Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par GillesH38 » 19 avr. 2019, 15:01

rien que le pétrole de schistes ça produit plus de gaz que ce qu'ils sont capable d'écouler ...
après on ne peut pas vraiment déduire d'un taux de croissance le montant total des URR. Toutes les courbes de Hubbert commencent par une exponentielle croissante (et se terminent pas une exponentielle décroissante), mais le taux de croissance est un paramètre indépendant du Pmax (mais l'URR est lié aux deux). Cependant, un peu paradoxalement, mais pas tant que ça, plus le taux de croissance est élevé, et plus le Pmax est atteint rapidement, et donc moins l'extraction dure longtemps. C'est donc une erreur assez grossière de s'extasier devant la rapidité d'une croissance, en pensant que c'est la preuve que ça va durer longtemps ...en fait c'est exactement l'inverse.
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par Raminagrobis » 19 avr. 2019, 17:23

Il y a des choses bizarres.

Si j'en crois ce graphe, de 2015 a 2018, la production de gaz schiste est passée de 42 à 66 bcf/d.

La production totale est passée de 73 à 83 dans le même temps.

Ca voudrait dire que la production conventionnelle / non-schiste est passée de 31 à 17... une baisse de 45% en 3 ans, c'est impossible.

A mon avis y'a du conventionnel qui est requalifié en 'tight' quand ils font de nouveaux forages? !
Toujours moins.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 20 avr. 2019, 09:07

La production de gaz du Haynesville remonte au dessus de son record de 2011.
This Legendary Shale Basin Just Broke Its 2011 Production Record

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Apr 19, 2019

The Haynesville Shale in northeastern Texas and Louisiana is producing 10.522 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas this month, and is expected to produce even more next month, beating the previous production record of 10.4 billion cu ft/day from back in 2011.

According to this month’s Drilling Productivity Report by the EIA, natural gas production from the Haynesville shale is expected to rise to 10.754 billion cu ft/day in May.

Among the key shale plays in the U.S., Haynesville currently ranks third in terms of natural gas production after the Appalachia basin with the Marcellus and Utica shale plays and the Permian region, where associated gas production has been surging alongside booming crude oil production over the past year.

Those three regions accounted for almost half of America’s natural gas production in the middle of last year, compared to less than 15 percent of total U.S. natural gas output in 2007, the EIA said in August 2018.

Production in the Haynesville region started to rebound in 2017, driven by improving initial production rates and increasing rig counts, the EIA said.

The main reason for the resurgence for the Haynesville Shale is its proximity to the U.S. Gulf Coast—home of a growing number of liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals. Another driver of Haynesville’s renaissance is the productivity gains achieved in the past decade, according to the EIA.

Between 2013 and 2016, production at the Haynesville dropped due to the higher relative production costs compared to the Marcellus, for example, because the Haynesville formation lies at depths of 10,500- 13,500 feet, much deeper than the Marcellus depths of between 4,000 feet and 8,500 feet, the EIA says.

As early as in January this year, Rystad Energy said that the Haynesville Shale would soon reach record-high natural gas production levels.

“We conclude that Haynesville Shale’s revival, for the second year in a row, looks sustainable. Supported by its proximity to a new LNG export terminal, gas production will continue to grow, and achieving new all-time high gas production levels should happen within a matter of months,” Rystad Energy partner Artem Abramov said.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for ... ecord.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 14 mai 2019, 08:36

Le gaz liquéfié des tazus va être taxé à 25 % à l'entrée en Chine a partir du 1er juin , conséquence de la guerre commerciale.
Actuellement c'est 10 % de droit de douane, qui était apparu en sept 2018.
U.S. liquefied natural gas shipments to China face mounting tariffs.

Scott DiSavino Reuters

China said on Monday it would raise tariffs on liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports from the United States amid a series of additional levies, a move that could further reduce U.S. LNG shipments to the world’s fastest growing importer of the fuel.

So far this year, only two LNG vessels have gone from the United States to China, versus 14 during the first four months of 2018 before the start of the 10-month trade war.

On Monday, China said it would boost the tariff on U.S. LNG to 25% starting June 1 versus the current rate of 10%.

That move came in retaliation for a U.S. increase on Friday in tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods to 25% from 10%.

Between February 2016, when the United States started exporting LNG from the Lower 48 states, and July 2018, when the trade war started, China was the third biggest purchaser of U.S. shipments of the supercooled fuel. So far this year, China is not even in the top 15.

“I expect they will have a hard time landing a tanker carrying U.S. LNG in China if they impose a 25 percent tariff on it,” said Jack Weixel, senior director at IHS Markit’s PointLogic analytics arm.

