Peak Coal en vue pour l' Afrique du Sud

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Peak Coal en vue pour l' Afrique du Sud

Message par energy_isere » 24 sept. 2010, 14:57

L' Afrique du Sud qui produit annuellement 242 millions de t de charbon pourrait peaker trés prochainement.
Sout Africa is nearing peak coal, say scientists

Sep 24 2010

South Africa has more coal than it can ever burn, right? If you think this, as many of us do, think again.

Research by international and local scientists has shown that coal, like other resources, is finite and can be expected to comply with peak resources theory. The theory shows that production in commodities such as oil grows until a peak is reached, whereafter production declines.

In the case of South African coal, the studies show production has already reached its peak, or soon will.

"It is commonly believed that South Africa has abundant coal reserves which will last 200 years or more," says Jeremy Wakeford, chair of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (Aspo) in South Africa, in the organisation’s latest newsletter.

"But recent research [from] three scientific journals suggests that usable reserves are much smaller than previously thought, and that annual production could reach a peak and begin to decline within a decade -- or might even have peaked already."

Wakeford says that "given the country’s overwhelming dependence on coal, this issue has huge ramifications for our future development path".

Coal provides 70% of the country’s energy supply, supports 90% of electricity generation, is used to make a quarter of the country’s liquid fuels using the Sasol process and is a big earner of foreign exchange through exports to foreign users.

Geologist Chris Hartnady, in a paper to be published in the SA Journal of Science, has forecast peak production in 2020 at about 285-million tonnes a year.

This compares with total production last year of 242-million tonnes. This was mostly used by Eskom (123-million tonnes), Sasol (40-million tonnes) and export (66-million tonnes). Eskom’s current expansion programme could use an additional 50-million tonnes, and if the Sasol Mafutha project goes ahead it will need another 20-million tonnes annually, says Wakeford.

David Rutledge, a professor at the California Institute of Technology, has meanwhile forecast South African production to peak in 2011 at about 253-million tonnes a year.

This is supported by research by two American professors, says Wakeford, Tadeusz Patzek and Gregory Croft, published this year in the journal Energy. "They estimate that South Africa’s coal production from existing coal fields, when measured in energy units, peaked in 2007.

"They further contend that future mines are unlikely to reverse the trend since the economics of mining dictates that most accessible reserves are mined earlier on, so that the net energy return from the coal mining declines while the production costs rise over time," says Wakeford.

Eskom chief executive Brian Dames bemoaned the poor quality of coal Eskom is receiving in a briefing to parliamentarians earlier this month.

Dames said that Eskom was losing 1 000 megawatts of power each day because of the low quality of coal it was being supplied. He warned that the utility may have to start paying higher prices to improve the quality of its coal supplies and that these costs would be passed on to consumers.

Decline in production
Hartnady said that between 2003 and 2004 the then department of minerals and energy downsized substantially South Africa’s coal reserves from about 50-billion tonnes to 30-billion tonnes. Reserve data is so open to interpretation and, you could say, manipulation, that peak resource theorists typically base their analyses on actual production data rather than on claims of what is mineable.

......................... ... scientists

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Inscription : 17 août 2006, 18:05
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Re: Peak Coal en vue pour l' Afrique du Sud

Message par Raminagrobis » 17 juin 2011, 13:11

Si on divise la consommation de charbon (en Mtep, donc corrigée de la teneur énergétique du charbon) par la population, l'AFS consomme 1.81 tep de charbon par an et par personne, c'est plus que la Chine (1.28) ou les USA (1.68). C'est un des chiffres les plus hauts du monde, après l'Australie (2.02) - l'australie a bien sur un PIB par habitant très supérieur à celui de l'afrique du sud.

Production 260 millions de tonnes dont 66 exportés, ce qui en fait le 3e exportateur du monde.

Environ 80% de l'électricité du pays vient du charbon. Le pays manque d'ailleurs d'électricité, les coupures sont monnaies courantes.

Les 20% c'est quelques barrages pour un total d'environ 2500 MW (un nouveau barraghe de 1300 MW sera mis en service en 2012 et augmentera la part de l'hydrolique), les deux réacteurs nucléaires (des REP 900MW français) de la centrale de Koeberg), quelques centrales à gaz (récentes pour la plupart). Y'a aussi quelques projets éoliens et solaires.

En dehors de la production d'électricité, ils utilisent aussi 40 à 45 Mt/an de charbon pour la production de carburants synthétique.
Toujours moins.

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Messages : 5216
Inscription : 17 août 2006, 18:05
Localisation : Tours, Lille parfois

Re: Peak Coal en vue pour l' Afrique du Sud

Message par Raminagrobis » 24 juil. 2011, 21:09

lien Risque de grêve géante dans les mines de charbon de Sud-Afriquie®, car les négociations salariales au niveau de la filière sont au point mort.

Voilà qui pourrait faire un petit coup de fièvre aux prix du charbon.
Toujours moins.

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Re: Peak Coal en vue pour l' Afrique du Sud

Message par mahiahi » 27 juil. 2011, 09:16

La Chine n'est pas intervenue à ce sujet?
C'est quand tout semble perdu qu'il ne faut douter de rien
Dieu se rit des hommes déplorant les effets dont ils chérissent les causes
Défiez-vous des cosmopolites allant chercher loin dans leurs livres des devoirs qu'ils dédaignent remplir autour d'eux
