USA : Drill, baby,...drill

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Re: Bush - extraire plus... pour extraire plus...

Message par energy_isere » 20 oct. 2009, 12:51

Shell recoit l' autorisation des autorités pour le forage dans 2 concessions dans le Nord de l' Alaska dans la mer de Beaufort.

Shell veut lancer le forage à l' été 2010.
Shell wins federal approval to drill for oil off Alaska coast

Washington Post October 20, 2009

The Interior Department has given Shell approval to drill oil exploration wells in two leaseholds in the Beaufort Sea, which could lead to the first drilling in more than a decade in this area off the north coast of Alaska.

Shell Alaska general manager Pete Slaiby hailed the decision as "another positive step towards the ultimate goal of drilling in 2010."

But environmental groups criticized the move. "There is no safe way to drill in the Beaufort Sea," said Athan Manuel, director of lands protection at the Sierra Club. "Cleaning up an oil spill in the Arctic's broken sea ice is next to impossible, and where there is drilling, there are oil spills." He said a spill could threaten polar bears and bowhead whales.

The two leases were obtained by Shell in 2005 and 2007. The sales are not affected by a recent court decision that sent the current leasing program back to the Interior Department's Minerals Management Service for additional analysis.

Shell plans to drill two exploration wells in the far western area of Camden Bay during the July-to-October open-water drilling season next year, using a drill ship retrofitted for operations in arctic Outer Continental Shelf waters. The leases are about 16 and 23 miles north of Point Thompson, Alaska. The company still needs some permits.

"The Minerals Management Service is committed to responsibly developing offshore energy resources," MMS Director Liz Birnbaum said in a statement Monday. She said the MMS would "ensure that all activities are conducted in a safe and environmentally responsible manner."

But the Sierra Club's Manuel said, "Instead of drilling for more dirty oil, we can shift to clean energy that will create jobs, combat global warming, and keep our wildlife and wild places intact." ... 03347.html

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Re: Bush - extraire plus... pour extraire plus...

Message par Raminagrobis » 20 oct. 2009, 13:09

Miam, une mer entière remplie de beaufort, mon rêve, moi qui adore ce genre de fromage.

Ok je sors.
Toujours moins.

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Re: Bush - extraire plus... pour extraire plus...

Message par energy_isere » 20 nov. 2009, 12:41

Les dirigeants de BP America et SHELL US demandent au congrés US à plus d'ouverture de permis de forage offshore afin de moins dépendre de l' étranger.

Les écologistes s' y opposent.
Big Oil to Congress: Expand offshore drilling

Thu Nov 19, 2009

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Executives from two major oil companies told Congress on Thursday that the U.S. government should open more offshore areas to oil and natural gas drilling so America can rely less on foreign suppliers.

"There is some hypocrisy in locking these resources away while relying on resources produced in other countries," said Marvin Odum, the President of Shell Oil Co., the U.S. unit of Royal Dutch Shell Plc.

"Instead, we should embrace policies that provide access to our own oil and gas resources," Odum told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee at hearing on offshore energy production.

The U.S. Interior Department is considering a five-year plan that might open new offshore areas to drilling.

But many environmental groups oppose expanded offshore drilling, fearing oil spills could result, especially when energy companies move into the deeper waters of the Gulf of Mexico where platforms are susceptible to hurricanes.

"The potentially irreversible effects of oil pollution on marine ecosystems and their dependent economies do not justify the potential short-term economic gains that might accrue from offshore oil and gas development," said Jeffrey Short with the international marine conservation group Oceana.

The industry says improved drilling technology allows oil companies to search for supplies in an environmentally friendly way.

"These advances enable more production while reducing environmental impacts and allowing for efficient use of existing facilities and infrastructure," David Rainey, Vice President for Gulf of Mexico Exploration at BP America, the U.S. unit of BP Plc.

"Finding oil and gas for the future requires exploring in areas that are ever deeper and more complex," Rainey said.

The executives also said oil and gas supplies will still be needed even while the United States and other countries develop plans to fight global warming and promote use of more renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.

"We must stop ignoring the fact that oil and gas will play a major part in meeting America's energy demands for several decades as we transition to a more sustainable energy future," said Shell's Odum. ... WG20091119

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Re: Bush - extraire plus... pour extraire plus...