Stephen Comstock, a director at the American Petroleum Institute, which represents the oil and gas industry, said the retaliatory tariffs “dampen the prospects for the growing U.S. LNG investment, hurt U.S. workers, and benefit America’s foreign competitors.”

Natural gas is seen as a bridge fuel between current worldwide use of much dirtier coal for power generation and industrial consumption, and renewable fuels, because it burns cleaner. It has seen massive growth in sales in recent years, particularly to Asian nations seeking to reduce their dependence on coal.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 16 mai 2019, 22:41

Suite de ce post du 9 nov 2017 ... 4#p2262564
Total: début de la production pour le projet Cameron LNG

( 16 mai 2019

Total annonce que la production de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) a débuté sur le premier train de liquéfaction du projet Cameron LNG, dans l'Etat américain de Louisiane, et que les exportations de GNL commenceront dans les prochaines semaines.

La première phase de Cameron LNG d'une capacité de 13,5 millions de tonnes par an (Mtpa) comprend trois trains de liquéfaction d'une capacité de 4,5 Mtpa chacun. Les trains 2 et 3, en cours de construction, devraient démarrer respectivement au début et au milieu de 2020.

Le projet est exploité par Cameron LNG LLC, détenu conjointement par Sempra Energy (50,2%), Total (16,6%), Mitsui & Co (16,6%) et Mitsubishi / NYK (16,6%). Total a rejoint le projet Cameron LNG à travers l'acquisition du portefeuille Amont GNL d'Engie en 2018. ... 8_FPp.aspx

Vue de synthèse du projet
image: Sempra Energy ... on-stream/

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 31 mai 2019, 09:28

Suite de ce post du 16 sept 2018 ... 5#p2272315

Freeport LNG va construire un quatrième train de liquéfaction de 5 millions de t par an.
US DOE approves non-FTA exports from Freeport LNG Terminal Train 4

30 may 2019

The Freeport LNG project in Texas will have an export capacity of more than 20MTPA.

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has granted approval to the proposed fourth liquefaction train of the Freeport LNG Terminal in Texas to export domestically produced natural gas to non-free trade agreement (non-FTA) countries.

Freeport LNG Terminal capacity
The Freeport LNG Terminal, which is being built in Quintana Island near Freeport, will see the addition of a fourth train with a capacity of 5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). Recently approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the fourth train will increase the export capacity of the Freeport LNG project to more than 20mtpa.

The DOE has authorised the Freeport LNG Development, the holding company of the project, to export up to 0.72 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas as LNG from the fourth train. The expansion of the LNG facility is expected to support 3,000 engineering and construction jobs along with hundreds of indirect jobs related to the project, said the DOE.

US Under Secretary of Energy Mark Menezes said: “Increasing export capacity from the Freeport LNG project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving America’s allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy. Further, more exports of U.S. LNG to the world means more U.S. jobs and more domestic economic growth and cleaner air here at home and around the globe.”’

Commissioning of Freeport LNG Terminal
Train 4 of the LNG export project is expected to begin operations in 2023. Earlier this month, Freeport LNG Development named KBR as the preferred bidder for the engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning (EPC) contract for the LNG train.

Image ... ain-4-doe/

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 03 juin 2019, 21:28

le 31 mai 2019 energy_isere a écrit :
31 mai 2019, 22:29
Pouyanné continue les acquisitions :
Total va racheter les actifs GNL de Toshiba au Texas

Reuters le 31 Mai 2019

Le groupe japonais Toshiba a décidé de céder ses actifs de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) situés aux Etats-Unis au groupe pétrolier français Total, a déclaré vendredi à Reuters une source proche du dossier, confirmant des informations de l'agence de presse nippone Nikkei.

Selon Nikkei, le groupe japonais devrait enregistrer dans ses comptes une perte d'environ 100 milliards de yens (830 millions d'euros) sur cette opération, qui devrait être officialisée samedi.

Cette acquisition permettrait à Total de se renforcer encore dans cette activité après l'annonce début mai d'un accord avec l'américain Occidental Petroleum OXY.N en vue de lui racheter pour un montant de 8,8 milliards de dollars (7,9 milliards d'euros) d'actifs pétroliers et gaziers africains du groupe Anadarko.

Toshiba détient des droits lui permettant de vendre environ 2,2 millions de tonnes de GNL par an pendant deux décennies à partir de 2020, en vertu d'un accord signé en 2013 avec le projet de terminal Freeport LNG au Texas, selon Nikkei.

Le groupe japonais a toutefois décidé depuis de céder des actifs non-stratégiques afin d'assainir son bilan.

Il avait précédemment tenté sans succès de céder cette activité au groupe chinois ENN Ecological Holdings, mais les retards pris pour obtenir le feu vert des Etats-Unis et de la Chine sont venus à bout du projet.

