK 4: PDVSA 60 pct, China's CNPC 40 pct.

* 400,000 bpd production capacity.
* No start date, investment or bonus details available.

JUNIN BLOCK 5: PDVSA 60 pct, Italy's Eni 40 pct.

* 240,000 bpd capacity, 75,000 bpd early output in 2013.
* Includes refinery that will produce finished oil products.
* Eni paid $646 million bonus, total investments of $18.7 billion.

: PDVSA 60 pct, remainder distributed among Russian firms Rosneft , Gazprom , Lukoil , TNK-BP and Surgutneftegaz

* Production of 450,000 bpd.
* Investments to exceed $10 billion.
* PDVSA received signing bonus of $1 billion.


* PDVSA 60 pct, Spain's Repsol 11 pct, Malaysia's Petronas [PETR.UL] 11 pct, India's ONGC 11 pct, Indian Oil Corporation 3.5 pct, Oil India Limited 3.5 pct.
* Includes Carabobo Block 1 North and Block 1 Central.
* Companies paid $1.05 billion bonus.
* 400,000 bpd output by 2013, upgrader ready by 2017.


* PDVSA 60 pct, U.S. Chevron 34 pct, Venezuela's Suelopetrol 1 pct, Japan's Mitsubishi and Inpex split remaining 5 pct.
* Includes Carabobo Block 2 South, Block 3, Block 5.
* To produce 400,000 bpd by 2013, upgrader online by 2017.
* Companies paid minimum bonus of $500 million, offered $1 billion in financing for PDVSA.


* JUNIN 1: PDVSA is still in discussions with Belarus' state oil company for the 200,000 bpd block.
* JUNIN 10: PDVSA rejected offer by Norway's Statoil and France's Total for the 200,000 bpd block.
* JUNIN 11: PDVSA is still in discussions with a Japanese consortium for the 200,000 bpd block.
* CARABOBO PROJECT 2: PDVSA did not receive bids in Carabobo auction. Conditions are similar to Carabobo Project 1.

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par Raminagrobis » 13 févr. 2010, 22:21

Wow. Merci pour ce post, bonnes infos.
Une petite précision, l'accord pour Junin 2 était déjà signé depuis qq temps (sinon ils pourraient pas viser le début de la prod l'an prochain, d'ailleurs).
Le fait que les vietnamiens investissent là (mais aussi au soudan) alors que jusqu'ici leur priorité exclusive était le développement de leurs réserves offshore montre qu'ils n'ont plus trop d'illusions sur le potentiel de leur propre territoire.
Les venezueliens semblent avoir voulu maintenir un certain équilibre, en accordant des parts aux Chinois, aux Russes, aux malais, aux indiens, aux mais aussi aux occidentaux (Américains Italiens Espagnols).
France et UK sont les grands absents !

2.1 Mb/j, c'est énorme, les oils sands canadiens doivent produire environ 1.5 Mb/j actuellement. L'impact écologique (pollution de l'eau, pollution atmosphérique, CO2, surface de foret rasée) va être gigantesque :-(

la production dans l'orénoque se fait généralement par injections de solvants. Je me demande quel est l'EROIE. Pour 10 barrils de bitume extrait, ils font 9 barrils de brut moyen de synthèse. Les quatre projets déjà en service (depuis 1998-2002) produisent environ 600 000 b/j.

D'autre part, la production conventionnelle du pays (plus de 2 Mb/j) est en déclin depuis longtemps, lme complexe de Bolivar Coastal dans le nord ouest, exploité depuis 1917, est mourant.

80 milliards de $ pour 2.1 Mb/j de capacité, ca fait 38 000 dollar le barril/jours de capacité. C'est énorme.

Les saoudiens ont dépensé seulement 3 Md de dollars à Khurais pour une capacité de 1.2 Mb/j. Soit 2500 dollars seulement le b/j. Mais la compartaison est biaisée par le fait qu'au venezuela, le cout indiqué comprend une partie du raffinage.
Toujours moins.

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Re: Venezuela : 235 milliards de barils dans l'Orénoque ?

Message par energy_isere » 15 févr. 2010, 12:56

Savez vous qui "certifie" les reserves de pétrole lourds de l' Orénoque ?
C' est la société Etats Unienne "Ryder Scott" basée à Houston.
voir dans ce lien de Novembre 2006 : ... progr.html

sur leur site
on peut lire :
Ryder Scott Petroleum Consultants evaluates oil and gas properties and independently certifies petroleum reserves quantities in the U.S. and internationally. Founded in 1937, Ryder Scott is one of the largest, oldest and most respected reservoir-evaluation consulting firms in the industry.

Ils font des travaux de certification dans un tas de pays dans le monde, méme en Russie.

Dans cette page il y a des pdf à lire qui me paraissent interesant.
Verrais ca un peu plus tard.

Par exemple pour l' actualité avec l' attribution de Carabobo 3 , on avait eu en Juin 2007 la certification par Ridley Scott.
PDVSA gets reserve certification of Block Carabobo 3 in the Orinoco Oil Belt

A reservoir appraisal survey carried out by the international firm Ryder Scott Petroleum Consultants has certified a total reserve of 28,650 million barrels of Original Oil in Place (OOIP) in Block Carabobo 3, Carabobo Area of the Orinoco Oil Belt.

The quantification and certification survey of Block Carabobo 3 was commissioned by state-run Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) as part of the Orinoco Magna Reserva Project – which is being conducted under the supervision of the Venezuelan Petroleum Corporation (CVP) and the direction of the People’s Ministry of Energy and Petroleum (MENPET).

According to Ryder Scott, the volumes of OOIP in Block Carabobo 3 are as follows: Morichal Superior area, 28,583 million barrels; and Morichal Medio, 67 million barrels. Overall, they add up to 28,650 million barrels.

[color]With this OOIP volume certification, proven reserves are estimated at 5,730 million barrels, with a recovery rate of 20 percent, according to MENPET.

The certification of OOIP reserves in Block Carabobo 3 confirms the estimations of the technical team working in the Orinoco Magna Reserva Project. These resources in reserve represent 100 percent of the volume to be produced in that block.

The study conducted by the Canadian firm Ryder Scott was based on technical and informative reports from the PDVSA team working in the Orinoco Magna Reserva Project, in the Carabobo Area.

The study represents a progress in the schedule proposed by the technical team working for this project – which forms part of PDVSA’s Oil Sowing Plan aimed, among other things, at forging alliances between Venezuela and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in the area of energy.

The Orinoco Magna Reserva Project is intended to quantify and certify 260,000 million barrels of crude oil. Including the country’s current reserves of 80,012 million barrels, overall reserves are therefore expected to add up to 340,000 million barrels. ... id_temas=1

5.7 milliards de barils recouvrable (hypothése de 20% sur le in situ) pour Carabobo 3.