Message par energy_isere » 25 nov. 2009, 13:10

Le gouvernement US va lancer des enchéres en 2010 pour 38 blocs d' exploration de pétrole et Gaz terrestres sur des territoires fédéraux.

en 2009 il y a eu a ce jour 32 blocs mis aux enchéres.
U.S. Plans 38 Onshore Oil, Gas Lease Sales in 2010 (Update2)

Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. will hold 38 auctions in 2010 for oil and natural gas leases on federal land as part of its commitment to developing domestic fossil-fuel supplies, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said.

“We continue to make more of our domain available for oil and gas development,” Salazar told reporters on a teleconference today.

Leases will be available for parcels in California, Wyoming, Utah and portions of Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve, a 23 million-acre area on the North Slope set aside by President Warren Harding in 1923 to supply oil to the Navy.

The amount of land auctioned for oil and gas leases fell during the last two years of President George W. Bush’s administration and the first year of President Barack Obama’s term, according to department data. The federal government offered 4.85 million acres for oil and gas leases in fiscal 2007. The numbers of acres fell to 3.88 million in fiscal 2008 and 3.8 million in fiscal year ended Sept. 30.

The department hasn’t determined the lease acreage in this fiscal year, Bureau of Land Management Director Bob Abbey said.

The Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States has said the Interior Department has made energy development difficult, and “severely reduced” lease sales.

The group, which represents oil and gas developers in the western U.S., said the Obama administration offered 1.15 million fewer acres for leasing in the Intermountain West in its first year in office, compared with the Clinton administration’s first year.

The U.S. has held 32 onshore lease sales since January, offering more than 2.7 million acres and generating more than $126 million, according to a department statement. Lease-sale areas are based on nominations submitted by industry, which are then reviewed by the department. ... IClp8GjbWc

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Re: Bush - extraire plus... pour extraire plus...

Message par energy_isere » 12 févr. 2010, 18:09

Le departement de l' intérieur donne l' autorisation pour l' exploration pétroliére et Gaziére pour un grand domaine maritime du Golfe du Mexique.
Situé entre 3 et 230 miles en offshore des états de Louisianne, Mississippi et Alabama.
Jusqu' à 3400 m de profondeur.

1.3 milliards debarils sont évoqués.

Soumis à perception future d' une taxe de 18.75 % sur le pétrole et Gaz qui en sera extrait.
US to offer 37 mln offshore acres for oil drilling

Feb 11, 2010

WASHINGTON, Feb 11 (Reuters) - The U.S. Interior Department on Thursday issued the final terms for leasing almost 37 million acres in the central Gulf of Mexico to energy companies so they can drill for oil and natural gas.

The area to be leased may hold up to 1.3 billion barrels of crude oil and 5.4 trillion cubic feet of gas, according to the department, which is also shortening the time that companies would have to develop the tracts.

Lease Sale 213 involves about 6,958 tracts spread over 36.9 million acres located 3 to 230 miles off the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The blocks are in water depths from 10 feet (3 meters) to more than 11,200 feet (3,400 meters).

The lease sale will include about 4.1 million acres in an area known as 181 South, off the Alabama-Florida border. Drilling off Florida in the Gulf is only allowed far from the state's shoreline.

The lease sale, which will be held on March 17, will cut the time energy companies have to develop oil and gas resources on certain tracts.

The leasing period for blocks in waters 400 to 800 meters (1,312 to 2,625 feet) deep would change from eight to five years, but when an exploratory well is drilled the lease could be extended by three years.

Blocks 800 to 1600 meters (2,625 to 5,249 feet) deep would have lease terms of seven years instead of 10 years. There would also be an extension of three years with an exploratory well.

The current 10-year leasing period would continue for blocks in 1,600 meters (5,249 feet) of water.

Liz Birnbaum, director of the department's Minerals Management Service, said the shorter leasing periods will "provide a fair return to the public for (offshore) resources and a fair opportunity for lessees to explore, develop and profit from their leases while encouraging diligent development."

Oil and gas companies have opposed the cut in the leasing periods.

"MMS recognizes that advances in technology have decreased the time necessary for exploration and development in some water depths, while frontier conditions still exist in the deepest waters of the Gulf," said Birnbaum. "The reduction of some initial lease periods with possible extensions is a way to expedite development."

Companies will have to pay the government a royalty fee based on 18.75 percent of the value of the oil and gas they drill in the offshore tracts.

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par Raminagrobis » 28 févr. 2010, 09:58

Le forage autour de la floride est un sujet politiquement "chaud" depuis des décennies, mais...