Total a refusé de commenter ces informations. ... 826b097b1c
On en sait un peu plus :
Etats-Unis : Total reprend le portefeuille GNL de Toshiba
Publié le 03/06/2019

Total a signé un accord avec Toshiba pour acquérir ses capacités d’achat ferme de GNL à partir du troisième train de liquéfaction du terminal texan Freeport LNG, a-t-il annoncé le 1er juin.

Le troisième train de liquéfaction du terminal Freeport LNG devrait débuter ses activités commerciales au deuxième trimestre 2020. (Photo : Freeport LNG) ... de-toshiba

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 13 juil. 2019, 16:06

Premier chargement de gaz LNG issu du 2ieme Train de liquéfaction de Corpus Christie.
Cheniere Energy, Houston, completed the first commissioning cargo of LNG from Train 2 at the Corpus Christi Liquefaction (CCL) export terminal in Corpus Christi, Tex., as part of the commissioning and startup process.

AuthorOGJ editors Jul 3rd, 2019

Cheniere Energy, Houston, completed the first commissioning cargo of LNG from Train 2 at the Corpus Christi Liquefaction (CCL) export terminal in Corpus Christi, Tex., as part of the commissioning and startup process, said construction partner Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemicals Inc.
...... ... cl-train-2

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 19 juil. 2019, 07:40

Le gaz US pour la saison d'été au plus bas depuis 1998 !
$2.37 per MMBtu.
EIA: Summer natural gas prices on track to be the lowest since 1998


WASHINGTON - In its July 2019 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts Henry Hub natural gas spot prices for June, July, and August this year will average $2.37 per MMBtu. If realized, this price would be the lowest summer average Henry Hub natural gas price since 1998. EIA expects Henry Hub natural gas prices will be down 55 cents/MMBtu, about 19% lower than last summer’s average.

In the July STEO, EIA revised its forecast for 2019 Henry Hub natural gas prices down from the June STEO following three consecutive months of price declines. Prices in June averaged $2.40/MMBtu and have declined by 19% since March.
...... ... since-1998

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 02 août 2019, 22:18

Au plus bas de l'année, 2.2 dollar le MMbtu.

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 14 août 2019, 01:41

Suite de ce post du 31 mai 2019 ... 4#p2284194

L'exploitation commerciale de Freeport LNG pourrait commencer en septembre avec le 1er chargement de méthanier. Et ce avec 9 mois de retard.
Il utilisera le 1er train de liquéfaction. Le second train devrait être opérationnel en janvier 2020 et le troisième en mai 2020.
Freeport LNG May Be Ready To Start Exporting

By Irina Slav - Aug 13, 2019

The Freeport LNG plant in Texas may soon be ready to start loading its first LNG cargo, S&P Global Platts reports, after data from its trade flow software cFlow showed an empty LNG tanker en route to the facility.

When approached for a comment, a spokeswoman for Freeport LNG declined to provide any, citing confidentiality concerns. The spokeswoman did say, however, that production at the plant would begin soon.

Freeport LNG is slated to have a nameplate export capacity of 13.9 million tons of LNG eventually and the start of commercial production was scheduled for this September. If the facility begins operating ahead of schedule it will be a rare occurrence in an industry ridden with delays and cost overruns.

The project was not spared its share of delays: feeding gas into the first liquefaction train began several months later than originally planned, pushing back the start of operation of the train, initially scheduled to launch in the final quarter of 2018.

Freeport received the go-ahead from the Department of Energy to start exporting LNG in September last year beginning in September this year. At the time, Freeport LNG said it had already secured one long-term export deal with a U.S. division of Japan’s Sumitomo Corp for the delivery of 2.2 million tons of liquefied natural gas annually over a 20-year period.

Freeport LNG also sealed long-term offtake deals with Osaka Gas, Chubu Electric, BP, Total, and SK E&S. The first two deals re for 2.2 million tons annually each, while the deal with BPO will see the supermajor lift 4.4 million tons of LNG from Freeport’s second train. Total and South Korea’s SK E&S will divide between themselves another 4.4 million tons, to be produced from train 3.

The second train of the facility should be commissioned in January 2020, again with a delay, and the third train’s launch has been pushed forward to May 2020.

By Irina Slav for ... rting.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 07 sept. 2019, 10:50

Production record de gaz aux USA, et à pas cher.
92.1 milliards de pieds cubes per day, c'est 2.6 milliards de m3 par jour.
Despite the lower prices, U.S. natural gas production continued to increase in August and set a new daily production record of 92.1 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) on August 5, the EIA said, citing data from OPIS PointLogic Energy. Between May and August, gas production rose by 2.5 percent, mainly driven by the Northeast.

Due to declining prices and expectations of continued strong growth in natural gas production, in its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) the EIA revised down its Henry Hub spot price forecast for the second half of 2019 to an average of US$2.36/MMBtu, down from a projection of an average of US$2.50/MMBtu in the July STEO. For 2020, the EIA expects natural gas prices to increase to an average of US$2.75/MMBtu.
Extrait de ... low-2.html

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 15 sept. 2019, 15:59

Le gaz US attendu à moins de 2 $ LE MMBTU l'an prochain selon IHS Markit.
IHS: US natural gas prices to fall below $2/MMbtu in 2020.

OGJ editors Sep 12th, 2019

The oversupply of US natural gas—now being reinforced by a surge in associated gas production from the Permian basin—will push the average price at Henry Hub down below $2/MMbtu for 2020, IHS Markit forecasts.

That is the lowest prices have averaged in real terms since the 1970s. In nominal terms, the last time that prices fell below $2/MMbtu was 1995.

Prices are expected to fall despite robust domestic demand—which has increased annually by an average 14 bcfd since 2017—as well as rising levels of exports. The US is expected to export an additional 3 bcfd of LNG in 2020.

However, it still will not be enough to absorb production that has risen by more than 14 bcfd since January 2018. IHS Markit expects production to average more than 90 bcfd in 2019 and 2020.

“It is simply too much, too fast,” said Sam Andrus, executive director of IHS Markit who covers North American gas markets. “Drillers are now able to increase supply faster than domestic or global markets can consume it. Before market forces can correct the imbalance, here comes a fresh surge of supply from somewhere else.”

That next surge of production is expected to come from the Permian basin in West Texas. Growth from the region will more than compensate for declines elsewhere—sustaining the oversupply and the downward pressure on prices that it creates, IHS Markit said.
....... ... tu-in-2020

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 05 oct. 2019, 22:00

Encore un nouveau terminal d'exportation de LNG aux USA, en Géorgie, commence à fonctionner.
Projet à 2 milliards de dollars, pour une capacité d'exportation de 2.5 millions de tonnes de LNG par an.

SHELL va être le client exclusif pour 20 ans.

Georgia LNG Terminal Adds Export Capability

by Matthew V. Veazey|Rigzone Staff|Friday, October 04, 2019

The first unit of the approximately $2 billion Elba Liquefaction Project near Savannah, Ga., has reached the commercial in service stage, Kinder Morgan, Inc. (KMI) reported Friday.

With a liquefaction unit now in service, the Elba Island liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal can now product LNG for export as well, KMI noted in a written statement. KMI and EIG Global Energy Partners are collaborating in the Elba Liquefaction Co., L.L.C. joint venture (ELC), which is adding a total of 10 liquefaction units at Elba Island.

“This is a great milestone that was achieved with an exemplary safety record,” commented Norman Holmes, president of KMI’s Natural Gas South Region. “It is also an important step for the United States as the country becomes a key energy exporter.”

With the first unit online, ELC is now earning approximately 70 percent of the expected total daily revenue of the Elba Island liquefaction units, KMI stated. In addition, the firm issued the following updates on the remaining nine units:

Startup is underway for units two and three.
Commissioning is ongoing for units four, five and six.
Construction is largely complete for units seven through 10.
KMI noted the Elba Island Liquefaction facility should ultimately be capable of producing approximately 2.5 million tons per year of LNG for export, equating to roughly 350,000 million cubic feet per day of natural gas.

Shell has subscribed to 100 percent of the liquefaction capacity under a 20-year contract. ... 4-article/


ELBA était auparavant un terminal d'importation et regazeification.
Les travaux pour le terminal d'exportation ont commencés en Nov 2016. ... oject.aspx

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Re: Situation du GAZ continent Nord Américain

Message par energy_isere » 30 oct. 2019, 20:07

En plus d'installations de liquéfaction à terre voila que des tazus ont des projets en flottant !
Louisiane : Delfin lance de nouvelles études sur son projet FLNG

Publié le 30/10/2019

L’américain Delfin a conclu des accords avec son compatriote Black & Veatch et le sud-coréen Samsung Heavy Industries concernant l’ingénierie d’avant-projet détaillé (Feed) du projet flottant de liquéfaction (FLNG) qu’il prévoit d’installer en Louisiane (États-Unis).


Delfin espère prendre une décision finale d’investissement en 2020 concernant son projet FLNG portant potentiellement sur quatre unités de liquéfaction qui seraient installées à une soixantaine de kilomètres au large de la Louisiane, aux États-Unis. (Illustration : Delfin Midstream) ... rojet-flng