L'Etat de Floride a commandé à une équipe de géologue un rapport sur le potentiel pétrolier des eaux sous sa juridiction, et leur conclusion est que c'est négligeable, de l'ordre de 100 millions de barrils. Par contre, il y a un peu plus de chances de trouver du gaz.

en revanche, un potentiel estimé à 4 milliards de barrils pour les eaux fédérales au large de la floride.
Toujours moins.

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par energy_isere » 19 mars 2010, 20:20

Shell : nouvelle découverte dans le golfe de Mexico.

( - Royal Dutch Shell annonce aujourd'hui une découverte significative de pétrole, à l'est du Golfe de Mexico, dans les profondeurs maritimes.

Cette découverte est localisée dans la zone de prospection ' Appomattox ' à 2.200 mètres de profondeur, dans les blocs 391 et 392 du canyon du Mississipi.

' Cette opération clôt avec succès notre programmes d'exploration 2009 dans le Golfe de Mexico, où Shell a fait plusieurs découvertes à West Boreas, Vito et Cardamom ', s'est félicité David Lawrence, le vice-président exécutif ' Exploration ' chez Shell.

D'autres opération de sondages devraient avoir lieu dans l'année.
Rappelons que la compagnie pétrolière anglo-néerlandaise détient 80% sur cette zone de prospection ; son partenaire Nexen détenant les 20% restant. ... 66e236de8d

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par energy_isere » 22 mars 2010, 20:15

Le nombre de forages est en augmentation aux USA :
US drilling activity continues to grow

Mar 12, 2010 By OGJ editors

HOUSTON, Mar. 12 -- US drilling activity continued to grow with 1,407 rotary rigs working this week, an increase of 11 units from the previous week and up from 1,126 in operation in the same period a year ago, Baker Hughes Inc. reported.

This marks the first time the US rig count has topped 1,400 since the week ended Feb. 3, 2009, when the count was at 1,472 and falling.

US offshore operations led the latest increase, up by 7 rotary rigs to 49 in the Gulf of Mexico and a total of 51 rigs in US waters. Land operations increased by 2 units to 1,341. Inland waters activity also had a gain of 2 rigs, to 15.

Of the US rigs working, 927 were drilling for natural gas, 1 more than the previous week. There were 466 rotary rigs drilling for oil, an increase of 10. There were 14 rotary rigs unclassified. Horizontal drilling increased by 7 rigs to 702. Directional drilling dropped 14 to 216.

Louisiana registered the biggest gain among major producing states, up by 10 rigs to 209 drilling. North Dakota and Pennsylvania increased by 6 rigs each to 92 and 74, respectively. Texas added 2 rotary rigs for a total of 590. Arkansas, Wyoming, and California were unchanged with respective counts of 42, 37, and 25. Colorado was down 1 rig to 50. Oklahoma and Alaska lost 2 each to 110 and 9, respectively. New Mexico dropped 4 to 53, and West Virginia was down 6 to 18.

Canada’s rotary rig count fell by 64 to 479 working, compared with 220 units working a year ago. ... vity0.html

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par Alain75 » 31 mars 2010, 08:17

Drill baby drill, et c'est Obama qui ouvre les vannes !

Les moratoires sur les cotes Californiennes et de l'Est vont disparaitre à priori :
Government set to unveil offshore drilling plan
Tom Doggett
Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:37pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is expected to announce by Wednesday its updated plan for oil and natural gas drilling in U.S. waters, including whether to allow exploration for the first time along the U.S. East Coast.

The plan could pave the way for a significant new domestic source of energy, helping to reduce U.S. dependence on oil imports and boost supplies of natural gas used to displace coal in power plants as the country works to reduce emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases
Last month, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said he wanted to release the updated drilling plan by the end of March.
Two industry sources said on Monday President Barack Obama was expected to give a speech about energy security on Wednesday, which could include his views on expansion of offshore drilling.
The Interior Department and White House declined comment on Monday on whether Obama would speak to the issue in a speech slated for mid-morning on Wednesday at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.
The administration has been weighing the pros and cons of offshore drilling since it took office and put the brakes on a Bush-era proposal that called for drilling along the East Coast and off the coast of California.
For more than 20 years, drilling was banned in most offshore areas of the United States outside the Gulf of Mexico because of concerns spills could harm the environment.
Congress allowed the prohibition to expire in 2008 and former President George W. Bush lifted a drilling moratorium that year.
Environmental groups and some lawmakers continue to raise concerns about the impact increased drilling would have on coastal areas.
But Obama, who wants Congress to move a stalled climate change bill, has sought to reach out to Republicans by signaling he is open to allowing offshore drilling, providing coastlines are protected.
The U.S. Geological Survey estimates the U.S. Atlantic coast waters may hold 37 trillion cubic feet of gas and nearly 4 billion barrels of oil, while the Pacific Coast has 10.5 billion barrels of oil and 18 trillion cubic feet of gas.
To put that in context, the United States imports about 2 billion barrels of oil a year from OPEC nations and is expected to import 2.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas from all sources this year, according to the Energy Department.
The administration's plan is expected to spell out whether and when drilling will be allowed in 3 million acres off the Virginia coast.
The Bush administration had proposed leasing the Virginia tracts to energy companies and said the government would receive bids for the leases in November 2011.
However, a senior Interior official told an oil industry conference in January that drilling off Virginia's coast would definitely be delayed past the original 2011 leasing date.
The proposed Virginia lease area, located about 50 miles from shore, may hold 130 million barrels of oil and 1.14 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
The possible delay in drilling off Virginia's coast has been criticized by the state's new governor, Republican Bob McDonnell, and two U.S. senators eager for the state to tap into the jobs and royalties that come with exploration.

A spokeswoman for McDonnell said his office has not been told the updated drilling plan would be announced on Wednesday.
Et un interview de Glen Sweetnam, "principal expert officiel du marché pétrolier au sein de l’administration Obama", sur un blog qui vient de démarrer, en français : ... r-de-2011/
Le Département de l’énergie américain (DoE) rejette la théorie du “peak oil”, d’après laquelle la production mondiale de brut devrait décroître de façon irréversible dans un avenir proche, faute de réserves suffisantes encore exploitables. L’administration Obama de l’énergie défend l’hypothèse alternative dite du “plateau ondulant”. Lauren Mayne, en charge de la prospective sur les carburants liquides au sein du DoE, explique : “Une fois que la production mondiale maximale de pétrole sera atteinte, celle-ci sera ensuite à peu près maintenue pendant plusieurs années, créant un plateau ondulant. Après cette période de plateau, la production déclinera.”
On chipote sur la tronche de la courbe maintenant ...

et en anglais : ... s-of-2011/
Dernière modification par Alain75 le 31 mars 2010, 08:38, modifié 1 fois.

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par GillesH38 » 31 mars 2010, 08:30

ce qui est amusant, c'est l'emploi du futur au lieu du passé :) !
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par Raminagrobis » 31 mars 2010, 08:56

Marrant cette histoire de peak vs plateau.

En anglais "peak oil production" veut juste dire qu'il y a une valeur maximale à un moment donnée, supérieure à toutes les valeurs avant et après.

Que le sommet de la pic soit arrondi au lieu de pointu ne remet pas ça en cause.
Toujours moins.

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par kercoz » 31 mars 2010, 09:11

Raminagrobis a écrit : Que le sommet de la pic soit arrondi au lieu de pointu ne remet pas ça en cause.
Il faut qd meme remarquer le terme "ONDULANT".
Ce terme , pour moi , signifie la lucidité sur la pénurie d'abondance en cours et son traitement inéluctable par des moyens "societaux" : coller a l'offre par une élimination symetrique de la demande ....d'ou l'ondulation.
L'Homme succombera tué par l'excès de ce qu'il appelle la civilisation. ( Jean Henri Fabre / Souvenirs Entomologiques)

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par Alain75 » 31 mars 2010, 09:29

Et assez curieux la manière de mettre les chiffres "en perspective" :
To put that in context, the United States imports about 2 billion barrels of oil a year from OPEC nations and is expected to import 2.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas from all sources this year, according to the Energy Department.
Pourquoi comparer aux importations venant de l'OPEC uniquement quand les deux sources principales pour les USs sont le Canada et le Mexique et les importations totales 5 milliards de barils par an ..

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par energy_isere » 31 mars 2010, 12:55

un autre article ici : ... _drilling/

Des premiers forages pourraient avoir lieu dés l' an prochain en offshore en Virginie.
The first wells off the coast of Virginia could appear as early as next year in a tract that has already been designated for the sale of oil leases, officials said. But the Interior Department will spend several years conducting geologic and environmental studies along the rest of the southern and central Atlantic Seaboard, and the first lease sales would not be held before 2012.

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Re: USA : Drill, baby,...drill

Message par energy_isere » 31 mars 2010, 19:06

on aurait deviné :
Les écologistes dénoncent Obama ... -obama.php
